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All-IP, All-Mobile Business


The transition to All-IP is happening here and now.

Because it provides solid business values, the
trend is accelerating and unstoppable. Get ready...
Introduction: Three Trends in Business
Communications ..........................................................3

Trends 2016 .................................................................4


All-Mobile .....................................................................5

Everything as a Service ...............................................5

Authored by
From here to there .......................................................6 Ramon Felder
Conclusions .................................................................7 Business Development Executive,
Patton-Inalp Networks

Copyright 2015,
Patton Electronics Company.
All rights reserved.

Printed in the USA.

Introduction: Three Trends in dust. With the Internet available in such a ubiquitous
Business Communications manner, and touching so many aspects of our daily
In the year 2000 convergence was the buzzword in lives (from education to work to health and leisure),
telecommunications. The world had just survived the the leading trend in business communication tech-
Y2K bug, which had (falsely) threatened to bring nologies is now clear: All-IP.
computerized civilization to a grinding halt.
Looking back at this race, attention is drawn
Convergence promised to bring all network traffic, be
inevitably to another track which runs in parallel and
it telephony or data communications, onto a single
actually presents a spectacle of a very different
network infrastructure, resulting in lower infrastruc-
ture cost, more bandwidth and better service. Which scale: the advent and growth of mobile communica-
network technology would fulfill that promise was tion. The speed at which mobile phones and net-
less than clear however. Contenders were ATM (still), works (2G, 3G, 4G) have penetrated the global
Frame Relay, even ISDNand, coming up fast from market is mind boggling. In developed countries
behind: IPthe Internet Protocol. today, mobile cellular telephone subscriptions reach
Ten years later the convergence race has been 120% of the population (I believe an exclamation
decided. IP technology is the clear winner, leaving mark is appropriate at this point, so here it is)! And so
every other networking technology in the legacy another trend has emerged: All-Mobile.

Global Usage of Network technologies (Source ITU)

And the third trend? Computer technologies are rel- Exchanges (buildings full of 30-year-old switching
atively young, having only existed since, lets say, the technology) connecting a little over one billion fixed-
70s. Yet during that short time span, some would line telephony subscribers. Key to making the trans-
say system architectures have been breathing in and formation will be the universal adoption of Voice
outfrom centralized to decentralized, from master- over IP (VoIP) technology by network operators.
slave to peer-to-peer, from concentrated to distrib- VoIP will be crucial to successfully scaling up to
utedin roughly 5 to 10-year cycles. mainstream and bringing those billion subscribers
onto IP networks. .
Do you remember mainframe computers, client-
server, and application service providersASPs? Businesses going All-IP will have high expectations
Hosting and the cloud? Infrastructure as a service for IP connectivity:
(IaaS)? Software as a service (SaaS)? Platform as a
BandwidthAll-IP means substantial additional
service (PaaS)?
network load from HD voice and video traffic.
Communication technologies are evolving into IP- Each phone call ads roughly 100 kbps of network
enabled software applications (the PBX or video- traffic, each video session 5004000 kbps
conferencing system can now be offered as a cloud- depending on quality. All-IP therefore means
based service, for example). Which leads us to: also more IP. The evolution of broadband
Everything-as-a-Service. access technologies supports this with VDSL
(VDSL, VDSL2, Vectoring, etc.), Fibre (FTTx, PON,
Trends 2016 ), Cable (DOCSIS 1.X, 2.0, 3.0) and also wire-
So here we are with three trends which can be less technologies (WiFi, 3G,LTE, 5G, ).
expected to keep us busy for the next years: ReliabilityWith all communication channels
All-IP ,running over IP the reliability of the IP connection
becomes more critical. The market has been
spoiled by 99.999% availability of the old TDM
Everything-as-a-Service network. If your phone lines start running over a
What does this mean for equipment vendors, net- regular Internet connection with 99.8% availabili-
work integrators and service providers? How can we ty, you may expect some grumpy users (0.199%
realize the benefits promised by these trends and actually does make a big difference, namely 21
how can we avoid pitfalls along the way? minutes of service disruption per week on aver-
age). IP Fall-back, multi-homing, bundling or
All-IP load-balancing technologies will be in demand to
Behind the short wordsAll IPlies a huge trans- make those less-than-happy users smile again.
formation of the global telecommunications infra- Quality-of-ServiceThe Internet in generaland
structure. Most major telecom service providers the Internet connection of a business in particlar
including the former national, monopolistic opera- is still usually best-effort. Meaning it works some-
tors have announced the shut-down of their TDM times faster, sometimes slower as users and appli-
based (analog and ISDN) telephone networks with cations compete for the same bandwidth, and any
deadlines ranging from 2017 to 2020. We are talking particular packet may get through or be silently
here about hundreds of thousands of Local discarded. While this is good enough for browsing

