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Effects of Extrusion Parameters on Coarse Grain Surface

Layer in 6xxx Series Extrusions

Prepared by -- Elizabeth D. Sweet, Sally K. Caraher, Natalia V. Danilova,

Xinquan Zhang, Comalco Aluminium Limited

ABSTRACT --- A layer of coarse grains on, or just under, the surface of an extrusion
can cause problems such as bending failure, orange peel finish, streaking and
variations in surface brightness. A series of extrusion trials were conducted to
determine the effects of various extrusion parameters on coarse-grain surface layer
formation in medium-to-high strength 6xxx series alloys. The study explores the
alternative approaches to the control of the coarse-grain surface layer through either
retarding recrystallization or promoting a fully recrystallized, fine grain structure.
INTRODUCTION process variables can be grouped into three
categories, namely billet conditions, die design and
Recrystallization in low-strength 6xxx series extrusion parameters. While the effects of alloy
alloys, 6060 and 6063, is relatively easy and composition[2-4], homogenization[1,5-6], die design[7-10]
extrusions of these alloys commonly exhibit fully and extrusion ratio[8] on recrystallization are more
recrystallized structures. In contrast, a partially clearly understood, the usefulness of altering
recrystallized structure is often present in the higher extrusion parameters is debated in the literature.
strength 6xxx alloys that contain small dispersoid Kikuchi et al.[9] indicate that changing either billet
particles as recrystallization inhibitors, such as temperature or die temperature in an Al-Zn-Mg-(Cu)
6005, 6061, 6082, and 6351. The common alloy has a limited effect on the formation of a
applications for these alloys accentuate these coarse grain surface layer. Karhausen et al.[10] also
differences, with the soft alloys often being used for states that there is no systematic variation of grain
thin, complex architectural sections, while the size with ram speed and billet temperature.
higher strength alloys are often used for thicker, However, Furu et al.[11] shows that recrystallized
simpler structural sections. However, both these grains in the surface layer of a 6082 extrusion
alloy types can exhibit a coarse grain surface layer decrease as extrusion speed increases, and Hauge
if the exit temperature is just above the temperature and Karhausen[12] state that the extrusion
at which recrystallization can occur. parameters of billet temperature, container
temperature and extrusion speed influence grain
Coarse grain recrystallization of aluminum size by affecting exit temperatures. They state that
extrusions is almost always at the surface or near in 6xxx alloys, a higher container temperature or an
the surface of the extrusion. Sometimes only part increased speed will alter the material flow
of the surface exhibits coarse grain recrystallization. characteristics to increase temperature, and that
The tendency for coarse grain recrystallization in these changes or a higher billet temperature will
the surface layer is greatest at irregularities, such lead to a larger grain size. More recently Yang [8]
as corners, junctions and increases in thickness, has shown that for alloy 6061, a higher extrusion
where the changing temperature-flow stress temperature causes a deeper surface layer with the
conditions may cause the critical stored energy for exit temperature effect dominating the effect of
subsequent recrystallization to just be reached (for increased recovery (reduced equivalent cold work).
the given temperature)[1]. This layer of coarse In addition, his work showed that increased
grains on, or just under, the surface of an extrusion extrusion speed increased the surface layer depth.
can cause problems such as bending failure,
orange peel finish, streaking and variations in To clarify the effects of extrusion parameters on
surface brightness. coarse grain surface layer, it was decided to
examine the effects of extrusion conditions for
In the quest to eliminate the coarse grain alloys 6061 and 6082. The work aimed to produce
surface layer, it is possible to either promote a non- both recrystallized and non-recrystallized
recrystallized structure or a fine recrystallized structures, and then to minimize the coarse grain
structure by modifying process variables. These surface layer on the extrusions.

