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Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

Inuence of types of milk and culture on the manufacturing

practices, composition and sensory characteristics
of Teleme cheese during ripening
E.C. Pappa , I. Kandarakis b, E.M. Anifantakis b, G.K. Zerridis c

National Agricultural Research Foundation, Dairy Research Institute, Katsikas, 452 21 Ioannina, Greece
Laboratory of Dairy Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 118 55 Athens, Greece
Laboratory of Dairy Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece

Received 31 August 2004; received in revised form 28 February 2005; accepted 1 March 2005


Teleme cheese was made from ovine, caprine and bovine milk with thermophilic, mesophilic, and mixed thermophilicmesophilic
cultures. Nine lots of cheese each time were made in order to study the physico-chemical and sensory changes of cheeses throughout
ripening and storage up to 6 months. The rate of pH decrease was the fastest in cheeses made with the mesophilic culture and the
slowest in cheeses made with the thermophilic culture, regardless of the kind of milk used. Moisture was higher in cheeses made from
cows milk than in cheeses made from the other two kinds of milk. The highest fat content and yield were in cheeses made from ewes
milk not being aected by starter culture used, the highest protein content was in cheeses made from goats milk whereas salt content
was not aected by either the kind of milk or starter culture used. The use of mesophilic or mixed cultures resulted in cheeses of
higher avour scores than those of cheeses made with thermophilic culture. It is concluded that all three kinds of milk may be used
in making Teleme cheese preferably by using a mesophilic or a mixed thermophilic and mesophilic starter culture.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Teleme; White-brined cheese; Milk; Starters; Ripening

1. Introduction sheep and goat milk (FAO, 2002). In general, large

quantities of sheep milk and a part of goat milk are used
Sheep and goat breeding is common in the Mediterra- for the production of Feta cheese, a traditional white-
nean basin. Inside the EU, Greece, Spain, France and brined cheese. Feta cheese is a soft white-brined cheese,
Italy are the largest producers both of sheep and of goat which is ripened and stored in brine. According to
milk. In years the tendency has been that of a slight Greek standards (Greek Codex Alimentarius, 1998) only
reduction in the number of animals bred, while at the pure sheeps milk or a mixture of sheeps and goats milk
same time there has been a general increase in the vol- (up to 30% goats milk into the mixture) may be used
ume of milk produced. Greece is in the second position in the production of Feta cheese. It is well known that
among EU countries with regard to the production of Feta cheese has gained popularity and international
recognition. It is considered as Greek cheese and the
name of Feta is included in the register of Protected
Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 26510 94780; fax: +30 26510
Denomination of Origin (PDO) of the European Union
92523. (Commission Regulation: EC No 1829/2002). Teleme
E-mail address: (E.C. Pappa). cheese is also another soft white-brined cheese with

0956-7135/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581 571

many similarities to Feta cheese, but a signicant dier- culture (T), FYS-11 (Rhone-Poulen Laboratorium,
ence is that Teleme cheese can be produced using cap- Dange, Saint Romain, France), consisting of the micro-
rine or ovine or bovine milk alone or any mixture of organisms Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus
them (Greek Codex Alimentarius, 1998). Therefore, delbruckii subsp. bulgaricus, (ii) a freeze-dried concen-
quantities of goats or cows milk that are not utilized trated mixture of thermophilicmesophilic culture
in other ways can be used for the production of Teleme (MX), FRC-60 (Hansens Laboratorium, Horsholm,
cheese. Denmark), consisting of the microorganisms Lactococ-
Traditionally, Teleme cheese is manufactured from cus lactis subsp. cremoris, L. lactis subsp. lactis, Lb. del-
non-pasteurized milk in small family premises with bruckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus at the ratio
basic equipment. However, the use of raw milk leads of 1:1 and (iii) a freeze-dried concentrated mesophilic
to unpredictable chemical or biological changes or pos- culture (M), R-703 (Hansens Laboratorium, Horsholm,
sible survival of various pathogens during manufacture Denmark) consisting of the microorganisms L. lactis
and ripening. Nowadays, pasteurized milk is used in- subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris. On the day
stead of raw milk in organized cheese dairies making of cheese making each kind of milk was used with three
necessary the use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). In Feta dierent cultures to make nine lots of cheese. This was
and Teleme cheese production, traditional yogurt is repeated ve times on a day after day basis. The re-
used as starter by the traditional cheese-makers, while ported results are, therefore, the averages of ve trials.
mixture of commercial starters, including mesophilic The statistical analysis of results was done by a multifac-
starters, are used in industrial production (Anifantakis, tor analysis of variance using software STATGRAPH-
1991). ICS Plus (Windows v. 5.2, 1995, Manugistics, Inc.,
The chemical components of a cheese are derived Rockville, MD 20852, USA). The least signicant dier-
from milk components and non-cheesemilk ingredients ence (P < 0.05) of the data is reported.
such as cultures and enzymes. The diversity of chemical
components is determined by ripening agents such as 2.2. Cheese-making
endogenous milk enzymes, milk coagulants, added pro-
teases and lipases, enzyme systems of both starter and Teleme cheeses were prepared from equal quantities
non-starter bacteria and other microora (Fox, OCon- of milk from evening and morning milkings for all three
nor, McSweeney, Guinee, & OBrien, 1996). kinds of milk. Evening milks were kept refrigerated
Although the physico-chemical characteristics of overnight and mixed with morning milks on the next
Teleme cheese made from pure ovine, pure caprine day. The milk was standardized to casein to fat ratios
and pure bovine milk using one kind of culture (mixture of 0.75, 0.64 and 0.73 for the sheep, goat and cow milk,
of thermophilic and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria) have respectively, to obtain a fat content of over 43% on dry
been studied before (Mallatou & Pappa, 2005), the way matter for the rst quality cheese that is 656% moisture
that dierent kinds of cultures act on the components of and P43% fat in dry matter, according to the Greek
cheese made from ovine, caprine and bovine milk have Codex Alimentarius (1998). As all kinds of milk con-
not been reported. In this study the physico-chemical, tained more fat than enough, standardization was done
biochemical and sensory characteristics of Teleme by skimming part of the milk and adding back the
cheese made from ewes, goats and cows milk using a skimmed milk. The standardized milk was divided into
thermophilic, a mesophilic and a mixture of a thermo- three equal parts of 25 kg each for sheeps milk, 35 kg
philic and a mesophilic culture were determined during for goats milk and 40 kg for cows milk, batch pasteur-
manufacture, ripening and storage for 180 days. ized at 63 C for 30 min and then cooled at 37 C. Pas-
teurization and cooling were carried out in double wall
vats of 50 l capacity under agitation by using steam
2. Materials and methods and/or tap water, in the double wall. After cooling,
one of the cultures mentioned already was added to it.
2.1. Experimental design The thermophilic culture was rst activated according
to the manufacturers instructions. When activated, the
Teleme cheese was manufactured using (a) ewes milk pH was from 4.5 to 4.7 and the titrable acidity ranged
of the Boutsiko breed (Voutsinas, Deligianis, Kats- from 0.79% to 0.73% lactic acid. A quantity of 0.5%
iari, & Pappas, 1988) (b) goats milk from a local native (v/v) of this culture was added and ripened into cheese
goat population (Simos, Voutsinas, & Pappas, 1991) milk for 20 min before renneting. The other two cultures
and (c) cows milk from a herd of Friesian cows, near were added directly to vat. The right amount was esti-
the Dairy Research Institute, Ioannina where the mated to correspond to conventional starter culture of
cheese-makings took place. Each kind of milk was used 0.5% (v/v) to the cheese milk. Addition of them to milk
in making Teleme cheese with three starter culture was done according to the manufacturers instructions.
variables, that is (i) a freeze-dried yogurt thermophilic To assist curdling of milk CaCl2 solution (40%, w/v)
572 E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

