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Hotel Rwanda Movie Reflection

1.What was the title of the video?

The title of the video (movie) was Hotel Rwanda.
2.What was the video about?
The video was about a person by the name of
Paul Rusesabagina who grants people shelter by
escaping into his hotel. This all happens in the
middle of the Rwandan Genocide which was one of
the bloodiest genocide in history. Paul managed to
save 1,268 lives by granting them shelter.
3.Describe the relevance of this video to the
The movie shows Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) trying to save as many Tutsi
people as possible from the genocide. This does not
go as planned as there are too many people to save
forcing Paul to let them into his hotel. This is proof
that even though NGOs try their best, they may not
always succeed.
4.List what you found interesting or surprising:
I found it surprising that Paul was willing to risk
his life in order to save the lives of several other
refugees. It was also interesting how the UN would
not be able to help fight off the Hutu Militia since
they were peacekeeping, and not allowed to fight.
5.List the role of the United Nations in Rwanda:
The United Nations was a peacekeeping force in
Rwanda. They tried to keep peace between the Hutu
Militia and the Tutsi tribe. They hosted a refugee
camp in the country to hold refugees who were
fleeing for safety.
6.Write a personal response on your thoughts on
this video (What you learned, how it may or
may not apply to your life, how it made you
feel, what did it make you think about, etc.).
I learned from this movie that even in desperate
times (the genocide), there will always be people
that will try and help (Paul and the UN). This applies
in my life as it makes me aware of the good that
other people are trying to do and encourages me to
do good as well. I felt in the movie that the UN
should have taken action to resolve the conflict
between the 2 tribes earlier so the genocide wouldnt
have happened. I thought about how there is a lot of
internal corruption in several countries even today.
Even countries like the USA sometimes have internal
corruption within their own government similar to
how they did in Rwanda.

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