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Practicum Week 5
23th August 27th August 2015
1 Problem
The problem I face during my fifth week of practicum was regarding my health
condition. I was able to come and teach my pupils only for two days, the other
three days, I have to meet the doctor regarding my eyes, my eyes was effected
by bacteria and it cause irritation and a minor ulcer in my retina.

2 Analysis
Three days spend without facing my pupils and give them knowledge that they
deserve really do taught me the feeling of a real teacher. I was worried about
their progress in English language and I was worried about their attitude in the
class when I am not being able to come and teach them. I must say, the health
problem that I faced was due to my own carelessness. I must take care of my
health even my eyes, it may seems like it just a small problem but it actually not
because it effected most of my daily activities especially teaching my pupils.

3 Suggestion for improvement

a I must concern about my own health so that I manage to hold my
responsibility without given excuses regarding health issues.
b I must keep in touch with my pupils to know about their progress and activities
during English class.
c I must motivate myself and always be positive to keep my head up.

4 Duration
Every single time is precious which I have to make use of it, to learn something
from good or bad situation that happens.

5 Evaluation
The teaching and learning session for this week cannot be conducted properly
due to my health problem but I will make sure to give my best for teaching and
learning session next week.

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