was added in quantities of 20 ml, 26 ml and 40 ml/100 kg waterproof bag. The two pieces were ground to a homo-
sheeps, goats and cows milk, respectively. Then, the geneous paste and small portions were taken from it for
temperature of milk was adjusted to 35 C before ren- chemical analyses in duplicate.
neting for all the kinds of milk. Rennet powder HA-
LA (Hansens Laboratorium, Horsholm, Denmark), 2.4. Chemical analyses
dissolved in tap water, was added at a quantity of
3.0 g/100 kg milk, for all three kinds of milk, to obtain Milk and whey were examined for pH electrometri-
a xed coagulation time of 55 min. cally (Metrohm, 605, Harisau, Switzerland) and titrable
Curd was cut into cubes of 1.5 cm and left for 10 min. acidity was expressed in % lactic acid. Milk was ana-
The sliced curd was carefully ladled from the vat into a lyzed for fat, lactose and protein content using Milco-
perforated stainless steel mould of 44.5 cm 20.5 cm scan (Foss Integrated Milk testing FT 6000, Foss
20.5 cm for each lot of cheese. A wooden cover was Electric Hillerod, Denmark). Cheese was also examined
placed on top of the curd in the mould and to assist for pH during manufacture and ripening. Cheese was
draining a weight of 7 kg was initially placed on the analyzed for: Fat content according to the Gerber
cover, increased to 10 kg after 1 h. This practice came Van Gulik method (Schneider, 1954), salt content by
out as most satisfactory after applying it for a long time the modied Volhard method (Kosikowski, 1982) and
in our laboratory. The room temperature during drain- protein content after total nitrogen determination by
age was 19 C, electronically controlled. After about 4 h, the Kjeldahl method (International Dairy Federation,
when no more whey was expelled (Zygouris, 1952) and 1993). Moisture was assessed by drying to constant
the height of the curd was at about 9 cm, the cheese weight at 102 1 C (International Dairy Federation,
was removed from the mould, cut into six equal blocks 1982). Yield was expressed in kg of cheese produced
of 13.5 cm 10.5 cm 8.5 cm (1.15 kg nal weight from 100 kg of milk. The moisture-in-non-fat-substance
each) and immersed into a brine solution (14% brine (MNFS) content was calculated by the formula:
NaCl, w/w) for 16 h. Separate brine was used for each MNFS% = M 100/100 F, and the fat-in-dry-matter
culture and kind of milk. The ratio of cheese curd to (FDM) by the formula: FDM% = F 100/100 M,
brine was 3:1 w/w and the temperature of salting was where F: % fat of cheese and M: % moisture of cheese.
also 19 C. At the end of dipping time each block of The salt-in-moisture (SM) content was calculated by
cheese was transferred into a small can, proper for white the formula (Lawrence & Gilles, 1980): SM% =
brine cheeses, of 14 cm 11 cm 9 cm, salted in situ S% 100/M, where S: % NaCl of cheese and M: %
with re-crystallized coarse-grained salt at a quantity of moisture of cheese.
1.5% (w/w). Half of the quantity of salt was spread on The yield of cheese, as kg of cheese adjusted to 56%
the bottom of the can, the cheese block was placed moisture per 100 kg of milk (A56) was calculated by
and the other half of salt was spread on the surface of the formula (Zerridis, 2001): A56% = A (100 M)/
the cheese. The can was loosely covered by its lid. The 44, where A: % yield of cheese, M: % moisture of cheese.
cheese in the can remained in the ripening room
(19 C) and after 48 h the cans were lled up with brine 2.5. Sensory examination
5% (w/w), until the cheese surface was covered, includ-
ing the liquid expelled from the cheese. Then, the lids The cheeses were assessed organoleptically at 60, 120
were sealed mechanically on the cans and left in the rip- and 180 days by a panel of ve laboratory sta mem-
ening room until both pH and moisture of the cheeses bers, well experienced and familiar with Teleme cheese.
decreased to 64.6 and 656%, respectively. When these They graded cheeses for appearance (exterior, interior),
values were achieved the cheese was moved to the cold consistency and texture (body) and avour (odour and
store (5 C) to complete ripening 2 months where upon taste). All these attributes were grated on a 010 scale
it developed its typical avour. Cheeses remained in the (0 = lowest quality, 10 = best quality) (International
cold store up to 6 months. A ow chart of the cheese Dairy Federation, 1987). According to the importance
manufacturing process is presented in Fig. 1. given to each attribute, the scores for appearance were
multiplied by a factor 1, for consistency and texture by
2.3. Sampling 4 and for avour by 5. Panelists were asked to describe
defects of appearance like defective colour, cracks,
Cheeses were sampled for analysis at the age of 1, 60, sponge-like appearance and foreign material, defects in
120 and 180 days, as well as on the day they were trans- consistency and texture like chalky, granular (grainy),
ferred to cold room. One out of the six cans of cheese brittle and sticky and avour defects like rancid, acid,
was randomly selected and the cheese block was re- bitter, salty, burning sensation, mature odour etc. The
moved and allowed to drip for 2 min. Then, one slice total values were the sum of values of appearance,
of about 100 g was cut from an edge and another one body-texture and avour. Panelists were also asked to
from the middle of the block and placed in a plastic evaluate the hardness of cheese (scale 17; 1 = very soft,
E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581 573

