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<title>Lotus Notes - Getting Started</title>
// Set Dojo Locale and configuration before loading the Dojo JavaScript.
// We must do it this way because we have repackaged Dojo.
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isDebug: false,
locale: "en",
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parseOnLoad: true
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<link rel='stylesheet' href='file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
jo/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css' type='text/css' />
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me-min.css" />
<script src='file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plu
<script src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plu
/*All the tips for Tip of the Day*/
var Tip=new Array()
// Set up the tips to be shown, below.
// To add more tips, continue with the
// pattern, adding to the array. Remember
// to increment the Tip[x] index!
Tip[0] = "To see when others are available for meetings, click the Find Availabl
e Times tab at the bottom of a new meeting invitation.
Tip[1] = "To add a bookmark or document to the Open list, drag it to the Open bu
tton or docked Open list.
Tip[2] = "For a list of keyboard shortcuts, click Ctrl+Shift+L.
Tip[3] = "To quickly create a new meeting, double-click a timeslot on the Calend
Tip[4] = "To quickly reschedule a meeting, drag it to a new timeslot on the Cale
Tip[5] = "To mark an email or document as Unread or Read, select the document an
d click Insert.
Tip[6] = "To create an email from anywhere in Notes, click Ctrl+M.
Tip[7] = "If someone has a new email address or title, select an email from them
and then click More > Add Sender to Contacts. Their information will be updated
in Contacts.
Tip[8] = "Copy an email into a meeting or to do item, or vice versa. Select the
email, meeting, or to do item and select More > Copy into New.
Tip[9] = "To schedule a meeting or send an email to a group or contact, select t
he group or contact and click the meeting button or the email button above the c
ontacts list.
Tip[10] = "To schedule a meeting or send an email to a group or contact, select
the group or contact and click the meeting button or the email button above the
contacts list.
Tip[11] = "If you receive junk mail from a specific sender, select an email from
them and click More > Deliver sender's mail to junk.
Tip[12] = "To reduce clutter, save attachments to your computer and delete them
from your mail. Click the attachment to select it, and then click Attachment > S
ave and Delete.
Tip[13] = "Click a column in Mail, Contacts, or To Do to sort by that column.
Tip[14] = "Log into Notes when you start your computer. Choose File > Security >
User Security. Note: You must have installed the Client Single Logon Feature.";
Tip[15] = "Select a table row or item in a list, and click CTRL+arrow to move th
e row or item up or down.
Tip[16] = "Easily save view information (such as your To Do list or a Teamroom).
From any view, select rows and click Edit > Copy As > Table.
Tip[17] = "To change the Open button to a bar of shortcuts on the side of your s
creen, right-click the Open button and select Dock the Open list.
Tip[18] = "To create a connection document automatically, enter the host name of
the server in the Open Application window.
Tip[19] = "You can detach your Sametime Contacts list from the sidebar. Right-cl
ick the Sametime Contacts title bar, and select Open in New Window.
Tip[20] = "When opening an application, click CTRL+Pause to stop opening the app
lication. This is useful if you clicked the wrong application or if it's taking
a long time.
Tip[21] = "To remind yourself to respond to an email, select the email and click
More > Copy Into New > To Do or Calendar Entry, and set a reminder. Then file t
he email in a folder.
Tip[22] = "Not sure if an email went through? Get a return receipt. Click File >
Preferences > Mail and select Send me a Return Receipt when recipients read mai
l I send.
Tip[23] = "To select all of the cells in a table column, click Table Select > Co
lumn(s). You can do the same for rows.
Tip[24] = "You can increase the size of your caret by setting CARET_WIDTH to som
ething greater than 1 in your notes.ini.
Tip[25] = "You can remove what you have highlighted with the highlighter. Drag t
he highlighter in the opposite direction over what you have highlighted previous
Tip[26] = "To set different colors for alternating table rows, right-click the t
able and select Table Properties. Click the Table/Cell background tab. For color
, select Alternating rows and then choose the two colors.
Tip[27] = "For more room on the screen, close (Ctrl+0) or collapse (Ctrl+8) the
sidebar. To restore the sidebar, click Ctrl+9.