INVESTIGATION Table 2: Extrusion Trial Parameters

Trial Conditions Exit Speed (m/min)

Billet Temp
6 10 15 25 33
The alloy compositions for the 6061 and 6082
A1, A3 A1, A2, A1 A1
billet (127mm) used in the study are included as 360-400
B1 B1, B2, B3 B2
Table 1. The standard billet homogenization was A1 A1 B2, B3 A1, B2 A1
570C for two hours followed by a forced air
470-500 A3 A1, B2 A1, B2
quench, although some billet was homogenised at
510C. 510-520 B1 B2 B2 B2

Table 1: Alloy Compositions (wt%) Alloy Homogenn Temp. E.R. Quench

A1 - 6082 570C 32 Water
A2 - 6082 570C 32 Air
Si Fe Cu Mg Mn Cr Ti A3 - 6082 570C 16 Water
6061 0.62 0.18 0.25 0.87 0.14 0.10 0.02 B1 - 6061 510C 32 Water
6082 1.05 0.18 - 0.60 0.50 0.03 0.02 B2 - 6061 570C 32 Water
B3 - 6061 570C 32 Air
The conditions modified during the trial were
billet temperature, extrusion speed, extrusion ratio Microstructural Evaluation
and quench rate. The billet temperature was varied
from 360-520C, with gas heating to 270C, and After extrusion and stretch straightening by 0.5
then induction heating to the set temperature. The percent, samples were taken for metallography.
extrudate speed was varied from 6-33 m/min. A Samples were mounted, ground and polished to a 1
39 x 11 mm solid profile, with an extrusion ratio m finish. Final polishing was performed using
(E.R.) of 32:1 was chosen as a die that might allow magnesium oxide powder. The samples were
both recrystallized and non-recrystallized anodized with Barkers reagent (2.7% HBF4) for 90
microstructures to be produced. To investigate the seconds and viewed under polarized light in the
effect of a lower extrusion ratio, selected extrusion optical microscope to evaluate grain structure,
trials were performed using a 60.5 x 14mm solid including grain size and surface layer depth.
profile with an extrusion ratio of 16:1.
Grain size varied significantly within each
Extrusion was performed using an 800-ton sample, and for recrystallized microstructures it was
direct extrusion press. To ensure that a certain difficult to define the boundary between the surface
range of exit temperatures was achieved, a die layer and the central microstructure. Therefore,
temperature of 420C and container temperature of viewing the photographs themselves allowed a
400C were used for lower billet temperatures and clearer comparison between samples. For non-
a die temperature of 480C and container recrystallized or partially recrystallized samples the
temperature of 465C were used for higher billet surface layer was easily identified allowing the
temperatures. surface layer depth measurement to be reasonably
accurate. The process conditions used for each
Extrusion exit temperatures were recorded with result presented in Figures 3 to 10 are shown under
a pyrometer located between the die and the each micrograph. Unless otherwise indicated,
quench tank. When quench water interfered with samples were water-quenched.
the pyrometer readings of exit temperature, the exit
temperatures predicted by a model were used in Heat Treatment and Mechanical Testing
preference. Extrusion ratio, billet temperature and
extrusion speed were included in the model, Selected samples were heat treated for seven
whereas homogenization treatment and frictional hours at 185C for T5 mechanical testing. Tensile
effects were not included. testing was performed according to AS1391-1991,
in a NATA accredited laboratory with a load cell of
A full list of extrusion parameters studied during 100 kN and a strain rate of 2 % / min.
the trial are included in Table 2, although only those
samples required to clearly illustrate the observed
results are presented in this paper.


