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Assessment on The Necklace

TRUE/FALSE Choose A if the statement is completely true. Choose B if the statement is


1. In France during the 19th century, a womans status was dictated by the income and social
status of her husband.

2. Msr. Loisel is generous and patient with his wife.

3. One theme of the story is that honesty is rarely the best policy when you get yourself into

4. When Mme. Loisel loses the necklace, the Loisels agree to tell Mme. Forestier the truth if
the necklace is not found.

5. Mme. Loisel is unhappy early in the story because she seeks a higher social class.

6. One way we know that the Loisels are part of the middle-class at least is that when they
go into debt, Mme. Loisel gets rid of the maid who works for them.

7. The blame for what happens to the Loisels after they lose the necklace and spend 10
years paying off debts to replace it falls entirely on Mme. Loisel.

8. The necklace had a negative impact on the Loisels life.

9. Madame Loisel is a dynamic character.

10.It is clear that Mme. Loisel and Mme. Forestier are of the same social class.

11.Foreshadowing occurs when the reader expects one thing to happen, but the opposite
actually happens.

12.Msr. Loisel gives up his inheritance in order to try to pay for the replacement necklace.

13.The Loisels live like paupers for ten years because Msr. Loisel lost money in the stock
market, which he had to pay for with Mme. Forestiers necklace.

14.When Mme. Loisel begins working hard in order to help support her husband, these events
occur during the rising action of the plot.

15.The climax of the story occurs when Mme. Loisel loses the necklace.

Multiple Choice Choose the BEST answer from the options given.

16.The fact that the Loisels are a middle-class couple living in France in the 19 th Century is an
example of A. conflict B. complication C. exposition D. resolution.

17.Which of the following words has a POSITIVE connotation? A. adulation B. vexation C.

aghast D. ruinous.

18.When Mme. Loisel reacts unhappily to Msr. Loisels hard-earned effort to get an invitation
to the fancy party, this is an example of A. irony B. plot C. internal conflict D.
19.Which of the following is NOT true of Mme. Loisels characterization? A. She learns the
value of hard work. B. She is so unhappy with her husband, she cheats on him at the
fancy party. C. At the beginning of the story, she believes that she is owed the nicer
things in life. D. She tries to retain her honor by working hard to repay her debt.

20.Mme. Loisels condition at the beginning of the story is MOST SIMILAR to which other
character weve read this year? A. General Zaroff of The Most Dangerous Game. B.
Rainsford of The Most Dangerous Game. C. Esperanzas grandmother of My Name. D.
Esperanzas grandfather of My Name.

Vocabulary Choose the Vocabulary word that best completes each sentence or visual aid.

Each word is used ONLY ONCE.

A. adulation B. askew C. gamut D. privation E. ruinous

AB. aghast AC. exorbitant AD. pauper AE. vexation BC.


21.Periwinkle blue, cerulean blue, sea blue, Simeon blue, and royal blue are some of the
many blues in the world, and the previous list runs the ______ of blues from light to dark.

22.Like buying a Coke at the United Center or Great America, Mr. Houghtelings price of $.25
for a pen is way too ______.

23.She read a comic during class. She slept throughout the test. Although she hopes that she
will pass, her ______ arent the best.

24.Although I may not like the color of his shirts or his shoes, Mr. Houghtelings ties are never
crookedthey are never _____.

25.I spent my winter in a state of true _____, so that Id have the money for a summertime

26.If I fail this exam, the results will be _____ to my grade.

27.She promised me that she would be there; that was my expectation. But when she bailed
and stood me up, I was overcome with _______.
28. 29. 30.

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