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ISSN 2303-243X

International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2016

Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Ofce for Research and Development and Training
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2016 ISSN 2303-243X E-ISSN: 2442-9031

Choirul Fuad Yusuf
Managing Editor
Editorial Board
Abd. Rachman Masud (Ministry of Religious Affairs, The Republic of Indonesia)
Edwin Wieringa (University of Cologne, Germany)
Annabel Teh Gallop (British Library, United Kingdom)
Nico J.G. Kaptein (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Achadiati Ikram (University of Indonesia, Indonesia)
Azyumardi Azra (State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia)
Imam Tholkhah (Ministry of Religious Affairs, The Republic of Indonesia)
Atiq Susilo (State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia)
Joel Khan (University of Melbourne)
Fuad Wahab (State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia)
HD Hidayat (State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia)
Shirley Baker
Lukmanul Hakim
Ayang Utriza Yakin
Ridwan Bustamam
Alfan Firmanto
Reza Perwira
Arif Syibromalisi
Asistant Editors
Ibnu Fatkhan
Front Cover : The Image is fully adopted from the image in the article Enlivening Cultural
Environments through Sharing and Gotong Royong (Mutual Cooperation)
The focus of this journal is to provide readers on understanding of Indonesia and International
affairs related to religious literature and heritage and its present developments through
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Heritage of Nusantara specializes in religious studies in the field of literature either
contemporarily or classically and heritage located in Southeast Asia. This journal warmly
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Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage
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Diana Butler 1


BANTEN 1754-1756 CE.
Ayang Utriza Yakin 23


Gayda Bachmid 77


Norziati Mohd Rosman 105


Abdul Malik Ghazali 119

heritage of nusantara: iii


Ayang Utriza Yakin

Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

This article provides a critical edition of the Leiden Manuscript Cod. Or. 5626.
It gives the transliteration from pegon (Javanese in modified-Arabic letters) into
Latin script and a translation from Javanese into English. The publication of
this edition is intended to reach a wider readership, especiallyphilologists and
scholars of Islamic law, in order to have access to the original text. It should
serve as a precious source for those who are interested in Islamic legal history.
This is the oldest and the first register of qadi ever known from Southeast Asia.
The document contributes tremendously to the field of Islamic law and Southeast
Asian studies.
Keywords : qadi, Banten, Leiden, Javanese, and register.

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Ayang Utriza Yakin

Artikel ini menyajikan suntingan teks dari Naskah Leiden berkode 5626. Ia
menyajikan alihaksara dari pegon (bahasa Jawa dalam aksara Arab yang telah
digubah) ke dalam aksara Latin dan alihbahasa dari bahasa Jawa ke dalam
bahasa Inggris. Penerbitan edisi ini dimaksudkan untuk menjangkau pembaca
yang lebih luas, terutama kalangan ahli pernaskahan dan para sarjana hukum
Islam, agar memiliki pintu masuk ke teks aslinya. Makalah ini haruslah menjadi
sumber berharga bagi mereka yang tertarik dalam sejarah hukum Islam. Ini
adalah catatan hukum tertua dan pertama
Kata Kunci: qadi, Banten, Leiden, Jawa, dan catatan.

Bantn is located on the western tip of Javas north coast facing
the Sunda Straits. Tradition asserts that the Shivaist-Hinduist-Javanese
immigrants coming from Central Java founded it around 993. The
newcomers made Bantn Girang (Bantn up-the-river) the central
administrative center and capital city, lying around 10 km inland on
the Cibantn River. Bantn, as a new political entity in the region, was
attacked and defeated by the Buddhist-Sriwijaya Empire from Sumatra, in
the first half of the 11th century. However, this did not stop the princedom
of Bantn Girang from engaging as an independent state in international
trade with mainly China during the 12th-15th centuries thanks to its pepper
production. Bantn Girang suffered from a second attack and was invaded
by the Hinduist Kingdom of Sunda-Padjajaran at the beginning of the XVth
century.2 Bantn Girang was under Padjajaran rule until its defeat in 1527
by Muslim troops from Cirebon (assisted by Demak) that consciously
intended to Islamize its inhabitants. The Muslim army from Cirebon and
Demak took the country that had been prospering for centuries from the
international pepper trade from the hands of the infidels. After having
conquered Kelapa3, Sunan Gunung Jati and his son Maulana Hasanuddin
established a Muslim kingdom in Bantn Girang in 1527, in the old central
kingdom. Afterwards they moved out the city from Bantn Girang into
the port in Bantn.
During the Islamic period of the 16th-17th centuries, Bantn grew
rapidly and reached its peak politically and economically. From the
mid-sixteenth century until the late seventeenth century, the agricultural
sultanate flourished economically due to its strategic location on the

