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Student Reading

Jennifer Pascual
ITE 313
September 28, 2016
- On September 19, 2016, 22 students at Kaleiopuu Elementary School in
room D203 completed a writing survey.
- There are 12 boys and 10 girls who were present at the time of the survey.
- There is one ELL student who is also in SPED.
- The range of reading levels is measured through Reading A-Z, where the
students are at a 2nd grade level, and iReady, where the students are at a
Mid 1st grade level to a Late 3rd grade level.
- The curriculum program used is Reading Wonders and Reading A-Z.
- The instructional grouping is based off of the RTI groups, from Tier 1-3.
The students are also grouped alphabetically by the Reading A-Z groups.
Demographics (cont.)
- The students use KidBiz as a special reading program for the students.
- The formative assessment tools are iReady, which is done at the
beginning of the year, and Reading A-Z, which is done throughout the
- The summative assessment tools are iReady, which is done at the
beginning, middle, and end of the year, and the Smarter Balanced
Assessment (SBA), which is given halfway through the year.
Conducting the Survey
- I created a 11 question survey. It included:
- 2 attitude questions
- 2 interest questions
- 3 learning style questions
- 4 work habits questions
- After handing out the survey, I instructed the students to write their name on
their paper before starting.
- I read each question and the possible answers. Then, I gave the students time
to answer the question before moving on to the next question.
- For the question that had multiple answers, I mentioned that the question had multiple answers
so they could bubble in as many answer choices as they want.
- After I finished reading the last question, I asked the class if there was any
questions that they wanted me to repeat.
Survey Tool
Survey Tool (cont.)
Attitude Questions
- How do you feel about reading?
a. I love reading!
b. Reading is okay.
c. I dont like reading.
- Do you like reading books at home?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
Attitude Results
10 students

1 student

11 students
Attitude Results
14 students

7 students

1 student
Attitude Analysis
- Half of the class loves reading (50%), about half of the class said that
reading is okay, (45.5%), while one student said he/she does not like
reading (4.5%).
- Majority of the class (63.6%) sometimes reads books at home, while some
of the class (31.8%) reads books at home. One student does not read at
home (4.5%).
- I was pretty surprised that half of the class loves reading and about half of
the class thinks reading is okay. It is also great that only one student
does not like reading. This shows that the class pretty much has a good
attitude towards reading.
Attitude Implementation
- Since half of the class loves to read, I would have to keep them interested
in reading with interesting content.
- For the students who think reading is okay, I would have to give them a
book that is interesting to them so they can have a better attitude
towards reading.
- I would work with my MT to teach lessons that interest the entire class so
they can have a better attitude towards reading.
Interests Questions
- What genres of books do you like to read? (Bubble in as many as you want)
a. Fiction
b. Fantasy
c. Non-fiction
d. Realistic Fiction
e. Science Fiction
f. Fairy Tales
g. Poetry
h. Mystery
- I like to read chapter books.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
- If answered yes, what was the last book you read?
Interest Results
Interests Results
9 students

4 students

9 students
Interest Results
If answered yes, what was the last book you read?
- Stone Fox - Star Wars
- Teen Beach 2 - Magic Tree House
- Mrs. Hutch - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- House of Hades - Black Lagoon with the Reading
- Dolphin Tail Challenge
- Flora & Ulysses
Interest Analysis
- The top genres of books are Mystery (17 students), Non-fiction (16
students), and Fiction (14 students).
- About a third of the class (40.9%) likes to read chapter books. About
another third of the class (40.9%) sometimes likes to read chapter books,
while some of the class (18.2%) does not like to read chapter books.
- The last book each student read gives me an idea of the type of books
students are interested in.
- It is interesting that this class is into reading mystery books and
non-fiction books.
Interest Implementation
- Incorporate more non-fiction books in the classroom.
- Incorporate a mystery book into reading lesson.
- Assign shorter books that might be easier for the class to understand.
- I could work with my MT to design a project where the students can read
a mystery book and write about it or do an art piece about what they
- I could work with my MT to design a lesson where the students would
read a non-fiction text and then write an essay if they were in their shoes.
Learning Style Questions
- I like when my teacher puts me in reading groups to talk about what I read.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
- I like when my teacher reads aloud to the class.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
- I like to read by myself.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
Learning Style Results

