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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Reading Central Focus: Describing connections between historical events.

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: RI 2.3.

Describe the connection between a series of
Date submitted: 3/13/17 Date taught: 3/13/17
historical events in a text.

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- The students will create a timeline based on the historical events that take place in the passage they read on
the civil war.
Conditions- Students will work in pairs.
Criteria- Students will work in pairs and are expected to have at least 5 historical events on their timeline.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Social skills, collaboration, critical thinking Vocabulary): historical events, green land, Vikings, Christopher
Columbus, mayflower, pilgrims

Prior Knowledge: Students will need to know how to go back into passages and reread in order to answer questions based
on the reading.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting

1. Focus and Review The teacher will begin the lesson by saying, Today we are going to look at some 10
texts that tell us about historical events. Historical events are important events that minutes
happened in the past. These events usually go together in some way. Often, one
event will lead to another event. Events can also be connected by how they are
alike and different. The teacher will then show the class a cartoon strip on the
smart board of how Christopher Columbus reached the New World. Here is the
Columbus thought he So he sailed west Columbus thought he
could find a faster way across the ocean. had landed in the
to the Indies. Indies.

Together, the teacher will then show the students where to circle the parts of the
cartoon that show what happened because Columbus thought he could find a faster
way to the Indies.

The teacher will then show the class a chart that shows how the events go together.

Because So Then
Christopher Columbus Columbus sailed west Columbus had thought
believed he could find from Spain across the he had reached the
a faster way to the ocean. Indies, but he had
Indies. landed in America.

Lastly, the teacher will explain that when reading about historical events, you often
find that smaller events that are connected lead to a very important event.
Columbuss decision to sail west led to the discovery of America.
2. Statement of Tell the students, Today we are going to look at historical events in a text and
Objective make connections between those historical events.
for Student
3. Teacher Input The teacher will begin by reading the first part of an article about the Vikings. The 10
article is called, The Vikings in Vinland. Following the article, the teacher will minutes
give the students some questions to explore how to answerWhy did Leif
Ericson search for the land he called Vinland? Underline a sentence in the article
that shows why Ericson looked for Vinland.
The teacher will then present a chart to the students and ask them to read the chart
and together they will fill in the blanks to tell why Ericson searched for Vinland.
How Leif Ericson Found Vinland
First Next Finally

A sailor named Bjarni got He returned and told Leif Ericson sailed
_______________and __________________ with a group to find
saw __ about his new land. the land because he
____________________ thought it would
__. _________________

4. Guided Practice During this time the teacher will read aloud with the class the article, Voyage of 10
the Mayflower. The students will use Close reading to guide the readingFor minutes
example: while reading the article the teacher will say, what sentence should I
underline that shows why the Pilgrims chose to stay in Massachusetts? Circle
words that tell how the Pilgrims lived when they first reached Plymouth. Circle
the sentence in paragraph 5 that tells how the Pilgrims felt after Winter was over.
After going through the article, the teacher will pull up a set of questions 1-3 that
go along with the article. The questions are1. Why did the Pilgrims settle in
Massachusetts? 2. Why did most of the Pilgrims live on the Mayflower for the
winter? 3. What changed for the Pilgrims when spring came?
5. Independent The students will receive a passage on historical events that have happened with the 15
Practice civil war. The students will read the 3 short paragraphs and then be asked to create minutes
a timeline of the historical events that took place with a partner. The students have
been taught that one historical event leads to the next and so they know to start
their timeline beginning with an important event that first was mentioned in the
passage and then continue into the next two paragraphs. Students will show
connections between the historical events by placing the events in the correct order
on the timeline. After completing the timeline, students can look back over it and
make more connections about the events they placed on their timeline.
6. Assessment Summative: Students will turn in their timeline for the teacher to look at. They are expected to
Methods of have at least 5 historical events plotted on the timeline. Students are expected to make
all objectives/skills: connections to the events by placing the events in the correct order.

Formative: While the students are working in pairs, the teacher should go around and have
students tell her what some of the historical events are from the civil war passage. This will
help the teacher have an understanding of if the students understand how to pick out historical
events in the passage and make connections by putting them in order.
7. Closure To end the lesson on historical events in a text, the teacher will have the class come
back together to the front and bring their timelines with them. The teacher will call
on several students to volunteer and share their timelines with the class. After
sharing multiple timelines, the teacher will have the students make connections
between the historical events they placed on their timeline.
8. Assessment Results 23 out of 23 students showed proficiency on the assessment.
all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
The independent practice is interactive in that it should Students who do not choose to work with a partner can choose
be able to accommodate students at all levels since they to work alone. The students will also be able to use the text to
are working in partners. However, the teacher will be help find historical events for their timeline.
able to assist the groups who are struggling with
historical events and making connections. Early finishers
can take out another one of their history books and pick
out significant historical events in the text.
Materials/Technology: Copies of The Vikings in Vinland. Copies of Voyage of the Mayflower. Paper for timeline,
book on The Civil War.

Reflection on lesson: Overall, the lesson went really well. At first, students struggled with the concept of historical events.
Students didnt realize that historical events are from the past and significant to us. Some students had a hard time going
back in the passage and finding historical events.

CT signature: ________________________ Date: 3-13-17US signature: ____________________________Date: 3-13-17

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