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Chapter 7: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises A-29

111. (x + I)' (X ~ I + In (x + 1)) 113. evt)' (~I + k) 83. -I 87. (a) Y ~ I (b) Y ~ 0, Y ~~
89. (a) We should assigo the value I to I(x) ~ (sin x)' to make it
115. (sinx)'(lnsinx + xcotx) 117. cosxx.x-'(1 + Inx)
continuous at x = o.
119. Maximum: I at x ~ 0, minimum: 2 - 2 10 2 at x ~ 10 2
121. (a) Absmax: }atx ~ I (b) (2, :,)

123. Abs max ofl/(2e) assumed at x ~ 1jVe

125. 2 127. Y ~ e X/ ' - I

129. e' 2~
I 131. In (\12 + I)
d I
133. (a) tb;(xlnx -x + C) ~xx + Inx - I + 0 ~ Inx
I (e) The maximum value of I(x) is close to I near the point
(b) e - I
x '" 1.55 (see the graph in part (a.
135. (b) Ierror I '" 0.02140
(e) L(x) ~ x + I never overestimates eX.
Section 7.6, pp. 413-416
1. (a) '1f/4 (b) -'1f/3 (e) '1f/6
3. (a) -'1f/6 (b) '1f/4 (e) -'1f/3
5. (a) '1f/3 (b) 3'1f/4 (e) '1f/6
7. (a) 3'1f/4 (b) '1f/6 (e) 2'1f/3
9. 1/\12 11. -1/Y3 13. '1f/2 15. '1f/2 17. '1f/2

19.0 21. ~
I -2s
137. 21n 5 139. x '" -0.76666 25. .~ 27.
Ils + IIv8' + 8 (x' + I)Vx' + 2s'
141. (a) L(x) ~ I + (102).< '" 0.69x + I
29. -I 31. -I 33 I
v!=7 2Vt (1 + I) (tan 1x)(1 + x')
-e' -I 37 -ls"
Section 7.4, pp. 394-396 35. ".------; .,.-------, 39. 0
le'IV(e')' - I ve" - I v I - 8'
9. 1y'/' - x'/2 ~C 11. eY - eX ~ C 41. sin- 1x 43. sin- 1 ~3 + C 45. _1_ tan-I _x_ + C
13. -x + 2tanvY ~ C 15. e-Y + 2eV. ~ C v'i7 v'i7
17. y ~ sin (x' + C) 19. tlnlY' - 21 ~ x' + C
47. ~sec-ll~1 + C 49.2'1f/3 51. '1f/16

21. 41o(Vy + 2) ~ ex' +C 53. -7f/12 55. ~sin-12(r - I) + C

23. (a) -0.00001 (b) 10,536 years (e) 82%
25. 54.88 g 27. 59.8 ft 29. 2.8147498 X 10 14 57. ,?tan-1(xvi)+c 59.tsec-112X;II+c
31. (a) 8 years (b) 32.02 years
33. 15.28 years 35. 56,562 years 61. 7f 63. 7f/12 65. k sin-1y' + C 67. sin-1(x - 2) + C
(a) 17.5 min (b) 13.26 min
-3C 43. Aboot 6658 years 45. 54.44% 69. '1f 71. ktan-1 f; I) + C 73. 27f

2 2
Section 7.5, pp. 402-404
1. 1/4 3. 5/7 5. 1/2 7. 1/4 9. -23/7 11. 5/7 13. 0 77. x + 10 (x' + 9) - 13 tan-I j + C
15. -16 17. -2 19. 1/4 21. 2 23. 3 25.-1 79. sec-1 Ix + 11 + C 81. e""-'x + C
27. In 3 29. In 2 31. In 2 33. I 35. 1/2 37. 1n2
83. t(sin- ' xl' + C 85. Inltan-1yl + C 87. Y3 - I
39. -00 41. -1/2 43. -I 45. I 47. 0 49.2
51. I/e 53. I 55. I/e 57. e 1/2 59. I 61. e' 89. 1tan-1 (tan-~ Vi) + C 91. 5 93. 2 95. I
63. 0 65. +1 67. 3 69. I 71. 0 73. 00
27 -I 97. I 103. y ~ sin-1x 105. y ~ sec-1x + 2;,x >I
75. (b) is correct 77. (d) is correct. 79.c~TO 81. (b) T

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