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of production of Teleme cheese.

7 = very hard) by assessing the force required to pene- 3.2. Acidication rate
trate the sample with molar teeth (Lee, Imoto, & Rha,
1978) and by pressing and rubbing a piece of cheese Acid production at the appropriate rate and time is
between the forenger and thumb (International Dairy the key step in the manufacture of a good quality cheese
Federation, 1987). Samples during evaluation had a (Fox, 1993). For this reason, the changes of pH of the
temperature of 14 2 C. dierent cheeses were studied separately during draining
and until transferred to the cold room as well as during
ripening and storage.
3. Results and discussion Regardless of the kind of milk and culture used, the
pH of the curd was decreasing during the rst 24 h
3.1. Milk composition (Fig. 2). After 16 h in brine, the pH of the curd
from all three kinds of milk was around 5.3 for the
The composition of raw ewes milk before standardi- thermophilic culture, around 5.0 for the mixture of them-
zation was fat 8.1%, lactose 4.91%, proteins 5.86%, pH ophilicmesophilic culture and around 4.9 for the meso-
6.6 and titrable acidity 0.265% lactic acid. The respective philic culture. It is observed that the thermophilic culture
values of raw goats milk were 4.8%, 5.04%, 3.58%, 6.5 decreased pH in curd slower than the mixed culture and
and 0.185% and those of cows milk were 3.6%, 4.94%, the mesophilic culture, regardless of the kind of milk
3.40%, 6.6 and 0.18%. The casein content in ewes, goats used, while the pH in the two latter cultures did not dier
and cows milk was 4.59%, 2.80% and 2.50%, respec- signicantly (P > 0.05). Although not statistically sup-
tively. The data are average of ve trials and the stan- ported, similar results were reported by Litopoulou-
dard deviations were not signicant. Tzanetaki, Tzanetakis, and Vafopoulou-Mastrojiannaki
574 E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

culture 5.5
Thermophilic culture Thermophilic culture
6.5 5

6 cans

5 4
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (days)
Time (h)

culture Thermophilic + Mesophilic

7 Thermophilic + Mesophilic 5 culture
press culture

6 brine

5.5 4
5 0 5 10 15 20 25
4.5 Time (days)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Mesophilic culture
Time (h) 5

7 Mesophilic culture 4.5
brine 4
0 5 10 15 20 25

5.5 cans
5 Time (days)

4.5 Fig. 3. Eect of kind of culture on the pH of Teleme cheese made from
ewes milk (d), goats milk (m) or cows milk (j) until transfer
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 of cheeses to cold room.
Time (h)

Fig. 2. Eect of kind of culture on the pH of curd of Teleme cheese

made from ewes milk (d), goats milk (m) or cows milk (j)
during the rst 24 h. pH and moisture values reached the limits of 64.6 and
656%, respectively, in a shorter time. Teleme cheeses
made from ewes milk using thermophilic, thermo-
(1993) and Pappa and Anyfantakis (2001) for Feta philicmesophilic or mesophilic culture were transferred
cheese and Kehagias, Agelidou, Kremastos, and to cold room at 24, 16 and 12 days, respectively, whereas
Koulouris (1992) for Teleme and Feta cheeses. However, cheeses made from goats milk using thermophilic cul-
Kehagias, Koulouris, Samona, Malliou, and Koumout- ture, mixed or mesophilic culture were transferred to
sis (1995) and Vogiatzoglou (1984) reported opposite cold room at 22, 13, 11 days respectively, and cheese
results. This may be due to the fact that these authors made from cows milk using thermophilic, mixed or
used higher temperature of draining (21 C) and more mesophilic culture were transferred to cold room at
severe salting (3.5% nal salt content) than in this work 23, 17 and 15 days, respectively.
that is 19 C draining temperature and 3.05% nal salt From the statistical analysis of pH of cheeses made
content. with the same kind of milk and culture, at dierent ages,
Fig. 3 shows that the pH in cheeses was still decreas- it is seen that the pH of all cheeses decreased while kept
ing, until transferred to cold room, regardless of the in the cold store up to 60 days, and remained constant
kind of culture and milk used. Nevertheless, the rate with no signicant dierences (P > 0.05) thereafter,
of pH decrease was higher in cheeses made from goat regardless of the kind of milk and culture used. The
milk than in cheeses made from the other two kinds of pH values of the cheeses made with the thermophilic
milk irrespective of the kind of culture used. This re- culture were 4.55, 4.49 and 4.58 that are signicantly
sulted in transferring the cheeses made from goat milk higher than those of the mesophilic culture that were
to the cold room sooner than the other cheeses, as the 4.47, 4.45 and 4.41 for ewes, goats and cows milk
E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581 575

