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Christ the Antidote concerning Death


Part 11.
''So Jesus sent Peter & John, saying, o & !re!are "or us the Passo#er $ea%, that &e $ay eat it'
(,They sai) unto Hi$, Where )o you &ant us to !re!are *it+, -., He sai) to the$ /eho%), &hen you
ha#e gone into the 0ity, a $an 0arrying an earthen 1ug or PITCHER O2 WATER &i%% $eet you3
2O44OW HI5 into the house WHICH HE ENTERS, --, An) say to the $aster o" the house, The
Tea0her as6s you, Where is the guest roo$, &here I $ay eat the Passo#er *$ea%+ &ith $y )is0i!%es, -7,
An) he &i%% sho& a 4ARE ROO5 UPSTAIRS 2URNISHE8 *&ith 0ar!ets & &ith 0ou0hes !ro!er%y
s!rea)+3 THERE $a6e *your+ PREPARATIONS' -9, An) they &ent & "oun) it *1ust+ as He ha) sai) to
the$3 & they $a)e rea)y the Passo#er *su!!er+' -:, An) &hen the hour 0a$e, *Jesus+ re0%ine) at the
ta;%e, & the a!ost%es &ith Hi$' -<, An) He sai) to the$, I ha#e earnest%y & intense%y )esire) to eat this
Passo#er &ith you ;e"ore I su""er3 -=, 2or I say unto you, I sha%% eat it no $ore unti% it is "u%"i%%e) in
the 6ing)o$ o" o)''' Lk 22: 8-16.
In the Age or dispensation that is now ending it is a we!! known historica! "act that a#ong the ear!$
Christians the sign o" the "ish was at "irst a secret sign % "or# o" identi"ication % co##&nication % a!so
!ater the "ish sign was "o&nd in cataco#'s -underground burial places - % 'aptis#a! "onts % #an$ other
sites. A"terward at a #&ch !ater date this Age 'eca#e known as the - piscean or fish age which identi"ies
with the conste!!ation so&th o" Andro#eda the twe!"th sign o" the (odiac - you will find this in any
dictionary under Pis0es. A!! o" this was "oreseen '$ the Prophets % astrono#ers o" ear!$ ti#es. )*en
tho&gh a#ong western circ!es it is not genera!!$ #entioned it does not a!ter the "act that this is tr&e. I"
$o& are not $et aware o" it Astronomy was a *er$ rea! part o" o&r ancient spirit&a! "ore-"athers there is
a'&ndant e*idence in the +i'!e that #an$ o" the conste!!ations were known to the writers. ''Can you
;in) the 0hains o" the P%eia)es, or %oose the 0or)s o" Orion,'' ,o' -8:-1. .oses A'raha# % ,o' were
a!! *er$ we!! ac/&ainted with the stars. ,es&s Christ 0i#se!" is re"erred to as the ''/right & 5orning
Star'' 1hen the wise #en "ro# the east ca#e to ,er&sa!e# the$ asked ''Where is He &ho has ;een
;orn >ing o" the Je&s, 2or &e ha#e seen His STAR in the east & ha#e 0o$e to &orshi! Hi$''' .t 2:2.
1hen ,es&s #entioned that Peter % ,ohn were to #eet a #an carr$ing a 2 pitcher of water 0e we!!
knew that this was a sign that represented a !arge conste!!ation % was the e!e*enth sign o" the (odiac
which is ca!!ed A/&ari&s 2 the water carrier - $o& wi!! a!so "ind this in the dictionar$ &nder A?uarius'
3his was #entioned p&rpose!$ not on!$ "or the discip!es '&t especia!!$ "or &s in this da$ % age. I want to
sa$ this as kind as I can. 4o#e o" &s were so re!igio&s we wo&!d once sh&dder at an$ #ention o" an$ o"
this sort o" ta!k. 5ow that we are in or co#ing into the third rea!# o" &nderstanding we need to keep an
open #ind % not to 'e scared o"" "ro# the tr&th 2 as it were 'eca&se o" other6s interpretation. A!so it is
interesting to know that according to so#e ear!$ so&rces that the #an that Peter % ,ohn #et who carried
the pitcher o" water is s&pposed to ha*e 'een none other than 5icode#&s.
4e*era! $ears ago 'e"ore I had paid partic&!ar attention to the a'o*e *erses I was gi*en a gi*en a
#ost &n&s&a! *ision o" a !arge 'ea&ti"&! &pstairs roo# on the top "!oor o" a '&i!ding it was 'ea&ti"&!!$ %
spacio&s!$ "&rnished. Inside the roo# was a cow with an identica! ca!" which had e7act!$ the sa#e
#arkings as its #other. As I watched I o'ser*ed the ca!" 'eginning to 8&#p or ga#'o! it ne*er to&ched
or h&rt an$ o" the "&rnit&re or "&rnishings % it 'o&nced right &p to the !arge p!ate g!ass doors % then
'o&nced right thro&gh the# o&t onto the patio. 1hat a#a(ed #e was that the windows were not da#aged
in an$ wa$ at a!!. 3he ca!"6s #other o'ser*ed this with so#e astonish#ent % s&dden!$ it too 'egan to
"o!!ow s&it % 'eing #&ch !arger % c&#'erso#e I e7pected to see so#e da#age '&t a!as no da#age it too
went straight thro&gh the doors % 'oth the cow % ca!" contin&ed to ga#'o! on the patio. I##ediate!$ I
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
tho&ght o" the script&re 2 a little child shall lead them then I rea!ised that I had o'ser*ed a part
enact#ent o" .a!achi -:2 then a!so at a !ater date I a!so rea!ised that the a'o*e !arge "&rnished roo#
"o&nd in L&ke 22:12. was a!so part o" the *ision. In Psa!# 18:19 we read.