Tip[28] = "Get through email faster, by not having to open every email. Click Sh
ow > Preview on Bottom or Preview on Side.
Tip[29] = "See meetings on your calendar even if you haven't accepted them yet.
Click File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do > Display tab > Views tab, and sel
ect Display new (unprocessed) notices.
Tip[30] = "To lock your screen, press Ctrl+F5.
Tip[31] = "To quickly find a bookmark, type in the name of an application in the
Open list Find field.
Tip[32] = "To always check spelling before sending an email, click File > Prefer
ences > Mail > Basics tab, and select Spell-check messages before sending.
<body @BODY_CLASS@>
<div class="gsFrame">
<header class="gsHeader" role="banner">
<div class="gsTitle">
<div id="gsAltTitle">
<h1><span class="gsProduct">IBM Notes</span></h1>
<h2>Social Edition</h2>
</header><!--END HEADER-->
<div class="gsBody" role="region" aria-label="content ">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="width: 100%;" doLayout="false">
<!--WHAT'S NEW-->
<div id="tab1" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="What's New" se
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="What's New">
<div class="gsSections">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div id="wnNotes" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" ti
tle="Mail is Easier to Find">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Inbox: Just Start Typing</h3></heade
<p>Can't find that one email you need? Start typ
ing the sender's name, date sent, or subject.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Find will pop up and assist yo
u. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHel
p&[ClientHelp]&(Help)&MailSearchGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/N
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-ha
spopup="true" href="
ckfind_controller.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framewor
t/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Find Today's Mail</h3></header>
<p>Categorize your mail by when it arrived&mdash
;today, yesterday, or by date.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose Show > Group by Date</p
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Notes by
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Get Up-To-Date</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>Notes 9.0 Social Edition has a brand
new look and feel&mdash;the IBM Social Theme. This theme provides a cleaner, mo
re modern look to the client interface, and is being adopted across the IBM prod
uct line for UI consistency.<span class="gsMeta">To select a different theme, ch
oose File > Preferences > Windows and Themes</span></li>
<li>Mail views now show simplified dates
, for example &quot;Yesterday&quot; plus a time.<span class="gsMeta">To change t
his preference, from your Inbox select Views > Customize this View, select a dat
e column, and uncheck the &quot;Use abbreviated dates&quot; option</span></li>
<li>By default, your most recent emails
will appear at the top of the Inbox. You can change that in your Preferences.<sp
an class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail, and select &quot;Most recent
on bottom&quot;</span></li>
<li>Notes now processes all meeting upda
tes automatically, and keeps your meetings up to date.</li>
<li>Set preferences to easily see if mee
tings are new, or have been rescheduled or canceled. New meetings now automatic
ally appear in gray on your calendar before you accept them.<span class="gsMeta"
>To change these preferences, select File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do > D
isplay > Views > Display new (unprocessed) notices</span></li>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Reduce your clicking time</h3></head
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>By default, your contacts are set up
to synchronize with iNotes and mobile devices during replication.</li>
<li>New shortcut buttons are available n
ext to the Open button, which you can use to open Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and
other views from anywhere in Notes.<span class="gsMeta">To change which shortcut
buttons display by default, select View > Show Shortcut Buttons, and make your
<li>Message tabs are automatically close
d after you have replied to, or forwarded, a message.<span class="gsMeta">To cha
nge this default behavior, select File > Preferences > Mail, and uncheck the opt
ion &quot;Automatically close original e-mail when replying/forwarding&quot;</sp
<li>If you use pop-ups for new mail noti
fication, you'll now see an unobtrusive slide-in alert at the bottom of the scre
en.<span class="gsMeta">To change this default behavior, select File > Preferenc
es > Mail > Sending and Receiving, to choose a different option</span></li>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
r.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse
ng" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="As Reque
sted by You">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work Smarter</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>In your Sent view, when you do a Rep
ly All, your name is now stripped out of the To: field.</li>
<li>You can now always open a Web link i
n a document, even if the document is in Edit mode.<span class="gsMeta">In Edit
mode, Ctrl+click the link to open it.</span></li>
<li>Calendar entries can now be color-co
ded by category.<span class="gsMeta">Choose File > Preferences > Calendar & To D
o > Colors > Category Colors to set category preferences.</span></li>
<li>Assign colors for color-coded catego
ries from the calendar entry form.<span class="gsMeta">From a new calendar entry
, click the Assign Colors button, located next to the &quot;Category&quot; field
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work Easier</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>Both Mail and Archives applications
can now be searched simultaneously.<span class="gsMeta">From the Search toolbar,
click the drop-down menu and select &quot;All Mail and Archives&quot; as the se
arch scope</span></li>
<li>The Check Calendar dialog can be mov
ed and sized, and now remains on top while you're interacting with Notes.</li>
<li>You can now set the display order fo
r search results, before searching.<span class="gsMeta">Select View > Search thi
s View, and choose a sort order from the &quot;Show results:&quot; drop-down men