Typical Microstructures Observed

Four broad types of microstructures were

obtained. These were essentially non-
recrystallizedtype 1 (ENR-1), essentially non-
500 m
recrystallizedtype 2 (ENR-2), partially
recrystallized (PR) and essentially recrystallized (a) PR
(ER). Typical images of these microstructures are
shown in Figures 1 and 2. All structures produced
had at least a narrow band of recrystallized grains
on the surface of the extrusion, although this band
would not always be categorised as coarse grained.
The ENR-1 microstructures, Figure 1(a) had a thin
surface layer of fine recrystallized grains and a
fibrous grain structure in the bulk of the extrusion 500 m
cross-section. The ENR-2 microstructures,
Figure 1(b) had an obvious surface layer of coarse (b) ER
recrystallized grains and a fibrous grain structure in Figure 2. Optical micrographs showing typical
the bulk of the extrusion cross-section. The PR microstructures (a) PR - partially recrystallized with
microstructure, Figure 2(a) contained a coarse grain coarse grain surface layer (b) ER - essentially
surface layer, a region with mostly recrystallized recrystallized with fine grain surface layer
grains just below the surface layer (sub-surface
layer), and a fibrous grain structure in the center of Retarding or Promoting Recrystallization
the extrusion cross-section. The ER microstructure
Figure 2(b) had a surface layer and recrystallized For the processing conditions presented here, it
grains throughout the cross-section. was found that using alternative approaches for
each of the alloys to control peripheral coarse grain
bands was appropriate. For alloy 6061, the more
successful approach was to promote a fully
recrystallized, fine grain structure, as it was possible
to manipulate the extrusion conditions to achieve
either ENR or ER microstructures. For alloy 6082,
the more successful approach was to retard
recrystallization, as it was possible to achieve ENR,
500 m but not to obtain ER microstructures.

(a) ENR-1, fine grain surface layer The effect of each of the process conditions
studied is presented in more detail in the following

Exit Temperature

Exit temperature was mainly dependent on the

combination of billet temperature and extrusion
speed, each of which will be discussed individually
500 m in subsequent sections. An increased exit
temperature was found to promote recrystallization,
(b) ENR-2, coarse grain surface layer regardless of the extrusion speed (Table 3).
Figure 1. Optical micrographs showing typical
essentially non-recrystallized microstructures (a) For alloy 6061 a high exit temperature could
ENR-1 (with thin fine grain surface layer), (b) ENR-2 drive the structure from the PR region into the ER
(with coarse grain surface layer) region (Figure 3a, b). Moreover, it was found that a
high exit temperature resulted in more rounded

grains in the sub-surface layer and more complete For an ENR microstructure (achieved using
recrystallization in the extrusion center. lower billet temperatures in combination with lower
speeds), a low exit temperature reduced the depth
Table 3: The Effect Of Exit Temperature On of the coarse grain surface layer (Figure 3c, d).
For the conditions studied for alloy 6082, it was
Alloy ENR PR ER not possible to achieve an ER structure. However,
it was noted again that a low exit temperature
6061 465 505 C 505 570 C 555 570 C reduced the depth of the coarse grain surface layer
6082 500 590 C# > 550 C (Figure 4). When the exit temperature was low
# enough, it was possible to obtain an ENR-1
Limits of exit temperatures used in trial
microstructure with a fine grain surface layer
(Figure 4a). Furthermore, the surface grain size
decreased with decreasing exit temperatures.

500 m
(a) 6061, 570C, 420C, 25 m/min, 520C

500 m

(a) 6082, 570C, 400C, 10 m/min, 500C

500 m

(b) 6061, 570C, 510C, 25 m/min, 560C

500 m

(b) 6082, 570C, 430C, 10 m/min, 525C

500 m

(c) 6061, 510C, 360C, 10 m/min, 470C

500 m

(c) 6082, 570C, 400C, 25 m/min, 510C

500 m

(d) 6061, 510C, 400C, 10 m/min, 485C

Figure 3. Effect of exit temperature on coarse grain
500 m
surface layer in alloy 60611
For Figures 3-10, the process conditions used are shown
under each micrograph as follows: Alloy, Homogenization (d) 6082, 570C, 500C, 25 m/min, 590C
Temperature, Billet Temperature, Speed, and Exit
Temperature. Figure 4. Effect of exit temperature on coarse grain
surface layer in alloy 60821