''He ;rought $e "orth a%so into a %arge !%a0e3 He &as )e%i#ering $e ;e0ause He &as !%ease) &ith $e
& )e%ighte) in $e''' Ps 18:19.

1hat was the p&rpose "or this *ision: I 'e!ie*e that I was 'eing shown- among other things - that I
wo&!d in the "&t&re wo&!d 'e witnessing the rea!# o" the #irac&!o&s % wo&!d 'e co#ing into the
"&!"i!#ent o" *erse 12 o" a !arge "&rnished &pstairs roo# 2 meaning a high spiritual experience with
all the spiritual furniture needed the A;) o" the &ater 0arrier 2 the age of Aquarius. +e"ore we get too
start!ed< when the 0o!$ 4pirit was po&red o&t in the 'eginning o" the !ast cent&r$ there were /&ite a "ew
co&nter"eits aro&nd e*en so that did not take awa$ "ro# the origina!. =eep in #ind that to ha*e a
co&nter"eit $o& #&st ha*e the rea! thing as a #aster or pattern. 5ow there are #an$ 2 new age - peop!e
sa$ing a!! sort6s o" things. +&t I want &s to consider where did the$ get so#e o" these things i" $o& search
into the# $o& wi!! "ind that the$ ha*e taken #an$ things "ro# the +i'!e % so#e ha*e p&t a di""erent s!ant
on their interpretation % this what we are !ooking at now is one o" the#. I" ,es&s said it 2 let's not throw
the baby out with the bath water !et &s not r&n "ro# these things '&t ask o&rse!*es what did ,es&s rea!!$
#ean 2 for all scripture is inspired of God. 1e need a!so to rea!ise that Peter % ,ohn 2 who were part of
the elect three at the Mount of Transfiguration were instr&cted to ''"o%%o& this $an &ith the 1ug or
!it0her o" &ater & enter into the sa$e house''' 3his sho&!d te!! &s so#ething. 3he$ did "o!!ow %
''entere) into a %arge u!stairs "urnishe) roo$''' +eca&se o" their o'edience !ater the rest o" the discip!es
"o!!owed this a!so sho&!d te!! &s so#ething> 5a#e!$ that the$ were 2 in type - "orer&nners o" the 2 high
upstairs room experience of Aquarius.
I 'e!ie*e with a!! #$ heart that ;od is wanting &s to - pull out all the stops as it were - % enter into a
high, %arge, "urnishe) roo$, which contains a!! that we need.
''Thou hast 0ause) $en to ri)e o#er our hea)s3 &e &ent through the "ire & through &ater@ ;ut thou
;rought us out into a WEA4THA !%a0e''' Psa!# 66:12. =,?.

''2or &hoe#er has *s!iritua% 6no&%e)ge+, to hi$ &i%% $ore ;e gi#en & he &i%% ;e 2URNISHE8 RICH4A so
that he &i%% ha#e a;un)an0e@ ;ut "ro$ hi$ &ho has not, e#en &hat he has &i%% ;e ta6en a&ay''' .att
1-:12. A#p. A!! re"erences &n!ess otherwise stated are "ro# the A#p!i"ied +i'!e.
I wo&!d !ike to sa$ here that it is on!$ in the !ast 12 #onths that I ha*e 'eg&n to write serio&s!$. 3here
is a reason "or this when I 'egan to rea!ise a "&rther #essage than Pentecost I had 'een in that scene "or
a!#ost -@ $ears then as I so&ght the Lord in this new wa$ 0e 'egan to re-progra##e #e that was not
hard '&t in the re-progra##ing there had to co#e a de-progra##ing % that was I "o&nd the hard part
&n!earning a !ot o" stuff that had taken so #an$ $ears to acc&#&!ate a !ot o" it in #$ nat&ra! #ind or 2
way of thin!ing #$ #istaken identit$. In this o!d wa$ o" thinking we '&i!d &p resistances to an$thing
new % i" it does not "it 2 our mind-set - we are *er$ prone to cast it o&t % this I 'e!ie*e is where #an$ 2
$iss the $ar6'

3he word A/&ari&s is deri*ed "ro# the Latin word a/&a #eaning water. A/&ari&s is howe*er the
water bearer % the s$#'o! o" the sign which is - the ele"enth sign of the #odiac - % is a #an carr$ing in
his AI;03 0A5D A PI3C0)A BA ,C; BD 1A3)A. 3he h&#an race is toda$ standing &pon the c&sp o" the
Piscean-A/&aria6n Ages or Dispensations. A/&ari&s is an air sign % this age is a!read$ noted "or so#e
*er$ re#arka'!e in*entions "or the &se o" air e!ectricit$ #agnetis# etc. .en now na*igate the air as
"ish do the sea % with &se o" internet % #o'i!e phones etc we are a'!e to send o&r tho&ghts spinning
aro&nd the wor!d a!#ost e/&a! to the speed o" tho&ght.
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
3he A/&arian Age is pre-e#inent!$ a spirit&a! age % the spirit&a! side or 2 third realm
understanding- o" #an$ o" the great !essons that ,es&s ga*e to the wor!d #a$ now 'e co#prehended '$
#&!tit&des o" peop!e "or #an$ are now co#ing into an ad*anced stage o" spirit&a! conscio&sness.
A!so we need to 'e *er$ aware that when we enter this 2 upstairs room - % sit at the this spiritual
ta'!e that according to the 11
% 1E
*erse o" Lk 22 that Christ is especia!!$ present % is rec!ining at the
ta'!e with &s % #ight I a!so add with the Apost!es % with a - countless multitude of angels $ the spirits
of righteous %&ust men' who ha"e been made perfect. 0e' 12:22-2-.
''The Hea#ens )e0%are the g%ory o" o)3 & the "ir$a$ent sho&s & !ro0%ai$s His han)i&or6''' Ps.19:2.
