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Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

Douglas A-4 redirects here. For the 1940 biplane, see weight, and complexity. The result was an aircraft that
Douglas A-4 (target drone). weighed only half of the Navys weight specication.[2] It
had a wing so compact that it did not need to be folded
The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk is a single seat subsonic for carrier stowage. The diminutive Skyhawk soon re-
ceived the nicknames Scooter, Kiddiecar, Bantam
carrier-capable attack aircraft developed for the United
States Navy and United States Marine Corps in the early Bomber, Tinker Toy Bomber, and, on account of its
nimble performance, Heinemanns Hot-Rod.[3]
1950s. The delta winged, single turbojet engined Sky-
hawk was designed and produced by Douglas Aircraft The aircraft is of conventional post-World War II design,
Company, and later by McDonnell Douglas. It was orig- with a low-mounted delta wing, tricycle undercarriage,
inally designated A4D under the U.S. Navys pre-1962 and a single turbojet engine in the rear fuselage, with two
designation system. air intakes on the fuselage sides. The tail is of cruciform
The Skyhawk is a relatively lightweight aircraft with a design, with the horizontal stabilizer mounted above the
maximum takeo weight of 24,500 pounds (11,100 kg) fuselage. Armament consisted of two 20 mm (.79 in cal-
and has a top speed of more than 670 miles per hour iber) Colt Mk 12 cannons, one in each wing root, with
(1,080 km/h). The aircrafts ve hardpoints support a va- 100 rounds per gun (the A-4M Skyhawk II and types
riety of missiles, bombs and other munitions. It was capa- based on the A-4M have 200 rounds per gun), plus a large
ble of carrying a bomb load equivalent to that of a World variety of bombs, rockets, and missiles carried on a hard-
War II-era Boeing B-17 bomber, and could deliver nu- point under the fuselage centerline and hardpoints [4]
clear weapons using a low-altitude bombing system and each wing (originally one per wing, later two).
a loft delivery technique. The A-4 was originally pow-
ered by the Wright J65 turbojet engine; from the A-4E
onwards, the Pratt & Whitney J52 was used.
Skyhawks played key roles in the Vietnam War, the Yom
Kippur War, and the Falklands War. Sixty years after the
aircrafts rst ight, some of the nearly 3,000 produced
remain in service with several air arms around the world,
including from the Brazilian Navy's aircraft carrier, So

1 Design and development

The second production A4D-1

The choice of a delta wing combined speed and maneu-

verability with a large fuel capacity and small overall size,
thus not requiring folding wings, albeit at the expense of
cruising eciency. The leading edge slats were designed
to drop automatically at the appropriate speed by grav-
ity and air pressure, saving weight and space by omitting
actuation motors and switches. Similarly the main under-
The XA4D-1 prototype in 1954 carriage did not penetrate the main wing spar, designed
so that when retracted only the wheel itself was inside the
The Skyhawk was designed by Douglas Aircrafts Ed wing and the undercarriage struts were housed in a fair-
Heinemann in response to a U.S. Navy call for a jet- ing below the wing. The wing structure itself could be
powered attack aircraft to replace the older Douglas AD lighter with the same overall strength and the absence of
Skyraider (later redesignated A-1 Skyraider).[1] Heine- a wing folding mechanism further reduced weight. The
mann opted for a design that would minimize its size, turbojet engine was accessed for service or replacement


by removing the aft section of the fuselage and sliding out

the engine. This obviated the need for access doors with
their hinges and latches, further reducing aircraft weight
and complexity. This is the opposite of what can often
happen in aircraft design where a small weight increase
in one area leads to a compounding increase in weight in
other areas to compensate, creating a demand for more
powerful, heavier engines, larger wing and empennage
area, and so on in a vicious circle.[5][6][7]

Thermal cockpit shield for nuclear weapons delivery

A4D-2 (A-4B) refueling a F8U-1P (RF-8A)

1952,[8] and the rst prototype rst ew from Edwards
Air Force Base, California on 22 June 1954.[9] Deliver-
The A-4 pioneered the concept of buddy air-to-air refu-
ies to Navy and Marine Corps squadrons (to VA-72 and
eling. This allows the aircraft to supply others of the same
VMA-224 respectively) commenced in late 1956.[10]
type, eliminating the need for dedicated tanker aircraft
a particular advantage for small air arms or when op- The Skyhawk remained in production until 1979, with
erating in remote locations. This allows for greatly im- 2,960 aircraft built, including 555 two-seat trainers.[11]
proved operational exibility and reassurance against the The last production A-4, an A-4M of Marine squadron
loss or malfunction of tanker aircraft, though this pro- VMA-331 had the ags of all nations that operated the
cedure reduces the eective combat force on board the A-4 painted on its fuselage sides.
carrier. A designated supply A-4 would mount a center-
mounted buddy store, a large external fuel tank with a
hose reel in the aft section and an extensible drogue refu-
eling bucket. This aircraft was fueled up without arma-
2 Operational history
ment and launched rst. Attack aircraft would be armed
to the maximum and given as much fuel as was allow- 2.1 United States
able by maximum takeo weight limits, far less than a
full tank. Once airborne, they would then proceed to top The Skyhawk proved to be a relatively common United
o their fuel tanks from the tanker using the A-4s xed States Navy aircraft export of the postwar era. Due to its
refueling probe on the starboard side of the aircraft nose. small size, it could be operated from the older, smaller
They could then sortie with both full armament and fuel World War II-era aircraft carriers still used by many
loads. While the capability of the A-4 was rarely used in smaller navies during the 1960s. These older ships were
U.S. service after the KA-3 Skywarrior became available often unable to accommodate newer Navy ghters such as
as a tanker from the larger deck carriers. The versatil- the F-4 Phantom II and F-8 Crusader, which were faster
ity of the capability and the retirement of the Skywarrior and more capable than the A-4, but signicantly larger
meant that the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet now in- and heavier than older naval ghters.
cludes this capability. The Navy operated the A-4 in both Regular Navy and
The A-4 was also designed to be able to make an emer- Naval Reserve light attack squadrons (VA). Although the
gency landing, in the event of a hydraulic failure, on the A-4s use as a training and adversary aircraft would con-
two drop tanks nearly always carried by these aircraft. tinue well into the 1990s, the Navy began removing the
Such landings resulted in only minor damage to the nose aircraft from its frontline attack squadrons in 1967, with
of the aircraft which could be repaired in less than an the last ones (Super Foxes of VA-55/212/164) being re-
hour. tired in 1976.
The Navy issued a contract for the type on 12 June The Marine Corps would not take the U.S. Navys re-
2.1 United States 3

Skyhawks were well loved by their crews for being tough

and agile. These attributes, along with their low purchase
and operating cost as well as easy maintenance, have con-
tributed to the popularity of the A-4 with American and
international armed forces. Besides the U.S., at least
three other nations have used A-4 Skyhawks in combat
(Argentina, Israel, and Kuwait).

2.1.1 Vietnam War era

A U.S. Navy TA-4J Skyhawk of TW-3 on the deck of USS Lex-

ington, 1989

placement warplane, the LTV A-7 Corsair II, instead

keeping Skyhawks in service with both Regular Ma-
rine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve attack squadrons
(VMA), and ordering the new A-4M model. The last
USMC Skyhawk was delivered in 1979, and they were
used until the mid-1980s before they were replaced by
the equally small, but more versatile STOVL AV-8 Har-
rier II.[12]
VMA-131, Marine Aircraft Group 49 (the Diamond-
backs) retired its last four OA-4Ms on 22 June 1994.
VA-146 A-4Cs over the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964; USS
Trainer versions of the Skyhawk remained in Navy ser-
Kearsarge steams below.
vice, however, nding a new lease on life with the ad-
vent of adversary training, where the nimble A-4 was
used as a stand-in for the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 in Skyhawks were the U.S. Navys primary light attack air-
dissimilar air combat training (DACT). It served in that craft used over North Vietnam during the early years of
role at TOPGUN until 1999. the Vietnam War; they were later supplanted by the A-7
Corsair II in the U.S. Navy light attack role. Skyhawks
carried out some of the rst air strikes by the US dur-
ing the conict, and a Marine Skyhawk is believed to
have dropped the last American bombs on the country.
Notable naval aviators who ew the Skyhawk included
Lieutenant Commanders Everett Alvarez, Jr. and John
McCain, and Commander James Stockdale. On 1 May
1967, an A-4C Skyhawk piloted by Lieutenant Comman-
der Theodore R. Swartz of VA-76 aboard the carrier USS
Bon Homme Richard, shot down a North Vietnamese Air
Force MiG-17 with an unguided Zuni rocket as the Sky-
hawks only air-to-air victory of the Vietnam War.[13][14]
From 1956 on, Navy Skyhawks were the rst aircraft to
be deployed outside of the U.S. armed with the AIM-9
A-4F Skyhawk of the Blue Angels US Navy aerobatic team in
Sidewinder.[15] On strike missions, which was the Sky-
hawks normal role, the air-to-air armament was for self-
The A-4s nimble performance also made it suitable to re- defense purposes.
place the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II when the In the early to mid-1960s, standard U.S. Navy A-4B Sky-
Navy downsized its aircraft for the Blue Angels demon- hawk squadrons were assigned to provide daytime ghter
stration team, until McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hor- protection for anti-submarine warfare aircraft operating
nets were available in the 1980s. The last U.S. Navy from some Essex-class U.S. anti-submarine warfare car-
Skyhawks, TA-4J models belonging to the composite riers, these aircraft retained their ground- and sea-attack
squadron VC-8, remained in military use for target tow- capabilities. The A-4B model did not have an air-to-
ing, and as adversary aircraft, for combat training at air radar, and it required visual identication of targets
Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. These aircraft were o- and guidance from either ships in the eet or an airborne
cially retired on 3 May 2003. Grumman E-1 Tracer AEW aircraft. Lightweight and

