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Sifting through the evidence collected from Moritsune's residence, the group makes the
following discoveries.

- Moritsune kept records of the shipments to and from Koga Keep. Rough estimates of the
amount of iron coming in suggests it would have been enough to outfit the entirety of the
Fire Eaters gang with hatchets and make enough weapons to outfit roughly two thirds of the
city guard (200ish). Records of the shipments leaving Ryoko Owari suggest the amount of
dead bodies sent to Koga to be roughly 1,000. Other records include purchases from waste
collectors for fertilizer, sale of excess iron to other blacksmiths and agencies in the region,
and cultists within Ryoko Owari (of which only a handful are still alive).

- Moritsune had gathered intelligence on the city guard. Among his papers were watch
rotations, current strength, post locations, and an assessment of the general strength of the
cities defenses. There are also some preliminary battle plans drawn indicating an attack on
the city from the north, but they do not appear to be by Moritsune's hand.

- There is little record of any permanent bloodspeaker cells operating in Ryoko Owari. The
few cells raised seem to have been for a specific purpose. There are two main cells which
were documented by Moritsune.

1- The first cell was raised by a man named Hase, who was one of Kaidu's other lieutenants.
It was created when the Red Dawn was first taking root in Ryoko Owari and was apparently
meant as a decoy. Hase gathered a group of eighteen followers and taught them all he
knew of Maho, with little effort toward caution or secrecy. The group drew the attention of
the magistrates when one of their members attacked a crowd in a gambling den. Bayushi
Amoro quickly followed the trail back to the warehouse where the cultists had been learning
their dark arts. Nearly the entire cell was killed in the ensuing battle, with only four cultists
escaping with their lives (Hase apparently not among them). These survivors, now without a
leader, attempted to raise their own cells with varied success. Moritsune kept tabs on these
errant cells, but all were hunted down and killed during Utaku Yumiko's winter raids.

2- The second cell was raised in reaction to Yumiko's raids came too close to discovering
Moritsune's operations. Yumiko had apparently discovered some tainted Fire Eaters during
her purges. Moritsune called in another of Kaidu's lieutenants, Noburo, to deal with the
situation. Noburo brought with him a number of ronin, hired in Naishou province and
empowered with the taint. He gathered a number of peasants who he gifted with the taint
and basic lessons in maho to act as shock troops and then lured Yumiko and her yoriki to a
warehouse in the Crab Caves. Noburo and a handful of his ronin survived the battle and had
hoped to capitalize on the lack of magistrates in the city, but died at the hands of a small
group of yoriki who had just arrived in the city.


The peasants working the morgues yield no unusual information.

The bodies would be delivered to their facilities, cleaned, and
readied for transportation to either the crematorium or the funeral
ceremony. Similarly, the cart bearers who transported the bodies to
the crematoriums had no knowledge that anything was amiss. The
workers at the crematorium reveal that Moritsune had approached
them offering money and freedom from their desperate lives. The
bodies would be received from the morgues and held for
transportation to Koga Keep. The carts that were to move the
bodies would arrive with waste to be burned in place of the bodies.
The waste would be burned, and the ash delivered to the families or
priests so that no one would suspect the bodies hadn't been
disposed of.

Follow up investigation by the city guard and a review of papers

found in Moritsune's home reveals that Moritsune had been
purchasing waste from the eta under the pretense of fertilizer for
crop fields in Naishou Province.
Moritsune had approached Kimogi over a year ago with a proposal to supply the
blacksmith with iron from Koga Keep to be forged and sold as directed by
Moritsune. Kimogi had thought the proposal to be odd, but the terms were so
advantageous that he accepted. Shortly thereafter, Moritsune arrived with a
contract for the iron to be forged into hatchets and sold to the Fire Eaters. Kimogi
worked the iron for about a month before he noticed a change in the quality of the
iron coming from Koga Keep. Moritsune explained that a new vein of iron had been
discovered in the mines. Kimogi agreed to smith this new ore, finding it to be of
good quality. After roughly a week of working the new ore, however, Kimogi began
to feel ill. Relaying his complaints to Moritsune, Moristune explained that it was
likely due to the smithing process releasing dust and vapors from the
ore. Moritsune said that some of the miners had also been affected
similarly. Moritsune began supplying Kimogi with an herbal remedy to be drank
daily as tea, which had reportedly helped the miners overcome their illness. The
tea seemed to suppress the worst of his sickness, and the money from the contract
was so good, that Kimogi agreed to continue smithing the new ore. Eventually,
Moritsune brought another contract to forge the iron into weapons for the soldiers
and guards of Koga Keep and the neighboring villages in the Naishou
Province. Kimogi was first to smith a katana as a test, to see if the iron would be
suitable. After the blade was forged and deemed worthy, Moritsune gifted the
sword to Kimogi so that he may sell it.

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