An inter#ention
At this point I wo&!d !ike to share with $o& a #ost interesting occ&rrence I had "inished the a'o*e
paragraph % not knowing whether an$ one e!se - among us - had written on this the#e I "e!t I was
"o!!owing the !eading o" the Lord '&t I co&!d not re#e#'er e*er reading an$thing on this s&'8ect '$ an$
o" o&r writers. 0ow wrong I was< % how gracio&s is o&r ;reat % wonder"&! 4a*io&r who is so interested
in a!! that we do. I needed to "ind so#e data "or a "riend and was h&nting thro&gh so#e o!d "i!es that were
gi*en to #e '$ Aa$ .cDo&ga!! who passed on this !ast $ear. It was thro&gh Aa$ % Ai!een that I read
#$ "irst writing '$ , Preston )'$ the$ were 'oth so "aith"&! to this #essage. I had not paid an$ partic&!ar
attention to these "i!es as I tho&ght the$ were pro'a'!$ a repeat o" what I a!read$ had % wo&!d sort the#
o&t in the "&t&re. Lo % 'eho!d what do I "ind>> 4e*era! artic!es written '$ o&r dear 'rother Preston 'e"ore
I had e*er heard o" hi#. 3he heading 30) 0)A?)54 D)CLAA) % the s&'8ect o" two o" the#
AFCAAIC4 2 30) 1A3)A PBCA)A I co&!d hard!$ 'e!ie*e it> 0ow good is o&r ;od % how de!ighted I
was. 4o with e7tra p!eas&re % con"idence I a# now going to /&ote one or two e7cerpts "ro# these.
F&ote:- (n our series of messages on the #odiac we come now to the sub&ect of A)*A+(*, T-.
/AT.+ 01*+.+. (f you ha"e a s!y chart you will notice that the ,ign of Aquarius is the figure of a mighty
man holding a great urn upon his shoulder from which comes a seemingly inexhaustible stream of water
flowing downwards until it flows directly into the mouth of a great fish %0isces Australis the ,outhern
2ish' which recei"es it $ swallows it all. (n the right shoulder of the /aterman is the star ,A3A4M.4(5
which means The Re0or) o" the Pouring Out' The other shoulder bears the star ,A3A4,**3 meaning
He &ho !ours out' 6ou ha"e no doubt heard the song 7(t (s The Age 1f Aquarius.8 /hat does this
mean9 :ust as the stars ha"e mo"ed through the procession of the equinoxes so we ha"e mo"ed in time $
world history from one mansion of the #odiac to another. (nterestingly about the time that ;hrist :esus
came into the world we mo"ed into the ,ign of 0isces which is the ,ign of the 2ish $ a symbol of the
people of God. That sign has lasted for approximately two thousand years after which we are e"en now
mo"ing into the sign of A?uarius, meaning a time of 2*44<.,,. There is no doubt whatsoe"er that the
old age is ending $ another more glorious age is dawning. The sacred !nowledge of this fact burns
brightly within the hearts of all ;hristians on all le"els of spiritual de"elopment. The prophets of our
generation ha"e proclaimed it $ the constellations of the hea"ens declare it=
Aquarius means something far more than what the astrologers $ others thin! it means. As we ha"e
seen Aquarius is the one who pours out the water upon Pis0es Austra%is, the Southern 2ish' /ater of
course is a great symbol of the -oly ,pirit which God promised to pour out upon -is people $ the earth.
(t is a glorious symbol of life $ one of the happiest in all of the world. <ext to light it is God's brightest
element. /here waters come they ;ring g%a)ness & re1u#enation, %uCuriousness & !%enty. /here they
pour forth sin6ing strength re0o#ers, )ying %i"e re6in)%es, !erishing nature re#i#es a thousand delights
are awa!ened $ e"erything re&oices $ sings with a new be-gotten "itality. (n Aquarius the water is being
poured out upon the figure of a fish. (n the sign ;apricornus the )ying goat is seen gi"ing life to a fish
emerging from its latter half. As ;hrist the great sin-offering $ through -is death the ;hurch or the fish
was brought into life we now see that fish sustained in life by the risen ;hrist again in A?uarius the
WaterD/earer who is now pouring out the water of -is -oly ,pirit upon the li"ing fish. This is a great
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
picture of the outpouring of the "u%%ness of the spirit upon the sons $ daughters of God. The 4ord :esus
said Whosoe#er )rin6eth o" the &ater that I sha%% gi#e hi$ sha%% ne#er thirst3 ;ut the &ater that I sha%%
gi#e hi$ sha%% ;e in hi$ a &e%% o" &ater s!ringing u! into e#er%asting %i"eE %:n. >?@>'. Again $ again
the scriptures testify of this mighty outpouring of the -oly ,pirit into $ out from the people of God.
Through (saiah -e declares? F2or I &i%% POUR WATER u!on hi$ that is thirsty, & "%oo)s u!on the )ry
groun)@ I &i%% POUR OUT 5A SPIRIT u!on thy see), & $y ;%essing u!on thy o""s!ring@ & they sha%%
s!ring u! as a$ong the grass, as &i%%o&s ;y the &ater 0oursesE Isa. EE:--EG. 3a"id prophesied in spirit
of the coming Messiah $ described -is coming in these words? FHe sha%% 0o$e )o&n %i6e RAIN u!on
the $o&n grass@ as sho&ers that &ater the earth' In His )ays sha%% the righteous "%ourishE Ps. H2:6-HG.
:oel prophesied? An) it sha%% 0o$e to !ass a"ter&ar), that I &i%% POUR OUT 5A SPIRIT u!on a%%
"%esh' ' ' & a%so u!on the ser#ants & u!on the han)$ai)ens in those )ays &i%% I POUR OUT 5A
SPIRITE :oel A?AB-AC'. That our 4ord is coming in a great spiritual outpouring of -imself is made plain
in -os D?E. FThen &e sha%% 6no&, i" &e 2O44OW ON TO >NOW THE 4OR8@ His going "orth is
!re!are) as the $orning3 & HE SHA44 CO5E UNTO US AS THE RAIN, as the "or$er & %atter rain
unto the earth'E -allelu&ah=. . . . .