9 students

2 students

11 students
Learning Style Results

1 student


3 students

18 students
Learning Style Results

7 students

4 students

11 students
Learning Style Analysis
- Half of the class (50%) said they like to be put into small groups to talk about
what they read.
- Almost half (40.9%) of the class said they only prefer to be in small group sometimes.
- Two students (9.1%) said they do not like being put into small groups to talk about what
they read.
- Most of the class (81.8%) said they like when a teacher reads aloud to the
class. Some of the students (13.6%) said they sometimes like when the
teacher reads aloud to the class, while one student (4.5%) said they do not like
being read to by the teacher.
Learning Style Analysis (cont.)
- Half of the class (50%) said they like to read by themselves, a little less than
half (31.8%) said they sometimes like to read by themselves, and some (18.2%)
said they do not like to read by themselves.
- Some of the students who were struggling in reading preferred to talk about
what they read in small groups, have the teacher read aloud, and sometimes
or do not like to read by themselves.
Learning Style Implementation
- From the data, I concluded that the class is split when it comes to being
put into small groups to discuss what is read and having the students
read by themselves. To cater to the different learning styles, I could give
the students the option to work by themselves or in a small group with
- I could have each student read the story by themselves or with a partner,
then do whole group reading with the class, and then discuss what
happened in the story in a whole group. This would cater to the different
learning styles in the classroom.
Work Habits Questions
- I can read a whole book by myself.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
- When I dont know the meaning of a word, I:
a. Use a dictionary
b. Look on the computer to find the meaning
c. Ask an adult
d. Skip it and keep reading
- I read best when its quiet.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
- When I dont know how to read the word, I:
a. Skip it
b. Sound it out
Work Habits Results

3 students
6 students

13 students
Work Habits Results

8 students

4 students

5 students

5 students
Work Habits Results
2 students

4 students

16 students
Work Habits Results

19 students

3 students
Work Habits Analysis
- Over half of the class (59.1%) said they can read a whole book by
- About a quarter (27.3%) of the class said they sometimes can read a whole book by
themselves, while a couple of students (13.6%) said they cannot read a whole book by
- If the students dont know the meaning of a word, 36.4% of students
would ask an adult, 22.7% of students would look on the computer, 22.7%
would use a dictionary, and 18.2% of students would skip the word and
keep reading.
Work Habits Analysis (cont.)
- Majority of the class (72.7%) said that they read best when it is quiet,
while 18.2% of the class said they sometimes read best when it is quiet.
The rest of the class (9.1%) said they do not know fit they read best when
it is quiet.
- Majority of the class (86.4%) of the class said that when they come to a
word they do not know, they sound it out. The rest of the class (13.6%)
said they skip the word.
Work Habits Implementation
- Since most of the students can read a book by themselves, I could give the
option of reading with a partner, to help those students who cannot read by
- I could encourage the students more to find out what a word means on their
own by using a laptop or using a dictionary instead of asking the teacher or
skipping the word.
- I could make sure the classroom is quiet when we are doing reading so all the
student can concentrate.
- If I come across difficult words when doing a reading lesson, I could have the
class break down the word with me, which would encourage them to break it
down as well.
- After analyzing this survey, I have a better understanding of how my
students feel when it comes to reading. I also found out how the student
prefer to learn about and what they do if they come across harder words.
- As I design a reading lesson for my class, I have to keep in mind the
results and give them a book that will interest the entire class.
- I learned that there are a wide range of readers in the classroom and how
they prefer to read depends on their reading abilities and level of reading.
- Since my MT knows the students the best, I have to collaborate with her
to find out the different ways she teaches reading and how I could adapt
her teaching style and mix it in with my own teaching style.

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