cheese, respectively, when the cheeses were transferred cheese. After 60 days of ripening, the moisture content
to the cold room (Table 1). At this time the pH values in all the other cheeses did not dier signicantly
of the cheeses made with the mixed culture did not dier (P > 0.05).
signicantly (P > 0.05) from those made with the meso- From the overall statistical analysis, regardless of the
philic culture. After the age of 60 days the pH ranged at ripening period examined and the starter used, Teleme
a stabilized level of 4.164.36 for all cheeses, securing a cheeses made with cows milk had the highest moisture
good keeping quality (Abd El-Salam, Alichanidis, & content (P < 0.05). Kehagias et al. (1995) found that the
Zerridis, 1993; Zerridis, Alichanidis, & Tzanetakis, white-brined cheese made from cows milk had higher
1989). These results are in agreement with those re- moisture content than cheeses made from ewes milk. In
ported by Pappa and Anyfantakis (2001) for Feta cheese this work, regardless of the ripening period and the kind
made from pure ovine milk using a thermophilic culture, of milk used, the use of thermophilic culture resulted in
a mixed culture and a mesophilic culture, Kehagias et al. cheeses with the highest moisture content, and the use
(1995) for a white-brined cheese made with cultures sim- of mesophilic culture in cheeses with the lowest moisture
ilar to those used in this study, Mallatou, Pappas, and content (P < 0.05). This is in accordance with the results
Voutsinas (1994) and Pappas, Kondyli, Voutsinas, and of Kaminarides, Paraschopoulos, and Beri (1999) for kas-
Mallatou (1996) for Feta cheese using a thermophilic seri cheese using concentrated thermophilic or mesophilic
culture. starter cultures. The use of the mixed culture resulted in
cheeses with moisture content that did not dier signi-
3.3. Changes in moisture content cantly either with the levels observed with the thermo-
philic or with the mesophilic culture (P > 0.05).
The eect of starter and kind of milk on the moisture The MNFS content of all cheeses ranged from 72.77%
and MNFS (moisture-in-non-fat-substance) content of to 74.87% on day 1 and decreased from 70.95% to
Teleme cheeses, at each dierent age is shown in Table 74.50% when transferred to cold store. Exceptions are
1. From the statistical analysis of moisture content of the cheeses made from ewes milk with the thermophilic
cheeses made with the same kind of milk and culture, and mixed culture that remained rather without change.
at dierent ages, a sharp decrease of moisture content It is worth noticing that cheeses made with ewes milk
is observed until the cheese is transferred to the cold and the mesophilic culture had a rather constant MNFS
room, regardless of the kind of milk and culture used. value ranging from 72.56% to 73.22% at all ages. After
The moisture content was 6061% at day 1 after transferring to cold room MNFS values of all cheeses
cheese-making and decreased to 656% when transferred ranged from 70.42% to 75.46%. Generally, regardless
to cold room at the ages mentioned in the previous para- of the ripening day and the culture used, the MNFS con-
graph. The decrease in moisture, considering also the tent of ripened Teleme cheese made from ewes milk and
pH decrease is due to the microbial multiplication and from cows milk did not dier signicantly (P > 0.05),
therefore acid development in the ripening room, as well but were higher (P < 0.05) than the MNFS content of
as to the syneresis of cheeses. Other contributing factors ripened cheese made from goats milk (Table 1). More-
may be the reduced hydration of casein as the pH over, when dierences in MNFS content were observed,
reaches its isoelectric point and the ability of NaCl to for all the ripening period examined and all the types of
create high osmotic pressure and the consequent release milk, the use of thermophilic and of mesophilic culture
of moisture from cheese into brine (Zerridis, 2001). The resulted in cheeses with the highest and lowest MNFS
cheeses made from cows milk showed an increase of content, respectively (P < 0.05).
moisture content from 56% when transferred to cold
room to 57% after storage of 180 days. This slight but 3.4. Changes in NaCl content
signicant (P < 0.05) increase of moisture content of
cheeses can be attributed to the proteolysis, as this re- Table 1 shows that the NaCl content of all cheeses
sults in the production of new amino- and carboxyl- ranged from 1.68% to 2.15% on day 1 and increased
groups that have an increased ability of holding water from 2.61% to 2.90% when transferred to cold room
(Creamer & Olson, 1982; Lawrence, Creamer, & Gilles, while the SM (salt in moisture) content ranged from
1987) and to the swelling of proteins during the early 2.81% to 3.51% and from 4.63% to 5.19%, respectively.
stages of cheese ripening (Abd El-Salam, 1987). An in- The salt content in the ripened cheese varied from 2.59%
crease in the moisture content of the cheeses at low to 3.05%. The SM values varied between 4.49% and
temperatures was also observed by Alichanidis, Poly- 5.39%. From the statistical analysis it is observed that
chroniadou, Tzanetakis, and Vafopoulou (1981), Mano- the NaCl and the SM content of Teleme cheeses were
lkidis, Polychroniadou, and Alichanidis (1970), and increasing until they were transferred to cold room
Mallatou and Pappa (2005) for Teleme cheese and by and generally, remained stable thereafter, without signif-
Pappa and Anyfantakis (2001), Pappas et al. (1996), icant dierences (P > 0.05). This means that the SM in
Vafopoulou, Alichanidis, and Zerridis (1989) for Feta cheese and the NaCl concentration in brine reached an
Table 1
Changes of physico-chemical parameters of Teleme cheese made from ewes (E), goats (G) or cows (C) milk using a thermophilic (T), a mesophilic (M) or a mixture of thermophilic and mesophilic
(MX) starter during ripening and storagei
Age, days Kind of milk pH Moisture, % MNFS, % NaCl, % SM, %
1 E 5.281 4.972 4.882a 61.04 60.62a 60.94a 73.811 73.042a 72.892 2.04 1.95 2.05 3.34a 3.22a 3.36ab
G 5.291 4.922 4.972b 60.561 59.672b 59.632b 74.32 73.50a 72.99 1.761 1.681 1.932 2.901b 2.811b 3.242a
C 5.251 4.972 4.912ab 61.211 60.4212a 60.112ab 73.311 74.872b 72.771 2.151 1.992 2.0812 3.511c 3.292a 3.4612b
Rii E 4.551 4.452 4.472 56.25 56.42 55.89 74.501a 74.251a 72.592a 2.781a 2.612 2.903a 4.941a 4.632 5.193a
G 4.491 4.4512 4.452 56.571 56.4612 55.882 72.991b 72.0212b 71.182b 2.69ab 2.62 2.67b 4.76b 4.64 4.78b
C 4.581 4.442 4.412 56.26 56.19 56.50 72.601b 70.952b 71.971ab 2.67b 2.61 2.67b 4.74b 4.64 4.72b
60 E 4.25a 4.23 4.24a 56.331a 55.532a 54.693a 74.241a 73.6712a 72.562a 2.791ab 2.642a 2.923a 4.951ab 4.752a 5.343a

