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Samantha Hahn Script Analysis

Green Grow the Lilacs Catherine Cox

Green Grow the Lilacs Scene Breakdown of Beats

Beat Line Action

1st Beat Laurey, I got sumpn to tell you. Engage

2nd Beat Yes hes in there, but Laurey, now look, Laurey, its Intrigue
terrible- I gotta tell you-

3rd Beat Now, Laurey, please, my lands, Plead

4th Beat Its all yore fault, so you gotta tell me whut to do. Accuse

5th Beat Them ole garters is s tight they bout cut my laigs plum in Guilt

6th Beat Take em off? Have my stockings rollin down onto my Blame
shoes? Wouldnt I be a purty sight?

7th Beat You shore? Clarify

8th Beat Aw, I wouldnt do it fer nuthin. Defend

9th Beat Laurey! Them ole boys worries me. Guilt

10th Beat The minute I got in the house they started grabbin at me. Shock

11th Beat Whutd they mean a-tellin me, Come out hind the barn Concern
th me? That Ole Payne boy said that.

12th Beat I was skeered hed tell me. Confide

13th Beat F it aint too hard. Please

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