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FI Reviewer Name : Richa jain

Analyst Name Devesh babu
FI Review/Release Date :
FI Review Comments :
CR Number
Item : BRD, UAT, CODE Item version:1.0

Checklist Remark
BRD have been reviewed and attached in Portfolio YES
BRD approval comment received and attached in Portfolio no
The FI reviewer must check by doing "fll" that the code required for
modifications has been picked up from the correct path. YES

Check Install Informations to verify whether the programs delivered are

only the required ones and no additional program is getting delivered. YES

Check using si if the analyst has promoted to right codeline YES

If request requires working on a new module then the user should be

asked to provide the test cases and various testing scenarios. yes
All agreed changes have been applied. YES
Code , modelling have been reviewed as per checklist YES
Any known risks (eg. impacting quality, scope, cost, schedule) with respect
to the items being delivered NO
Batch Testing if applicable has been done.Also If there is a change in the
input screen incorporated under a project then batch testing must be done
before sending the UAT. NA
For CIM loads, produciton backup must be taken before loading new
values and the must be attached in the portfolio. NA
Test cases must be descriptive and must include all the scenarios. YES

If new paramters have been incorporated in the code then the parameter
must be setup in QA before sending the UAT and in Production before
sending the request to move the code into production. YES
BRD approval, UAT, incase of CIM load the LOAD LIST. YES

FI Reviewer Signature

For TCS Internal Use Only 2

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