Extrusion Speed Billet Temperature

For both alloys 6061 and 6082, increasing The trials involving alloy 6061 were not able to
extrusion speed in an ENR microstructure promoted separate out the effects of billet temperature and
finer surface grains, but did not significantly alter exit temperature, with exit temperature effects
surface layer depth (Figure 5a, b). strongly dominating. However, with alloy 6082 it
was observed that for a very low extrusion speed
However, for a PR structure (Figure 5 c) (6 m/min) the effect of increasing billet temperature
increasing the speed to 25 m/min created an ER decreased the coarse grain layer thickness despite
microstructure (Figure 5d). A further increase in the predicted increase in exit temperature (Figure 6
speed to 33 m/min was observed to promote finer and Table 4). At higher extrusion speeds, the exit
recrystallized grains in the sub-surface region and temperature effect seemed to dominate again, with
more complete recrystallization in the extrusion higher billet temperatures resulting in an increase in
center. the depth of the coarse grain surface layer.

Table 4: The Effect Of Billet Temperature On

Recrystallized Surface Layer At A Very Low
Extrusion Speed

500 m Billet Predicted Microstructure

Temp. Exit Temp.
(a) 6082, 570C, 400C, 6 m/min, 500C (C) (C)
400 C 500 ENR, ~90 m layer
430 C 520 ENR, ~50 m layer

500 m

(b) 6082, 570C, 400C, 10 m/min, 500C

100 m

(a) 6082, 570C, 400C, 6 m/min, 500C

500 m

(c) 6061, 570C, 510C, 15 m/min, 560C

100 m

(b 6082, 570C, 430C, 6 m/min, 520C

Figure 6. Effect of billet temperature on coarse
grain surface layer in alloy 6082 at a very low
extrusion speed1

500 m
As it was not possible to move the quench tank
(d) 6061, 570C, 510C, 25 m/min, 560C further from the die exit to explore the effect of a
delayed quench, it was decided to trial the extremes
Figure 5. Effect of speed on coarse grain surface of quenching using a water quench for one
layer1 extrusion and a still air quench for the other.

Compared to water quenching, a still air-quench
allowed further recrystallization in the surface
region of ENR microstructures, leading to a deeper
coarse grain surface layer (Figures 7a, b, c, and d).
For PR microstructures, the removal of the water
quench resulted in extensive coarse grain
recrystallization (Figure 8).

500 m
(a) 6061, 570C, 420C, 15 m/min, 500C

500 m
(a) 6061, 570C, 380C, 10 m/min, 480C

500 m

(b) 6061, 570C, 420C, 15 m/min, 500C

Figure 8. Effect of quench on PR microstructures1,
500 m (a) water quench; (b) still-air quench
(b) 6061, 570C, 380C, 10 m/min, 480C

500 m
500 m
(c) 6082, 570C, 400C, 10 m/min, 500C
(a) 6061, 570C, 510C, 25 m/min, 570C

500 m

(d) 6082, 570C, 400C, 10 m/min, 500C 500 m

Figure 7. Effect of quench on ENR (b) 6061, 570C, 510C, 25 m/min, 570C
microstructures1, (a, c) water quench; (b, d) still-air
quench Figure 9. Effect of quench on ER microstructures1,
(a) water quench; (b) still-air quench

Again with ER structures, using still air

quenching rather than water quenching, caused
more recrystallization, with only isolated thin non-
recrystallized grains remaining in the central region
(Figure 9). There was no change to the surface
microstructure and no evidence of grain growth.