As Aquarius pours his water out from his urn so the hea"ens pour down water upon the earth. /hen a
cloud becomes so hea"y with droplets that it can no longer hold them it spills o"er $ we ha"e rain. ''Oh
4or) $y o), Thou art #ery great' ' ' who %ayeth the ;ea$s o" His 0ha$;ers in the &aters@ &ho $a6eth
the C4OU8 HIS CHARIOT@ He WATERETH the hi%%s 2RO5 HIS CHA5/ERS'' Ps. 1@E:-1-. The clouds are
the chambers of God containing the water of life. A cloud is full of water $ water spea!s to us of life.
/ater typifies the /ord of God $ the ,pirit of God. )ph. I:26< ,n. H:-H--9. A cloud spea!s to us of a
"essel as an urn which contains water or contains life. ."en so God by -is ,pirit gi"es %i#ing &ater to
refresh $ impart life to -is creation. (t is the nature of a cloud to e$!ty itse%"' ''I" the 0%ou)s ;e "u%% o"
rain, they e$!ty the$se%#es u!on the earth''' )cc!. 11:-. /hen the clouds get filled up it rains. That is
the nature of the clouds rain pours out. All that God is was emptied into :esus ;hrist. All that God is
was poured into -im -e became a receptacle a "ehicle for all the fullness of God. Co!. 1:19< 2:9. -e
was filled up with the life-gi"ing properties of God. <ow all that :esus ;hrist is is being emptied into -is
body until we are "i%%e) &ith a%% the "u%%ness o" o) --- ha"ing all the life gi"ing properties of God. HE IS
2I44IN THE C4OU8S! The nature of each son will be to pour out that life &ust as God poured it into
:esus $ :esus poured it into us. (f the saints be full of God they will pour -im out upon the earthy
natured unspiritual ones. A true ministry has life to gi"e $ is willing to empty himself in order to be a
blessing to a dry $ thirsty people. 0our out his life for others that's what :esus did= /e must empty out
that same life on a groaning creation $ brea! the bondage. The whole creation is awaiting this son
company of people who will be the clouds of glory the strong man of A?uarius &ith the &ater 1ar' Their
life-gi"ing waters will be emptied upon a dry $ cursed earth &ust as the waters were first emptied upon
them creation itself will be released into the liberty of the sons of God.8-? Cn/&ote.

Considering the present position o" the ti#e we are in 2 at the cusp of the two dispensations or ages this
is the wonder"&! wonder"&! ti#e o" the rea!isation o" the "&!! tr&th o" what ,es&s #eant when 0e said 2
that -e might be the "irst ;orn among many brethren #ost take this no "&rther than to #ean the initia!
e7perience that we ha*e in ;od 2 commonly referred to as the <ew Firth '&t this is on!$ the 'eginning
o" o&r e7perience in ;od the co#p!etion o" that e7perience is to know 2 that where ( am shall you be
also - % ,es&s Christ #eant e7act!$ that. 3his wa!k that we are in is not 8&st so#e phi!osophica! ideo!og$
where that we recei*e so#e #enta! sti#&!&s to gi*e &s con"idence % i#pet&s to carr$ &s on to the ne7t
da$ or week etc. 5o no no< we are in ;BD the #ight$ CA)A3BA % .IAACL) 1BA=)A. 3he ;BAL o"
,es&s Christ which is % sho&!d 'e o&r ;BAL is to 'e !ike 0i# % to 'e with % as 0e is % that is to
e7perience in act&a!it$ I5CBAACP3IB5 in this !resent G"or no&H &i06e) e#i% &or%), % not &p in the sk$
or c!o&ds so#ewhere. An$thing other than this is a - misleading - CBP-BC3. Incorr&ption "ar o&t weighs
an$ #irac!e we can think o" in the second rea!# "or incorr&ption incorporates a 'od$ that is e/&a! to the
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
'od$ that ,es&s Christ possessed a"ter the res&rrection 5B I.P)AD)C3IB54 this is what I a# !ooking
"or % I intend to teach % preach 8&st that this wi!! 'e the "&!"i!#ent o" the state#ent o" ,es&s Thy ''&i%%
;e )one on earth as it is in Hea#en'''
''As "or $e, I &i%% 0ontinue ;eho%)ing Aour "a0e in righteousness GrightDness, 1usti0e, & right stan)ing
&ith AouH3 I sha%% ;e "u%%y satis"ie), &hen I AWA>E *to "in) $yse%"+ ;eho%)ing Aour "or$ *& ha#ing
s&eet 0o$$union &ith Aou+''' Psa!# 1H:1I.
I thoro&gh!$ en8o$ed another state#ent o" , Preston )'$ in a recent writing F&ote<- ,&st sa*ing
so&!s is not the iss&e "or the 'od$ o" Christ the sons o" ;od. ,&st hea!ing the sick #eeting needs
'!essing #ankind> FThe ;on)age o" 0orru!tionE is the iss&e "or the #ani"est sons o" ;od> 3hat is the
on!$ #inistr$ designated to the sons o" ;od in the conte7t o" their #ani"estation. JAo#. 8:18-2-. Bn!$ an
incorruptible people in spirit so&! % 'od$ can de!i*er #en "ro# 'oth sin and death> 3he #ani"est sons
o" ;od are the on!$ peop!e ca!!ed chosen % ordained to r&!e reign 8&dge redee# trans"or# % #ake
ho!$ incorr&pti'!e % i##orta! e*er$ #an % e*er$thing &pon the "ace o" the earth> 3he res&rrection o"
,es&s Christ is the assurance to all men that Christ o&r Lord wi!! raise &p in the earth 0is own g!orio&s
'od$ in the power o" 0is res&rrection to D)LI?)A CA)A3IB5 DAB. 30) +B5DA;) BD CBAACP3IB5>
Isn6t that wonder"&!> -: )nd /&ote.