<li>A new keyboard shortcut has been add
ed for Paste Special.<span class="gsMeta">Press Ctrl+Alt+V (Macintosh users: Cmd
<li>A new command has been added for Pas
te as Plain Text.<span class="gsMeta">Press Ctrl+Shift+V (Macintosh users: Cmd+S
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div id="wnSocial" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" t
itle="Connect with Connections">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>See What's Going On</h3></header>
<p>Follow colleagues in your Connections network; see what they'
re working on and share your work. Select the Updates tab, or click the Updates
button from the Quick Links tab of this Discover Page.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click the Updates shortcut button.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Everything is Right Here</h3></header>
<p>View and comment on files, update and share status, and use o
ther applications right in your Notes client.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In an email with an embedded application, comm
ent or interact directly in the email.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end sections-->
<!--SIDE BAR-->
<aside class="gsSidebar">
<ul class="gsList">
<li class="video"><a class="gsVideo" rol
e="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
tus/uxid/notes/wn_notes854_controller.swf">See all new features here</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://www-10.">Curious abo
ut previous releases?</a></li>
<p class="gsMeta">Note: New features may require the lat
est mail template.</p>
</aside><!--end side bar-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end what's new-->
<div id="tab2" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="For New Users"
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="For New Users">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Notes 10
1" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Peripheral Vision</h3></header>
<p>See your calendar, chat with colleagues, moni
tor activities and more, directly from your Notes client.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click View > Right Sidebar Pan
els to see available panels, and select the ones you want to use in your sidebar
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&UsingSidebarGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sha
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What Do You Call It?</h3></header>
<p>What's the difference between a tool bar and
an action bar? What is a Notes application? Here's a handy reference to Notes te
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ElementsNotesGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Bookmark Your Favorites</h3></header
<p>Use the Open list for quick access to applica
tions, documents, bookmarks and bookmark folders.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&OpenListGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Trading
Up to Notes">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Keep It On Top</h3></header>
<p>To keep a folder at the top of your folder list, consider put
ting a &quot;1&quot; or other number in front of the folder name. Notes keeps fo
lders alphabetically&mdash;adding numbers moves them to the top. </p>
<p class="gsIcons"></p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take It With You</h3></header>
<p>Keep all your old contacts, even though you're in a new mail
<p class="gsMeta">Export contacts from your old program into a f
ile, then open Contacts and on the toolbar, click More > Import Contacts, and se
lect the file</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ImportContactsGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/s
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Navigation Your Way</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>New keyboard shortcuts allow you to
navigate Notes in a more familiar fashion:</li>
<li>Ctrl+1, 2, 3: Open Mail, Calendar, o
r Contacts, respectively</li>
<li>Ctrl+R: Reply to mail or calendar en
<li>Ctrl+Shift+R: Reply to All on mail o
r calendar entry<span class="gsMeta">To turn on these last three preferences, se
lect File > Preferences > Basic Notes Client Configuration > Enable alternate ke
yboard shortcuts</span></li>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Keep You
r Place">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Don't Lose Your Work</h3></header>
<p>Set the time intervals at which Notes automatically saves wha
t you are working on.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Basic Notes Client
configuration. Check &quot;Autosave&quot; and enter the number of minutes.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What Week Is This?</h3></header>
<p>Prefer to organize your calendar by week numbers? Notes lets
you do this using ISO and US standards, or your custom preference.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&RegionalCalendarGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Notes Always Remembers</h3></header>
<p>Want to have Notes always pick up where you left off?</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Windows and Themes,
and select &quot;On restart, re-open any tabs that were open when I closed the
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Themes"><im
g src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/c" alt
="">Do it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end getting started-->
<div id="tab3" class="gsSubTabs" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" tit
le="Hints and Tips">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="width: 100%;" d
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Mail" se
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Mail
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionCon
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Mail the Way You Want It" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Sign Your Em
ails with Style</h3></header>
<p>Use your signature to
elegantly tell people about you and your organization.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click
File > Preferences > Mail, and select the Signature tab. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&MailSignGS&"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Mail"><img s
rc="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/com.
