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1. Graham likes to go to the zoo and see the animals.

2. honesty is the best policy

3. love is a powerful emotion
man - Ganesh
woman - Allison
city - Hamburg
country - China
university - University of Chicago
company - Google
baseball team - New York Mets
restaurant - KFC
soda - Coca-Cola
day - Friday
month - October
religion - Buddhism
language - Italian
a group of students is a class
musicians - band
criminals - gang
employees - staff
soldiers - army
onlookers - crowd
wolves - pack
bees - swarm
keys - bunch
shoe - pair
stairs - flight
book, pen, man, spoon, building, elephant etc.
two books, five pens, three buildings
4. how many computers do you have in your office?
water, coffee, air, salt, love, advice etc.
a glass or two glasses of water, six tablespoons of salt, a cup of coffee etc. o
litres, ounces, pounds, kilograms etc.
5. how much water is there in the bottle?
6. how much sugar is there in the jar?
0. 16 ounces or half a litre of water, we have four pounds of sugar, or
0. a little, there isn't much water, there's a lot of water
7. he reads a lot of books
8. she loves him a lot.

noun - name of something - person, place, animal, thing, feeling or idea

1. Graham likes to go to the zoo and see the animals.
nouns - graham, person, zoo, place, animals, some animals in cages - cage noun,
watch is a thing, so is my pen.
all of these - people, places, animals, things all physical, concrete nouns - re
al physical existence.
ideas and feelings also nouns but abstract nouns because not physical
2. honesty is the best policy
honesty and policy - nouns but not physical things - ideas
3. love is a powerful emotion
love name for feeling, like anger or happiness - all nouns but abstract nouns
important difference - common and proper nouns. common noun - general noun - cha
rt - all common nouns, but specific individual - proper noun, always written wit
h capital. so man - common noun, no capital, but Ganesh - all of these are names
of individuals so we write them with a capital [examples] when writing - rememb
er to always capitalize proper nouns- do not capitalize common nouns like man, w
oman, city, team etc.
next category of very interesting nouns - collective nouns - name given to group
such as team - a team is a group of players or workers. specific nouns for diff
erent groups - guess? [examples of people collective nouns]
also collective nouns for animals and things [examples of animals and things col
lective nouns]
many collective nouns in english - difficult to learn all of them, so if not sur
e use group
probably most important topic relating to nouns - countable and uncountable (so
important, separate lesson) - sometimes count and noncount noun
countable nouns can be counted, ex:
0. book, pen, man, spoon, building, elephant etc.
can use numbers before all of these - can have
0. two books, five pens, three buildings etc.
if only one- one book, one elephant etc. - articles a/an - a book or an elephant
- more than one - plurals - four spoons
to ask about numbers, how many?
4. how many computers do you have in your office?
can answer with the exact number if you know but if not, can say a few computers
(means a small number) or many
uncountable nouns cannot be counted in numbers
0. water, coffee, air, salt, love, advice etc.
how can we count water, or salt? if tried to count salt by number of individual
grains of salt, difficult job
impossible to count love - can't say i have two loves for you
uncountable nouns - no plurals or a/an. can still measure
0. a glass or two glasses of water, six tablespoons of salt, a cup of co
ffee etc. or
0. litres, ounces, pounds, kilograms etc.
to ask about quantity, how much
5. how much water is there in the bottle?
6. how much sugar is there in the jar?
can answer with
0. 16 ounces or half a litre of water, we have four pounds of sugar, or
0. a little, there isn't much water, there's a lot of water
a lot can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns, can say
7. he reads a lot of books
8. she loves him a lot.
a lot of books, a lot of love etc.

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