24 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

East-West international trade route and its agricultural production,

especially of pepper. European traders coming from Portugal, France,
England, Denmark, and the Netherlands, as well as Asian traders from
the Arabian Peninsula, Persia, and China visited Bantn. With the arrival
of the Europeans and people from other nations, Bantn became more
diverse, richer, and complex at the same time. The Muslim kingdom of
Bantn reigned during a relatively long period of time: it ruled during
more than 150 years as an independent state, from 1527 to 1682. Later on,
for more than 120 years, Bantn was under the control of the Dutch-East
India Company (VOC), based at Batavia, as the Sultanate of Bantn lost
independence after the defeat of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, the fifth Sultan of
Bantn (r.1651- 1682), in its battle against the Dutch in 16824.
The sultanate came under the domination of the Dutch-Company
resulting in an economic and political colonization leading to the
Sultanates decline. The loss of the Sultanate of Bantns autonomy
had serious consequences for the waning of its political might. During
the 18th century, Bantn suffered from the internal intrigues between the
elites fighting for wealth and power. Its enormous economic potential was
on the verge of ruin due to continual political instability which harmed
pepper production, further leading to the impoverishment of the Bantn
population. The Sultanate of Bantn was finally abolished by the British
in 1813 and disappeared completely5. In 1816, Bantn was annexed by the
newly formed Dutch East Indies and in 1833 the last sultan was forced by
the Dutch into exile in Surabaya6.

The Qadi of Bantn

The first qadi known in the sultanate of Bantn was Ki Ali or Kyai
Ali7 according to the Sajarah Bantn, a 16th century chronicle of Bantn.
He was called Ali and was given the honorary title for a respected person,
Kiyahi or Kyai. Ki Ali was also known as Kyai Dukuh. As he
lived in the village of Kasunyatan, he was also called Pangeran (Prince)
Kasunyatan.8 However, the term prince did not mean that he was a royal.
Kasunyatan9 was the religious center located at the outside of the city of
Bantn. Prince Kasunyatan became the master and the teacher of the
religious center in Bantn. We might assume this village of Kasunyatan
was a kind of Islamic education centre or madrasah where judge-candidates
were supposedly trained.

heritage of nusantara: 25
Ayang Utriza Yakin

The function of the qadi Prince Kasunyatan was central. He had

important duties in religious matters, but also in political issues. He was
a religious teacher for the royal family, initially for the sultan and the
crown prince10. He acted as a guardian of the crown prince when he was
still a child and represented him in everything11. He was a regent when
the Sultan and the Prime Minister were absent from the kingdom12. More
importantly, he was in charge of legal affairs. Indeed, after the Sultan and
Prime Minister he was the most important person. Without doubt, the qadi
was the highest authority in religious matters and legal affairs. When the
Dutch first came to Bantn in 1596, while discussing issues with the Prime
Minister (Mangkubumi Kyai Mas Patih) in the royal square they observed
that the qadi (Pangeran Kasunyatan) was a very important person.13
The qadi Prince Kasunyatan was the son of a ruler of Medina named
Sheikh Muhammad Madani Syah. He traveled around the world before
he arrived at Minangkabau, Sumatra. The king of this country learned
the Quran from him and gave him a wife. Afterwards, he went to Bantn
where he was received by the king to teach Islam to Prince Muhammad
(1580-1596)14. Thus, it seems that the first qadi of Bantn came directly
from Medina and was of Arab origin. Presumably, the main reason for the
coming of Ki Ali or Prince Kasunyatan was to strengthen the religious
legitimacy of Bantn as an Islamic kingdom.
During the reign of the fifth ruler of Bantn, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
(1651-1682), the qadi obtained a special title, namely Kiyahi Pqih
Najmuddin (or Kyai Fakih Najmuddin).15 It was a title which was granted
for the first time to Enthol Kawista16 around 1651. The Sultan of Bantn
appointed him as a qadi, following the refusal of Prince Jayasantika to
accept this position17. After Kawista, the title of Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin
was systematically borne by all qadis of Bantn. The last qadi having borne
this title was Haji Muhammad Adian until his death in 1855 or 1856.18

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The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Image 1. The Prime Minister and the Qadi in 1596 (Lodewycksz;1929:114)

In brief, qadi was the official position and functional name for a
judge in Bantn according to the chronicle local source, the Sajarah
Bantn Besar,19 which is also apparent from the seal of the qadi of Bantn.
One seal, dated 1139/1726-7, reads Alamat Cap Kadi Bantn (This is
the seal of the qadi of Bantn) and another, dated 1733, Pangeran Kadi
Syamsuddin (Prince Qadi Syamsuddin), both of them were written in
pegon20. Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin was the official title of the qadi of
the Sultanate of Bantn according to a local source, namely the Undhang-
Undhang Bantn21 and manuscript LOr 5626 which is the source this
study.22 A large part of the archive of Bantn kept in the National Archive
of Indonesia (ANRI) in Jakarta contains the seals of the qadi of Bantn
bearing the official title Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin23.