safer to land on smaller decks, Skyhawks would later also

play a similar role ying from Australian, Argentinean,
and Brazilian upgraded World War II surplus light ASW
carriers, which were unable to operate most large modern
ghters.[16][17] Primary air-to-air armament consisted of
the internal 20 mm (.79 in) Colt cannons and ability to
carry an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile on both underwing
hardpoints, later additions of two more underwing hard-
points on some aircraft made for a total capacity of four

Armed A-4Fs on the USS Hancock in 1972

for hours, killing 134 sailors, and injuring 161. (See 1967
Forrestal re.)
During the war, 362 A-4/TA-4F Skyhawks were lost due
to all causes. The U.S. Navy lost 271 A-4s, the U.S. Ma-
rine Corps lost 81 A-4s and 10 TA-4Fs. A total of 32 A-
4s were lost to surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and one
A-4 was lost in aerial combat to a MiG-17 on 25 April

A U.S. Navy A-4E attacking a train in North Vietnam with a Zuni

rocket. 2.1.2 Training and adversary role

The A-4 Skyhawk, in the two-seat TA-4J conguration,

The rst combat loss of an A-4 occurred on 5 August was introduced to a training role replacing the TF-9J
1964, when Lieutenant junior grade Alvarez, of VA-144 Cougar. The TA-4J served as the advanced jet trainer
aboard the USS Constellation, was shot down while at- in white and orange markings for decades until being re-
tacking enemy torpedo boats in North Vietnam. Al- placed by the T-45 Goshawk. Additional TA-4Js were as-
varez safely ejected after being hit by anti-aircraft ar- signed to Instrument Training RAGs at all the Navy mas-
tillery (AAA) re, and became the rst US Naval POW ter jet bases under RCVW-12 and RCVW-4. The Instru-
of the war;[18] he was released as a POW on 12 February ment RAGs initially provided jet transition training for
1973. The last A-4 loss in the Vietnam War occurred on Naval Aviators during the time period when Naval Avia-
26 September 1972, when USMC pilot Captain James P. tion still had a great number of propeller-driven aircraft
Walsh, USMC of VMA-211, ying close air support from
and also provided annual instrument training and check
Bien Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam, was hit by ground rides for Naval Aviators. The assigned TA-4J models
re during the Battle of An Lc. Captain Walsh, ejected
were installed with collapsible hoods so the aviator un-
safely, landing within North Vietnamese Army becoming der training had to demonstrate instrument ying skills
the last U.S. Marine to be taken prisoner during the war,
without any outside reference. These units were VF-126
and was released as a POW on 12 February 1973. at NAS Miramar, California; VA-127 (later VFA-127;
Although the rst A-4Es were own in Vietnam in early NAS FALLON, NV) at NAS Lemoore, California; VF-
1965, the A-4Cs continued to be used until late 1970. 43 at NAS Oceana, Virginia; and VA-45 (later VF-45) at
On 1 June 1965, the Chu Lai Short Aireld for Tacti- NAS Cecil Field, Florida until its later move to NAS Key
cal Support (SATS) was ocially opened with the ar- West, Florida.
rival of eight A-4 Skyhawks from Cubi Point, Philippine Additional single-seat A-4 Skyhawks were also assigned
Islands.[19] The group landed with the aid of arresting ca- to composite squadrons (VC) worldwide to provide train-
bles, refueled and took o with the aid of JATO, with ing and other services to deployed units. These included
fuel and bombs to support Marine combat units. The Sky- VC-1 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii; VC-7 at NAS Mi-
hawks were from Marine Attack Squadron VMA-225 and ramar, California; VC-5 at NAS Cubi Point, Republic
VMA-311.[20] of the Philippines; VC-8 at NS Roosevelt Roads, Puerto
On 29 July 1967, the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal was Rico; VC-10 at NAVBASE Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, and
conducting combat operations in the Gulf of Tonkin dur- Naval Reserve squadrons VC-12 (later VFC-12) at NAS
ing the Vietnam War. A Zuni rocket misred, striking Oceana, Virginia and VC-13 (later VFC-13) at NAS Mi-
an external tank on an A-4. Fuel from the leaking tank ramar, California until its later move to NAS Fallon,
caught re, creating a massive conagration that burned Nevada.
2.2 Israel 5

NAS Dallas, including the Commanding Ocer of the

air station. The aircraft were instrumental in training and
development of Air Combat Maneuvers(ACM) for Naval
Air Reserve ghter squadrons VF-201 and VF-202 ying
the F-4 Phantom II and later the Grumman F-14 Tom-
cat. The unit also completed several missions involving
target towing to NAS Key West, Florida; NAS Kingsville,
Texas, and deployments to NAS Miramar, California and
NAS Fallon, Nevada for adversary support. The detach-
ment was under the operational command of the Com-
mander Fleet Logistics Support Wing (CFLSW), also
based at NAS Dallas.
VFC-13 adversary A-4Fs at NAS Fallon in 1993
2.2 Israel
With renewed emphasis on Air Combat Maneuvering
(ACM) training brought on with the establishment of
the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) in 1969,
the availability of A-4 Skyhawks in both the Instrument
RAGs and Composite Squadrons at the master jet bases
presented a ready resource of the nimble Skyhawks that
had become the TOPGUN preferred surrogate for the
MiG-17. At the time, the F-4 Phantom was just be-
ginning to be exploited to its full potential as a ghter
and had not performed as well as expected against the
smaller North Vietnamese MiG-17 and MiG-21 oppo-
nents. TOPGUN introduced the notion of dissimilar air
combat training (DACT) using modied A-4E/Fs. Mod-
ied aircraft, called Mongoose, lost the dorsal hump,
the 20 mm cannon with their ammo systems, and the ex-
ternal stores, although sometimes the centerline station An IAF A-4N on static display. Note the extended tailpipe.
was kept. The slats were xed.[22]
The small size of the Skyhawk and superb low speed Israel was the largest export customer for Skyhawks. The
handling in the hands of a well trained aviator made it Skyhawk was the rst U.S. warplane to be oered to
ideal to teach eet aviators the ner points of DACT. The the Israeli Air Force, marking the point where the U.S.
squadrons eventually began to display vivid threat type took over from France as Israels chief military supplier.
paint schemes signifying their transition into the primary Deliveries began after the Six-Day War, and A-4s soon
role of Adversary training. To better perform the Adver- formed the backbone of the IAFs ground-attack force.
sary role, single-seat A-4E and F models were introduced In IAF Service, the A-4 Skyhawk was named as the Ayit
into the role, but the ultimate adversary Skyhawk was the (Hebrew: , for Eagle).[23]
Super Fox, which was equipped with the uprated J52-P-
They cost only a quarter of what a Phantom II cost and
408 engine. This variant had entered service in 1974 with carried more bombs. Starting in 1966, Israel purchased
VA-55/VA-164/VA-212 on the nal USS Hancock cruise
217 A-4s, plus another 46 that were transferred from U.S.
and had been the variant that the Blue Angels had selected units in Operation Nickel Grass to compensate for large
in 1973. losses during the Yom Kippur War.[24]
The surplus of former USMC Skyhawks resulted in A- In the late 1960s and 1970s, Israeli Air Force Skyhawks
4M versions being used by both VF-126 and TOPGUN. were the primary ground attack aircraft in the War of At-
Even though the A-4 was augmented by the F-5E, F-21 trition and the Yom Kippur War. Skyhawks carried out
(Kr), F-16, and F/A-18 in the adversary role, the A-4 bombing missions in the Yom Kippur War, and a consid-
remained a viable threat surrogate until it was retired by erable proportion of the tactical sorties. They also suf-
VF-43 in 1993 and shortly thereafter by VFC-12. The fered heavy losses, partially because of their relatively
last A-4 eet operators were VC-8, which retired its Sky- low penetration speed. The Skyhawks bore the brunt of
hawks in 2003. losses to sophisticated SA-6 Gainful missile batteries and
The A-4M was also operated by the Operations Main- anti-aircraft guns. claims that at least 9 A-4
tenance Detachment (OMD) in an adversary role based Skyhawks were downed by MiG-21s and MiG-17s during
at NAS Dallas, Texas for the Naval Air Reserve. Many Yom Kippur war.[25][26][27] Formal Israeli sources claim
of the aviators that ew the four jets were attached to only ve Israeli Air Force aircraft, of any type, were shot

down in air-to-air duels.[28] Kippur War.[32]