E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

G 4.38b 4.32 4.37b 56.751a 56.5112b 55.772b 73.231b 71.542b 70.422b 2.86a 2.84b 2.83b 5.04a 5.03b 5.08b
C 4.201a 4.2612 4.332ab 57.75b 57.73c 57.76c 73.28b 73.07a 72.54a 2.781b 2.592a 2.693c 4.811b 4.492c 4.661c
120 E 4.21a 4.17a 4.17a 56.971a 55.782a 55.283a 75.461a 73.202a 73.222a 2.821a 2.771a 2.932a 4.951a 4.961 5.302a
G 4.31b 4.33b 4.36b 56.43b 56.55b 56.20b 73.291b 71.122b 70.692b 2.87ab 2.84ab 2.80b 5.08ab 5.02 4.98b
C 4.18a 4.28b 4.27c 57.78c 57.70c 57.39c 72.95b 73.31a 72.83a 2.98b 2.91b 2.88ab 5.15b 5.04 5.02b
180 E 4.2012a 4.25ab1 4.162a 56.441a 56.2512a 55.692a 73.30a 74.02a 72.58 3.011 2.822a 2.923 5.331 5.012 5.241a
G 4.30b 4.35a 4.30b 56.52a 56.64a 56.34b 71.80b 72.27b 71.88 3.051 2.9112ab 2.872 5.391 5.1412 5.092ab
C 4.281b 4.222b 4.2412b 57.691b 57.531b 56.742b 73.141a 74.242a 72.173 2.97 2.94b 2.84 5.15 5.11 5.00b

Fat, % FDM, % Yield, % A56, % Proteins, %

1 E 17.31ab 17.02a 16.43a 44.41ab 43.22a 42.03a 34.22a 33.50a 32.94a 30.301a 29.9812a 29.242a 15.781a 15.312a 15.4412a
G 18.5a 18.8b 18.3b 46.9a 46.6b 45.3b 20.19b 20.13b 20.06b 18.10b 18.49b 18.40b 16.01a 15.89b 15.95b
C 16.51b 19.32b 17.43ab 42.61b 48.82b 43.61ab 19.081c 18.182c 17.941c 16.82c 16.36c 16.27c 14.551b 14.992a 14.6712c
Rii E 24.61a 24.01a 23.02a 56.1a 55.1a 52.22a 26.12a 26.25a 25.76a 25.97a 26.00a 25.82a 15.99a 15.47ab 15.63a
G 22.51b 21.62b 21.52b 51.81b 49.62b 48.72b 14.861b 15.602b 14.501b 14.671b 15.442b 14.601b 16.981b 15.782a 16.122a
C 22.51b 20.82b 21.52b 51.41c 47.52b 49.43b 13.72c 13.61c 13.46c 13.64c 13.55c 13.30c 14.691c 15.262b 14.641b
60 E 24.1a 24.6a 24.6a 55.2a 55.4a 54.4a 26.611a 26.132a 26.082a 26.41a 26.41a 26.86a 14.431a 15.242a 15.582a
G 22.41b 21.02b 20.82b 52.01b 48.32b 47.02b 15.711b 16.272b 16.683b 15.441b 16.082b 16.773b 15.701b 16.312b 15.9812a
C 21.2c 21.0b 20.4b 50.2c 49.7b 48.2b 14.891c 14.4312c 14.172c 14.301c 13.8612c 13.602c 14.82c 15.06a 14.61b
120 E 24.51a 23.82a 24.51a 56.91a 53.92a 54.82a 25.95a 26.64a 25.77a 25.371a 26.772a 26.1912a 14.961 15.1712 15.802a
G 23.01b 20.52b 20.52b 52.81b 47.12b 46.82b 15.701b 16.172b 15.7512b 15.55b 15.96b 15.67b 15.19 15.17 15.72ab
C 20.8c 21.3c 21.2b 49.3c 50.4c 49.8c 14.69b 14.65c 13.86c 14.09c 14.08c 13.43c 14.591 15.0512 15.162b
180 E 23.0a 24.0a 23.3a 52.8a 54.9a 52.5a 25.88a 25.39a 25.53a 25.62a 25.25a 25.71a 14.201a 15.052a 15.432a
G 21.3b 21.6b 21.6b 48.9b 49.9b 49.5b 16.411b 16.032b 16.032b 16.22b 15.81b 15.91b 15.12b 15.65b 15.47a
C 21.11b 22.42b 21.412b 49.91ab 52.92c 49.41b 15.291c 14.002c 14.112c 14.711c 13.512c 13.8712c 12.911c 14.492c 14.652b
Means of each parameter in the same column of the same day with dierent letters are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).
Means of each parameter in the same raw of the same day with dierent numbers are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).
Means of ve cheese-making trials.
Day cheeses were transferred to cold room (see text for details).
E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581 577