The Transliteration and the Translation

The aim of this paper is to provide a critical edition of Cod. Or. 5626
from the register of the qadi court covering the years 1754-1756. The
codicology of the manuscript and the analysis of its content will published
separately from this essay. This article hopefully will contribute to Islamic
legal history in general by providing textual evidence that the qadi record
(sijill) existed in Southeast Asia in the 18th century. The publication of
this edition is intended to reach a wider reader, especially to philologists
and scholars in Islamic law, in order to have access to the original text. It
should serve as a precious source for those who are interested in Islamic
legal history.

heritage of nusantara: 27
Ayang Utriza Yakin

No. Javanese Transliteration English Translation

1 [1.] Pun Ayu matur ing [1.] Ayu informed the akim24
akim: Kula dh-y-d y-n-j-h [judge]: I () was beaten
den-gtik dening Mas Mulih. by Mas Muslih, which I do
Kula botn suka. Kula nyata not accept. I explained this
saakim. Maka saking iki to the judge. Based on
akim amariksa. Maka nyata this information, the judge
t-b-t-ng- ggtik munggah ing investigated [the case]. It was
geger nnm w-w-l-w-r-y-. clear () that the knee was
hit, continuing until it reached
the back, six times () (?) [the
case is not dated].
2 Alamat pun Damirah wus The matter is that Damirah had
den-alq dening Pqih, been divorced by the pqih27
sabab lakine den pun Dawat [judge] because her husband,
nambang wus tlung tahun, Dawat, ignored her for three
oranana kkirime oranana years, never sending [food]
ttinggale. Maka Ki25 parcel and not providing the
Pangulu Muammad ale obligatory financial support.28 It
ingkang angaturakn ing was Kyai Pangulu29 Muhammad
akim ing aturipun Damirah Saleh30 who informed the
wong Gunung Jning yen judge about the statement
anjaluk alq srta alal of Damirah, a resident of Mt.
maskawine, sabab lakine Jning, asking for a alq31
nambang wus tlung tahun [divorce] and a ruling on
oranana kkirime oranana the lawfulness of the dowry,
ttinggale, srta Ki Pangulu because her husband ignored
wus amariksa ing pun Dawat26 her for three years, leaving her
a-ny-l-r rolas s-l-r-. akim wus without [food] parcel or the
a-ng-r-ny-b ing Ki Pangulu obligatory financial support.
Muammad ale ing dina Kyai Pangulu had investigated
mis tanggal ping 4 wulan the husband, Dawat, who raised
Rabu al- Awwal tahun Ba (?) 12 () [ reyal]. The judge
1168 Hijrah handed (?) this [money] to Kyai
Pangulu Muhammad Saleh [as
compensation for Damirah] on
Thursday the 4th of the month
of Rabu al-Awwal 1168 A.H.,
in the year B [19th December
1754 C.E.].32

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The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

3 Ing dina laa tanggal On Tuesday the 29th of the

ping sanga likur saking month of Raman 1168 A.H.,
wulan Raman tahun B in the year B [9 July 1755
1168 Hijrah, kala iki Mas C.E.], [Nyi] Mas Zulaykah
Zulaykah Mabita rabine Raden Mabita, the wife of Raden37
Tubagus Kusuma33 Nagara Tubagus Kusuma Nagara, stated
kalane angahirakn anake that when her baby girl was
wadon, maka tka ing umur forty days old her husband
patang puluh dina, maka nuli immediately had given care of
Tubagus Kusuma34 Nagara their baby to a woman named
aweh ingon-ingone anake, Sahudah, accepted by [Nyi]
sing kangongkon dening Mas Zulaykah herself. The cost
Tubagus Kusuma Nagara of care is a half reyal.38 The
wong wadon aranipun judge witnessed this statement
Sahudah, kang anampa Mas through the testimony of a
Zulaykah35 dhewek. Akehing female servant of Nyimas
ingon-ingon satngah reyal. Zulaykah called Piyah. The date
akim anksni ing ature of this testimony to the judge
Mas Zulaykah36 saking ature was Friday 28 of the month of
kongkonane wong wadon al-Qaidah, 1168 A.H., in the
aranipun Piyah. Kalane year B [5th September 1755
kongkonan matur ing akim C.E.].
iki ing dina Jumungah tanggal
kalih kawan likur saking
wulan Z al-Qaidah tahun B
1168 Hijrah.
4 Ing dina Jumuah tanggal ping On Friday the 29th of the month
sanga likur saking wulan of al-Qaidah, 1168 A.H., in
al-Qaidah tahun B 1168 the year B [6th September
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas 1755 C.E.], I, Kyai Mas Manamar
Manamar anikaakn anake joined in marriage the daughter
pun Jamal, aranpun Daim, of Jamal, called Daim, and Aripa
kalawan pun Aripa rong with a dowry of twenty reyal
puluh reyal, sabab den- wakili because Jamal had given me
dening pun Jamal anikaakn power of attorney to marry his
anake kalawan pun Aripa. Ana daughter to Aripa. Jamal and his
dening pun Jamal lan rabine wife are free persons. Before the
pun Jamal iku padha wong marriage, it was ascertained that
mardika. Ana dening kalaning Daim waslawfully divorced and
arp nika iki wus den- her waiting period [idah] was
pariksane ing a alq lan ing finished. Her parents stated that
pawate idahe. Yen ujare wong the divorce is lawful because her