Extrusion Ratio
Table 6: Alloy 6061 T5 Tensile Properties
Decreasing the extrusion ratio from 32 to 16
decreased grain size and the depth of the 6061
recrystallized surface layer in alloy 6082, but did not Billet T (C)/ Structure UTS YS Elongn
eliminate its formation. Even under conditions of Speed (m/min)/ (MPa) (MPa) (%)
the lowest billet temperature and slowest exit speed Exit T (C)
used in this trial, a thin fine grain recrystallized layer Minimum T6 Prop [13] 260 240 8
formed (Figure 10). [14]
Typical T6 Prop 310 275 12
510/ 33/ 560 ER 344 324 13
480/ 25/ 555 PR 334 317 17

Regardless of the type of microstructure, when

the exit temperature was greater than >520C, the
500 m T5 hardness and tensile strength of both alloys
were higher than typical T6 properties, Tables
(a) E.R. = 16 5 and 6. In contrast, the 6082 extrusion with a low
6082, 570C, 400C, 6 m/min, 480C exit temperature (around 500C) had low


The recrystallized surface layers produced

during these trials were not necessarily coarse
500 m enough or deep enough to cause bending failure or
orange peel defects in each instance. However, the
range of microstructures produced enables the
(b) E.R. = 32 effects of changing extrusion parameters to be
6082, 570C, 400C, 6 m/min, 500C illustrated and to be discussed in terms of stored
Figure 10.Effect of extrusion ratio on surface layer energy and recrystallization temperature.
Extrusion parameters influence recrystallization
Mechanical Properties by affecting both the stored energy and the exit
temperature. Recrystallization will occur in any
Mechanical properties for both alloys are given region where the critical stored energy for
in Tables 5 and 6. recrystallization has been reached for the given
combination of time and temperature. Sperry
Table 5: Alloy 6082 T5 Tensile Properties explains [15] that a critical stored energy condition
leading to coarse grain formation is developed if the
6082 level of stored energy is only sufficient to enable a
Billet T (C)/ Structure UTS YS Elongn few potential nucleation sites to become viable and
Speed (m/min)/ (MPa) (MPa) (%) to grow. In contrast, if the stored energy is higher,
Exit T (C) and many nucleation sites are active, the size of
Minimum T6 Prop [13] 295 255 7 each grain is smaller.
Typical T6 Prop 340 310 11
Alloy Composition
500/ 25/ 590 ENR 370 348 17
450/ 25/ 550 ENR 356 326 17 There was a strong dependence of alloy type
400/ 10/ 500 ENR 288 251 22 on ease of recrystallization. For the conditions
studied in this trial, both ENR and ER recrystallized
microstructures could be produced in alloy 6061,
whereas only ENR structures could be produced in
alloy 6082. This effect is well understood and well
documented. The larger number of small Mn

