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N AT U R E I S I N S T Y L E Caring about important environmental

issues is in fashion these days

N owadays environment
problem has really become the
pass it to someone who needs it
the most instead of discarding it.
Grow trees and plants: Peo-
matter of concern for people.
The escalating transportation ple should grow more and more
is one of the nitty-gritty of envi- trees to save the earth from envi-
ronmental problems. There are ronmental issues. Trees provide
several ways to solve environ- us with a wide range of biode-
mental issues. Today several gradable and renewable prod-
people are engaged in environ- ucts which help in keeping a con-
ment development activities to trol over environmental issues. If
improve the current environ- there would be fewer trees then
ment condition. No one loves to it would be difficult for people to
live in a tacky place. Everybody breathe.
wants to have a hygienic envi- Recycle: It is a very practical
ronment in their surroundings way to reduce the waste. It con-
to keep them and their mood serves our natural resources, Reduce Deforestation: Fall
spanking. saves landfill space, conserves in number of trees is a result of
energy, and reduces water pollu- uninformed deforestation means
There are several ways to solve tion, air pollution and the green that there would be fewer trees to
environmental issues. Below are house gas discharges that cause absorb carbon dioxide and give
some tips on environment issues: global warming. oxygen to breathe. It is the best
Use public transport: People way to arrest global warming.
Avoid Plastic Bags: People should prefer traveling through Every part of environment is in-
should avoid using plastic bags public transport despite of their ter-related with forests and it has
because Plastic is not a biode- personal transport to solve envi- become fundamental to reduce
gradable product. When its bur- ronmental problems. Think about deforestation to avoid destructive
ied it chokes the drainages and it, the person who is taking his or impacts of global warming.
when it is burnt it emits venomous her own vehicle is causing some Maintain cleanliness: The
gases. individual pollution, and the earth people should maintain cleanli-
Reuse: People should avoid does not call for any extra of that. ness in their surrounding areas
discarding their household items. Moreover public transportations and prevent stagnation of water
Instead they should repair and systems like trains and buses in public places as that causes
reuse them. If they really want a do not cause the same energy several types of environment and
new one then all they can do is to waste. health problems.
Water Conservation: Water
conservation programs should
be imported with strict laws. Peo-
ple should avoid wasting water
in unnecessary things because
when water is wasted it has to be
recycled and cleaned to be used
again. This procedure requires a
lot of energy and electricity which
generally comes from burning
fossil fuels or some other harmful
way which is hazardous for our

Courtesy of Ross Photography

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