heritage of nusantara: 29
Ayang Utriza Yakin

tuwane alq wus ae sabab former husband had pronounced

den-alq sawiji lapae sira the divorce formula: You are
sun alq sawiji. Srta wadon divorced from me with one alq
iki wus anyukakn maskawine. and the dowry was returned.39
Samono ujare wong tuwane. This is what was stated by
akim ankseni. Daims parent. [The marriage]
was witnessed by the judge.40
5 Ing malm41 Inen tanggal On the night of Monday the 7th
pitu saking wulan Z al- ijjah of the month of Z al-ijjah
w-n-j- j-m- sasanga tahun B 1168 A.H. () in the year B
1168 Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki [14 September 1755 C.E.] I, Ki
Mas Manamar anikaakn Mas Manamar, as a magistrate
pun alimah kalawan pun guardian [wali akim] joined in
Usad wali akim, sababing marriage Halimah and Usad,
wali akim bapahe wus because her father, as the lawful
mati, sing liyan tbih saking guardian, was dead and she had
bapahe oranana. Ana dening no paternal uncle. The dowry is
maskawine rong puluh twenty reyal deferred as a debt.
reyal den-utang. Ana dening At the time of the marriage both
kalaning nika iki wus bali. were of age. The bridegroom
Ana dening sing lanang iku is the son of Ki Abdul Salang
anake Ki Abdul Salang (?). Ana (?); the bride is the daughter of
dening sing wadon iku anake Saki. Both come from Kayudan.
pun Saki. Padha ali Kayudan. This is what was acknowledged
Samono pangakune ing [by them] to the judge. [The
akim42. akim anksni. marriage] was witnessed by the
6 [3] Ing dina Sbtu tanggal ping [3]43 On Saturday the 5th of the
lima saking wulan Muaram month of Muarram, 1169 A.H.,
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala in the year Wwu [11th October
iki Gus Ajim apiksa ing akim 1755 C.E.] Gus Ajim testified
yen akon anggulati kbone to the judge that he ordered
kang ilang, kbo ireng, den- [someone] to look for his
giri. Kang den-akon anggulati: missing black buffalo that was
wong lanang mardika aranpun used for plowing. The person
Maalli, dulure ki pangulu ordered to search is a free
alidin, pangulu Cimanuk, person, named Mahalli, brother
sarta den-gawani pndhok of Kyai Pangulu Kholidin, the
salaka wrat patang reyal, lan pangulu of Cimanuk, who was
rupa reyal karo tngah reyal, given a silver keris sheath worth
lan kkmbn sabaki sawiji 4 reyal, 1,5 reyal [cash], a tray

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The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

rgane karo tngah reyal, lan of cloth worth 1,5 reyal, and a
pahating pndhok sa reyal: sheath of a craving knife worth
jumlah wolung reyal, bakal 1 reyal. The sum is then 8 reyal
ttbusing kbo kang ilang for redeeming the missing
iku. Air-air kbo oranana buffalo. However, the buffalo
lan sekehe rupa kang bakal was not found nor was the
tbus kbo ora den-balikakn ransom returned [to Gus Ajim].
7 Lan saprkara maning [On the same day 5-1-1169/11-
Gus Ajim apiksa ing akim 10-1755] Gus Ajim testified
aduwe piyutang rong puluh before the judge that he had
reyal ing Ki Sajim. Air- loaned 20 reyal to Ki Sajim.
air Ki Sajim anahur utang. Eventually, Ki Sajim paid the
Kang den-nggo44 panahur: debt. To pay it, he gave 40 plots
sawah patang puluh kothak. of rice fields [to Gus Ajim].
Panggonane ing Gunung The place of rice field is in Mt.
Sikung. Malah Gus Ajim wis Sikung. Gus Ajim has received
tampa ing sawahe iki. Ana these rice fields. This recording
dening teknan iki anksni serves as proof of Gus Ajims
ing ature Gus Ajim bahe. statement.
8 Ing dina Inen tanggal ping pad On Monday the 14th of the month
blas saking wulan Muaram of Muarram 1169 A.H., in the
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, year Wwu [20th October 1755
kala iki akim angulihakn C.E.] the judge returned a pair
gglangange Mas Marija of bracelets wrapped in gold
ing Mas Marija kehe sarakit to its owner, Mas Marija. The
gglang mas blongsong, asal person who was entrusted [with
titiping Nyi Ayu Syapiqah, kang giving this bracelet to the judge]
den- kongkon nampakakn Mas was Nyi Ayi Syafiqah, who was
Marija. ordered to do so by Mas Marija.
9 Ing dina Aad tanggal tlu On Sunday the 13th of the month
wlas saking wulan Muaram of Muarram 1169 A.H., in the
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala year Wwu [19th October 1755
iki pun Apiq anampakakn C.E.] Apiq returned the property
duwene Ki Arya Dipa Sdana of Ki Arya Dipa Sedana, namely a
rupa gglang mas sarakit pair of golden bracelets and a pair
lan gglang salaka sarakit. of silver bracelets. Those who
Kang atampa wakile wong received them were his envoys:
lanang roro padha mardika two free persons of sound mind
sarta padha aqil bali aran Mas and of age named Mas Abdullah
Abdullah lan Mas Abdul ayyi.45 and Mas Abdul Hayyi