equilibrium state before cheeses were transferred to cold signicant dierence (P > 0.05). It is probable that ewes
room. This was an expected result because the cheese milk being richer in casein and fat gives a better coagu-
had high moisture content on day 1 and the excess of lation, more rm coagulum and less loss of fat in the
it was drained o by synersis, pH development, salting whey, resulting in cheese of higher fat content than the
and ripening changes. While moisture is being expelled other two kinds of milk. The kind of starter cultures
from the cheese into brine, salt is diused from brine used did not aect the fat content, regardless of the kind
into the cheese until an equilibrium is achieved which of milk and the ripening period. This was expected as
seems to be completed by the time cheeses are trans- lipolysis taking place in this kind of cheeses is insigni-
ferred to cold room. Zerridis et al. (1989) applying cant in reducing the fat content (Efthymiou, 1967).
brine and dry salting of Teleme cheese made from cows Similar results were found by Pappa (1997) for mature
milk reported also that the NaCl content was stabilized Feta cheese made from ewes milk with a thermophilic
at the time of transfer to cold room, regardless of the culture and Kaminarides et al. (1999) for kasseri cheese
kind of culture used. Dagdemir, Celik, and Sarkar made with a thermophilic or a mesophilic culture. Con-
(2003) also found that the starter cultures made no dif- trary to the present study, Mallatou et al. (1994)
ference in the NaCl content of a Turkish white cheese. and Pappas, Kondyli, Voutsinas, and Mallatou (1994)
Kalogridou-Vassiliadou and Alichanidis (1984) reported found lower fat values for Feta cheese made with a
higher content of NaCl in Teleme cheeses made from thermophilic culture. The fat content of the cheeses
cows milk than those found in this study. This is due made from goats milk from the thermophilic culture
to a high degree of salting during manufacture, as the in this study is lower than that found by Mallatou et
main salting was done by immersion in brine 1617% al. (1994) for a white-brined cheese made from the same
NaCl for 20 h. Zerridis et al. (1989) found higher val- kind of milk and with a similar culture. These dierences
ues of SM content of Teleme cheese made from cows can be attributed to dierences in milk composition
milk. This may be due to the higher degree of salting and standardization and to dierent manufacturing pro-
of those cheeses, to lower moisture content and to dier- cedures rather than to the cultures used in cheese-
ent way of calculating the salt in moisture content. making.
The salt content in this study is lower than those re- The FDM content ranged from 42.0% to 48.8% on
ported by the previous researchers as this was our aim day 1 and increase from 47.5% to 56.1% when trans-
due to the new trend of receiving less salt in our nutri- ferred to cold room. The increase of FDM content
tion. The salt in moisture content of the cheeses in this was more rapid than that of the fat content during the
study ranged within limits that permitted normal ripen- same period and this may be attributed to the lactose de-
ing and keeping quality as 5% SM of a cheese is the low crease, the protein breakdown and the following diu-
limit to keep the cheese from being spoiled (Davis, sion of water soluble compounds from the cheese into
1965). Also, Fox and Walley (1971) found that 5% of brine, during ripening. Mature Teleme cheese made
SM of a cheese has not got an inhibitory eect in the from ewes milk had the highest FDM content (52.5
proteolytic activity of chymosin. Lawrence and Gilles 56.9%), regardless of the culture used. Cheeses made
(1969) reported that cheese containing a SM level of from the other two kinds of milk showed FDM range
4.9% rarely developed bitterness even when starters from 46.8% to 52.9% (Table 1). Mallatou et al. (1994),
associated with bitter avour development, were used Pappa and Anyfantakis (2001), and Pappas et al.
in its manufacture. Low pH and low moisture combined (1994, 1996) found lower values for the FDM content
with relatively high salt concentration in the cheese sup- for mature Feta cheese and a white-brined cheese made
press secondary microbial fermentation and are impor- from goats milk using a thermophilic or a mixed starter
tant to the proper ripening and keeping quality of culture than those found in this study. On the contrary,
Teleme cheese. Pappa and Anyfantakis (2001) making Feta cheese using
a mixed starter culture found similar results to the rele-
3.5. Changes in fat content vant variable of this study, at the age of 180 days. Also,
Veinoglou, Boyatzoglou, and Kotouza (1980) reported
Table 1 shows that the fat content of cheeses ranged similar values for the FDM content of mature Teleme
from 16.4% to 19.3% on day 1, increased from 20.8% to cheese made from cows milk with the values found in
24.6% when transferred to cold room and remained rel- this study. All observed dierences are due to dierences
atively stable thereafter, regardless of the kind of milk in fat and moisture content of the cheeses deriving from
and culture. This trend is due to loss of moisture from cheese milk and cheese-making practices.
the cheese during the early stages of ripening. Generally,
cheeses made from ewes milk had higher fat content 3.6. Changes in the yield of cheese
(16.424.6%) (P < 0.05) than cheeses made from the
other two kinds of milk, that is goats milk (18.3 From the statistical analysis of yield/100 kg milk of
22.5%) and cows milk (16.522.5%). The latter had no cheeses made with the same kind of milk and culture
578 E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

