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page 50 Lab Times 2-2008 Methods

Bench philosophy (11): Writing a short biography

All about me in 100 Words

A good print advertisement should be well written and tailored to the type of media and possible readers.
The same applies to a short biography; it needs to be good to successfully promote a scientist and to communicate
desired information to the intended audience.

riting a powerful short biography should be written objectively. For example,
is challenging. A good short bio one can start with Dr. Jane Scientist is an
contains information relevant Associate Professor at the Some Institute
to a specific audience. This makes it a per- or Jane Scientist obtained a PhD degree in
sonal advertisement and marketing tool, so Chemistry and Biochemistry from the Uni-
should be crafted carefully. versity of Hogwarts.
Short biographies are needed for a va- The short bio can be made personal if
riety of professional situations, including written in the first person, as in, I am the
all kinds of imaginable publications, lec- Editor-in-Chief of a peer-reviewed journal
tures, competitions, prize nominations, Science Rocks. The personal style is ap-
press releases, professional websites, etc. propriate for personal communication and
The biggest problem of the short biogra- private websites, while a professional set-
phy is that its, well, short. Frequently, a ting invariably calls for the formal style.
scientist will be asked to provide a very
short (maximum of 100 words) biography, Content
a few words about what youre doing, or Short biographies highlight basic facts
a paragraph or two describing yourself. of someones life. Start with a sentence Writing a good short bio is hard work.
What all of these requests are looking for is summarising your professional self in a nut-
a short text of five to six sentences. While shell. For example, John Scientist is Head opment of drugs that are currently in clini-
they do not spell out what to write, each of the Department of Cool Virology at the cal trials for treatment of melanoma.
calls for a different approach, a biography Old University. In a publish or perish culture, it is
tailored for a certain audience. For exam- The core of the bio should describe are- not a bad idea to mention your publication
ple, when submitting a short bio with an as of expertise and current scientific inter- record but in general words, not by nam-
abstract for a scientific conference, precious ests. If relevant, degrees, certifications, li- ing each and every of your PubMed listings,
biography space should not be wasted on censes and the conferring institutions can Dr. Scientist has published seventy journal
writing about your exceptional tennis skills. be included. Use your closing phrases to ad- articles and six books. His publications re-
To achieve the best possible effects with a dress relevant information. If you are enter- flect his research interests in melanoma. He
hundred words or so, one needs to choose ing an essay into a contest, include some- is also an Associate Editor of the Melanoma
an appropriate style and content. thing about your previous writing and edi- Times.
torial experiences. For a conference on di-
Formal or personal style abetes, mention your diabetes expertise. Short bio for a junior scientist
There are two basic styles: formal and Junior scientists may only have a pub-
personal. A formal biography is written Short bio for an experienced scientist lication or two, or no publications at all,
in the third person, treating writing style For established scientists who have which makes it a bit more difficult to brag
and tone as if written by someone else. Di- a multitude of publications, awards and about a myriad of prestigious publications
rect and matter-of-fact, a formal biography achievements under their belt, it is impor- in a short bio. In that case, the space may
tant to only include information pertinent be filled with the subject of a PhD thesis
to the occasion. For example, when invited and more in-depth description of current
to speak about melanoma research, Dr. Sci- research interests, memberships in asso-
entist can provide such a bio: ciations, student awards, visiting scholar-
Dr. John Scientist received his PhD ships or anything else that is newsworthy
from the University of Certain-Town. He and that will set you apart from the bleak
then worked at the Institute of Probable Re- crowd.
search and, subsequently, served as Associ- Limited as it is, the short bio should pro-
ate Professor and Professor at the Wonder- mote you, not your city of birth, children,
ful University in Frankfurt. Dr. Scientist has spouse, house, associates or hiking club.
contributed greatly to the understanding of Also, avoid glowing descriptions of your-
consequences of mutations in serine-threo- self and egoistic adjectives. None of the fol-
Avoid glowing descriptions of yourself nine kinase B-RAF, which frequently occur lowing is appropriate for a formal biogra-
in your short bio. in a melanoma. He is involved in the devel- phy:

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Methods 2-2008 Lab Times page 51

Beware of humour
How to prepare a While jokes may be welcome when de-
scribing yourself in private communication
professional short biography or on a personal web site, a professional
biography should be businesslike and ex-
clude humor, irony or sarcasm. Avoid at-
It is good to: tempted witticisms, such as Dr. Jane Sci-
entist was conceived 56 years ago when her
Use formal style
fathers sperm and her mothers egg fell in
Tailor it for a specific occasion
love in the dark, warm corridors of a Fal-
Be concise
lopian tube, or For the last ten years Dr.
Define yourself in the first sentence and afterwards establish your credentials Scientist has immensely enjoyed handling
Use clear terminology that your audience will understand non-cooperative cells and grumpy rats.
Spell out abbreviations Not even all scientific and accurate infor-
Use strong action words to convey your experiences and illustrate your qualifications mation is appropriate, such as Dr. Scien-
with phrases like Dr. Scientist has a strong background in and Dr. Scientist tist is a member of Homo sapiens species.
identified X species for the first time.
Final note
The purpose of the short biography is
It is not so good to:
to introduce yourself, impart information,
Make spelling errors or typos spark interest and attract attention to ele-
Use humour, irony or sarcasm ments of your background. When asked to
Provide salary information, address, age, name of the spouse or children provide a short biography, dont just send
Include irrelevant personal information or job experiences your full curriculum vitae and tell the per-
Overstate your accomplishments or contradict your curriculum vitae son to pick what they like. A good biogra-
phy may take time and many drafts but it is
well worth it; you never know who is going
Dr. Jane Scientist was born in London in spends most of her free time with friends to read it.
1953 and raised by two crazy scientists. She from the Hiking Club for Feminist Scien- Livia Puljak
is married to Dr. John Scientist and they tists. Highly intelligent, extremely devoted
have two children, Mycoplasma and For- to her research and hard working, Dr. Scien-
maldehyde, aged 21 and 17. Dr. Scientist tist makes this world a better place.
Fancy composing an install-
and her family have lived in a beautiful Vic- What about age? If a template for the ment of Bench Philosophy?
torian house in London for the last 25 years. short bio is provided, which asks for your
Contact Lab Times
Dr. Scientist enjoys spending time with her age then obviously you should write how
poodle Mimi. Dr. Scientist is committed to
old you are. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.
the highest standards of excellence. She You are entitled to some secrets, after all.

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LT_208_50_51.indd 51 07.03.2008 11:29:47

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