ibm.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/settings.png" alt=""
>Do it</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
f"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plu
alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Be Spellboun
<p>Automatically check y
our spelling before sending a mail message.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click
File > Preferences > Mail, and select the &quot;Spell-check messages before send
ing&quot; option </p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Create the L
ook You Want</h3></header>
<p>When composing a mess
age, make your text the desired size, type, and color.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Then,
select this text and choose Text > Set Current Font as Mail Default</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Keep Your Inbox Clean">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Direct Incoming Traffic </h3></header>
<p>Take control of incoming mail. Use mail rules to
automatically filter, file, and even block incoming mail.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&FilterMailGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/share
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
f"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plu
alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Know if You Need to Respond</h3></header
<p>Sometimes it's not all about you. Easily tell if
an email is sent to you, or if it's just for your information, by displaying rec
ipient icons next to messages.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail >
Recipient icons column</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Save It for Later </h3></header>
<p>Archive old emails to free up space. You can stil
l access them if you need them.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ArchiveMailGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shar
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
f"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plu
alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Prioritize Your Mail">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Flag It </h3></header>
<p>Do you use your inbox as a to-do list? Flag email
s for follow-up, and then keep track of them in a special Follow Up view.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select an email, and then click th
e flag icon on the toolbar, or the arrow next to it, and select an option.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Identify Senders at a Glance</h3></heade
<p>Assign a text or background color to different se
nders' messages so you can quickly find their emails in your Inbox.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail, a
nd select the Sender Colors tab</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Preview Message Text</h3></header>
<p>See the beginning of your mail message Body text,
directly following the Subject text, in your Inbox view</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From your Inbox, click Show > Begi
nning of Message to display message Body text. Hover over messages in your Inbox
to see the first 100 characters</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Calendar
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Cale
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionCon
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Make Your Calendar Work for You" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
Made Easy</h3></header>
<p>To quickly reschedule
a meeting, simply drag it to a new time slot on your calendar.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Defining the
Work Day</h3></header>
<p>Make sure that your c
olleagues know when you are available for meetings by setting your working days
and hours.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select
File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do > Scheduling</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Scroll Throu
gh Your Calendar</h3></header>
<p>Scroll through the On
e Month view one week at a time.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Use Pg
Up and PgDn to scroll by month, or Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn to scroll by week.</p
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Schedule Effective Meetings">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Let's Talk on the Phone</h3></header>
<p>Save time by automatically including your confere
nce call information in meeting invitations for easy access by meeting invitees.