In May 1970, an Israeli Skyhawk piloted by Col. Ezra During the 1982 Lebanon War an Israeli A-4 piloted by
Dotan shot down two MiG-17s over south Lebanon (one Aharon Ahiaz was shot down over Lebanon by a SA-7
with unguided rockets, the other with 30mm cannon re) on 6 June 1982.[33][34][35] Israel claimed this was one of
even though the Skyhawks heads-up display has no air- its only two xed-wing aircraft shot down over the Beqaa
to-air mode.[29] However, up to three Skyhawks were Valley during the air battle of 6 June 1982 to 11 June
downed by Egyptian MiG-21 ghters, plus two were 1982 where 150 aircraft took part.[35]
downed by Soviet-piloted MiG-21s during the War of In October 2008, it was decided due to maintenance is-
Attrition.[26][30] sues that the A-4 Skyhawk eet would be withdrawn
A special version of the A-4 was developed for the IAF, and replaced by more modern aircraft, able to perform
the A-4H. This was an A-4E which featured improved equally well in the training role and, if required, close sup-
avionics and the improved thrust J52-P-8A engine. Ar- port and interdiction missions on the battleeld.[36] Some
mament consisted of twin DEFA 30 mm cannon in place of Israels A-4s were later exported to Indonesia. The
of the Colt Mk.12 20 mm cannons. Later modications Skyhawks have been replaced by F-16s in combat roles
included the avionics hump and an extended tailpipe, but are still used for pilot training. All the remaining A-
implemented in Israel by IAI. The extended tailpipe 4s aircraft were to be fully phased out beginning by 2014
gave greater protection against heat-seeking surface-to- as the IAF accepts delivery of Alenia Aermacchi M-346
air missiles. A total of 90 A-4Hs were delivered, and Master jets.[37][38] Skyhawks were used to drop leaets to
were Heyl Ha'avirs (Israels Air Force) primary attack Gaza in 2012.[39]
plane in the War of Attrition.[24] In July 2013, Israel began a program called Teuza (bold-
ness) for the purpose of turning some military bases into
sales lots for obsolete IDF equipment. Older models that
are not suited for Israels modern high-tech forces will be
sold o, or sold for scrap if there are no buyers. A-4
Skyhawk jets are among those being oered.[40]
On 13 December 2015, all remaining Israeli A-4 Sky-
hawks were retired from service. The retirement cere-
mony took place at Hatzerim IDF base.[41]

2.3 Argentina

Main article: Lockheed Martin A-4AR Fightinghawk

IAF A-4Hs awaiting disposal in 2009 following their retirement

Argentina was the rst foreign user of the Skyhawk and

In early 1973, the improved A-4N Skyhawk for Israel
had nearly 130 A-4s delivered since 1965. The Argentine
entered service, based on the A-4M models used by the Air Force received 25 A-4Bs in 1966 and another 25 in
U.S. Marine Corps. The dierent model Skyhawks car-
1970, all refurbished in the United States by Lockheed
ried out bombing missions in the Yom Kippur War, and a Service Co. prior to their delivery as A-4P, although they
considerable proportion of the tactical sorties. They also
were still locally known as A-4B. They had three weapon
attacked in Operation Peace for the Galilee, and one of pylons and served in the 5th Air Brigade (Spanish: V Bri-
them shot down a Syrian MiG-17.
gada Area). In 1976, 25 A-4Cs were ordered to replace
The IAF also operated two-seat models, for operations as the F-86 Sabres still in service in the 4th Air Brigade
well as advanced training and retraining. The rst training (Spanish: IV Brigada Area). They were received as is
models arrived in 1967, with the rst batch of Skyhawks. and refurbished to ight status by Air Force technicians
During the Yom Kippur war, the Skyhawk order of bat- at Ro Cuarto, Crdoba. The C model had ve weapon
tle was reinforced with TA-4F and TA-4J models.[24] The pylons and could use AIM-9B Sidewinder air-to-air mis-
IAF selected in 2003 RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. to siles.
upgrade its A-4 trainer eet with weapon delivery, navi- The Argentine Naval Aviation also bought the Skyhawk
gation and training systems. Integration of a multifunc- known as A-4Q in the form of 16 A-4Bs plus two for
tion and Head-up Display produced an advanced Lead in spare parts, modied with ve weapon pylons and to carry
ghter trainer for the IAFs future ghter pilots. AIM-9B Sidewinders. They were received in 1971 to re-
According to, two Israeli A-4 Skyhawks were place Grumman F9F Panther and Grumman F9F Cougar
downed by Syrian MiG-23s over northern Lebanon On in use from the aircraft carrier ARA Veinticinco de Mayo
26 April 1981.[31] Ocial Israeli Air Force statistics do by the 3rd Fighter/Attack Squadron (Spanish: 3ra Escua-
not list any downing of Israeli warplanes since the Yom drilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque).
2.4 Kuwait 7

Navy A-4Qs, ying from Ro Grande, Tierra del Fuego

naval air station, also played a role in the bombing attacks
against British ships, destroying the Type 21 Ardent.[46]
In all, 22 Skyhawks (10 A-4Ps, nine A-4Cs, and three A-
4Qs) were lost to all causes in the six-week-long war.[47]
These losses included eight to British Sea Harriers, seven
to ship-launched surface-to-air missiles, four to ground-
launched surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft re (in-
cluding one to "friendly re"), and three to crashes.[45]

2.3.2 Postwar

Argentine Navy A-4Q 0655/3-A-202 in 2007

The U.S. placed an embargo of spare parts in 1977 due

to the Dirty War[42] backing the Humphrey-Kennedy
amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1976, the
Carter administration placed an embargo on the sale of
arms and spare parts to Argentina and on the training of
its military personnel (which was lifted in the 1990s un-
der Carlos Menem's presidency when Argentina became
a major non-NATO ally).[43] Ejection seats did not work
and there were many other mechanical faults.[44] In spite
of this, A-4s still served well in the 1982 Falklands War.
A-4AR Fightinghawk, 2006

2.3.1 Falklands War After the war, Argentine Air Force A-4Ps and A-4Cs
survivors were upgraded under the Halcon program with
See also: Argentine air forces in the Falklands War 30 mm (1.2 in) DEFA cannons, air-to-air missiles, and
During the 1982 Falklands War, Argentina deployed other minor details, and merged into the 5th Air Brigade.
All of these were withdrawn from service in 1999, and
they were replaced with 36 of the much-improved OA/A-
4AR Fightinghawk. Several TA-4J and A-4E airframes
were also delivered under the A-4AR program, mainly
for spare parts use.
In 1983, the United States vetoed the delivery by Israel of
24 A-4Hs for the Argentine Navy as the A-4Q replace-
ment. The A-4Qs were nally retired in 1988.[48]

2.4 Kuwait

Argentine Air Force A-4C, May 1982

48 Skyhawk warplanes (26 A-4B, 12 A-4C and 10 A-

4Q aircraft).[45] Armed with unguided bombs and lack-
ing any electronic or missile self-defense, Argentine Air
Force Skyhawks sank the Type 42 destroyer Coventry and
the Type 21 frigate Antelope as well as inicting heavy
damage on several others: RFA Sir Galahad (which
was subsequently scuttled as a war grave), the Type 42
Glasgow, the Leander-class frigate Argonaut, the Type
22 frigate Broadsword, and RFA Sir Tristram. Argentine Kuwaiti A-4KUs on the ight line in 1991