heritage of nusantara: 31
Ayang Utriza Yakin

10 Ing dina Arba tanggal nm On Wednesday the 16th of

blas46 saking wulan Muaram the month of Muarram
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
kala iki isun Ki Manamar [22nd October 1755 C.E.] I, Ki
anikaakn, wali akim, sabab [Mas] Manamar, representing
den-wakili dening Kiyahi Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin48, as
Pqih Najmuddin, sabab magistrate guardian, joined
wong wadon aran pun Aripa Aripa in marriage because she
iki ora duwe bapa ora duwe has neither father, grandfather,
kaki, mongkono maning sing nor their descendants. The
paduhure saking kaki lan bridegroom is Qasim. The
sangangsore saking bapa. dowry has the value of 10 reyal
Lanange aran pun Qasim. as a deferred debt. He who is
Dene maskawine sapuluh reyal delegated by Nyi Aripa to inform
samono ajale. Kongkonane the judge is a free person, Mas
Nyi Arip47 ing akim wong Hamil living in Kubang. The
lanang mardika aran pun Mas residence of the bridegroom
amil, omahe ing Kubang. is Sawah Kaloran and that of
Kang lanang omahe ing Sawah the bride is Mt. Kubang. The
Kalorahan, kang wadon aforementioned Aripa has dulur
omahe ing Gunung Kubang. [uterine brother or sister], but
Ana dulur satunggal sabiyang, he/she cannot act as a guardian
liyane saking iki ora dadi wali, and accordingly it was the judge
maka waline iki akim. who did so.
11 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal On Saturday the 18th of the
ping wolulas saking wulan month of Muarram 1169 A.H.,
Muaram tahun Wwu 1169 in the year Wwu [24th October
H., kala iki isun Ki Manamar 1755 C.E.], I, Ki [Mas] Manamar,
anikaakn pun ayibah joined in marriage Tayiba,
anake pun Bayudin. Omahe ing the daughter of Bayudin. Her
Gunung Badang Batu. Wong residence is in Mt. Badang Batu
tuwane wus mati. Kang liyan and her parents are deceased.
saking wong tuwane oranana. Because she has no relatives,
Maka saking arah iki waline the guardian is accordingly the
akim, maka akim wwakil judge who has conferred powers
ing ingsun. Lanange aran pun of attorney to me [Ki Mas
Tamim, wong lanang mardika. Manamar]. The bridegroom is
Ature ing akim maskawine Tamim, a free person. He stated
rong puluh utang. Maka kono to the judge that the deferred
maning pun Tamim asal dowry has the value of 20 [
Badang Batu. reyal]. Tamim also comes from
Badang Batu.

32 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

12 [4] Ing dina Inen tanggal [4] On Monday the 27th of the
ping pitulikur saking wulan month of Muarram 1169 A.H.,
Muaram tahun Wwu in the year Wwu [2nd November
1169 Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki 1755 C.E.] I, Ki [Mas] Manamar
Manamar anikaakn pun joined in marriage Walisah,
Walisah wong Sawah Pacek. from Sawah Pacek, and Madir.
Waline wali akim, sabab The guardian is the magistrate
wus orana waline kang guardian because the bride no
liyane. Saking akim den- longer has anyone to act as a
nikahakn kalawan pun Madir. guardian. The dowry is 10 reyal.
Maskawine sapuluh reyal. Ana The person who informed the
dening kang kinon ngaturakn judge [of Walisahs intention
rarasane pun Walisah ing to marry] was Ratimah, a free
akim iki wong lanang person of legal age as witnessed
mardika aran pun Ratimah by Abdus Samad and Muain
prjaka padha mardika tur Jidin.
balig anksni Abdu amad
kalawan Muain Jidin49.
13 Ing dina Inen tanggal ping On Monday the 5th of the month
lima saking wulan apar of afar 1169 A.H., in the year
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, Wwu [10th November 1755 C.E.]
kala iki isun Ki Manamar I, Ki [Mas] Manamar returned
anampakakn dhuwit nm six parcels of dhuwit50 to Basidin.
buntl ing pun Basidin. Bondhol was entrusted by
Pamnange pun Basidin Basidin [to receive it], who did
saking pun Bondhol. Kang so personally accompanied by
anampa pun Basidin dhewek a batur51 [subordinate], named
kalawan bature aran Raden Raden Thahir, the representative
ahir, wakile Pangeran Surya. of Pangeran52 [Prince] Surya. One
Ana dening ingkang sabuntl bag amounted to 6.000 [dhuwit]
iku akehe nm ewu punjul and 5 kupang53.
limang kupang
14 Ing malam Jumuah tanggal On Thursday night54 the 9th of the
ping sanga saking wulan apar month of afar 1169 A.H. in the
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, year Wwu [14th November 1755
kala iki isun Ki Manamar C.E.], I, Ki [Mas] Manamar, as a
anikaakn pun Kuwuk, wali magistrate guardian, joined in
akim, den- nikaakn kalawan marriage Kuwuk and Sajid Kala
pun Sajid Kala kalawan with a dowry of twenty reyal. In
maskawine rong puluh reyal. the absence of a lawful guardian,
Kang den-kongkon dening Tubagus55 Mamak was asked to

heritage of nusantara: 33
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Kuwuk: Tubagus Mamak, maka report [to the judge] by Kuwuk.

