Skeletal Plan

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Six Strategies for Change & Constructing a Skeletal Plan for Crossing the Implementation


Strategy 1: Creating a Shared Vision of the Change:

The vision is that teachers in grades 9-12 will Explanation for Addressing this Strategy
use technology to support and model with Stakeholders: In order to ensure this
mathematics. Students will be able to use said vision is shared by all 9-12 teachers, we will
technology to interpret mathematics. need to present data in how visual models
created by technology support student learning.
We will need to model and provide adequate
training in appropriate programs and materials
(i.e. calculators, apps, programs). We will need
to collect and present student feedback
regarding the change. The students enthusiasm
in using technology will help motivate the
teachers that this change will be well received
by student.

Strategy 2: Planning and Identifying Resources Necessary for the Change:

We will develop a technology team where a Explanation: Students will need access to
representative from each course will present calculators and computers to interact with
and share new ideas. Classrooms will need programs and tools. We will to create
consistent access to technology. professional development opportunities for
teachers to interact technology. We need to
utilize our instructional technology coaches and
district technology department for additional
support. Provide easy access to instructional
and facilitating implementation coaches. Need
time to develop a technology team, with at least
one representative from each course for further
professional development to provide sufficient
support and collaborate for new ideas. Set a
goal to use technology. Teachers will follow up
regularly with implementation coach and
reflect upon their experience. Teacher will
collect student data and feedback regularly in
order to further improve their practice.

Strategy 3: Investing in Professional Development/Professional Learning:

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts,
Tools and Strategies for Guiding Change
Teachers will need intentional training in Explanation: Teachers will be taught how to
grade appropriate tools and content use the programs, where they not only are
appropriate programs. shown what they can do, but are given an
opportunity to create individual, applicable
activities to integrate within the classroom.
Teachers will investigate each program and
develop experience while creating possible
lessons. We will provide access to technology
professionals while becoming familiar or
comfortable with new tools or programs.
Implementation coaches will become familiar
with new programs and will model their use
within the classroom. The professional learning
will be effective if teachers have developed an
intrinsic motivation to learn new tools and
programs. Teachers will also find alternative
options to further their practice.

Strategy 4: Checking or Assessing Progress:

Teachers will design at minimum three Explanation: To provide evidence of using
lessons at different times of the year to technology in the classroom, teachers will be
incorporate new technology. Facilitators will held accountable for designing technology
aid when needed. driven lessons. Through observation and
reviewing independent lessons, coaches will be
able to guide teachers through implementation.
Student data and feedback will be used to
evaluate the effectiveness of how tools and
programs were used. Data will be collected
with each technology driven lesson to interpret
what must be modified before the next lesson.
What worked well? Where is there room for

Strategy 5: Providing Continuous Assistance:

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts,
Tools and Strategies for Guiding Change
Teachers will each receive an implementation Explanation: Teachers will discuss lesson plan
coach, and be given contact information for with implementation coach prior to the lesson,
technology support throughout the district. in addition to a reflection about the pros and
cons after the experience. This reflection will
be used when designing the next technology
driven lesson. Changes and challenges will
occur throughout the experience. Through a
continued focus and support in design, we can
overcome these challenges. Implementation
coaches will interview throughout the
experience and use the teachers reflection to
improve upcoming plans. Successful
experiences will be celebrated through PLCs
and saved in a digital file for all to access.

Strategy 6: Creating a Context Conducive to Change:

Students create deeper understanding and are Explanation: This change is important because
more engaged when they can create. It is the students need to do more than memorize facts,
teachers responsibility to provide such to see how these ideas apply visually, increases
opportunities to our students to improve understanding, which will naturally increase
student achievement and life-long learners. test results, without focusing on the test.
Students will be able to better interpret the
uniqueness of a problem and in-turn answer the
question more accurately. In creating a team
goal teachers can work together to achieve it.
Must be a team effort with plenty of support
and education. Computer labs need to ensure
that all math courses have access to updated
programs and teachers need to coordinate times
to experiment during professional development
time to design such activities. We need to
incorporate into our own classrooms and
provide assistance and be available to provide
adequate support.

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts,
Tools and Strategies for Guiding Change

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