3he reason "or /&oting o&r good 'rother twice is that the "irst ti#e it was /&ite &nintended % it 8&st
happened that wa$ the second ti#e it was intended. 5ow I wo&!d !ike $o& a!! to know the #ain p&rpose
we are writing these artic!es is that the 'od$ o" Christ is edi"ied '!essed % #ade spirit&a!!$ aware within
&s. As "ar as I a# concerned i" it he!ps those that are reading the artic!e % so#eone anointed can e7p!ain
a point 'etter than what I can % it does spirit&a! 8&stice to the s&'8ect I wi!! /&ote the# thirt$ ti#es as
Christ is to get the g!or$ in a!! things. 3hese tr&th6s we are sharing are e#'edded with eterna! iss&es>

3his #orning .on 18
,an I "ee! de"inite!$ i#pressed to share these tho&ghts % *erses with $o&. ''/ut
&hat )oes the S0ri!ture say, Cast out & sen) a&ay the s%a#e &o$an & her son, "or ne#er sha%% the son
o" the s%a#e &o$an ;e heir & share the inheritan0e &ith the son o" the "ree &o$an''' ;a!. E:-@.
''In this "ree)o$ Christ has $a)e us "ree *& 0o$!%ete%y %i;erate) us+3 stan) "ast then, & )o not ;e
ha$!ere) & he%) ensnare) & su;$it again to a yo6e o" s%a#ery *&hi0h you ha#e on0e !ut o""+'''
;a!. I:1
''A %itt%e %ea#en Ga s%ight in0%ination to error, or a "e& "a%se tea0hersH %ea#ens the &ho%e %u$! *it
!er#erts the &ho%e 0on0e!tion o" "aith or $is%ea)s the &ho%e 0hur0h+''' ;a!. I:9.
''2or you ;rethren, &ere *in)ee)+ 0a%%e) to "ree)o$3 on%y *)o not %et your+ "ree)o$ ;e an in0enti#e
to your "%esh & an o!!ortunity or eC0use *"or se%"ishness+, ;ut through %o#e you shou%) ser#e one
another''' ;a!. I:1-.
''/ut i" you are gui)e) G%e)H ;y the *Ho%y+ S!irit, you are not su;1e0t to the 4a&''' ;a!. I:18.
1hat I a# "ee!ing is that i" we 'eing ha#pered to go 'ack into the a'o*e pict&red scene it #eans that
we are 'eing drawn 30A)) steps in re*erse. 3his can app!$ to ret&rning to 0o!$ P!ace or Passo*er '&t
the #ain tho&ght that I ha*e is that so#eone is 'eing te#pted 'ack to D)AD 1BA=4 'ack &nder the
!aw 'e"ore e*en ,ohn the +aptist arri*ed on the scene. I tr&st that whoe*er this is "or wi!! rea!ise that ;od
who is !o*e is on $o&r case % is concerned "or $o& % wants $o& to know that in 0is !o*e 0e is e*er
drawing $o& to 0i#se!". 3his o" co&rse a!so app!ies to a!! o" &s.
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
1hen we were 'orn we were 'orn with two identities 31I54 not identica! 2 our mista!en identity flesh
or self - % o&r 2 true identity ;hrist. )*ent&a!!$ one is to 'e the *ictor. 1hen Ae'ecca was a'o&t to 'ring
"orth. ;en. 2I: 22-26. ''TWO 0hi%)ren strugg%e) together &ithin her3 & she sai), I" it is so *that the 4or)
has hear) our !rayer+, WHA A5 I 4I>E THIS, An) she &ent to in?uire o" the 4or)' 79,The 4or) sai) to
her, *The "oun)ers o"+ t&o nations are in your &o$;, & the se!aration o" t&o !eo!%es has ;egun in
your ;o)y3 the one !eo!%e sha%% ;e stronger than the other, & the E48ER SHA44 SERIE THE
AOUNER'7:, When her )ays to ;e )e%i#ere) &ere to ;e "u%"i%%e), ;eho%) there &ere TWINS in her
&o$;' 7<, The "irst 0a$e out re) a%% o#er %i6e a hairy gar$ent, & they na$e) hi$ Esau *hairy+' 7=,
A"ter&ar) his ;rother !ut "orth, & his han) gras!e) Esau's hee%3 so he &as na$e) Ja0o;
In ;en E8:1H-19. 1e read. ''When Jose!h sa& that his "ather %ai) his right han) on E!hrai$'s hea), it
)is!%ease) hi$3 & he he%) u! his "ather's han) to $o#e it to 5anasseh's hea)' -J, An) Jose!h sai),
Not so, $y "ather, "or this is the "irstD;orn3 !ut your right han) u!on his hea)' -(, /ut his "ather
re"use) & sai), I 6no&, $y son, I 6no&' He a%so sha%% ;e0o$e a !eo!%e & sha%% ;e great3 ;ut HIS
AOUNER /ROTHER sha%% ;e REATER THAN HE, & HIS O22SPRIN sha%% ;e0o$e a 5U4TITU8E o"
In the "irst e7a#p!e Ae'ecca6s o""spring were twins the second ,oseph6s chi!dren were 'rothers in
'oth these &n&s&a! cases the e!der was to ser*e the $o&nger. 3his was not the nor#a! 5A3CAAL thing in
Israe!. 3he c&sto# was &s&a!!$ the other wa$ aro&nd. +&t keep in #ind that ;od6s wa$ is ne*er the
5A3CAAL wa$. 1h$: ''The natura% $an re0ei#es not the things o" the S!irit o" o)''' And p!ease a!!ow
#e to share with $o& that no #atter what the circ&#stances are at the #o#ent the 43AB5;)A #an wi!!
win in the !ong r&n. 5o #atter how #&ch we "ight kick or '&ck we wi!! #ake it a !ot easier on o&rse!*es
i" we wi!! '&t h&#'!e o&rse!*es to ;od6s wi!! % 1ord now % we wi!! sa*e o&rse!*es a !ot o" heartache. I"
we wi!! '&t do this then a !ot o" o&r other 2 self or mista!en identity wi!! 'e 3A=)5 A1AK a !ot ear!ier %
with a !ot !ess tro&'!e I wi!! sa$ A#en or 4o 'e it to that. Lk. 1H: -E--I.