<p class="gsMeta">Select File > Preferences > Calend
ar and To Do > Entries > Conference call information </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&CalCallInfoGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shar
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Use Web Conferencing</h3></header>
<p>Include your web conference information automatic
ally in meeting invitations.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From a new meeting invitation, cli
ck Online Meetings, click New, and enter your web conference information</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&CalOnlineInfoGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
oller.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/ecl
eo.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Find the Best Time</h3></header>
<p>Tired of asking people if they are available for
a meeting? See when they are available for meetings, or even let Notes suggest a
<p class="gsMeta">Click the Find Available Times tab
at the bottom of a meeting invitation</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&CalFreetimeGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shar
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
ller.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/ecli
o.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="If You Schedule Time for Others">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Access is Key</h3></header>
<p>If you manage others' mail, calendar, to do, and
contacts, help them give you the access you need. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ManageMyMailGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sha
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
er.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclips
png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take Shortcuts</h3></header>
<p>Make it easy on yourself to quickly open another
person's mail, calendar, contacts, or to-dos by creating a shortcut. Or view ano
ther person's calendar alongside your own, by adding it to your Notes calendar.<
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ShortOtherCalGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
ller.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/ecli
o.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Weekly Planner</h3></header>
<p>The Weekly Planner provides a streamlined view of
your week.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click Show > Show Available Times
to see the times when no events are scheduled. You can then double-click free ti
mes to create new entries</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Contacts
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Cont
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionCon
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Type Less, Get More Done" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Let Auto-com
plete do the Work</h3></header>
<p>Notes helps you find
the right contacts fast when addressing emails and scheduling meetings. Set pref
erences to tailor the type-ahead list to your tastes.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click
File > Preferences > Contacts and choose an option.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&ChgRecentConGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sha
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Get Addresse
s Right</h3></header>
<p>Tell contacts apart b
y displaying their email address, title, or company in the type-ahead list.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click
File > Preferences > Contacts and choose an attribute to display.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Group It</h3
<p>Use groups as mailing
lists or to schedule meetings.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Con
tacts, select contacts and then on the toolbar, click More > Copy Into New Group
, or click New > Group and type contacts</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Build My Contacts">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Just Between Us</h3></header>
<p>Mark your new contacts as private.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select File > Preferences > Contac
ts and check the option &quot;Mark new contacts as private by default&quot;</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Mailing Lists Made Easy</h3></header>
<p>Easily create a mailing list from an email, calen
dar entry, or group to do item.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select the email and click Actions
> More > Add Recipients to Contact Group</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&GroupFromMailGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>How Do I Know You?</h3></header>
<p>You can view a history of collaborations that you
have had with one of your contacts, such as email, chat transcripts (if you hav
e saved them), or shared documents.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Right-click a contact's name and s
elect Collaboration History</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="So Many Contacts, So Little Time">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Sort It Out</h3></header>
<p>Remove duplicate contacts; duplication may happen
, for example, when a mobile device user tries to synchronize their contacts.</p
<p class="gsMeta">From the Contacts view, select Mor
e > Remove duplicates</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Show Me the Cards </h3></header>
<p>See all your contacts as business cards, instead
of as a list.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Contacts, click Show > Business
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Speak My Language</h3></header>
<p>Add tabs for contacts whose names contain charact
ers from another language.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Contacts, click the globe icon
above the tabs and select a language</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="General"
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Gene
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionCon
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Notebook and To-Do" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Know Your De
<p>Have a report due soo
n? Keep track of deadlines on your Calendar.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select
File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do, then select the Display tab > Views ta
b to set this preference.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Assign To Do
s to Others</h3></header>
<p>Need to assign a task
to someone?</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose
New > To Do, and enter their name in the Assign To > Others field, to send them
an email notification of their assignment</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&TodoAssignGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/share
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take Note</h
<p>Jot down ideas, make
notes for a meeting, or draft information in your Notebook.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">To cre
ate your Notebook, click Notebook on the Quick Links tab on this Discover page</
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Make It Personal">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Tabs: Have Them Your Way</h3></header>
<p>Open Notes documents in single tabs, grouped tabs
, or in their own windows.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose File > Preferences > Window
s and Themes, and select an option under &quot;Window Management&quot;</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&WorkGroupTabGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sha