Kuwaiti Air Force Skyhawks fought in 1991 during signed an agreement with the New Zealand government in
Operation Desert Storm. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the 2012 to purchase eight A-4Ks and associated equipment
available Skyhawks ew attack missions against the ad- for its adversary training services. Interestingly 6 of the
vancing Iraqi forces from deserted roads after their bases Kiwi A-4s purchased by Draken were former RAN A-
were overrun. A total of 24 of the 29 A-4KUs that re- 4G airframes [57] which as carrier aircraft had logged sig-
mained in service with Kuwait (from 36 delivered in the nicantly fewer ying hours.[58] These were subsequently
1970s) escaped to Saudi Arabia. The escaped Skyhawks relocated to the U.S. at Drakens Lakeland Linder Re-
(along with escaped Dassault Mirage F1s) operated as gional Airport facility in Lakeland, Florida.[59] The other
the Free Kuwait Air Force, ying 1,361 sorties during A-4K aircraft were given to museums in New Zealand
the liberation of Kuwait.[49] Twenty-three A-4s survived and Australia.[60]
the conict and the Iraqi invasion,[50] with only one A-
4KU (KAF-828, BuNo. 160207) shot down by Iraqi
ZSU-23-4 Shilka anti-aircraft artillery on 17 January 2.7 Indonesia
1991.[51][52] The pilot, Mohammed Mubarak, ejected
and was taken prisoner.[53] The remaining Kuwaiti Sky- Due to the declining relationship between Indonesia and
hawks were later sold to Brazil, where they currently servethe Soviet Union, there was a lack of spare parts for mil-
aboard the aircraft carrier NAe So Paulo.[54] itary hardware supplied by the Communist Bloc. Soon,
most of them were scrapped. The Indonesian Air Force
(TNI-AU) acquired A-4 Skyhawks to replace its Il-28
2.5 Australia
Beagles and Tu-16 Badgers in a covert operation with
Israel, since both countries did not maintain diplomatic
Main article: McDonnell Douglas A-4G Skyhawk
relationships. These A-4s from were chosen because the
IDF planned to retire its A-4 squadrons. The A-4 served
Twenty A-4G skyhawks were operated by the Royal the Indonesian Air Force from 1982 until 2003.[61][62][63]
Australian Navy for operation from HMAS Melbourne.
These aircraft were acquired in two batches of 10 Sky-
hawks in 1967 and 1971, and were primarily used to pro-
2.8 Malaysia
vide air defence for the eet. Ten of the A-4Gs were
destroyed in accidents, and all of the survivors were sold
In 1982, Malaysia purchased 80 refurbished A-4C and
to the Royal New Zealand Air Force in 1984.
A-4L under a modernization program called PERISTA.
Forty of the airframes were upgraded with the Hughes
2.6 New Zealand AN/ASB-19 Angle Rate Bombing System, air refueling
capability, and increased payload, while the rest were
kept in the United States as a reserve and for spare parts.
This modied version was redesignated as A-4PTM (pe-
culiar to Malaysia).
The aircraft were delivered to the Royal Malaysian Air
Force (RMAF) in December 1984 where they served in
the No.6 and No.9 RMAF Squadrons at Kuantan air base.
While in service, they suered from frequent mainte-
nance issues and a high accident rate. In 1995, they were
nally retired and replaced with BAE Systems Hawks.

2.9 Brazil
A RNZAF A-4K in 1982
As of 2014, Brazil was the latest Skyhawk customer. In
1997 Brazil negotiated a $70 million contract for pur-
In 1970, 14 A-4K aircraft were delivered to the Royal chase of 20 A-4KU and three TA-4KU Skyhawks from
New Zealand Air Force. These were later joined by 10 Kuwait. The Kuwaiti Skyhawks, modied A-4Ms and
A-4G Skyhawks from the Royal Australian Navy in 1984; TA-4Js delivered in 1977, were among the last of those
all were converted to A-4K Kahu standard. models built by Douglas. The Kuwaiti Skyhawks were se-
The RNZAF withdrew the Skyhawks from service in lected by Brazil because of low ight time, excellent phys-
2001 and put them in storage awaiting sale. They were ical condition, and a favorable price tag. The Brazilian
maintained, with occasional servicing ights, and then Navy re-designated AF-1 and AF-1A Falces (Hawks),
moved to Woodbourne airbase, where they were pre- the ex-Kuwaiti Skyhawks arrived in Arraial do Cabo on
served in protective latex.[55][56] Draken International 5 September 1998.[64][65]

DA Defence German A4

Brazilian Navy A-4 aboard aircraft carrier So Paulo (A12)

3 Variants
On 18 January 2001, an AF-1 trapped aboard the Brazil-
ian aircraft carrier Minas Gerais (A11) was later suc-
cessfully catapulted, making Brazils xed-wing carrier
force operational again after nearly two decades.[66] To
replace the aging Minas Gerais, Brazil purchased the
surplus French aircraft carrier Foch on 15 November
2001. Renamed So Paulo (A12), the new carrier re-
ceived extensive retting before becoming operational in VA-81 A4D-2 on the USS
2003. Minas Gerais was decommissioned and retired that Forrestal in 1962.
On 14 April 2009, Embraer signed a contract to modern-
ize 12 Brazilian Navy aircraft, nine AF-1s (single-seat)
and three AF-1As (two-seat). This upgrade will restore A-4B in the Intrepid Sea-
the operating capacity of the Navy 1st Intercept and At- Air-Space Museum
tack Plane Squadron. The program includes restoring the
aircraft and their current systems, as well as implementing
new avionics, radar, power production, and autonomous U.S. Navy A-4B (A4D-2)
oxygen generating systems.[68] The rst of the 12 modi-
ed Skyhawks was delivered on 27 May 2015. Embraer
stated the modications will allow the aircraft to remain
operational until 2025.[69]

2.10 Canada

Discovery Air Defense Services, a private Canadian com-

pany often contracted by the Royal Canadian Air Force to
provide both combat training and ghter transition train-
ing, owns and operates 10 McDonnell Douglas A-4N &
TA-4J aircraft. Discovery has upgraded and modied the
jets to be capable of Electronic Warfare Training for both
Naval & Fighter Forces. The aircraft are also used in Ad-
versary Support and Anti-Shipping Attack training.[70]
A-4C landing on the USS Kitty Hawk in 1966.

2.11 Germany
3.1 Original production variants
Discovery Air Defense Services, a private Canadian com-
pany, has a contract to provide airborne training services XA4D-1 Prototype (pre-1962 designation)
for the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr). Utiliz- YA4D-1 (YA-4A, later A-4A): Flight test prototypes
ing a eet of seven Douglas A-4 aircraft, the company and pre-production aircraft (pre-1962 designation).
will provide both combat training and ghter transition
training.[71] A4D-1 See A-4A (pre 1962 designation)

A-4G of VF-805 takes a wire aboard HMAS Melbourne in 1980

Republic of Singapore Air Force A-4SU Super Skyhawk


Brazilian Navy AF-1 (A-4KU)

TA-4F Skyhawk of VA-164 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Han-

cock in the early 1970s

Naval Reserve A-4L of VA-203

A4D-2 See A-4B (pre 1962 designation)

A4D-2N see A-4C (pre 1962 designation) A-4B Strengthened aircraft and added air-to-air refuel-
ing capabilities, improved navigation and ight con-
A4D-3 Proposed advanced avionics version, none built trol systems, provision for AGM-12 Bullpup mis-
(pre-1962 designation). sile, 542 built.
A-4C Night/adverse weather version of A4D-2, with
A4D-4 Long-range version with new wings; cancelled.
AN/APG-53A radar, autopilot, LABS low-altitude
A4D-6 Proposed version, none built. (pre-1962 desig- bombing system. Wright J65-W-20 engine with
nation) 8,200 lbf (36 kN) of takeo thrust, 638 built.
A-4D Designation not used to avoid confusion with the
A-4A Initial production version, 166 built pre-1962 designation A4D.
3.2 Upgraded, modied and export variants 11

11,200 lbf (50 kN), 147 built. Some served with

Blue Angels acrobatic team from 1973 to 1986.

A-4G Eight aircraft built new for the Royal Australian

Navy with minor variations from the A-4F; in
particular, they were not tted with the avionics
hump. Subsequently, eight more A-4Fs were
modied to this standard for the RAN. Signicantly
the A-4G were modied to carry four underwing
Sidewinder AIM-9B missiles increasing their Fleet
Defense capability.[72][73] Sold in 1984 to the Royal
New Zealand Air Force and later rebuilt in Project
KAHU as A-4Ks.
A-4M of VMA-322
A-4H 90 aircraft for the Israeli Air Force based on the
A-4F. Used 30 mm (1.18 in) DEFA cannon with
150 rpg in place of U.S. 20 mm (.79 in) guns. Later,
some A-4Es later locally modied to this standard.
Subsequently modied with extended jetpipes as
protection against heat-seeking missiles.

A-4K 10 aircraft for Royal New Zealand Air Force.

In the 1990s, these were upgraded under Project
KAHU with new radar and avionics, provision for
AGM-65 Maverick, AIM-9 Sidewinder, and GBU-
16 Paveway II laser-guided bomb. The RNZAF also
rebuilt an A-4C and 10 A-4Gs to A-4K standard.

A-4M Skyhawk II Dedicated Marine version with im-

OA-4M of MAG-32 in 1990
proved avionics and more powerful J52-P-408a en-
gine with 11,200 lbf (50 kN) thrust, enlarged cock-
pit, IFF system. Later tted with Hughes AN/ASB-
19 Angle Rate Bombing System (ARBS) with TV
and laser spot tracker, 158 built.

A-4N 117 modied A-4Ms for the Israeli Air Force.

TA-4F Conversion trainer standard A-4F with extra

seat for an instructor, 241 built.

TA-4G two trainer versions of the A-4G built new, and

two more modied from TA-4Fs.