sabab waline oranana, yen It is clear that she had been
Tubagus Mamak. Lan wis nyata divorced by her former husband
den-alq dening lakine kang and that the waiting period was
dihin, sarta wis pot idahe. completed.
15 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal On Saturday the 18th of the
ping wolu wlas saking month of afar 1169 A.H., in
wulan apar tahun Wwu the year Wwu [23rd November
1169 Hijrah, kala iki isun 1755 C.E.], Kiyahi Pqih
Ki Manamar den-iini [Najmuddin] had authorized me,
anikaakn, wali akim, Ki [Mas] Manamar as magistrate
dening Kiyahi Pqih56, wadone guardian, to join Minten, a
aran pun57 Minten aal Lbak, woman from Lebak, and
lanange aran pun Japakur asal Japakur, a man from Kabojanan,
Kabojanan. Maskawine rong in marriage with a dowry of
puluh reyal. Kang den-kongkon twenty reyal. Baqo was asked
dening pun Minten pun Baqo. by Minten to inform the judge
Saking arah niki isun anksni that she had no lawful guardian
ing ature pun Baqo bahe yen except the judge. It is clear
wujare orana wali saking that she had been divorced by
liyane saking hakim. Lan ing conditional divorce [taliq alq].
nyatane wus den-alq dening The taliq formula was In the
lakine aal den-taliq. Taliqe event you have already given me
Samangsane andika nyampun back your dowry, then one alq
nyuka maskawine, tiba alq will fall upon you, Minten.
kula sawiji ing andika Minten.
16 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal ping On Satuday the 24th of the month
padlikur saking wulan apar of afar 1169 A.H., in the year
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, Wwu [29th November 1755 C.E.]
kala iki isun Ki Mas Namar Kiyahi Pqih [Najmuddin] had
anikaakn Nyi Dawiyah, wali authorized me, Ki Mas Namar, as
akim, sabab den-iini dening magistrate guardian, to join Nyi
Kiyahi Pqih kalawan pun Dawiyah and Asma in marriage
Asma. Ana dening maskawine with a dowry of ten reyal
sapuluh reyal den-utang.58 deferred as a debt. Both of them
Karone iki59 pangakune padha acknowledged that they are free
mardika. Ana dening kang persons. The bride comes from
wadon iku asal Sawah Tgal Sawah Tegal Tanjung. The judge
Tanjung, maka akim anyara sent Haram and the village head
ing pun Haram lan ing jarone of [Sawah] Tegal Tanjung to
wong Tgal Tanjung, maka determine whether

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The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

roro iku padha angestokakn [Nyi] Dawiyah is in fact a free

yen pun Dawiyah iki mardika, person. The two confirmed that
sabab wong tuwane karo iki she is because her parents were
padha mardika ujare jaro free persons as well. However,
Tgal Tanjung. Ana dening she had no legal guardian.
waline iki gaib. Maka akim Accordingly, the judge ordered
anyara60 ing tibane aib, to find out why it was that she
maka nyata aib sabab lunga had no legal guardian [aib],
ing Lampung. Ana dening who in fact, went to Lampung. In
lakine lawas wus analq. addition, she had been divorced
Lawase wus nyata satahun. by her former husband [by
Lafaze Sukakna mas conditional divorce] one year
kawinira, maka kocap kula earlier. The divorce formula [of
suka, maka nuntn kula dipun the former husband] was: Give
alq. Lafaze tiba alq isun me back your dowry, I replied I
tetlu amah kabeh. Aale agree and thus I was divorced.
kula palampah alq.61 He pronounced My three alq,
all, falls upon you. [I replied] I
accept this alq.
17 [5] Punika aturipun Raja ing [5] This is the statement of
utusaning62 akim pun Siyadin Raja to the envoys of the judge,
kaliyan pun Nata: inggih Siyadin and Nata, It is right that
samangke somah kula, kula63 I dissolved the marriage [fasa65]
fasa.Lafae Kula samangsa- with my wife. He [Raja] had
mangsa amalilakakn pronounced [the conditional
maskawine, tiba alq kula divorce]: Whenever she gives
sawiji ing somah kula, wasta me back her dowry, then my first
pun Yadisah. Maka Yadisah alq falls upon my wife, namely
wus anmbadani64 ing taliqe Yadisah. She [Yadisah] fulfilled
pun Raja. Kang anmbadani this conditional divorce of Raja. He
wakile wong lanang aran pun who carried out this [proclamation
Nata. Ing dina Sbtu tanggal of the conditional divorce to
ping likur saking wulan apar Yadisah] was a representative
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala of Raja, a man called Nata. On
iki tibaning alq, sabab kula Saturday the 21th of the month
iki anmbadani taliqe pun of afar 1169 A.H., in the year
Raja. Wwu [26th November 1755
C.E.66] The alq falls upon
me [Yadisah] as I fulfilled the
conditional divorce of Raja.

