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Emili Lopez

Health Unit
Pollution Lesson

ESS3.B: Natural Hazards
A variety of natural hazards result from natural processes. Humans cannot eliminate
natural hazards but can take steps to reduce their impacts. (3-ESS3-1) (Note: This
Disciplinary Core Idea is also addressed by 4-ESS3-2.)

I know and can identify how pollution impacts our environment and list ways to prevent them.

Students will work together to problem solve ways to prevent pollution.
Students will use critical thinking skills while problem solving.
Students will be a collaborative member of a group.

Materials Needed:
Taking Care of Earth Readers
Dry erase markers

Write the word pollution on the board. Ask students to write at their tables what pollution
means and what kinds of thing pollute our earth.
Ask students to share out their ideas.
Guide them by questioning that there are 3 kinds of pollution we are going to talk about today:

Write the 3 kinds of pollutants on the board and tell students they are going to read about
these pollutants and ways to prevent them.
Model reading about Land Pollution and pull out one pollutant from page 2-3 in the readers

Guided Practice
Divide students into 6 groups.
Two groups read Taking Care of Earth pages 2-3 about Land Pollution. Two groups read
pages 4-5 on Water Pollution. And two groups read pages 6-7 on Air Pollution.
Each group should write down what causes that type of pollution and be ready to share their
ideas with the class.
After sharing what causes pollution, students are going to problem solve ways to prevent
pollution. Students collaborate with their groups and write their ideas on their tables or
After 2 minutes of discussing, students rotate to another table and add prevention ideas to the
next topic. For example, if a group works on land pollution, they add ideas to prevent land
pollution, then move on to air pollution and add ideas on ways to prevent air pollution, and so

After each group has added to all 3 pollution categories, come back and discuss their ideas.
Take a picture of each category and add to Seesaw.

After students have written ways to prevent pollution, students will be formatively assessed by
their content and collaboration in a rubric with 6 possible points. Student will be assessed by
if their prevention was realistic and attainable and if they worked collaboratively in a group,
and were respectful of their group members.

Category Needs Improvement- 1 Meets Expectations- 2 Exceeds

Expectations- 3

Content Student did not include Student included a Student included

a realistic way to realistic way to prevent multiple realistic ways to
prevent pollution, or did pollution. prevent pollution.
not include a solution.

Collaboration and Student did not work as Student worked Student worked
Character a whole in their group collaboratively in their collaboratively in their
and did not listen to group and took turns group and asked for
others or take turns for with other members. input of other members.
input of others.

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