TA-4H 25 trainer versions of the A-4H. Upgraded with

Argentine Air Force A-4AR Fightinghawk more modern avionics, projected out of service
A-4E Major upgrade, including new Pratt & Whitney TA-4J Dedicated trainer version based on A-4F, but
J52-P-6A engine with 8,400 lbf (37 kN) of thrust, lacking weapons systems, and with down-rated en-
strengthened airframe with two more weapon py- gine, 277 built new, and most TA-4Fs were later
lons (for a total of ve), improved avionics, with converted to this conguration.
TACAN, Doppler navigation radar, radar altimeter,
toss-bombing computer, and AJB-3A low-altitude TA-4K Four trainer versions of the above. A fth was
bombing system. Many later upgraded with J52-P- later assembled in NZ from spare parts.
8 engine with 9,300 lbf (41 kN) thrust; 499 built.

A-4F Renement of A-4E with extra avionics housed 3.2 Upgraded, modied and export vari-
in a hump on the fuselage spine (this feature later ants
retrotted to A-4Es and some A-4Cs) and more
powerful J52-P-8A engine with 9,300 lbf (41 kN) of TA-4E two A-4Es modied as prototypes of a trainer
thrust, later upgraded in service to J52-P-408 with version.

EA-4F four TA-4Fs converted for ECM training. A-4SU Super Skyhawk extensively modied and up-
dated version of the A-4S-1, exclusively for the
A-4L 100 A-4Cs remanufactured for Marine Corps Re- Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), tted
serves and Navy Reserve squadrons. Fitted with A- with a General Electric F404 non-afterburning
4F avionics (including the fuselage hump) but re- turbofan engine, and modernized electronics.
taining J-65 engine and three-pylon wing.[74]
TA-4SU Super Skyhawk extensively modied and up-
OA-4M 23 TA-4Fs modied for Forward Air Control
dated version of the TA-4S & TA-4S-1 to TA-4SU
duties for the Marines in Vietnam.[75]
A-4P Remanufactured A-4Bs sold to Argentine Air
AF-1/1A Brazilian Navy designation applied to 23 A-
Force known as A-4B by the Argentines.
4KU and TA-4KU aircraft acquired from the
A-4Q Remanufactured A-4Bs sold to Argentine Navy. Kuwaiti Air Force.

A-4Y Provisional designation for A-4Ms modied with AF-1B/C Brazilian Navy upgraded version of AF-1/1A
the ARBS. Designation never adopted by the U.S. by Embraer and AEL Sistemas. Changes from ana-
Navy or U.S. Marine Corps. [76] log to digital avionics, new radar systems, improved
communications equipment and weapons.[80][81]
A-4AR Fightinghawk 36 A-4Ms refurbished for Ar-
OA-4AR Fightinghawk Refurbished two-seat training 4 Operators
version for Argentina.[77]
Main article: List of Douglas A-4 Skyhawk operators
A-4KU 30 modied A-4Ms for the Kuwaiti Air Force.
Brazil purchased 20 of these second-hand and re-
designated them AF-1. Now used by the Brazilian
Navy on carrier duty. Argentina

CA-4F A proposed variant for the Royal Canadian Navy

to replace the retired F-2H3 Banshee on HMCS Argentine Air Force[82] use the modernized ver-
Bonaventure. Canada expressed little interest and sion A-4AR as ghter and ghter trainer.
so it was never placed in production.[78]
TA-4KU three trainer versions of the above. Brazil pur- Brazil
chased some of these second-hand and redesignated
them AF-1A.
Brazilian Navy[82] carrier-based ghter.
A-4PTM 40 A-4Cs and A-4Ls refurbished for Royal
Malaysian Air Force, incorporating many A-4M
features (PTM stands for Peculiar to Malaysia).[79]
TA-4PTM Unique trainer version for Royal Malaysian
Air Force. Converted from A-4C/L airframes with Republic of Singapore Air Force retired from front-
28 fuselage plug and second cockpit, similar to TA- line service in 2005 - currently operates the A-4SU
4F/J (PTM stands for Peculiar to Malaysia).[79] as advanced trainer. 1 RSAF A-4SU was donated
to the Institute of Technical Education (ITE College
A-4S 50 A-4Bs remanufactured for Republic of Singa- Central) for vocational and training purposes.
pore Air Force.
TA-4S seven trainer versions of the above. Dierent United States
from most TA-4 trainers with a common cockpit for
the student and instructor pilot, these were essen-
tially rebuilt with a 28 in (710 mm) fuselage plug Draken International owns and operates eight for-
inserted into the front fuselage and a separate bulged mer New Zealand A-4K Skyhawks and three A-4L
cockpit (giving better all round visibility) for the in- Skyhawks as an adversary squadron.
structor seated behind the student pilot.
AeroGroup, a private American commercial com-
A-4S-1 50 A-4Cs remanufactured for Republic of Sin- pany, previously owned A-4 aircraft.[83]
gapore Air Force.
A-4L, LLC - Owns seven and currently operates
TA-4S-1 eight trainer versions of the above. These were three A-4L (A4D-2N) Skyhawks based at KGYI
designated as TA-4S-1 to set it apart from the earlier North Texas Regional Airport/Perrin Field in Deni-
batch of seven airframes. son Texas.[84]

4.1 Former operators


Argentine Navy


Royal Australian Navy sold to RNZAF

Argentine Navy A-4Q as a gate guardian at Mar del Plata

Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) retired in 2003

Israel Australia

Israeli Air Force retired from frontline duty in
2008, retired from training ights in December Indonesia
2015.[85] Israel

Kuwait Japan

Kuwait Air Force sold to Brazilian Navy Kuwait

New Zealand

Royal Malaysian Air Force Singapore

United States
New Zealand

Royal New Zealand Air Force retired without re-

6 Specications (A-4F Skyhawk)
placement in 2001

United States

United States Navy

United States Marine Corps

5 Aircraft on display
Main article: List of displayed Douglas A-4 Skyhawks
Given the number of air forces that operated the Sky- Orthographically projected diagram of the A-4 Skyhawk
hawk, a signicant number has been preserved, either
airworthy or on display. Data from[86]
Preserved A-4s can be found in the following countries: General characteristics

A-4 Skyhawk A/B/C color scheme

Crew: one (two in OA-4F, TA-4F, TA-4J)

Length: 40 ft 3 in (12.22 m)

Wingspan: 26 ft 6 in (8.38 m)

Height: 15 ft (4.57 m)

Wing area: 259 ft (24.15 m)

Airfoil: NACA 0008-1.1-25 root, NACA 0005- A-4 Skyhawk E/F/M color scheme
0.825-50 tip

Empty weight: 10,450 lb (4,750 kg) Wing loading: 70.7 lb/ft (344.4 kg/m)
Loaded weight: 18,300 lb (8,318 kg) Thrust/weight: 0.51
Max. takeo weight: 24,500 lb (11,136 kg)
g-limit: +8/3 g
Powerplant: 1 Pratt & Whitney J52-P8A
turbojet, 9,300 lbf (41 kN)

Guns: 2 20 mm (0.79 in) Colt Mk 12 cannon, 100

Maximum speed: 585 kn (673 mph, 1,083 km/h)
Range: 1,700 nmi (2,000 mi, 3,220 km)
Hardpoints: 4 under-wing & 1 under-fuselage
Combat radius: 625 nmi, 1,158 km, 719 mi () pylon stations holding up to 9,900 lb (4,490 kg) of
Service ceiling: 42,250 ft (12,880 m)
Rate of climb: 8,440 ft/min (43 m/s)

4 LAU-10 rocket pods (each with 4 127 McDonnell Douglas A-4G Skyhawk
mm Mk 32 Zuni rockets)
ST Aerospace A-4SU Super Skyhawk
Aircraft of comparable role, conguration and era
Air-to-air missiles:
Dassault tendard IV
4 AIM-9 Sidewinder
Air-to-surface missiles: LTV A-7 Corsair II

2 AGM-12 Bullpup AV-8A Harrier

2 AGM-45 Shrike anti-radiation missile
2 AGM-62 Walleye TV-guided glide Related lists
2 AGM-65 Maverick List of attack aircraft

Bombs: List of military aircraft of the United States

6 Rockeye-II Mark 20 Cluster Bomb Unit 9 References

6 Rockeye Mark 7/APAM-59 CBU 9.1 Notes
Mark 80 series of unguided bombs (including
3 kg and 14 kg practice bombs) [1] Kildu 1983, pp. 1415.

B43 nuclear bomb [2] Wilson 1993, p. 135.

