Manager: m1 Manager: m1: Planui: Planui: Plancc: Plancc: Employee: Employee Start Inerface

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: planui : plancc : employee

manager : m1
start inerface

set goals

specify goals

set performance expectations

specify performance expectations

2: set goals
4: set performance expectations

: planui

manager : m1
1: start inerface

3: specify goals
5: specify performance expectations

: plancc

: employee
5: summarise performance record

: rateUI
1: startdetails
2: get employee performance interface

: ratecc

manager : m2

6: store the summarised record 3: forward the request

7: assign rate for record of employee

4: forward employee's performnace details

: employee
: database
: rateUI : ratecc : employee : database

manager : m2 start interface

get employee performance details

forward the request

forward employee's performnace details

summarise performance record

store the summarised record

assign rate for record of employee

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