containing dispersoids in alloy 6082 pin the grain deformation are not speed sensitive. As a result,
boundaries and raise the recrystallization the depth into the extrusion at which the
temperature more than in alloy 6061 [5,15]. It is also recrystallization temperature is reached is not
understood that the size and effectiveness of the changed much and there is little difference in
dispersoids can be altered by varying surface layer depth.
homogenization conditions[1,5,16], although this was
not covered in the trials presented here. However, the situation changes when the
speed, or both the billet temperature and speed, are
Exit Temperature increased sufficiently to create a partially
recrystallized structure (Figure 5c). Although the
Exit temperature has a strong influence on surface layer itself does not change much, the
recrystallization. If the extrusion exit temperature is faster speed allows the critical energy for
below the recrystallization temperature, recrystallization to be reached closer to the
recrystallization will not be initiated, or if quenching extrusion center creating a thick almost fully
occurs so that the temperature is brought below the recrystallized region below the surface layer. This
recrystallization temperature, the process is PR microstructure could lead to surface defects. In
interrupted. this situation it is beneficial to increase the speed
still further to form an ER microstructure
An increasing exit temperature was observed to (Figure 5d).
drive an ENR to an ENR with larger grains and a
deeper coarse grain layer (Figures 3 and 4). This is The overlap between the PR and ER
why a recrystallized surface region sometimes only categories for alloy 6061 and the ENR and PR
forms towards the end of an extrusion where the categories for alloy 6082 (Table 3) are explained by
exit temperature is higher [4]. The increased surface a speed effect that works in conjunction with the
layer depth for higher exit temperatures occurs exit temperature effect. In each case, for a given
because the critical energy for recrystallization is exit temperature, higher exit speed will result in
reached further into the extrusion cross-section. At more recrystallization.
the same time, the larger grain size occurs because
a decreasing deformation gradient exists from the Billet Temperature
surface inward, thereby creating less stored energy
at the point where recrystallization begins. These Both Sperry [15] and Altenpohl[17] suggest that
changes would increase the likelihood of defects where it is possible to avert coarse grain
associated with coarse grains, and can be recrystallization by preventing all recrystallization, it
minimized by using a low exit temperature. generally requires a reduction in extrusion speed
and a high billet temperature. Both changes are
However, a high exit temperature can be designed to reduce the stored energy (the slower
beneficial if it promotes a fully recrystallized speed will reduce the rate of generation of energy;
structure. For example, it was observed that and the higher billet temperature will reduce the
increasing the exit temperature to above 555C flow stress by promoting recovery), so that the
could drive a PR microstructure of alloy 6061 to an critical stored energy for recrystallization is not
ER microstructure with a fine grain surface layer reached. Work by Latowski and Stec [2] with alloy
(Figure 3). 6082 supports these recommendations. They
explain that with lower strain rates and higher billet
Extrusion Speed temperatures the flow stress is lower at the steady
flow stage, the total dislocation density is lower and
With ENR structures, it may be beneficial to the sub-grain size is larger (i.e., more recovery has
increase speed to minimize the grain size in the occurred).
recrystallized surface layer (Figure 5 a, b). The
higher speed creates a higher strain rate and thus a In the current trials as well as in trials by
higher stored energy. The nucleation rate is more Yang[8], it was generally observed that billet
affected by stored energy than is the growth rate, temperature did not of itself have a dominant effect,
so a higher speed will provide more nuclei per unit and could simply be regarded as a tool for affecting
volume and hence a smaller final recrystallized exit temperature. As such, a low billet temperature
grain size. The exit speed does not significantly retarded recrystallization and a high billet
alter the exit temperature because the frictional temperature promoted recrystallization. However,
forces on the die-bearing and the severe shear when 6082 was extruded with very low speeds and

a higher billet temperature, a thinner surface layer extrusion product, extrusion ratio can be varied by
was produced than when the same speed and changing die design or container size. Using a
lower billet temperatures were used (Figure 6). It is single-hole die instead of a multi-hole die can
believed that during extrusion, these conditions significantly increase extrusion ratio and vice versa.
promoted recovery, thereby decreasing the flow If several presses with different container sizes are
stress and amount of critical stored energy in the available, extruding the product with a larger
extrusion. This in turn would decrease the potential container also results in an increased extrusion
for recrystallization. ratio.