B57 nuclear bomb [3] O'Rourke, G.G. Of Hosenoses, Stoofs, and Lefthanded
B61 nuclear bomb Spads. United States Naval Institute Proceedings, July
[4] Technical Data. Retrieved: 21 Novem-
up to 3 370 US gallons (1,400 L) Sargent ber 2015.
Fletcher drop tanks (pylon stations 2, 3, 4
[5] Skyhawk. Air Victory Museum. Retrieved: 1 October
are wet plumbed) for ferry ight/extended 2012.
range/loitering time
[6] Douglas A-4F Skyhawk II. Museum of Flight. Re-
trieved: 1 October 2012.
[7] Collections - Aircraft - Skyhawk (A4D/A-4/TA-4). Na-
tional Museum of Naval Aviation. Retrieved: 31 October
Bendix AN/APN-141 Low altitude radar altimeter 2007.
(retted to C and E, standard in the F)[87] [8] Gann Wings of Fame No. 4, p. 99.
Stewart-Warner AN/APQ-145 Mapping & Rang- [9] Elward 2000, p. 25.
ing radar (mounted on A-4F, also found on A-
4E/N/S/SU)[88] [10] Gann Wings of Fame No. 4, p. 103.

[11] Gann Wings of Fame No. 4, p. 100.

[12] AV-8B Harrier. Military Analysis Network (Federation

7 Notable appearances in media of American Scientists). Retrieved: 11 June 2011.

Main article: Aircraft in ction A-4 Skyhawk [13] Grossnick and Armstrong 1997

[14] McCarthy 2009, p. 62.

[15] VA 42, p. 15. Retrieved: 13 Septem-

ber 2009.
8 See also
[16] VA-93 Blue Blazers: Events 15 October 1963. sky-
Related development Retrieved: 1 October 2012.

[17] USS Bennington (CV-20). Navysite. Retrieved: 1 Oc-

Lockheed Martin A-4AR Fightinghawk tober 2012.

[18] Dorr and Bishop 1996, pp. 34, 36. [40] Israels Military Equipment Disposals. Armedforces-, 16 July 2013. Retrieved: 27 November 2015.
[19] USN / USMC A-4 Skyhawk Aviators Killed In Action,
Missing In Action, Operational Losses, Prisoners Of War, [41] Zorani, Salchar. Goodbye A-4 Skyhawk. Israeli Air
Wounded In Action, Combat Recoveries and Operations Force, 13 December 2015, Retrieved 19 December 2015.
Recoveries - 1954 to 1991., 5 July 2010.
Retrieved: 23 November 2010. [42] Argentina Industry. Retrieved: 30
March 2010.
[20] Naval Review 1968, p. 13.
[43] Overview of U.S. Policy towards South America and
[21] Hobson 2001, pp. 269270. the Presidents Upcoming Trip to the Region. comm- Retrieved: 14 March 2010.
[22] Skyhawk Mongoose and Super Fox. http://a4skyhawk.
org. Retrieved: 27 November 2015. [44] Freed, Kenneth. Argentina pilots emerge as heroes in
Falklands strife. Los Angeles Times, 27 May 1982. Re-
[23] Squadrons: Units: The Flying Tiger. Israeli Air Force. trieved: 14 March 2010.
Retrieved: 19 January 2012.
[45] Chant 2001, p.76.
[24] Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Retrieved:
30 September 2012. [46] Smith, Gordon. Argentine Aircraft and Successes
against British Ships. Retrieved: 12
[25] Syrian Air-to-Air Victories since 1948. Re- August 2008.
trieved: 21 November 2015.
[47] Elward 2000, p. 158.
[26] Peeters, Sander. Egyptian Air-to-Air Victories since
1948. Retrieved: 21 November 2015. [48] Caza Bombarderos de la Aviacin Naval: Douglas A4-
Q Skyhawk. (Spanish) Historia y Arqueologia Martima.
[27] Iraqi Air-to-Air Victories since 1967. Re- Retrieved: 12 April 2010.
trieved: 21 November 2015.
[49] Elward 2000, p. 164.
[28] Downings. Israeli Air Force. Retrieved: 28 December
2013. [50] Gann Wings of Fame No. 5, p. 142.

[29] Skyhawk. Israeli Air Force. Retrieved: 27 November [51] Kuwait units. Retrieved: 30 September
2015. 2012.

[30] Gordon, Yem. MiG-21 (Russian Fighters). Earl [52] Mubarak. Retrieved: 21
Shilton, Leicester, UK: Midland Publishing Ltd., 2008. November 2015.

[31] Two MiG-23MS, which were on low orbit over northern [53] Gulf War POWs. Ejection history. Retrieved: 30
Lebanon, were vectored to intercept, and they were suc- September 2012.
cessful in shooting two A-4 Skyhawks down.
[54] Baugher, Joe. Douglas A-4KU/TA-4KU Skyhawk for
Retrieved: 21 November 2015.
Kuwait. A-4 Skyhawk, 6 November 2001. Retrieved: 12
[32] [url= Downings."] August 2008.
Israeli Air Force. Retrieved: 25 November 2015.
[55] Stuart, I Skyhawk for sale, as is, where is.
[33] Israel vs. the PLO: The Invasion of Lebanon 1982, Part Stu(Dominion/Press) 19 April 2011.
2. Retrieved: 31 August 2010.
[56] A-4 Skyhawks. Back to the Future 2007-1970. TV3
[34] Lebanon Losses. Retrieved: 31 August (NZ), 12/2007.
2010. [57] Simms, D. The Skyhawks nal resting places. Pacic
[35] Tetro, Nicholas B. Press reports of the capture of Wings, October 2013, pp. 1827.
Zachary Baumel, Yehuda Katz, and Zvi Feldman. sky- [58] D. Simms. Pacic Wings, October 2013, p. 22 Retrieved: 31 August 2010.
[59] Draken International Commercial Air Services. Defense
[36] Israels Skyhawk Scandal Leads to End of an Era. De- Media Network. Retrieved: 21 November 2015.
fense Industry Daily. Retrieved: 30 March 2010.
[60] New life for RNZAF jet. The Dominion Post. Retrieved:
[37] Egozi, Arie. Israel selects Alenia Aermacchi M-346 for 19 March 2014.
trainer deal. Retrieved: 17 February
2012. [61] ""Isrrael. Retrieved: 21 November
[38] Katz, Yaakov. Italy wins IAF with combat trainer jet
bid. Jerualem Post. Retrieved: 16 February 2012. [62]

[39] Israeli Air Force using combat trainers to drop leaets [63] Top Secret: Operasi Alpha"; Sangat Rahasia Era Rezim
over Gaza. Retrieved: 3 February Orde Baru, Terkuak!"
2013. Retrieved: 21 November 2015.
9.2 Bibliography 17

[64] Protecting Brazils Riches. Dilogo, 3 January 2012. 9.2 Bibliography

Retrieved: 27 January 2012.
Aloni, Shlomo. Israeli A-4 Skyhawk Units in Com-
[65] Conhecendo o A-4KU Skyhawk II (in Portuguese).
bat (Osprey Combat Aircraft #81). Oxford, UK:
Poder Areo, 6 June 2012. Retrieved: 27 January 2012.
Osprey Publishing Limited, 2009. ISBN 978-1-
[66] NAeL Minas Gerais - Brazilian Navy. Save the 84603-430-5.
Vengeance, 2002. Retrieved: 9 November 2012.
ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 153270. aviation-
[67] Modernizao dos A-4 da Marinha do Brasil (in Por- Retrieved: 5 May 2013.
tuguese). Retrieved: 27 January 2012
[68] Embraer to Modernize Brazilian Navy AF-1 and AF-1A
Chant, Chris. Air War in the Falklands 1982 (Osprey
Jets. Reuters, 14 April 2009. Retrieved: 27 January Combat Aircraft #28). Oxford, UK: Osprey Publish-
2012. ing, 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-293-7.