the Web or sending E-mail, the consequences for The promise of slipping the equivalent of a full-featured
real-time services such as voice, video, or fax are enterprise desktop phone and conferencing station in
felt by many users. Fluctuating voice quality and my pocket is appealing. Yet it raises the question: Do I
unreliable fax transmission are a regular cause for really want to be reachable anywhere and anytime?
frustration. The real challenge is managing traffic Workforce adoption of All-Mobile presents significant
consistently in order to improve the customer challenges for the business communication infrastruc-
experience Quality of Service (QoS) is needed and ture:
the technologies to provide it have been around DiversityMobile networks can be very diverse.
for decades. The technologies employed can vary from one
Traffic-labeling standards such as ToS, DiffServ, street corner to another, from country to country,
VLAN etc. allow the network to tag packets for dif- or hotel to the airport (Free WiFi, LTE, 3G, etc.).
ferent service classes. Traffic management tech- The network quality challenges that All-IP has to
nologies like priority scheduling, weighted fair face are multiplied in an All-Mobile or nomadic
queuing or traffic shaping enable the network to environment. Some technologies that have been
almost forgotten in ever faster fixed-line IP net-
handle IP packages in different queues for faster
works may come to the rescue. Bandwidth opti-
delivery, higher bandwidth or low-priority best-
mization, voice compression and header com-
effort service. The real challenge lies in actually
pression for instance. Techniques that previously
applying and managing both aspects (classifica-
supported 3 or 4 voice calls over a 64 kbps leased
tion and traffic management) consistently and dili-
line or satellite connection can now help network
gently to improve the customer experience.
operators reach a 3G terminal with poor cover-
The explosive growth of smartphone and tablet com- ConnectivityEven basic IP connectivity can
puter use in the consumer space has generated a become a challenge with the mobile networks
being administrated in various modes: private or
huge pressure on business IT administrators.
public addressing, behind large-scale NATs, or
Supporting these cool gadgets for professional use
simple firewalls at some WiFi Hotspot. VPN tun-
has caused many IT staff to throw their hands up in
nels and NAT-traversal features can overcome
the air and cry bloody BYOD!.
these barriers.
So workers, especially in small and medium compa- SecurityMobile devices can represent a securi-
nies, did bring their own device to work and now ty risk to the business, potentially exposing criti-
business communication vendors are catching up cal data on unknown networks and with little con-
with the release of ever-new apps to bring the fea- trol or enforcement of company security policies.
tures of IP-PBXs and Unified Communication (UC) Mobile device-management solutions combine
platforms to Apple iOS, Google Android and encryption, storage segmentation and access-
Microsoft (Mobile) Windows. rights management to counter these threats.

The goal is to make any smartphone or tablet a full- Everything as a Service

featured and fully integrated extension (terminal) of The promises of All-IP and All-Mobile are apparent.
the corporate communications network. We have seen the cool demos, seamless integration

of different communication and collaboration tools want to enhance some hosted services with sur-
from mail to chat to voice and video and desktop vivability and fallback options and secure your
sharing. Working anywhere anytime with access to all connection to the service provider with encryption.
information. Start the meeting standing in the
Starbucks queue, continue on the road to the office From here to there
and finish at your desk without a hiccup (yeah right). Ok, by now we have a pretty good idea where we
want to end up: an IP-based, very-mobile UC solu-
OK, we also know that to make it all work like the tion with a mix of hosted and on-premises elements.
demo takes quite a bit of effort, money, and know- The next question is how to get there?. Since very
how. So maybe it will be easier to leave this to the few start from the ideal green field, the answer is
pros and get the whole solution as a service. Well, in
quite different depending on your starting point. In
many cases it probably will be, but is your case one
other words, companieslike technologieshave
of them? To figure that out, you might ask yourself the
unique legacies that must be considered when draw-
following questions:
ing the roadmap to All-IP; there is no one-size-fits-all
How critical are communications to your busi- plan. However, scenarios can be created based on
ness success? broad categories:
How standardized are your communication needs? Trunk-firstWhen communication cost is a pri-
Can you afford to build and maintain your own mary driver, a company that adopts SIP trunking
UC system? can use a VoIP media gateway to extend the life
of its PBX infrastructure while benefitting from
Do you trust a service provider to control and
attractive flat-fee SIP-Trunk services. VoIP gate-
manage all of your communication needs?
ways also provide greater flexibility with respect
How secure are your internal communications to IP-network integration, security requirements,
going through a hosted solution? and interoperability. In such a case it makes
What happens if your Internet connection sense to IP-enable a PBX with a media gateway
goes down? and connect it to a SIP provider. Interestingly
Your answers may lead to one of several conclusions: enough an external gateway is often more cost-
effective in such cases than upgrading the PBX
No problemUC as a service is the right choice with integrated IP hardware and licenses. Such
for me. Fast to deploy, manageable in cost and an external gateway also provides more flexibili-
trouble-free in maintenance. ty with respect to IP network integration, security
No wayI want to keep my systems under my requirements and interoperability.
control and have clearly defined demarcation The devil may be in the interop details, howev-
points and SLAs for each connection to the out- er. While the TDM interfaces are well standard-
side world. ized, the behavior and supported functionality
In betweenMost likely youll find yourself some- on the SIP side can vary from provider to
where between the two extremes. Meaning youre provider. Consider things like Advice of Charge,
ready to get some tools as a service, while control- pushback of call transfers to the network or
ling others on your own infrastructure. Or, you may restricted number presentation (CLIR). certifica-