A great part o" the reason "or o&r present e7istence is that e*ent&a!!$ the )LD)A &i%% ser*e the
KBC5;)A. In this pro*ing gro&nd o" this !i"e o" o&r present e7istence we pass thro&gh the phase o" "irst
!earning "ro# o&r parents then others in genera! teaching &s how to !i*e this "!esh !i"e this is o&r )LD)A
'rother e7perience that ca#e 5A3CAALLK< this we ha*e a!read$ !earned % this is a!so o&r .I43A=)5
ID)53I3K. 3hen a newer e7perience 'egan to e#erge which was to us o&r newer or KBC5;)A 'rother
or 3AC) ID)53I3K e7perience 2 since then ;od has 'een &rging &s to adopt the #otto o" o&r "irst
"orer&nner ''He $ust in0rease ;ut I $ust )e0rease'' this can a!so 'e ter#ed as o&r 2 3i"ine self and
so now we are !earning how to !i*e as a 2 spirit being - % constant!$ re#ind o&rse!*es as to o&r 3AC)
ID)53I3K % re#e#'er that as ,es&s o&r 2 0attern ,on- !i*ed % tho&ght we need to do the sa#e %
re#e#'er that ''I an) 5y 2ather are One'' % as we do this
3he c&!#ination o" this e7perience is as we #entioned in o&r !ast artic!e 2 Two in a bed one was taken
% the other !e"t. Bne identit$ was taken o&t o" the wa$. Another wa$ o" !ooking at this is that the *ei! wi!!
'e co#p!ete!$ re#o*ed. 1hat a wonder"&! wonder"&! "&t&re awaits those who wi!! ser*e % !o*e ;od
with a!! their heart a!! their so&! % a!! their #ind. ''There"ore, *there is+ no& no 0on)e$nation Gno
a)1u)ging gui%ty o" &rongH "or those &ho are in Christ Jesus' 2or the %a& o" the s!irit o" %i"e *&hi0h is+
in Christ Jesus *the %a& o" our ne& ;eing+ has "ree) $e "ro$ the %a& o" sin & )eath''' Ao# 8:1-2.
Bne o" the things that #an$ Christians "ind hard to o*erco#e is the conde#nation o" their own
conscience. 3his is hard eno&gh '&t to #ake things worse so#e to #ake the#se!*es "ee! 'etter or
s&perior so#e who 2 un!nowingly - sti!! ha*e a !itt!e o" the !ega!is# o" the second rea!# hanging on the#
cannot he!p tr$ing to p&t a g&i!t trip on others. In Christ ,es&s there is no conde#nation - ( did not say
con"iction so#e in their se!" righteo&s (ea! cannot see# to he!p the#se!*es % it is sad to see a"ter the$
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
ha*e heaped their !itt!e !oad o" !ega!is# % conde#nation % a""ected the other person the s#&gness in
their e7pression. +e!o*ed i" this is in an$ o" &s we need to co#e 'e"ore o&r 4a*io&r % a!!ow 0i# to
re#o*e this part o" o&r $ista6en i)entity "ro# &s. 3his attit&de can act&a!!$ ste# "ro# a deep hidden
sense o" in"eriorit$ 2 because of a past experience - which 'e!ie*e it or not o"ten de*e!ops into se!"
righteo&sness which the Lord sees % co#p!ete!$ &nderstands. Ae#e#'er o&r Lord % Christ is !o*e %
wi!! ne*er 'ring conde#nation to an$ o" &s.
A!! that has happened in the histor$ o" Israe! are gi*en to &s as t$pes % shadows. 7There is nothing new
under the sun.8 A!! o" these things ha*e 'een gi*en "or o&r ad#onition % - 7/hat has been shall be
again8 - 3hese things are !eading &s onward % &pward toward a higher rea!isation % a state o"
incorr&ption. 3he script&re I a# a'o&t to /&ote is to 'e &nderstood spirituall as there is a *er$ pertinent
signi"icance intended "or &s toda$.
