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Aklan State University

School of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Subject
NCM 105: Psychiatric Nursing


March 2017
1. Gone Girl
Identity disorder
MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME - She harms herself severely by the wine bottle at Desi`s mansion, in order to appear
as the victim of sexual violence. She did a similar thing with an ex-lover Tommy O`Hara, where she framed him in a
sexual-assault case, again, with an intention to appear physically and mentally traumatized.
BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER - frantic fear of abandonment by someone, inflicting physical pain on
oneself, suicidal symptoms, extremely impulsive, vengeful actions, relationship problems, lot of stormy intense
relationships with people.
The movie was a blast. It was a very disturbing story of how Amy manipulate things to frame up her
husband. From faking her death, her pregnancy, and even harming herself, just to get her husbands attention.
Possible interventions
Her husband shouldnt have cheated on her. Different people, different coping mechanisms.

2. Exorcism of Emily Rose

Identity disorder
Emily Roses older sister died at the age of 8. Strangely, Emily reportedly felt like she needed to repent for
her mothers sin. Her older sister was illegimate daughter to her mother and her mother always had a guilt about her.
She died at age of 8 years. This event had made a deep trauma on her. Emily was harboring the guilt for her death.
Trauma causes a huge mental influence.
The movie was very I dont know how to explain. Guilt and trauma in childhood can indeed be an inciting
event to mental illness.
Possible interventions
If only she has a good mother figure, I guess it wont happen to her. She should have been admitted to
mental institution as shes having auditory hallucinations.

3. Forrest Gump
Identity disorder
PTSD. Lt. Dan who survives Vietnam War develops PTSD.
It is indeed very hard for people with PTSD to live normally, especially if there are stimuli that triggers PTSD.
Possible interventions
People with PTSD should be more expose to that stimuli just like exposure therapy to alevate their PTSD, or
the they should talk about it with a psychologist to help them.

4. Greys Anatomy Season 5

Identity disorder
There is a doctor who is diagnosed of Aspergers Syndrome, a type of autism.
It was very hard to live with AS, as you have poor social and communicating skills, as well as you have
obsessive behaviours and routines. You are often judged as snobbish or weirdo because you have this disorder.
People dont know how hard it is to live with.
Possible interventions
There is no cure for this, but treatment focuses on improving communication skills.

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