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Gheorghe Banea Secondary School Monday 30th March 2017

Summative English Test 6th grade B L1

Name _____________________________ Mark _____________

I. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets for First and Second Conditional: (30p)
Type 1
E.g.: I will buy a new car if I have enough money.
1. If he ___________________ (study) hard, he _____________________ (pass) the exam.
2. If you __________________ (practice) everyday, you ________________ (play) violin very well.
3. If she _________________ (eat) too much fast food, she _________________ (put on) weight.
4. He ___________________ (buy) a farm in Kent if he __________________ (earn) lots of money.
5. They __________________ (get) drunk if he ___________________(drink) too much alcohol.
Type 2
E.g.: I would finish this project if I had time.
1. We _______________________ (call) the police if we _____________ (see) a burglar.
2. If the students ________________ (have) no school, they ________________________ (play) football.
3. If I _____________ ( come) home early, my father ________________________ (not/ be) angry.
4. If I _____________ ( be) you, I __________________________ ( go) to the party.
5. You ____________________________(travel) To Belo Horizonte if you _____________(have) time.

II. Choose the best indefinite pronoun (pronoun with some-, any-, no-, every-) to fill in each gap. (5p)
E.g.: She says that nobody understands her.
1. Does . Speak German?
2. They could hear . we said.
3. Would you like to drink?
4. Ill follow you you go
5. . answered his questions. They were so difficult!

III. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. Use the same tense. (15p)
E.g.: The police questioned George.
George was questioned by the police.
1 We bought this car two years ago.
This car __________________________________________________________________
2 They built this house 100 years ago.
This house _______________________________________________________________
3 They drank all the wine.
All the wine _______________________________________________________________
4 They broke the window, yesterday.
The window _______________________________________________________________
5 They painted the house last summer.
This house ________________________________________________________________

English test 6th grade level 4, March 2017 | Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple. (10p)
E.g.: I saw (see) Peter last week. I was surprised because I hadnt seen (not see) him for three years.
1. She (not come) to the party last night, because she
(arrange) to do something else.
2. His father (teach) him to drive last year.
3. I (spend) all my money when I . (meet) him.
4. I (ask) him to lend me his car but he . (lend) it to his
5. John wasnt there when I .. (phone). He (go) to the bank.
6. The cat . (eat) the fish just before Mrs. Harrison got into the room

V. Match the words with their definitions. (10p)

1. i


5. factory farming a. Clean, free from disease

6. to stack b. to put one on top of another

7. hygienic c. to move up and down like the movement of a
birds wings
8. to flap d. an animal which hunts and eats other animals

9. claw e. produced without using chemicals

10. predator f. allowed to move around outside

7. free-range g. to take a small, quick bite with a beak (used to

describe the way a bird eats)
8. organic h. part of a dried plant such as wheat, used to keep
animals warm and clean n
9. to peck i. a system which aims to get the maximum profit
from animals kept for food s
10. straw j. part of a hens foot w
r the questions about yourself: (10p)
1) What would you buy if you won the lottery? ____________________________________________
2) What will you do at the weekend if the weather is fine? ___________________________________
1 3) Who was White Fang written by? __________________________________________________
4) What time is dinner served in your family? _____________________________________________
5) Do you prefer organic food? Why? ___________________________________________________
+20p BONUS

English test 6th grade level 4, March 2017 | Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

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