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INSEAD through its website

Tyranny of Choice: INSEAD has eliminated

the curse of too many choices by having just
a one year MBA program

Scarcity: Despite huge number of applicants

INSEAD has maintained its exclusivity by
limiting its intake

Authority: Ranked no.1 by Financial Times

who are experts in the field of business adds
positively peoples perception of INSEAD

Social Proof: The huge alumni body spread

across various nations positions INSEAD as a
popular destination for business graduates

Liking: Reputed alumni in leadership

positions also makes people perceive
INSEAD as popular choice of CEOs

Cues: Successful alumni serve as a strong

signal for good business schools

Context: Instead of tuition fees, INSEAD uses

the context of ROI which places it in a
favorable position

Reference: Listing other top business

schools allows for comparison as an
advantage for INSEAD

Special Pricing: Scholarships reduce the

perceived cost of the program

System II: Highlighting student experience

appeals to emotions of applicants

Improvement Areas

INSEAD alumni can INSEAD can INSEAD should

be given access to provide MBA leverage the
reduce the
premium services application INSEAD
tyranny of choice
and such as club tutorials as a foot Knowledge
for the executive
houses to enhance in the door portal to further
exclusivity technique enhance its

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