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Beaconhouse Group Doc No: HRM-006

Rev: 01
Mobile Phone Policy Date:10-12-2013

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to make a standardised process to issue or to
upgrade, a company entitled mobile phone.
1.2 The management, at its discretion, may issue whenever it deems
necessary any equipment including, but not limited to, mobile phones. The
purpose of issuing such equipment is to help employees perform their job
related tasks conveniently and efficiently.

2.1 All employees falling in Director (including Regional Director), Deputy
Director, Assistant Director, Head of Department, General Manager,
Deputy General Manager, Senior Manager and Manager
(Academic/Regional/Head Office) cadres are entitled to mobile phones.
2.2 Further, any employee in any grade requiring a mobile phone for
performing his/her duty may be granted entitlement, subject to approval by
the Committee mentioned below.
2.3 The employee in question will request through their Department Head on
the prescribed form (attached herewith as Annexure-A), describing
precisely in writing the reasons and justification of the requirement. A
Committee (to be called Laptop & Mobile Phone Committee) comprising of
one representative each from HR, Finance, I.T. and Administration along
with the concerned Department Head will evaluate the request and decide

Designations Entitlements (PKR)

Director / Deputy Director / Assistant Director /

Head of Department

General Manager / Deputy General Manager /

Senior Manager

Manager (Academic / Regional / Head Office) 35,000

4.1 Purchase & Issuance
The purchase of mobile phone and issuance of SIM will be processed as
per the workflow described in Annexure-B and Annexure-C of this policy.

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Amendments in and/or revisions of this document shall be controlled by S&A Department.
Beaconhouse Group Doc No: HRM-006
Rev: 01
Mobile Phone Policy Date:10-12-2013

4.2 Reimbursement
The amount paid by an employee for purchase of mobile phone will be
reimbursed in line with his/her entitlement after verification and approval
from the HR, IT and Finance departments on the prescribed format
(Mobile Phone Reimbursement Form), submitted within 15 days of
4.3 Allocation Period
A mobile phone, once procured, will be allocated for a period of two years.
4.4 SIM Acquisition
The cost incurred for the acquisition of SIM Cards, security deposits and
any other initial charges shall be catered to by the Company.
4.5 Mobile Phone Selection Criteria
4.5.1 The recommended brands are Samsung, HTC and Huawei. I-phones and
Windows-8 based phones may also be procured.
4.5.2 Mail client application on the phone is mandatory, and for optimum in-
house support Android based phones are recommended. These brands
will be reviewed from time to time by the Committee (as mentioned in 2.3)
subject to new arrivals, availability and pricing structures from suppliers.
4.5.3 Substandard equipment is not recommended and Company reserves the
right to disregard any substandard equipment.
4.5.4 IT department shall maintain an inventory record of mobile phones.
4.6 Upgrade of Mobile Phone above Entitlement
Eligible employees may purchase a mobile phone at a price higher than
the defined limit; however, the difference of amount between the
authorised limit and actual price of the phone opted for will be borne by the
employees themselves.
4.7 Replacement of Mobile Phone
4.7.1 Replacements are only to be made at the expiry of allocation period.
Specific requests, only in unusual cases such as theft, snatching,
permanent damage, etc., may be looked into on a case to case basis by
the Committee (as mentioned in 2.3).
4.7.2 For the purpose of calculating eligibility for routine replacement, any
special (premature) replacement will be considered as a fresh issuance.
4.7.3 All replacements will be in accordance with the approved price range
prescribed in the entitlement chart at the time of purchase.
4.7.4 In case an employee misplaces or loses their entitled mobile phone the
Committee (as mentioned in 2.3) may choose one of the following course
of action on a case to case basis:
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Amendments in and/or revisions of this document shall be controlled by S&A Department.
Beaconhouse Group Doc No: HRM-006
Rev: 01
Mobile Phone Policy Date:10-12-2013

a) Reimbursement may be allowed for 100% of the entitled amount, or

b) Reimbursement may be allowed partially for the entitled amount, or
c) Employee might have to bear the entire cost of replacement.
4.8 Mobile Phone Ownership
Employees shall be entitled to own their Company provided mobile phones
if all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
4.8.1 Every time (s)he completes two continuous years of service with the
4.8.2 In case of promotion before completion of two years an employee shall
have to wait for the completion of two years to be entitled to ownership of
the mobile phone.
4.8.3 If an employee goes on long leave without pay for more than three
months, then the mobile phone must be returned to the Company and
obtained upon re-joining, or return the complete entitled amount,
reimbursed earlier, if this transpires within the first year of mobile phone
acquisition or 50% if between one and two years. The long leave duration
shall not be included in the total duration while calculating the duration for
the entitlement of owning a mobile phone.
4.8.4 In case an employee wants to keep the mobile phone in his/her
possession while proceeding on long leave for more than three months
then they may be allowed to pay a price as prescribed by the committee
as mentioned in 2.3, and buy the allocated mobile phone. In this case, a
new mobile phone will be allocated upon re-joining.
4.8.5 In case if an employee is transferred / seconded to a location within or
outside Pakistan for more than one year, he/she shall return the allocated
mobile phone, or the reimbursed amount, to the Company. However, the
mobile phone ownership may be given to the employee by the
management if the mobile phone has been allocated to the employee for
more than one and a half year.

5.1 If an employee leaves the Company before completion of one year of
service from the date of allocation then he/she shall have to return the full
reimbursed amount. However, if an employee leaves after completion of
one year of service from the date of allocation, then 50% of the reimbursed
amount is to be returned.

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Amendments in and/or revisions of this document shall be controlled by S&A Department.
Beaconhouse Group Doc No: HRM-006
Rev: 01
Mobile Phone Policy Date:10-12-2013

6.1 The monthly billing against connections issued for employees will be
reimbursed as per their entitled Mobile Phone Allowance limit. Any amount
exceeding the approved limit will have to be borne by the employee.
6.2 In case the extra charges have been incurred due to official use (whether
local or international), the employee will have to submit an application to
his/her Department Head for approval following which it may be
reimbursed to the employee.


7.1 Employees are advised to use local SIM of countries visited for routine
communication to avoid unnecessary roaming charges as the respective
mobile phone entitlement limit would also be applicable in case of
international travel.


8.1 Any amendments in this policy shall be subject to approval from CEO.
8.2 The Company reserves the right to change and/or upgrade the policy
without prior notice.
8.3 CEO may cater to the exceptions in this policy under special

This policy shall be implemented with effect from 01 November 2013
(including all cases already in the pipeline).

____________________ ____________________


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Amendments in and/or revisions of this document shall be controlled by S&A Department.

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