heritage of nusantara: 35
Ayang Utriza Yakin

18 Alamat pun Mas Midah utange The matter is that Mas Midah
ing Raden Pringga Nata tlung had owed Raden Pringga Nata
puluh reyal punjul kawan67 thirty-four and three and half
tngah reyal, wis nutur ajen- [37,5] reyal. He repaid his debt
ajen tlulikur tngah reyal, the sum of twenty-two and half
kari limolas reyal, lan woh [22,5] reyal and the rest was
sa reyal, jumlah kari utange: fifteen reyal. He also owed one
nmblas reyal kabeh iki. Kang reyal, bringing the amount of
atampa Ki Ngabehi Abdul, his debts to sixteen reyal. Ki
wakile rabine Raden Pringga Ngabehi Abdul, a representative
Nata. of Raden Pringga Natas wife,
received this [settlement of
debt]. [This case is not dated].
19 Ing dina Jumuah tanggal ping On Friday the 22nd of the month
rolikur saking wulan Rab of Rab al-Awwal 1169 A.H., in
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 the year Wwu [26th December
Hijrah, akim anampakakn 1755 C.E.] the judge handed
sahure Nyi Lanang ing Nyai over a pair of golden earrings
Nasibah rupa suwng swasa worth four reyal as a repayment
sarakit rgane patang reyal. of the debt of Nyi Lanang to
Kang atampa wakile Nyi Nyi Nasibah. The person who
Nasibah wong wadon aran received this [repayment of the
Yalilah68. Yalilah iku dulure Nyi debt] was the representative
Nasibah. of Nyi Nasibah, a woman called
Yalilah. She is the sister of Nyi
20 Alamat pun Sarudin apiksa The matter is that Sarudin
ing akim rabine den-tombak informed the judge that his wife
dening wong, tatu lrs susu had been attacked by someone
kang tngn lan69 tapak wielding a pike, wounding her
tanganipun tatu kang kiwa. right breast and the palm of
Kula tibeng(?) wontn dhateng her left hand. I went to (......) Ki
Ki Arya Wagiya Dimarta Arya Wagiya Dimarta. I (......)
pamayut(?). Kula punika kula to Ki Arya Wagiya Dimarta
r-s-ng r-w-n- ng(?) dhatng having the problem upon the
Ki Arya Wagiya Dimarta village of Barayang with its chief
adarbe paben masalah dhkh Lurah70 Jakib71. The time of (......)
Barayang kalawan Lurah Jakib. was after sunset [marib] on
Mangsaning katajak(?) bada Thursday night the 21th of the
Marib malam Jumuat tanggal month of Rab al- Awwal 1169
ping 21 wulan Rab al-Awwal A.H. in the year Wwu [25th
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah. December 1755 C.E.].

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21 Ing dina laa tanggal ping On Tuesday the 26th of the

nmlikur saking wulan Rab month of Rab al-Awwal
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
Hijrah, kala iki paliwara bumi [30th December 1755 C.E.] the
aran pun Qabir anggawa paliwara73 [officer of the judge],
wong lanang abdi, bature named Qabir, had brought
Mas Arya Kusuma Yuda, aran a male slave [abdi74], called
pun Bayududin, apiksa yen Bayududdin, the servant [batur]
den-dhodhoki72 dening wong of Mas Arya Kusuma Yuda, to
wadon aran pun Jijah, anake [the judge] to inform him that
Ki Arya Jaga Laksana wong Jijah, a daughter of Ki Arya
Kajoran. Ana dening kang Jaga Laksana from Kajoran,
den- dhodhoki iki omahe ing had been spending the nights
Pakalangan. in his [Bayududdin] house in
22 Alamat pun Kandur duwe The matter is that Kandur owed
utang ing Pangeran Syarif Prince Syarif 75 Muhammad
Muammad ahir. Utange Tahir twenty reyal. Until then
rong puluh reyal. Ing the wife of Kandur, Tijah, shared
samangko iki rabine aran the debts of her husband.
pun Tijah melu anglboni The judge witnessed the
ing sautange lakine. akim acknowledgement on Tuesday
anksni ing pangakune ing the 26th of the month of Rab
dina laa tanggal ping al- Awwal 1169 A.H., in the year
nmlikur saking wulan Rab Wwu [30th December 1755
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 C.E.].
23 Ing dina Jumuah tanggal On Friday the 29th of the month
ping sangalikur saking of Rab al-Awwal 1169 A.H.,
wulan Rab al-Awwal in the year Wwu [2nd January
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, 1756 C.E.] Naim pronounced the
kala iki pun Naim analiq conditional divorce to his wife,
ing rabine aran pun Tiyah. namely Tiyah. The taliq formula
Taliqe Samangsa-mangsane was In the event Tiyah gives me
pun Tiyah anyukakakn back her dowry for twenty reyal
maskawine rong puluh reyal, and takes a responsability for
lan tinggal napqahe anaq kula maintenance of my child forever,
ing saumure arpe, maka then one alq will fall upon my
tiba alq kula sawiji ing wife Tiyah. Naim had uttered the
pun Tiyah. Maka pun Tiyah conditional divorce and Tiyah
anmbadani ing sakehe taliqe had fulfilled it before the judge.

