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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Mr. Sanderlin Date: 3/21/17

School: Kinard Middle School Grade Level: 7th Content Area: Language Arts

Title: Shedding Light on Plot Structure

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the
standard) 3.1.a.i: Use a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas (such as
brainstorming, mapping, graphic organizers)
3.1.a.iii: Use a range of appropriate genre features (engaging plot, dialogue, stanza breaks) to
develop and organize texts
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction,
select applicable questions from standard)
How can I use plot elements to understand theme?
What makes a story engaging?
Concepts and skills students master: (Understandings, Big Ideas, Unit objectives)
I can critically analyze film to understand concepts in narrative plot structure. Such as: plot
structure, context/setting, and point of view.
Evidence Outcomes: (Knowledge/ Skills, Lesson Objectives)
Every student will be able to:
(Create your own lesson objectives from the standard, follow the ABCD format)
A. Take notes on a plot structure diagram
B. Label key events in a Disney short and Call of the Wild with the elements of plot
structure using Kahoot
C. Apply plot structure notes to notecard quizzes or application to other stories, books,
movies, or TV shows.
Assessment of Evidence Outcomes: (How will you assess the selected lesson objectives
(general explanation, you will go into more detail at the end of the lesson plan)
ISN notes that they take in class.
Data from Nearpod
Engrade quiz next class

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name La Luna Plot Structure

Approx. Time 78 min

Anticipatory Set - Read the learning target with the class.

- Watch the Disney Short La Luna.
- Ask students to take a poll on their confidence with identifying plot.
Teaching/ Presentation: Input:
(7 min): Watch La Luna
(Select the most appropriate (5 min): Take poll on identifying plot
teaching model.) (10 min): Use Kahott to assess student knowledge on plot element identification
-direct instruction (15 min): Have a sandwich activity where students take copies on plot elements fr
-presentation model and the doc cam.
-concept teaching (8 min): Have students show what they know by answering this prompt after takin
-cooperative learning studied the 1920s in your history class. Write out three characters, two settings, a
-inquiry time-period. Make sure to label what plot element your event would be if this was
(While students are taking notes, and writing their response to the prompt, I will b
the Kahoot to determine how to divide students up for the next activity).
(25 min): Two Groups:
Advanced = Hallway Group
Developing = Classroom Group.

The Hallway Group will:

Take their notes in the hall and write in them. I will instruct them to take the notes
apply them to TV show, movie, or book that they can all agree on. They will take
this story and line it up with the plot diagram they have just been taking notes on.
of their ISNs and they will need to work together to complete the final product. O
finished labeling the whole story they will have to come to me and defend their no

The Classroom Group will:

Be given note cards to create based on their notes that they just took. I will model
cards and while they are creating them I will talk to the hallway group about their
notecards are created based on each plot element, I will have students break into p
other for 10 minutes. After this time, we will come back together and I will quiz s

(8 min): Bring students back together to form the whole class. Make sure that the
shared their applicable plot diagram with you. Once everyone is back in their seat
a final poll on nearpod to see how their confidence has changed from the beginnin
Tell students that their homework will be to study for a short summative assessme
plot. Go over what they can use to study for this test and they types of questions th
Teaching Strategy: Guided I am using the app Nearpod to help guide students through this lesson. This allow
Practice student understanding and immediately use it to change me lessons on the fly.
Colorado State University College of Applied Human Sciences Page 2
STEPP Lesson Plan Form

& I also use an exit ticket strategy to collect data on student understanding before the
Differentiation will help me see where students are as they are completing the activity for homew

Teaching Strategy: I am using the workshop model to help divide students into groups based on skill.
(Independent Practice) students know and how to effectively group students helps them stay focused and
their ability.
Closure I will provide students with closure by asking them a final question about how con
terms of identifying plot structure. This question shows students that I am seeing i
the days lesson and if we still need to focus more on plot during the next class.

Materials What do you need to do the activity?

Computers for each student
ISNs for each student
Pen/Pencil to take notes with
Accommodations I will modify this lesson by giving students more practice with notecards that need
& based on the Kahoot and Nearpod data.
I will extend this lesson by having students use their notes to apply plot structure t
or book that they enjoy.

I will be dividing the class into two groups based on the data I received throughou
Assessment I will record this assessment based on the data that nearpod and kahoot give me, a
assessment of plot that I will give the students next class.

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