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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 1.0

Element 1.4 Candidates understand and can evaluate school progress and
revise school plans supported by school stakeholders.

Activity: Review the School Improvement Plan and Cultural Plan and determine an Action plan
for the next SIT meeting

Time: 10 hours

Artifact: Action plan and Agenda from the meeting


SIT Agenda 3/7/17

Description: Our School Improvement Team regularly reviews our School Improvement (SIP) and Cultural Plans to
see if we are meeting the goals we have set, and if not, what action steps we should take in order to meet them,
and/or how we can adjust our goals to be more realistic.

Reflection: I sat down and looked over both documents first, making notes for ideas to form the Action plan. There
were some items that needed further investigation (checking the school website, communicating with other staff
members on the progress of initiatives, etc), and the Lead teachers and I worked together to gather necessary data. In
most areas we were right on target for our goals and it only required some minor revisions with wording to update. I
was able to compile my notes and observations into some leading questions to help prepare to present this at the
upcoming SIT meeting.

In preparation for the meeting I met with Sarah Eberle, one of our Lead Teachers, to discuss my thoughts on the
Action plan and my plan for running the meeting. She shared valuable insights and helped to get me further prepared
to facilitate the meeting and come up with a solid action plan. I sent four agenda topics to our facilitator to add to
our agenda and send out to the staff. Sarah assisted me with running the meeting, giving suggestions for timing and
additional questions to guide the discussion. Overall the meeting ran smoothly and when it concluded we had
covered all of the discussion areas that I had planned for.

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