tions, recommendations, and configuration eventually ban the so called Routerzwang. This
templates between providers and gateway ven- German expression describes a practice followed by
dors help to pave the way and establish which many operators and service providers to impose the
features will be supported in what way. type and model of customer premises equipment
Enterprise-firstIn this category, the primary (CPE) that must be used together with a given serv-
focus for an enterprise is on the user-experience, ice. Such a mandatory router limits the subscribers
including unified communications (UC) features freedom of choice while providing the operator with
for the various communication channels: chat, some level of control and insight into the customers
mail, voice, etc., and seamlessly integrating private network. Not a situation that many compa-
phones (hard or soft) with other apps (PC, tablet nies like to contemplate.
or smartphone). The actual monthly cost of com-
munications is a minor issue, so the company Conclusions
may prefer to keep using the rock-solid trunk So the interested reader will sayand I have to
lines as long as they are still around. Here again assume you are interested if you made it this far
a VoIP media gateway will connect the IP-based, Weve seen some trends and some options. Now,
in-house infrastructure with the TDM trunks while are there any conclusions you can provide, or is this
enabling the company to gradually migrate one of those articles that leaves you with more
users, step-by-step, from the old TDM PBX to questions than answers?
the new IP UC system while maintaining a com-
mon TDM trunk to the outside world. Well, I say, some. In the 17 years I have been at
Patton Electronics and involved with Internet teleph-
One-StepFinally, we may define the one-step
category of companies that take the All-IP leap in ony I have learned that trends can be pretty obvious,
one go. With the right preparation, this can make but the speed and impact of these trends can be
for a fast-path upgrade with the complete set of much harder to predict. Ill give it a shot nevertheless:
benefits from both a user and cost perspective. The All-IP transition is here and now, unstop-
Of course it also involves some risks. While the pable and accelerating. Get ready.
functionality and operation of this final All-IP
solution are understood better and better, the At the same time, legacy will follow us for many
threats and vulnerabilities of this network sce- years to come. Twenty years down the road, well
nario are still emerging. Security and fraud pro- probably still be transmitting 100-year-old signal-
tection must concern both the subscriber and ing tones over technologies that have not been
provider of All-IP services. In this context an invented yet. We must not underestimate the lega-
interesting question is where does one network cy know-how required for the All-IP migration.
stop and another begin? This demarcation point The more burdens we pack on IP, the more mis-
defines the limits of control, responsibility and sion-critical IP becomes. Quality will matter more
liability between provider and subscriber. More and more. Maintaining qualityespecially when
and more integrators are opting to install an it comes to real-time softwareis no small feat.
enterprise session border controller (E-SBC) So we had better not opt for fast and cheap
device to answer that question. options! We must consider total cost of owner-
On a side note, it is interesting to see that legislation ship, including maintenance, support, and
is also starting to address this question. In the upgrades for the anticipated lifetime of a network
European Union, regulation is under way that should (and then some years on top).

Finally, we must carefully evaluate and select
services and products that will ensure the
enduring quality of our IP networks. Carefully
consider where and how much staying in con-
trol matters to you. Evaluate and select servic-
es and products, then build your network
In conclusion, All-IP, All-Mobile and Everything-as-a-
Service are forces that will shape the market. Those
who explore the opportunities these trends offer will
become the competitive players in this, the era of All-IP.

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Document: 07M-AIPBC-WP

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