I<('''When o) hear) this, He &as "u%% o" *ho%y+ &rath3 & he utter%y re1e0te) Israe%, great%y a;horring &
%oathing *her &ays+, =.' So that HE 2ORSOO> THE TA/ERNAC4E AT SHI4OH, the tent in &hi0h He ha) )&e%t
a$ong $en *AN8 NEIER RETURNE8 TO IT AAIN+' =-' An) )e%i#ere) His strength & !o&er Gthe ar6 o" the
0o#enantH into 0a!ti#ity, & His g%ory into the han)s o" the "oe Gthe Phi%istinesH' =7 ' He ga#e His !eo!%e o#er a%so
to the s&or) & &as &rath &ith His heritage' =9' The "ire *o" &ar+ )e#oure) their young $en, & their ;erea#e)
#irgins &ere not !raise) in a &e))ing song' =:' Their !riests *Ho!hni & Phinehas+ "e%% ;y the s&or), & their
&i)o&s $a)e no %a$entation *"or the ;o)ies 0a$e not ;a06 "ro$ the s0ene o" ;att%e, & the &i)o& o" Phinehas
a%so )ie) that )ay' =<' THEN THE 4OR8 AWA>ENE8 AS 2RO5 S4EEP, D 7The 4ord will go forth li!e a mighty
man -e will +1*,. *0 -is Gealous indignation $ "engeance li!e a warrior H -e will cry yes -e will shout
aloud -e will do mightily against -is enemies.8 Isa E2: 1-- 16. - as a strong $an &hose 0ons0iousness o" !o&er
is heightene) ;y &ine' ==' An) He s$ote His a)#ersaries in the ;a06 *as they "%e)+3 He !ut the$ to %asting
sha$e & re!roa0h' =K' 5oreo#er He re1e0te) the tent o" Jose!h & 0hose not the tri;e o" E!hrai$ *IN WHICH
THE TA/ERNAC4E HA8 /EEN ACCUSTO5E8 TO STAN8+' =J ' /ut He 0hose the tri;e o" Ju)ah *as Israe%'s
%ea)er+, 5ount Lion &hi0h He %o#e) *to re!%a0e Shi%oh as His 0a!ita%+' =(' An) He ;ui%t His san0tuary
*eCa%te)+ %i6e the heights *o" the hea#ens+ & %i6e the earth &hi0h He esta;%ishe) "ore#er' K.' He 0hose 8AII8
His ser#ant & too6 hi$ "ro$ the shee!"o%)s3 D #eaning h&#'!e ordinar$ peop!e not necessari!$ #en o" the c!oth
so ca!!ed - K-' 2ro$ ten)ing the e&es that ha) their young He ;rought hi$ to ;e the she!her) o" Ja0o; His
!eo!%e, o" Israe% His inheritan0e' K7 ' So 8a#i) &as their SHEPHER8 &ith an u!right heart3 he gui)e) ;y the
)is0ern$ent & s6i%%"u%ness *&hi0h 0ontro%%e)+ his han)s''' Ps H8:I9-H2.
4o 'eca&se o" !a7ness % wickedness 2 or heeding their mista!en identity - % not ha*ing a !o*e "or
tr&th % 2 spiritual purity - 8&dge#ent was the order o" the da$. 4o#e see# to think 'eca&se o" ;od6s
-(mputed +ighteousness - that 0e wi!! t&rn a '!ind e$e to an$ sort o" 'eha*io&r - not so $y goo) ;rothers
& sisters M s&re 0is grace co*ers a!! things % 0e wi!! go the !ast #i!e to get &s. +&t i" we are interested in
ha*ing a good c!ear conscience 'e"ore o&r 4a*io&r % 'eing a part o" the .an-chi!d co#pan$< know this
that this co#pan$ is to 'e 2 ho%y uns!otte) & &ithout ;%e$ish' 3he res&!ts in the a'o*e passage were
s&re!$ &nder the Law '&t !et &s transpose % spirit&a!ise the# into toda$6s scene. ;od is de"inite!$ not
going to a!!ow an$ o" the i##ora! 'eha*io&r o" an$ 0ophni6s % Phinehas6s in toda$6s Ch&rch % p!ease do
not think that an$ wi!! wi!! go &nscathed 'oth in their conscience % '$ 'eing rewarded - with what we
sow we reap - % a!so '$ 'eing dea!t with '$ ;od 0i#se!". 5ow so#e #a$ think #a$ think that I a#
'eing !ega!istic. +&t o&r ;od is not on!$ a righteo&s 0o!$ ;od '&t 0e is a!so a ,&st ;od as we!! as 'eing
a !o*ing ;od. 5ow ;od in his disp!eas&re % wrath #a$ ha*e 2 forsa!en the tabernacle at ,hiloh - %
taken 0is 0o!$ presence awa$ "ro# 0is then ta'ernac!e which was - a type of the then ;hurch so called
'&t as a!wa$s ;od not on!$ had a #essage "or us in the a'o*e *erses '&t 0e a!so had a p!an "or the 2
Third or se"enth day depending on how we are *iewing it. B&r ;reat ;od ne*er I sa$ 5)?)A does
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
an$thing witho&t a ;BBD reason % re#e#'er the #oti*ating the#e in an$ o" o&r wonder"&! Creator6s
#oods or actions is the C5)5DI5; Lo*e "or 0is creation .A5.
''Then in $er0y & %o#ing 6in)ness sha%% a THRONE ;e esta;%ishe), & ONE M ;hrist in the man-child
sha%% sit u!on it in truth & "aith"u%ness IN THE TENT O2 8AII8, 1u)ging & see6ing 1usti0e & ;eing s&i"t
to )o righteousness''' Isa 16:I. I wo&!d a!so #ention that Da*id 'eca#e their 40)P0)AD.
7 /here are you going ,hepherd9
To find my sheep.
-ow far will you go9
As far as my sheep.
-ow far may that be9
To the world's end.
-ow long will you see! it9
*ntil ( find it.
/hen you find it will it
;ome to you9
<o it will flee from me.
/here will it go then9
To the roc!s $ the sand.
/hen will it stop9
/hen it can run no more.
/hat will you do then9
;arry it home.8
B&r wonder"&! Creator % sa*io&r is in the process o" raising &p this wonder"&! co#pan$ o" #en %
wo#en who wi!! 'e act&a! rep!ica6s o" Christ ,es&s 0i#se!". ;od is once #ore 'eing - 5ani"este) in
"%esh, & 2aith !o&er & 4o#e M wi!! 'e the order o" the da$ 2 And the greatest of these is 41I..
In0orru!tion is soon to ;e the or)er o" the )ay'
It wi!! not 'e !ong 'e"ore the "o!!owing prophec$ wi!! 'e an e7perience o" A)ALI3K. 1e are now reading
"ro# Lech. 1E: 16-21.
?16.''An) e#eryone &ho is %e"t o" a%% the nations &hi0h 0a$e against Jerusa%e$ sha%% e#en go u!