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Themes"><img
src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/co" alt=
"">Do it</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href=""><i
mg src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/" alt="
">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Make Your Mark </h3></header>
<p>Make your document comments really stand out.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose Text > Permanent Pen to set
a specific font style, color, and size.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href="
.swf"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/
g" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>When You Leave</h3></header>
<p>Not in the office? You can let people know how lo
ng you'll be gone and when you'll return.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select More > Out of Office to spe
cify the dates you'll be away</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&MailOutOfficeGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/sh
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" href=""><im
g src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/c" alt=""
>Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.Cont
entPane" title="Things to Try Now">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Recycle and Reuse</h3></header>
<p>Did an email give you an idea for a meeting or ac
tion item? Create a meeting or to-do item from that email.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In your Inbox, click More > Copy I
nto New</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenHelp&[ClientHelp]&(Help
)&CalFromMailGS"><img src="file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shar
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What's Their Story?</h3></header>
<p>Can't remember how you know a contact? View recen
t emails, meetings, chats, and shared documents you have with them.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Right-click the person's name, the
n select [name] > View Collaboration History.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work At-A-Glance</h3></header>
<p>The mini-view, now collapsed by default, allows y
ou to see new notices, follow-up messages, or to-do items at a glance.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From the Mail or Calendar view, se
lect and drag the mini-view at the bottom of the left navigator, in order to exp
and it</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
</div><!--end sub tabs-->
</div><!--end best practices-->
<div id="tab4" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Quick Links">
<div class="gsQuickLinks" role="main" aria-label="Quick Links">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn gsTwoColumn">
<header><h2>Notes Applications</h2></header>
<div class="qlApps">
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlMail.png" alt="" /></
<span class="qlLabel">Mail</span
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCalendar.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Calendar</
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCcontacts.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Contacts</
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlTodo.png" alt="" /></
<span class="qlLabel">To Do</spa
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///ClientBo
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlNotebook.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Notebook</
</div><!--end row-->
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony" href="notes:
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlDocuments.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Document</
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony" href="notes:
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlPresentation.png" alt
="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Presentati
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony" href="notes:
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlSpreadsheet.png" alt=
"" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Spreadshee
<a class="qlApp qlUpdates" href="notes:/
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlUpdates.png" alt="" /
<span class="qlLabel">Updates</s
</div><!--end row-->
</div><!--end qlApps-->
<div class="qlAppsAlt">
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlMail.png" alt="" /></
<span class="qlLabel">Mail</span
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCalendar.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Calendar</
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCcontacts.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Contacts</
</div><!--end row-->
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///00000000
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlTodo.png" alt="" /></
<span class="qlLabel">To Do</spa
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///ClientBo
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlNotebook.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Notebook</
<a class="qlApp qlUpdates" href="notes:/
<span class="qlButton"><img src=
"file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Notes/framework/shared/eclipse/plugins/
.notes.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlUpdates.png" alt="" /
<span class="qlLabel">Updates</s
</div><!--end row-->
</div><!--end qlApps-->
<aside class="gsTip" role="complementary
" aria-label="Tip of the Day">
<h4>Tip of the Day</h4>
<p id="tipOfTheDay"></p>
</aside><!--end tip-->
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h2>Custom Applications</h2></header>
<!--<p id="noApps" class="gsMeta">This list will
fill in as you open applications</p>-->
<div class="workspace">
<ul class="gsList">
<li><a href="notes:///ClientBook
<header><h2>Additional Resources</h2></header>
<ul class="gsList">
<li class="home"><a href="notes:///bookm
ark.nsf/HP?OpenFrameset">Change your Home Page</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://www.lot">Ge
tting started with Social Edition</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://www.lot">Notes Tips Blog</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="
.com/support/entry/portal/overview//software/lotus/lotus_notes">Troubleshoot iss
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://www.lot">Notes and Domino Wiki</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://learn.l">Experience Notes</a></li>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end quick links-->
</div><!--end tabs-->
<div id="videoDialog" dojoType="dijit.Dialog" title="Video">
<div class="videoWrapper">
<div id="noVideoMsg">
<h2>Video Unavailable</h2>
<li>Check your internet connection.</li>
<li>If the problem persists, the video may be temporaril
y unavailable. Try again later.</li>
<object id="theVideo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" h
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/>
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
<param name="flashvars" value="autostart=true&showendscreen=fals
</div><!--end videoWrapper-->
</div><!--end video dialog-->
<div id="missingPluginDialog" dojoType="dijit.Dialog" title="Video">
<div id="missingPlugin">
<h2>Missing Flash Plugin</h2>
<p>Flash is needed to play this video. You will need to install
Flash using a browser outside of Notes.</p>
<p>Please copy this URL into your browser address bar: http://ww to download and install the current ver
sion of Flash.</p>
</div><!--end missing plugin dialog-->
</div><!--end gsBody-->
</div><!--end wrapper frame-->

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