at dierent ages, the yield of cheese/100 kg milk is evi- 3.7. Changes in protein content
dent that decreased signicantly (P < 0.05) during the
early days of cheese manufacture and ripening, regard- From Table 1 it is seen that the protein content of the
less of the kind of milk and culture used. The yield did ripened cheeses ranged from 12.91% to 16.31%. From
not change signicantly (P > 0.05) after the cheese was the statistical analysis of protein content of cheeses
transferred to the cold room and especially after 60 days made with the same kind of milk and culture, at dierent
of ripening. The changes in yield can be attributed to ages, it is seen that there was a decrease of protein con-
changes in moisture content. The mean yield of mature tent during ripening and storage, regardless of the kind
cheeses made from ewes, goats and cows milk was of milk used. Cheese made from ewes, goats or cows
25.3926.64%, 15.7016.68% and 13.8615.29%, respec- milk with the thermophilic culture had 15.78%, 16.01%
tively, as shown in Table 1. The yield of cheese made and 14.55% protein content on day 1, whereas these
from ewes milk and cows milk found in this study is were 14.20%, 15.12% and 12.91% on day 180, respec-
more than 25% and 13.5%, respectively, which are the tively. Cheeses made with the same kinds of milk with
average yields generally reported by the industry as both the mesophilic culture had 15.44%, 15.95% and 14.67%
of these kinds of milk used in this study were richer in protein content on day 1 and these were 15.43%,
components than normal. On the contrary, the yield of 15.47%, 14.65%, after 6 months of ripening, respectively.
cheese made from goats milk is lower than that reported It is obvious that the thermophilic starter, being more
by the industry (17%), as industry is using mixed milks proteolytic than the other two starters, caused a higher
of herds bred on pastures in mountains and this milk decrease of proteins in cheeses than those starters. The
is rich in components. Feta cheese made from ewes milk dierences in protein content of cheeses during ripening
and a thermophilic culture by Pappas et al. (1994, 1996) are due to hydrolysis of proteins to water soluble nitrog-
was found to have higher yield than that in this study for enous compounds and to the diusion of these products
Teleme cheese. Similar results to this study were found into the brine (Abd El-Salam et al., 1993). Also, the high
by Pappa (1997) for mature Feta cheese made with a degree of hydrolysis contributes to the protein decrease
mesophilic and with a mixed mesophilicthermophilic as the migration of such compounds of cheese into
culture and Mallatou et al. (1994) for Feta cheese made brine is determined by factors such as size and hydro-
with a thermophilic culture. Pappas and Zerridis (1989) phobicity of the water soluble nitrogenous compounds
report lower values for mature (60120 days) Feta (Michaelidou, Alichanidis, Polychroniadou, & Zerri-
cheese made from ewes milk. Concerning Teleme cheese dis, 2005). Mature cheese made from ewes, goats and
made from goats milk, Pappas and Zerridis (1989) and cows milk had protein content that ranged from
Zygouris (1952) reported yields similar to those in this 14.2015.80%, 15.1216.31% and 12.9115.16%, respec-
study, whereas Mallatou et al. (1994) found lower values tively. It is seen that irrespective of age and culture
for a white-brined cheese. Teleme cheese made from used, cheese made from goats milk had the highest
cows milk was reported by Pappas and Zerridis and cheese from cows milk had the lowest protein con-
(1989) and Zygouris (1952) to have lower yield than that tent (P < 0.05).
found in this study. Generally, the above dierences can The protein content (Table 1) of Teleme cheese made
be attributed to dierences in the milk composition and from ewes milk with the thermophilic culture (14.43% at
the technology used in cheese-making. 60 days and 14.96% at 120 days, respectively) was lower
The overall statistical analysis showed that the kind than those found by Mallatou et al. (1994), Pappa
of cultures used did not aect the yield of cheeses (1997), and Pappas et al. (1996) for Feta cheese with a
regardless of the kind of milk and ripening time. This thermophilic culture, while protein content of cheeses
result is similar to the ndings of Dagdemir et al. made from ewes milk with the mesophilic culture
(2003) for a Turkish white cheese and of Salji and (15.58% and 15.80% at 60 and 120 days, respectively)
Kroger (1981) for Cheddar cheese. Kurt and Cakmakci was lower than that of Feta cheeses made with the same
(1991) proposed that cheese yield is mainly related kind of milk and culture by Pappa (1997). Also, the pro-
to other factors, such as milk composition, acidity, tein content in the cheese made from goats milk with
heat applied (hard cheeses) and the overall process thermophilic culture in this study (15.70% and 15.19%
technology. at 60 and 120 days, respectively) was lower than that
The yield converted to moisture constant of 56% of a white-brined cheese made from goats milk with a
(A56 %) of Teleme cheeses made from dierent kinds thermophilic culture as reported by Mallatou et al.
of milk and culture followed the same trend as yield (1994).
of cheese/100 kg milk. In this study, the A56 (%) yield Finally all cheeses made in this study fullled
of mature cheese made from ewes milk, goats milk the requirements of the Greek market for rst qua-
and cows milk was 25.2526.86%, 15.4416.77% and lity Teleme cheese that is 656% moisture and
13.4314.71%, respectively, regardless of the culture P43% fat in dry matter (Greek Codex Alimentarius,
used (Table 1). 1998).
E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581 579