"ro$ year to year to &orshi! the >ing, the 4or) o" hosts, & to 6ee! the 2east o" Ta;erna0%es or
/ooths''' D 5otice that it does not #ention THE !EAST O! PENTECOST this designates that ;od wo&!d 'e
dwe!!ing in each 'ooth or te#p!e or person indi*id&a!!$ as in T"# M$st H$l Pla%# 1H. ''An) it sha%% ;e
that &hoso o" the "a$i%ies o" the earth sha%% not go u! to JERUSA4E5 to &orshi! the >ing, the 4or) o"
hosts, M ,er&sa!e# is depicting the 0ea*en!$ ,er&sa!e# or the cit$ .BC53 LIB5 where =ing Da*id6s
3a'ernac!e or 3ent resided 0e'. 12: 22 2 4a#. 6:16-1H 2 Chron 1:E. - u!on the$ there sha%% ;e no
rain''' - this is #eaning that the o!d has 'een co#p!ete!$ s&perseded % the on!$ wa$ to recei*e AAI5 or
'!essing "ro# ;od wi!! 'e in the e7perience o" 3A+)A5ACL)4 % there wi!! 'e no other options. 18.
''An) i" the "a$i%y o" Egy!t )oes not go u! to Jerusa%e$ M this is not a geographica! position '&t a
spirit&a! condition - & !resent the$se%#es, u!on the$ there sha%% ;e no rain, ;ut there sha%% ;e the
!%ague M this p!ag&e is depicting a spirit&a! sickness or condition - &ith &hi0h the 4or) &i%% s$ite the
nations that go not u! to 6ee! the "east o" Ta;erna0%es' 19. This sha%% ;e the 0onse?uent !unish$ent o"
the sin M or #istaking o&r tr&e identit$ or re"&sing to ad#it to the tr&th o" o&r di*ine nat&re 2 o" Egy!t &
the 0onse?uent !unish$ent o" the sin o" a%% the nations that )o not go u! to 6ee! the "east o"
Ta;erna0%es' 2@. In that )ay there sha%% ;e *&ritten+ u!on the *%itt%e+ ;e%%s on the horses, HO4A TO THE
4OR8, D obedient ser"ants - & the !ots in the 4or)'s house sha%% ;e ho%y to the 4or) %i6e the ;o&%s ;e"ore
the a%tar' 21.Aes e#ery !ot D Ao#.9:21 2 in a%% the houses o" Jerusa%e$ & in Ju)ah sha%% ;e )e)i0ate) &
ho%y to the 4or) o" hosts, an) a%% &ho sa0ri"i0e $ay 0o$e & ta6e o" the$ & ;oi% their sa0ri"i0es in the$
Christ the Antidote concerning Death
*& tra)ers in su0h &ares &i%% no %onger ;e seen at the te$!%e+' An) in that )ay there sha%% ;e no $ore a
Canaanite *that is any go)%ess or un0%ean !erson, &hether Je& or genti%e+ in the house o" the 4or) o"
hosts''' )ph 2:19-22. ,n 2:1E-1H.
)*er$ detai! in the a'o*e *erses ha*e a *er$ pertinent app!ication to 'oth &s toda$ % in the *er$ near
"&t&re. 3he a'o*e re"erence to the e7perience o" 3a'ernac!es 2 which equates to the 7Most -oly 0lace8-
% the #ost o'*io&s a'sence o" an$ #ention o" Pentecost 2 which equates to the -oly 0lace8- o&ght to
th&nder in o&r spirit&a! ears the i#p!ication o" what ;od is doing e*en right now % that is #aking &s
aware o" what e7perience is LA43I5; % )3)A5AL a!! e!se has 'een a !ead &p to 'ringing &s into the
e7perience o" INCORRUPTION& % Ta'#r(a%l#s is the on!$ e7perience that can acco#p!ish this.
''That *S!irit+ is the guarantee o" our inheritan0e *the "irst "ruits, the !%e)ge & "oretaste, the )o&n
!ay$ent on our heritage+, in anti0i!ation o" its "u%% re)e$!tion & our a0?uiring *0o$!%ete+ !ossession
o" it M to the !raise o" His g%ory''' )ph 1:1E.

;od6s great creation .A5 2 we are fearfully $ wonderfully made that which we cannot see that part
o" &s which is "ro# another wor!d - :esus said My 5ingdom is not of this world is 'eing en!arged
within &s so that it wi!! "irst a""ect &s in the "&!! rea!isation as to the rea!it$ o" o&r tru# i)#(tit % then as
the o'*io&s change wi!! 'e 'e seen in &s 2 that is all -is chosen ones we wi!! reach o&t % gi*e others
e7act!$ the sa#e as what we ha*e 'een gi*en. ''2or those &ho$ He "ore6ne& *o" &ho$ He &as a&are
& %o#e) ;e"orehan)+, He a%so )estine) "ro$ the ;eginning *"oreor)aining the$+ to ;e $ou%)e) into the
i$age o" His Son *& share in&ar)%y His %i6eness+, that He $ight ;e0o$e the "irst;orn a$ong $any
;rethren' An) those &ho He thus "oreor)aine), He a%so 0a%%e)3 & those &ho$ He 0a%%e), He a%so
1usti"ie) Ga0?uitte), $a)e righteous, !utting the$ into right stan)ing &ith hi$se%"H' An) those &ho$
he 1usti"ie), He a%so g%ori"ie) *raising the$ to a hea#en%y )ignity & 0on)ition & state o" ;eing+''' Ao#
3o #o*e ahead in o&r e7perience we #&st 2 within oursel"es - A44)53 - to the tr&th o" what ;od is
sa$ing to &s toda$ "or it to ha*e an a""ect in o&r !i*es. A!so i" we 6no&ing%y re8ect it we are in danger o"
stagnating % I do not sa$ that !ight!$.
.a$ ;od '!ess each % e*er$ one o" $o& i##ense!$.
Writt#( ' Ralp" ,($-l#s. /a(uar 0 !#'ruar. 1232.

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