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In 1873, Prince Charles of Hohenzollern, who came to the

throne of Romania in 1866, began the construction of Peles Castle in Sinaia
(locality which at that time was called Bridge Neag) the place known as the
Burned Stones . The site chosen for the prince was wild but wonderful,
which probably attracted the king to build the castle.
Carol comes first in Sinaia on 5-6 August 1866, when it
hosted the local monastery, built in 1695 by Mihail Cantacuzino .In 1872 the
king buy the land, 1,000 acres, and request to the architect Wilhelm
Doderer, German school, achieving future plans residences. The works begin
in the fall of 1873, but the foundation stone of the castle will be set on 10/22
August 1875. After 1876 the works are in the care Pelesului architect
Johannes Schultz, Doderer's assistant, easier to persuade to change the
original plans. On October 7th 1883 is officially inaugurated. At this time
actually ends first phase of construction of the castle, the work continues,
Peles was transformed and amplified in the current form in
1914 . The works during the period 1893-1914 have been entrusted to the
Czech architect Karel Liman who had put a strong mark on the castle and
the building and other buildings in the complex.
Peles Castle exterior architectural features of specific German
neorenaissance style: sharp profiles, vertical slender, irregularly shaped,
fragmented composition of the facades, asymmetrical bodies, rich carved
wood and decorative elements. Terraces castle neorenaissance Italian style,
are decorated with statues, vases, columns, fountains, landscape architecture
contributing to the success of all. As the outside and inside meet
neorenaissance elements of German, but there are other rooms in different
styles, replays of the Italian Renaissance, English, German Baroque,
Rococo, Hispano-Moorish style, Turkish, etc..
The hall of honor, the most sumptuous reception hall of the
castle, is arranged by Karel Liman in 1911, the site of a former interior
courtyards. It rises on three levels in the center of the main body of the
Castle. Room walls are paneled in walnut wood intarsia with noble essences
and exotic to the balconies, floor 1, room decoration is inspired by one of the
most representative living rooms of German Renaissance namely chamber
Fredenhagen, under the current Palace of Commerce Lbeck.
The panels add richness sculpture in alabaster bas-reliefs and
statues representing mythological subjects, biblical and historical. Above
them, presents intarsia frieze panels and Swiss German medieval castles of
the Hohenzollern family. All wood decoration of the room and some
furniture were made in workshops Viennese Bernhard Ludwig, principal
artist decorator of Peles.
At the top level, between the arches of the first floor balconies
are exposed French Aubusson tapestry of the eighteenth century, made from
cartons of Franois Boucher. Glass ceiling, decorated with allegorical scenes
representing windows and heraldic reasons, is mobile and can be powered
by an electric motor or manually. Rooms arms were arranged between 1903-
1906, in a space decorated in the style of German neorenasterii.
The walls are decorated at the bottom with oak paneling and the
ceiling with casetoane wearing flags and currencies in Latin. Rooms include
a rich collection of weapons, over 4000 pieces and Eastern Europe, XIV-
XVII centuries. Panopliilor be added a series of German armor centuries
XVI and XVII and a valuable list of horse and knight armor, Maximilian
type, unique in Romania. The Great Hall, home of the monument is
decorative (castle has central heating since 1883) at the top of it, relief,
signed in Berlin Paul Telge, illustrates a scene from the Battle of Nicopolis
On the policy is a German sword Calau XVI century, the
beheading nobles. The whole interior is complemented by stained glass,
original German works of the XVII century. Hall councils, arranged in 1914,
remembers one of the halls of City of Lucerne-Switzerland. Sculpture,
intarsia and inlay are an impressive wealth. Cabinet work, decorated with
pieces of workshops Heynmann Hamburg neorenasterii German style, was
completed in 1883. Worth mentioning is a stately desk and a desk for official
audiences. Stained, Swiss parts of the XVII century, represents the cantons
Old music hall was transformed after 1905, at the will of Queen
Elizabeth, in the salon for literary soirees. Paintings on canvas, signed by
Dora Hitz, illustrates the German fairy versified by Carmen Sylva and
stained-Romanian folk legends in a choice poet Alecsandri. Carved in wood
veneer furniture is given to the king but the Maharajah of Kapurtala.
Florentine Room, first reception hall of the castle is called the
Grand Salon;. The space is decorated in the style of many elements of Italian
Renaissance . Bronze doors, decorated with feminine and floral motifs were
made in workshops in Rome by Luigi Magni. Paunazio marble fireplace is
the superior reductions in bronze by Michelangelo. Ceiling, carved in lime
wood, gold, is decorated in the center of a painting, copy of Giorgio Vasari.
Complete ceremony and two large chandeliers somptuozitatea
room, a mirror and decorative art of Murano glass, two original works by
Veronese school and Bernardino Luini and other parts, copies of Italian
Maura Hall was designed by French architect Charles Lecompte
du Nouy. It borrows elements in the decoration of Hispano-Moorish style,
ceiling and walls were adorned with arabesques of gilded stucco and
polychrome. In the background stands out a fountain of Carrara marble, the
reply after a track located in a mosque in Cairo.
Dining room, neorenaissance German style, is the work of August
Bembe in Mainz. On the locker-dressoir and the mass is exposed silver
pieces made in workshops and Telge Paul Edmund Wolenweber.
Salon gate on the roof and walls Turkish hand made embroidery
workshops in Vienna Siegert. The ensemble is completed by a collection of
Turkish and Persian brass vase. Keep it in the theater room decoration
elements of Louis XIV style, has 60 seats and the royal box. Painting the
ceiling and decorative frieze here are signed by Austrian Gustav Klimt and
Franz Matsch.
Scale of honor, designed by Karel Liman, connects the ground
floor and 1st floor. Remarkable sculptural richness specify German
Concert hall added in 1906 is decorated in English style
neorenaissance - paneled walls and wallpaper to the bottom skin of Cordoba
in the eighteenth century on the upper. Above the fireplace, wood and stone
portrait of Queen Elizabeth Ruschita was conducted by Jean du Nouy. This
was decided at the Crown Council in 1914, Romania's neutrality in World
War. The remark is a precious musical instruments executed in Antwerp
harpsichord in 1621, an upright Bluthner grand piano and a Rieger organ
with two keyboards.
The bedroom is furnished with princely guests to garnish a rococo
style of cabinet-maker made in Vienna Bernhard Ludwig. Chandelier of
Bohemian crystal and porcelain figurines of Meissen give brightness space,
supplementing it. On the 1st floor dining room includes a rustic furniture
fringe of the eighteenth century. The pieces are decorated with bas-reliefs
representing scenes of the Breton peasant life, their dress and habits.
Imperial Suite required by fast and solemnity.
The space is arranged in 1906, on a visit to the Austro-Hungarian
Emperor Franz Josef, had to do in Romania on the occasion of the jubilee
40-year reign of King Charles 1. Bembe August decorator chose Baroque
Austrian Maria Theresa style, characterized by richness. An extra note of
conceit is on the Cordoba leather wallpaper, original XVI century.

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