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Biology project plan

1. Project title: How do phobias affect the brain?

2. Goal: Find out how phobias affect the brain and share the knowledge.


By April 1st 2017, a website will be published using the help of online information and
research. I will work a total of 20 hours to achieve this goal.

Goal Your Goal Reflection at the end of the


Specific - What is it that I want I want to make a website

to achieve? What are the detailing how phobias affect
constraints? What are the the brain.
materials required?

Measurable - How will I - Website finished with

measure my progress? How information
will I know, my goal is - Website published
accomplished? (list at least 2

Achievable - Do I have I have pretty good research

necessary skills, abilities and skills and I know how to make
resources to accomplish the a website so this goal is
goal? achievable.
I need to gather my
What are the logical steps that
information, analyze it and
I should take to accomplish ?
make a website

Realistic - Is your goal and The goal is realistic and

time frame realistic? achievable if I manage my
time correctly.

Time bound - When will you I will complete this goal by

complete the goal? When I am April 1st
going to work on this goal?
Biology project plan

3. Global Context:
Identify your GC:

-Identities and Relationships

Identify which part of the global context you will focus on.
- I would like to know how having something as personal as a phobia can make
changes in the brain. As it is already known, every thought, every habit and every
experience we have, change the brain in a way. I want to know if phobias affect the
brain, and how so, and if it changes a person.

Explain why you have chosen it, justifying the relevance of your inquiry.
- A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Any experience you have changes the
brain, this affects you as a person. But what I want to learn the relationship between
phobias and the brain and how it affects a persons identity. Fears are an integral
part of someones personality, but we never really explore how it works out in our
brain and how it reflects on the outside, and I would love to learn about that.
4. Product/outcome: What product/outcome will you create in response to the
goal, global context and criteria?
For my product, I will create a website about how phobias affect the brain.

Product: Criteria: Which criteria will ensure my product/outcome is of excellent quality?

How will I evaluate it?
- Informative
- Comprehensive yet scientific
- Can relate to real life
5. Research: What do you have to research? Be specific and list how you will collect
all the information you need.




Observations and experiences:

6. Process Journal: How will you record the significant findings and development
of the process? Specify type of format.
I will make my process journal as a website/blog
Biology project plan

7. Report: How will you report it? Written/digital format/mixed media/oral

I will make a written report about this project.

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