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Globalization could be the answer to many of the world's hard problems.

But cent increase in the demand for energy. Some regions also increase their role in
this requires strong democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure global energy markets
equality and justice.The real question is how can we humanize globalization, Environment
how can we shape it in such a way that it can benefit all instead of some. Current environmental problems will persist and in many cases grow. With
Globalization is a fact of life. Globalization could be the answer to many of intensive land use, significant degradation of farming land will continue as will
the world's hard problems. But this requires strong democratic foundations the loss of tropical forests. Environmental issues will become major issues in
based on a political will to ensure equality and justice. Globalization could be several countries, particularly in the developed world. The consensus on the
the answer to many of the world's hard problems. But this requires strong need to deal with environmental issues will strengthen; however, progress in
democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure equality and justice. dealing with them will be uneven. The pressures on the environment as a result
But we have to be careful not to underestimate the fragility of globalization. of economic growth will decrease as a result of less energy-intensive economic
As polarization rather than progressive globalization is what is in the future development and technological advances. For example, increases in the
unless corrective actions are taken in time. utilization of solar and wind power, advances in the efficiency of energy use,
Women are playing a central role in contributing to the growth of the global and a shift towards less polluting fuels, such as natural gas, will contribute to
economy. This is increasingly true in business and in politics two realms this trend.
traditionally dominated by men. There is no development strategy more In fact, globalization has three forms, each with its own problems.
beneficial to society than the one which involves women as central players. First, is economic globalization, which results from recent revolution in
More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for technology, information, trade, foreign investment, and international business.
development. The main actors are companies, investors, banks and private services industries.
Two major trends in the movement of people will characterize the next 15 Economic globalization has thus become a formidable cause of inequality
years urbanization and cross-border migration. The international system will among and within states.
be shaped by the globalization of labor markets. Next comes cultural globalization. It stems from the technological
Food revolution and economic globalization, which together foster the flow of
World food production should be adequate to meet the needs of a growing cultural goods. We can witness the ongoing westernization MacDonalds
world population. Despite the overall adequacy of food, problems of everywhere. The result is both a disenchantment of the world and a reaction
distribution and availability will remain. The potential for famine will still exist against uniformity.
where the combination of repressive government or internal conflict and natural Finally, there is political globalization, a product of the other two. It is
disasters prevents or limits relief efforts. The use of genetically modified crops characterized by the preponderance of the United States and its institutions and
has great potential for meeting the nutrition needs of the poor in developing by a vast array of international and regional organizations. It is also marked by
countries. Developed countries, however, has clouded the prospects for private institutions that are neither governmental nor purely national say,
applying this technology. Doctors Without Borders or Amnesty International.
Water For one thing, globalization is neither inevitable nor irresistible. Rather, it is
Nearly one-half of the world's land surface consists of river basins shared by largely an American creation, rooted in the period after World War II and based
more than one country. Water shortages occurring in combination with other on US economic might. Second, globalization's reach remains limited because it
sources of tension will be the most worrisome. excludes many poor countries. Third, the attractive idea of improving the
Energy human condition through the abolition of barriers is dubious. Globalization is in
The global economy will continue to become more energy efficient. Global fact only a sum of techniques (audio and videocassettes, the Internet) that are in
economic growth, along with population increases, will drive a nearly 50 per use of states or private actors. Self-interest and ideology, not humanitarian
reasons, are what drive these actors.

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