[69] Brazilian Navy receives modernized A-4 Skyhawk. UPI, Dorr, Robert F. and Chris Bishop. Vietnam Air
27 May 2015. Retrieved: 27 May 2015. War Debrief. London: Aerospace Publishing, 1996.
ISBN 1-874023-78-6.
[71] Drendel, Lou. A-4 Skyhawk in Action. Carrollton,
en-CA Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1973. ISBN
[72] McDonnell Douglas A4G Skyhawk. Royal Australian
Navy. Retrieved: 27 November 2015. Elward, Brad. McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk.
Ramsbury, Wiltshire, UK: Crowood Press, 2000.
[73] Elward 2000, p. 163.
ISBN 1-86126-340-6.
[74] Elward 2000, pp. 7172.
Gann, Harry S. Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Variant
[75] OA-4M. A-4 Skyhawk Association. Re- Brieng: Part 1. Wings of Fame, Volume 4. Lon-
trieved: 21 November 2015. don: Aerospace Publishing, 1996, pp. 98117.
[76] Gann Wings of Fame No. 4 1996, p. 114. ISBN 1-874023-71-9.
[77] ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 153270. aviation- Gann, Harry S. Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Variant Retrieved: 5 May 2013. Brieng: Part 2: Export Versions. Wings of Fame,
[78] Canada Skyhawk Proposal. Retrieved: Volume 5. London: Aerospace Publishing, 1996,
21 November 2015. pp. 130145. ISBN 1-874023-90-5.
[79] Royal Malaysian Air Force. Retrieved: Grossnick, Roy A. and William J. Armstrong.
1 October 2012. United States Naval Aviation, 19101995. Annapo-
[80] Embraer hands rst modernized AF-1B carrier jet to
lis, Maryland: Naval Historical Center, 1997. ISBN
Brazilian Navy. Flightglobal. 2015. Retrieved 19 July 0-16-049124-X.
2016. Hobson, Chris. Vietnam Air Losses,
[81] Marinha do Brasil: Primeiro voo do prottipo do Pro- USAF/USN/USMC, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Losses
grama de Modernizao das Aeronaves AF-1. 2016. Re- in Southeast Asia, 19611973. North Branch,
trieved 19 July 2016. Minnesota: Specialty Press, 2001. ISBN 1-85780-
[82] Directory: World Air Forces, Flight International, 11 115-6.
17 November 2008. Kildu, Peter. Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. London: Os-
[83] AeroGroup Concludes F-16 Pilot Training Contract with prey Publishing, 1983. ISBN 0-85045-529-4.
the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) for the
Belgian Air Force, Belgian Air Component., 31
McCarthy, Donald J. Jr. MiG Killers: A Chronology
January 2014. Retrieved: 27 November 2015. of US Air Victories in Vietnam 19651973. North
Branch, Minnesota: Specialty Pr Pub & Whole-
[84] Ben Sly A-4L, LLC salers, 2009. ISBN 978-1-58007-136-9.
Mersky, Peter. US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Sky-
00.html IAF retires Skyhawk after 48 years in service.
hawk Units of the Vietnam War (Osprey Combat Air-
[86] A-4 Specications. Retrieved: 30 craft #69). Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited,
September 2012. 2007. ISBN 978-1-84603-181-6.
[87] AN/APN - Equipment Listing. Parsons, Dave and Derek Nelson. Bandits!: Picto-
Retrieved: 30 September 2012. rial History of American Adversarial Aircraft. St.
[88] AN/APQ - Equipment Listing. Paul, Minnesota: Motorbooks International, 1993.
Retrieved: 30 September 2012. ISBN 0-87938-623-1.

Peacock, Lindsey. A-4 Skyhawk (Osprey Com-

bat Aircraft series). London: Osprey Publications,
1987. ISBN 0-85045-817-X.

Wilson, Stewart. Phantom, Hornet and Skyhawk in

Australian Service. Weston Creek, ACT, Australia:
Aerospace Publications, 1993. ISBN 1-875671-03-

10 Further reading
Padin, Nez and Jorge Felix. McDonnell Douglas
A-4C Skyhawk, Volume 21 (Serie Fuerza Area).
Baha Blanca, Argentina Fuerzas Aeronavales, 2011
ISBN 978-987-1682-11-9.
Padin, Nez and Jorge Felix.McDonnell Douglas
A-4Q & A-4E Skyhawk, Volume 31 (Serie Aeron-
aval) Baha Blanca, Argentina Fuerzas Aeronavales,
2013. ISBN 978-987-1682-23-2.

11 External links
Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm Museum Sky-
hawk information
A-4 Skyhawk page on

RNZAF Museum Skyhawk page

Serial number history of Australian A-4 Skyhawks,
prex N13

A-4 at Combat Air Museum

A-4 Skyhawk from reference book American Com-
bat Planes of the 20th Century by R. Wagner A-4 Skyhawks on display

restoration to ight of a TA-4J

(1962) NAVWEPS 01-40AVA-1 Flight Handbook
Navy Model A4D-1 and A4D-2 Aircraft
A-4D Skyhawk a 1958 Flight article

12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

12.1 Text
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Source: Contributors: AxelBoldt, Shsil-
ver, Gsl, JohnOwens, Rlandmann, Andrewa, Whkoh, Evercat, Ehn, David Newton, Echoray, Nv8200pa, Stevesliva~enwiki, Averell23,
Phil Boswell, Sunray, PBP, Matt Gies, DocWatson42, Paul Richter, Ike~enwiki, Greyengine5, Mboverload, Bobblewik, Alexf, Onco
p53, Anythingyouwant, DragonySixtyseven, Huaiwei, Neutrality, Karl Dickman, Mtnerd, Ericg, Hschin, N328KF, EugeneZelenko,
Noisy, Bri, Clawed, Bender235, Sharkford, El C, Sietse Snel, Sf, Cmdrjameson, Acntx, Stahlkocher1, King nothing, Melvinchen, Krel-
lis, Pearle, Jonathunder, Hooperbloob, Ommnomnomgulp, ArgentLA, Ashley Pomeroy, Fat pig73, Milesli, Denniss, Wtmitchell, Do-
minic, Gene Nygaard, Sylvain Mielot, Woohookitty, TomTheHand, Davidkazuhiro, Mj247, GraemeLeggett, BD2412, Isaac Rabinovitch,
Wiarthurhu, Ian Dunster, LJ Holden, Wikiliki, Mark Sublette, Mark83, Ahunt, Victor12, Bgwhite, Chwyatt, Banaticus, YurikBot, Armistej,
Friedsh, Lavenderbunny, Nick Thorne, TDogg310, Saberwyn, Crisco 1492, Deeday-UK, American2, Jor70, Winstonwolfe, Curpsbot-
unicodify, Meegs, Nick-D, KnightRider~enwiki, SmackBot, Looper5920, Commander Keane bot, Ian Rose, Kudzu1, Wlmg, Hmains,
Chris the speller, Jprg1966, Emt147, Windturbine, Colonies Chris, Aerobird, OrphanBot, AzaBot, Hatcat, Wybot, Starghost, Ohconfu-
cius, Glacier109, LWF, MilborneOne, Bondoa6, Accurizer, Humbaband, Man pl, -js-, TheFarix, OnBeyondZebrax, JoeBot, CmdrObot,
ThreeBlindMice, Noha307, MarsRover, Necessary Evil, Cydebot, Fnlayson, Jackyd101, Rieman 82, Evogol, Carguychris, Nabokov, This-
tleDew172, Cancun771, Biruitorul, Seng Yew, Abangmanuk, Piotr Mikoajski, Nick Number, DPdH, Mikepurdy, Akradecki, DagosNavy,
Bzuk, Magioladitis, Askari Mark, , Puddhe, Buckshot06, Pkoz, BilCat, Elizabethreed, Ekki01, STBot, Jw4nvc, Silverfang777, Keith
D, CommonsDelinker, Rrostrom, Blotto adrift, LordAnubisBOT, McSly, Jo7hs2, Tatrgel, Potatoswatter, TottyBot, DorganBot, Pdcook,
Whitelion007, Viper101, Nigel Ish, VolkovBot, Je G., Eagle Nine, Slyfox65, HJ32, Al.locke, GimmeBot, GroveGuy, Rei-bot, Jogersbot,
Petebutt, JhsBot, Raymondwinn, Wikiphyte, RobbWiki, Dalvero, Dvhughes, LanceBarber, Djmckee1, WereSpielChequers, Kingbird1,
BotMultichill, Agripa, Cobatfor, Toddst1, Brozozo, Dieu2005, Lightmouse, Rbphoto, Benguttery, BennyTec, RayAdomaitis, Kumioko,
Navav8tor, 61mei31, Metsfan86, Maralia, Dolphin51, Segregator236, YSSYguy, MBK004, Doowoplover, Zerotta, Bonchygeez, Vnkd,
RuthAS, Nimbus227, GordonTG, Ktr101, Taifarious1, MickMacNee, Arjayay, Mooner72, ForkScratcher, Thewellman, DoctorEric, Mk-
lobas, CricketChirp, Devildave, Dave1185, Heavens Army, Nstrang, Addbot, Redjacket3827, Stephen Fulcher, Magus732, Kman543210,
Reedmalloy, Pelzig, AndersBot, Acpls, Ginosbot, Jaydec, Fireaxe888, Lightbot, Zorrobot, The Bushranger, Drpickem, Luckas-bot, Yobot,
VengeancePrime, Pugglewuggle, Luizdl, Palamabron, Againme, AnomieBOT, Rubinbot, 1exec1, JackieBot, Rudolph89, Driftkingz109,
.45Colt, HatCat, Mukwaman, J04n, Anotherclown, Speednat, Ad Meskens, N7912, Hamarainen, WebCiteBOT, RightCowLeftCoast, Fres-
coBot, Qurozon, Tobby72, Kyteto, Gian piero milanetti, Strangways, MarB4, Poliocretes, Jonesey95, Skyraider1, Lovetravel86, Koakhtzvi-
gad, Realbigtaco, 777sms, NSASniper, Tiyokkpras, Sschm2601, Mztourist, EmausBot, John of Reading, WikitanvirBot, Ratmangxa,
Dmeyerhoer, Sp33dyphil, Zoids Fanatic, Illegitimate Barrister, Airportkid, SporkBot, Btbeck, Mentibot, Amthomas0412, ClueBot NG,
BLACKMONGOOSE13, Biosketch, CaroleHenson, Ghost rider14, Schuettlerc, Tomseattle, Helpful Pixie Bot, SojerPL, Calabe1992,
BG19bot, Rdlez, PhnomPencil, SkyhawkONE, Baneofzombies, Brakeet, Dan woodman00, M.Satria Wirayudha, Surrender Abyss, Lu-
miller, Trevayne08, Soundman29, Dafranca, America789, Ggudinkas, Maple leaf eh, ChrisGualtieri, Khazar2, Dexbot, Utzli, Khanklatt,
Davidandjoy, Wotchit, Redshang053, ArmbrustBot, Hardtondausername, Marigold100, Jetguyav8tr, OneEight, SirMinkMay, Media-
source411, Junchuann, HWClifton, Rolfepope, Bkezard, Craigthebirder, Ferkava, KasparBot, Bumbliciousness, Nenensusu, Wikkileaker,
AnnaGoFast, Bender the Bot, BSly and Anonymous: 368