As such, it should be recognized that there is a Mechanical Properties

trade off between billet and exit temperatures.
Higher billet temperatures have the potential to The tensile test results for alloy 6082
increase recovery during extrusion and also to demonstrate that the tensile strength of the
increase the thermal energy available for extrusions mainly depends on exit temperature
recrystallization. Any changes to billet temperature (Tables 5 and 6). In 6xxx series extrusions, the
must therefore be considered in terms of where the best possible properties are achieved when the exit
exit temperature will be in relation to the temperature is high enough to dissolve the Mg2Si
recrystallization temperature. For example, to precipitates and allow an optimum aging response
encourage a non-recrystallized microstructure, exit [18]
temperature should be controlled as close as
possible to the low end of recommended exit As low exit temperatures are required to
temperature while using the highest billet produce non-recrystallized structures, there is a risk
temperature. that the minimum mechanical properties may not be
met. Therefore a compromise between increasing
This approach can become even more the exit temperature for mechanical properties, and
important when post extrusion processing is decreasing the exit temperature to retard coarse
planned. A reduction in the stored energy through grain formation, must be considered. In many
increased recovery will minimize the risk of coarse cases it is possible that the minimum exit
grains forming during processes such as solution temperature required for adequate mechanical
treatment. properties will be high enough to cause some
recrystallization at the surface of the extrusion.
Quench However, provided the grain size in this layer is
uniform and small, meaning they are not coarse
It was seen that for microstructures that are grains, then elongation, surface appearance and
ENR when they exit the die orifice, water bending performance will not be significantly
quenching, inhibits recrystallization by rapidly affected. Pederson et al. [19] measured the effect of
reducing the temperature of the extrudate below the a coarse grain (100m) recrystallized layer of
recrystallization temperature (Figure 7). Similarly, thickness <400m on properties in 6351 alloys.
minimising the distance between the die exit and They found that this thin layer of coarse
the press quench would decrease the time the recrystallized grains only reduced the yield and
extrusion is held at the exit temperature, and thus tensile strengths by 2 to 3 percent, but that fibrous
reduces the potential for recrystallization. In material could sustain more than a factor of 10
contrast, a slow quench promoted recrystallization cycles more in fatigue tests than material exhibiting
in both 6082 and 6061 extrusions (Figure 7 through a coarse grain recrystallized layer.
Promoting or Retarding Recrystallization
Extrusion Ratio
There are two options for preventing the
Extrusion ratio is an parameter that can strongly formation of a coarse grain surface layer. Firstly,
influence recrystallization behaviour (Figure 10). recrystallization can be retarded to retain a non-
The lowest possible extrusion ratio should be recrystallized structure. Secondly, recrystallization
employed when the aim is to avoid recrystallization; can be promoted to obtain a fully recrystallized
and the highest possible extrusion ratio should be structure containing fine and uniform grains.
employed when the aim is to exceed the critical
stored energy by as much as possible to obtain a For some of the medium strength 6xxx series
fine-grain recrystallized structure. For a given alloys, either option may be possible. Generally,

however, only one of the options will give CONCLUSIONS
satisfactory results in terms of preventing a coarse
grain surface layer and achieving the desired The present trials demonstrated that extrusion
mechanical properties. parameters have a significant effect on the
formation of the coarse grain surface layer.
For the conditions studied in this trial, it was
possible to obtain both ENR and ER for alloy 6061, Exit temperature effects dominated
but only ENR microstructure for alloy 6082. For recrystallization response. Billet temperature did
alloy 6061, it was beneficial to promote not of itself have an overriding effect, and could
recrystallization to achieve an ER microstructure simply be regarded as a tool for affecting exit
with a fine recrystallized surface layer. This temperature.
avoided a coarse grain surface layer and allowed
exit temperatures high enough to obtain optimized For the medium strength 6xxx series extrusions
mechanical properties. For alloy 6082, it was the effect of extrusion speed on exit temperature
beneficial to retard recrystallization. was marginal. Therefore, the principal effect of
extrusion speed was to modify the stored energy
Although billet temperature was found to conditions.
promote recovery when 6082 was extruded at a
very low speed, it was generally observed that billet For a given alloy and homogenization
temperature did not of itself have a dominant effect, treatment, these extrusion parameters can be
and could simply be regarded as a tool for affecting modified to either promote recrystallization or retard
exit temperature. recrystallization.

In summary, to promote recrystallization, the For alloy 6061, the preferred approach is to
extrusion parameters are: obtain an ER microstructure by raising the
exit temperature. This avoided a coarse
High exit temperatures grain surface layer and allowed exit
temperatures high enough to obtain
High billet temperatures, but as low as optimized mechanical properties.
possible to achieve the required exit
temperature For alloy 6082 the preferred approach is to
retard recrystallization to achieve an ENR
High extrusion speeds microstructure with a fine grain surface
Increased extrusion ratio
Sufficient cooling to achieve desired
mechanical properties The authors would like to thank Mr. O. Parker for
his assistance in running the extrusion trials and Dr.
Decreased recrystallization inhibitors M. Couper for reviewing this paper.
(e.g., Mn, Cr dispersoids).

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