Table 2
Changes of sensory characteristics of Teleme cheese made from sheeps (S), goats (G) or cows (C) milk using a thermophilic (T), a mesophilic (M) or
a mixture of thermophilic and mesophilic (MX) starter during ripening and storagei
Age, Kind of Appearance (10)ii Body-texture (40) Flavour (50) Total (100)iii Hardness (7)
days milk
1 12 2a a a a 1a 1a 2 1 2a 12a a a
60 S 9.1 9.2 9.4 34.4 35.6 36.0 44.5 45.0 43.5 88.0 89.8 88.9 4.0 4.0 4.0a
G 9.2 9.3 9.2ab 34.4a 34.4b 34.8b 43.0b 43.0b 43.0 86.6 86.7b 87.0b 4.5b 4.4b 4.5b
C 9.1 9.2 9.1b 35.6b 35.2a 34.8b 43.51ab 42.52c 43.012 88.3 86.9b 86.9b 3.01c 3.52c 4.03a
120 S 8.9 9.2 9.2 34.0 35.2a 34.8a 41.51ab 44.02a 43.52a 84.41 88.42a 87.52a 3.81a 4.12a 4.012a
G 9.1 9.1 9.1 34.0 34.0ab 34.0ab 42.0a 42.5b 42.0b 85.1 85.6b 85.2b 4.0a 4.2a 4.0a
C 8.9 9.0 9.0 33.2 32.8b 32.8b 40.0b 41.5b 70.5c 82.1 83.3c 82.3c 2.91b 3.32b 3.93b
180 S 8.5 9.0a 8.8 32.01 34.42a 34.82a 40.51 42.02a 42.02a 81.01 85.42a 85.62a 3.51a 4.02a 4.02a
G 8.5 8.8ab 8.9 32.81 34.82a 33.21b 39.4 40.5b 40.5ab 80.61 84.12b 82.612b 3.81a 4.12a 4.02a
C 8.6 8.7b 8.6 32.01 32.812b 33.22b 40.0 40.5b 39.5b 80.61 82.02c 81.33b 2.71b 3.32b 3.93b
Means of each parameter in the same column of the same day with dierent letters are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).
Means of each parameter in the same raw of the same day with dierent numbers are signicantly dierent (P < 0.05).
Means of ve cheese-making trials.
Mean values in brackets show the maximum scores.
Total (100) is the sum of values of appearance (10), body-texture (40) and avour (50).

3.8. Sensory characteristics culture received scores from 82.089.8 and showed sig-
nicantly (P < 0.05) higher scores than those made with
The sensory properties of Teleme cheeses made from the thermophilic culture ranging from 80.6 to 88.3. Sim-
dierent types of milk and cultures are shown in Table 2. ilar results were also found by Pappa and Anyfantakis
Statistical analyses in Table 2 showed that regardless of (2001a).
the type of milk and culture used all the characteristics The decrease in hardness during storage shown in
scores decreased during storage (P < 0.05). The highest Table 2 can be attributed to the proteolysis of cheese.
values were observed at 60 days and the lowest values Hardness was signicantly dierent in all cheeses made
at 180 days of storage. The decrease in the values of from the dierent kinds of milk but the highest score
appearance was attributed to small holes abnormally was that of cheeses made from goats milk (3.84.5)
distributed in the cheese mass at 120 and 180 days of and the lowest score was that of cheeses made from
storage. This is in contrast with the results of Pappa cows milk (2.74.0).
(1997) and Pappas et al. (1994, 1996) for Feta cheese Generally the cheese made from ewes milk was the
(from ewes milk) and Mallatou et al. (1994) for Feta most satisfactory, followed by the cheeses made from
type cheese from goats milk. The decrease in body goats and cows milk.
and texture values was due to grainy cheese mass,
also observed by Pappas et al. (1996). The decrease in
avour scores was due to slightly sharp and bitter taste. 4. Conclusions
Similar avour results were found by Kehagias et al.
(1995). The decrease in the total sensory characteristics In general, all three cultures used in this study re-
followed as a result of the decrease of the individual sulted in good quality cheeses. In particular, the use of
characteristic. mesophilic or mixed culture (thermophilic and meso-
The ewes milk cheese received a total score ranging philic) resulted in cheeses showing faster rate of curd
from 81.0 to 89.8 that is signicantly higher than those acidication, whereas the use of thermophilic culture re-
of goats milk (80.687.0) and cows milk cheese (80.6 sulted in cheeses of slower acidication rate. In practice
88.3), that had no signicant dierence. Similar results acidication rate of cheese curd plays an important role
were reported by Mallatou et al. (1994). None of the in cheese production especially in the rst 24 h period.
panelists detected any objectionable goaty avour. The use of mesophilic or mixed cultures resulted in
Possibly, the characteristic avour components of cheeses, which had higher avour scores than those of
white-brined cheese are eective in masking the goaty cheeses made with thermophilic culture. Moreover, all
avour derived from goats milk. On the other hand, three kinds of milk used in this study are considered
Bentley (1979) reported that the goaty avour is suitable for the production of Teleme cheese. From
detectable when the pH of the cheese increases to 6 or the data given in this study, it is recommended to use
more. preferably ewes milk. Goats or cows milk may also
Cheeses made with the use of mesophilic culture be used with a mesophilic or a mixed thermophilic and
alone received a total score ranging from 81.3 to 88.9 mesophilic starter culture to make Teleme cheese of
while those made in combination with the thermophilic satisfactory quality.
580 E.C. Pappa et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 570581

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