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To Whom It May Concern:

Henry has been working with me on his senior project since we met at the
beginning of this year. He is a focused student who takes his musicianship
very seriously. His talent is very apparent on piano. And his persistence with
bringing the various elements of his project together have helped set it up
for success.
Henry is a member of my period 6 Jazz Band. He is a classically trained
piano player, taking a new course to stretch his understanding of music. He
is consistently focused in class, and growing well through the curriculum. He
is incorporating his new jazz skill sets well into his classical training.
His senior project is unique in the fact that it involves the integration of
period 7 String Orchestra, period 4 Wind Ensemble, and various other
student performers. He has had to coordinate with myself for finding an
appropriate musical selection, secure the materials, set up the rehearsals,
prepare his own piano performance, amongst other details. I have helped
him, but his persistence and constant checking with me on details has been
I am looking forward to our final performance of Henrys senior project at our
Spring Concert, Wednesday, May 24th and Thursday, May 25th @ 7PM in the
SSHS Performing Arts Center. He will be performing the first movement of
the Mozart Piano Concerto #19 along with a special assembled Symphonic
Orchestra, selected from Periods 4,6,&7 Instrumental Music Ensembles.
It has been fun getting to know Henry this year through my Jazz class and
also through his work on his senior project. I hope his continued growth with
communication skills and collaborative opportunities grows to the point
where he can function in the music world outside of our school setting. Hes
off to a good start.
Thank you,

John Theisen
Instrumental Music Director
Santa Susana High School

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