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Project Crazy Project

unnecessary lemmas. very sloppy. handwriting needs improvement.

What is this? As an F-vector space, an infinite direct sum of F has strictly smaller
dimension than an infinite direct power of F over the same
On these pages you will find a index set
slowly growing (and poorly
organized) list of proofs and Let be a field. Prove that a vector space over having basis (regardless of
examples in abstract algebra. the cardinality of ) is isomorphic as a vector space to . Prove that is
No doubt these pages are also an -vector space which has strictly larger dimension than that of .
riddled with typos and errors in
logic, and in many cases
alternate strategies abound. (So a free module on any set is isomorphic to a direct sum. Weve never gotten
around to proving this in the best possible generality, though, so well just prove it
When you find an error, or if for vector spaces here.)
anything is unclear, let me know
and I will fix it. Note that, by the universal property of free modules, the natural injection
which sends to the tuple which has 1 in the th component and 0

Contact elsewhere induces a vector space homomorphism . This mapping

Send email to "project (dot) is clearly surjective, and also clearly injective. So .
crazy (dot) project (at) gmail
(dot) com". Certainly is an -vector space which contains , so that
. Suppose these two dimensions are in fact equal.
Identify with the usual basis of . By this previous exercise, there is a basis
Mega Index
Colophon of which contains , and as argued above, . By our
FAQ hypothesis, in fact and have the same cardinality, and so there exists a
bijection . Now induces a vector space isomorphism
Search PCP .
However, note that , while
Categories . Since , we have a
Exercis es (1,576)
AA:DF (1,320) contradiction. Thus the dimension of is strictly smaller than that of .
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Whisky Jack Frank Cerveja Brahma Extra
abelian group algebraic Sinatra 1L Weiss 355ml Caixa
integer ring alternating group
R$ 69.938 R$ 1.914
basis center (group)
commutative ring complex COMPRAR COMPRAR


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counterexample cycle
notation cyclic group degree
dihedral group direct
product direct s um divisibility If V is an infinite Over a countable field, A linear transformation
factorization field field dimensional vector any two bases of an on a finite dimensional
extension finite field space, then its dual infinite dimensional vector space which has
finite group gaussian space has strictly larger vector space have the a stable subspace
integers general linear group dimension same cardinality decomposes as a direct
generating set greatest In "AA:DF" In "AA:DF" sum
common divisor group In "AA:DF"
group action group
homomorphism group
presentation Grbner basis ideal By nbloomf, on June 14, 2011 at 10:00 am, under AA:DF. Tags: cardinality, dimension, direct
integers integral domain product, direct sum, field, infinite dimensional, vector space. 2 Comments

intersection irreducible Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

polynomial isomorphism jordan

canonical form kernel linear
transformation matrix maximal
On the set of ideals in a ring, divisibility is antisymmetric
ideal modular arithmetic In the set of ideals of a ring of algebraic integers in some fixed finite extension of
module norm normalizer QQ, if AB = A then B = (1)
normal subgroup Comments
order (group element)
polynomial polynomial Josh Swanson On August 31, 2011 at 8:58 pm Perm alink | Reply

ring prime prime ideal How does |F| * |B| < |F|^|B| follow when |B| = |F|, can just use Cantors
principal ideal principal ideal diagonalization argument, since |F| * |B| = max{|F|, |B|}.
domain quadratic field quadratic That an infinite cartesian product increases the cardinality of a set is intuitive, at
integer ring quaternion group least.
quotient group quotient ring
rational numbers rationals Josh Swanson On August 31, 2011 at 9:01 pm Perm alink | Reply
real numbers relatively prime
ring semidirect product My comment above was mangled. I guess the angle brackets were eaten as HTML.
What I wrote was
semigroup simple group
How does |F| * |B| less than |F|^|B| follow when |B| is smaller than |F|? When |B| is
subgroup subgroup index greater than or equal to |F|, we can just use Cantors diagonalization argument,
subgroup lattice sylow's since |F| * |B| = max{|F|, |B|}, so
theorem sylow subgroup |F| * |B| = |B| is less than 2^|B| is less than or equal to |F|^|B|
symmetric group That an infinite cartesian product increases the cardinality of a set is intuitive, at
tensor product vector least.

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experience comes from failure,
and failure comes from trying.

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