12.2 Images
File:3-A302_Restaurado_por_el_Museo_de_la_Aviacion_Naval_Argentina.JPG Source:
commons/5/53/3-A302_Restaurado_por_el_Museo_de_la_Aviacion_Naval_Argentina.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Chuckborri
File:A-4AR_Fightinghawk_of_the_Argentinian_Air_Force_(11091968456).jpg Source:
commons/8/8c/A-4AR_Fightinghawk_of_the_Argentinian_Air_Force_%2811091968456%29.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors:
A-4AR Fightinghawk of the Argentinian Air Force Original artist: Rob Schleiert
1107965).jpg Source:
%28CVS-33%29_in_the_South_China_Sea_on_12_August_1964_%28USN_1107965%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Ocial US Navy photograph USN 1107965 from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command. Original artist: USN
File:A-4E_VA-164_1967.JPEG Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under
the National Archives Identier (NAID) 6430101. Original artist: LT JG Nelson, USN
File:A-4E_VA-44_nuclear_cockpit_shield_NAN8-73.jpg Source:
VA-44_nuclear_cockpit_shield_NAN8-73.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News August 1973 [1]
Original artist: USN
File:A-4E_attacking_train_in_North_Vietnam_c1965.jpeg Source:
attacking_train_in_North_Vietnam_c1965.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation
photo No. 1996.488.031.036 Original artist: U.S. Navy
File:A-4F_VA-55_CVA-19_1972.JPEG Source:
1972.JPEG License: Public domain Contributors: US Defence Visual Information System photo DN-SC-88-06699 [1] Original artist: PH3
File:A-4Fs_VFC-13_1993.JPEG Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DN-ST-94-00691 Original artist: PH2 Bruce R. Trombecky, USN
File:A-4KUBrazil_CVN-76_2004.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Ocial U.S. Navy photo 040608-N-1281L-045.jpg [1] Original artist: Photographers Mate
1st Class John S. Lill

File:A-4KUs_13Feb1991.jpg Source: License: Public

domain Contributors: Defense Visual Information Center photo DF-ST-92-07939 Original artist: Tech. Sgt. David McLeod
File:A-4K_75_Sqn_RNZAF_at_Clark_AB_1982.JPEG Source:
Sqn_RNZAF_at_Clark_AB_1982.JPEG License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DF-ST-84-01000 Orig-
inal artist: TSgt. Craft, USAF
File:A-4L_VA-203_1970.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: NAS Jacksonville homepage [1] Original artist: USN
File:A-4M_VMA-322.JPEG Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the
National Archives Identier (NAID) 6433805. Original artist: Whited, USMC
File:A-4SU_Korat_2002.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: US Defense Visual Information Center photo DF-SD-04-00140 Original artist: TSGT James E. Lotz, USAF
File:A-4_CVA-63_Mar1966.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy photo [1]/[2] available at Original artist: USN
File:A4ABCweb.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Newresid
File:A4D-1_137814_NAN-10-55.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News October 1955 [1]; Ocial U.S. Navy photo 80-G-658808
from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command. Original artist: USN
File:A4D-2_Skyhawk_of_VA-81_on_catapult_of_USS_Forrestal_(CVA-59)_in_1962.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/3/3b/A4D-2_Skyhawk_of_VA-81_on_catapult_of_USS_Forrestal_%28CVA-59%29_in_1962.jpg License: Public
domain Contributors: [1] Original artist: Robert M. Cieri
File:A4EFMweb.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Newresid
File:A4_RF8A_1960.jpeg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DN-SC-87-08331 Original artist: USN
File:A4_lands_on_melbourne.jpg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Nick Thorne
File:AF1_da_Marinha_do_Brasil_2.jpg Source:
Brasil_2.jpg License: Attribution Contributors: photo taken by Brazillian Navy. [1] Original artist: Brazillian Navy
File:Argentina_Air_Force_McDonnell_Douglas_A-4AR_Fightinghawk_Lofting-2.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Argentina_Air_Force_Lockheed_Martin_A-4AR_Fightinghawk_Lofting-2.jpg License: GFDL 1.2 Contribu-
tors: Original artist: Chris Lofting
File:Argentine_A-4C_parked_during_Falklands_War_1982.jpeg Source:
Argentine_A-4C_parked_during_Falklands_War_1982.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy National Museum of Naval
Aviation photo No. 1996.253.6049 Original artist: U.S. Navy
File:Aviacionavion.png Source: License: Public domain Con-
Turkmenistan.airlines.frontview.arp.jpg Original artist: Turkmenistan.airlines.frontview.arp.jpg: elfuser
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
File:DA_Defence_German_A4.jpg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Bkezard
File:Douglas_A-4F_154983_'1'_BA_Pensac_04.08.75_edited-2.jpg Source:
Douglas_A-4F_154983_%271%27_BA_Pensac_04.08.75_edited-2.jpg License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:Douglas_A4_Skyhawk_3.jpg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ad Meskens
File:Flag_of_Argentina.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Here, based on: Original artist: Government
of Argentina
File:Flag_of_Australia.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Brazil.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Indonesia.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Law: s:id:Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2009 (
lamanbahasa/sites/default/files/UU_2009_24.pdf) Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp, rewritten by User:Gabbe
File:Flag_of_Israel.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Original artist: The Pro-
visional Council of State Proclamation of the Flag of the State of Israel of 25 Tishrei 5709 (28 October 1948) provides the ocial
specication for the design of the Israeli ag.
File:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work Original artist: SKopp
12.3 Content license 21

File:Flag_of_Malaysia.svg Source: License: Public

domain Contributors: Create based on the Malaysian Government Website (archive version)
Original artist: SKopp, Zscout370 and Ranking Update

File:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg Source: License:

Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Zscout370, Hugh Jass
and many others
File:Flag_of_Singapore.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: The drawing was based from Colors from the book: (2001). The
National Symbols Kit. Singapore: Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts. pp. 5. ISBN 8880968010 Pantone 032 shade from Original artist: Various
File:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Source: License:
PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Israeli_A4_Hazterim_260608_2.JPG Source:
260608_2.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Oren Rozen
McDONNELL_DOUGLAS_A-4_SKYHAWK.png License: Public domain Contributors: Ocial U.S. Navy publication Dictio-
nary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons Volume 1 The History of VA, VAH, VAK, VAL, VAP and VFA Squadrons. Appendix 1 Aircraft
Data--Technical Information and Drawings, A-3 to AM. [1] and U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News August 1971 [2] Original artist: U.S.
File:Mrquez-A4Q.jpg Source: License: CC BY
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: DagosNavy
File:OA-4M_MAG-32_1990.JPEG Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: This media is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged
under the National Archives Identier (NAID) 6482429. Original artist: Beard, USMC
File:Seal_of_the_United_States_Department_of_the_Navy.svg Source:
Seal_of_the_United_States_Department_of_the_Navy.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Keeleysam Original artist: United States
Army Institute Of Heraldry
File:Skyhawk_A4K_DF-ST-85-04198.jpg Source:
DF-ST-85-04198.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DF-ST-85-04198 Original artist:
MSgt. David N. Craft, USAF
File:Skyhawk_israel_older_efi_E.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from he.wikipedia to Commons.; (Original text: Self) Original artist: .
The original uploader was Elians at Hebrew Wikipedia (10 April 2010 (original upload date))
File:TA-4F_VA-164_CVA-19.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: US Navy sailor or employee [1] Original artist: Peter Sakaris
File:TA-4J_AVT-16_1989.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: U.S. DefenseImagery photo VIRIN: DN-ST-89-08973 Original artist: Jim Bryant
File:USMC_logo.svg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: DoD website: Original artist: U.S. Gov-
File:XA4D-1_137812_NAN9-54.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News September 1954 [1] Original artist: USN

12.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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