heritage of nusantara: 37
Ayang Utriza Yakin

iki76. Ana dening kalaning Accordingly, Naim and Tiyah

analiq lan nmbadani taliq were divorced and no longer
iki pada air ing ajnganing husband and wife. The
akim, maka saking arah iki reason why Tiyah asked for
pun Naim lan pun Tiyah wus divorce [alq] was that her
mari laki rabi. Aale pun Tiyah husband, Naim, had been
anyatu alq ing akim, sabab using as gambling stakes
lakine aran pun Naim totohan the pupugiyan(?). Naim
pupugiyan, maka pun Naim admitted this before the
angaku ing akim, ingale judge. He had proclaimed the
wus analiq77. Taliqe kang conditional divorce with the
wus sbut iki, maka saking iki aforementionned conditional
pun Tiyah anmbadani taliqe divorce formula, so that Tiyah
bahe. Saking tibaning alq, had only to fulfill this conditional
akim anksni. divorce [which she did]. The
alq fell upon Tiyah and was
witnessed by the judge.
24 [6] Ing dina Jumuah78 tanggal [6] On Friday the 29th of the
ping sangalikur saking wulan month of Rab al-Awwal 1169
Rab al- Awwal tahun Wwu A.H., in the year Wwu [2nd
1169 Hijrah., kala iki Bayujing January 1756 C.E.] Bayujing
tuku tapih kawasita ing purchased cloth from Cina
Cina Tambi Malak; kawasita Tambi Malak and Abang Songo
Abang Songo Gatab rgane Gatab, amounting to thirty
tlung puluh reyal. Tembene reyal. He paid twenty reyal,
nahur rong puluh reyal, kari with ten reyal remaining, for
sapuluh reyal maning kang the purchase of ten pieces
durung. Ana dening akehing for the aforementioned cloth.
tapih iki satngah kodhi ,79
Afterwards, he purchased
woh angalap kkmbn lilang twenty good kmbn [for women
sakodi rgane slawe reyal lan to cover the upper part of the
tapih cili-cili satngah kodi body] for twenty reyal. Then,
rgane rong puluh reyal
80 81
[he bought] ten small size cloth
punjul, rong reyal, sangang for twenty reyal [each] and
reyal; lan cili gdhe wolung additional ones for two reyal,
wiji, rgane rong puluh reyal and nine reyal. [He bought] also
punjul, wolung reyal; lan romal eighty-one cloths, medium size,
kawasita rong wiji, rgane for twenty-two reyal and eight
satngah reyal lan kawasita reyal [each]. [He purchased as
songket sawiji rgane patang well] two Javanese batik male

38 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

reyal kurang satali, lan tapihheaddresses [blangkon] for a

kakade kukupu tarung skodhi half reyal, one gold woven cloth
rgane tlung puluh papat [songket] for four reyal and one
reyal iki, jangjine lamun ora tali82, and twenty pieces of cloth
payu narima kabalen maning having the design of palm shoots
si Cina Tambi. and butterflies (......) (?) for
thirty- four reyal. He [Bayujing]
had a contract that if [these
things] were not sold, they could
be returned [by the vendor] to Si
Cina Tambi [Malak].
25 Ing dina Inen tanggal ping On Monday the 9th of the month
sanga saking wulan Rab al- of Rab al-khir 1169 A.H., in
Air tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, the year Wwu [12th January
kala iki isun Ki Manamar 1756 C.E.] I, Ki [Mas] Manamar
anikaakn wong Gunung joined in marriage a man and a
Gadu Malm, padha abdi woman from Mt. Gadu Malem.
lanang wadone. Kang lanang Both are slaves, the man is
aran pun Kuci. Kang wadon named Kuci and the woman
aran pun Ripah. Ripah.
26 Ing dina mis tanggal ping On Thursday the 12th of the
rolas saking wulan Rab al- month of Rab al-khir 1169
Air tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, A.H., in the year Wwu [15th
kala iki Raden Gembong January 1756 C.E.] Raden
apiksa ing akim, sabab Gembong informed the judge of
katkanan bocah Gunung the [unexpected] arrival/visit of
Cipucung, Pagunungan a child from Mt. Cipucung in the
Wetan, ttanggane Gunung eastern mountainous area near
Gubukan. Maka Raden wus Mt. Gubukan. Raden [Gembong]
analar ing papahamane, maka had inquired about the childs
ora oleh salar83. Saking arah origins, but without results.
iki akim andokonakn ing Based on this, the judge placed
Raden Gembung sakalaning the child with Raden Gembong
durung ana kang angaku. Ana as long as nobody would claim
dening aran ing bocah iki, him. The name of the child
pangakune, aran pun Sandeka. is Sandeka, according to his
Wong tuwane karo wis mati acknowledgment. The child
pangakune bocah iki. confessed also that his parents
were dead.

heritage of nusantara: 39
Ayang Utriza Yakin

27 Ing malm84 Jumuah tanggal On Thursday night the 12th of

ping rolas saking wulan the month of Rab al-khir
Rab al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
1169 Hijrah, kala iki isun [15th January 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi
Ki Mas Namar anikaakn Pqih [Najmuddin] authorized
Nyi Dhmpul kalawan pun me, Ki Mas Namar, as magistrate
Sanududdin, wali akim guardian, to join in marriage
sabab orana waline, den- Nyi Dhempul and Sanududdin,
iini dening Kiyahi Pqih. due to the absence her lawful
Ana dening maskawine rong guardian with a dowry of
puluh reyal den-utang. Kang twenty reyal deferred as a debt.
anksni Muain Abdul Muain Abdul Qahar and Abdus
Qahar kalawan Abdu amad. Samad witnessed the marriage.
Ana dening alqe wis a Nyi Dhempul had been divorced
yen aturipun Dhmpul ing legally as she stated to the
akim. Ana dening alqe judge. The alq formula of
lakine kang analaq iki, yen her former husband, which
aturipun Dhmpul,: Sukakna she acknowledged, was: Give
maskawine andika. Maka me back your dowry. I replied
ujare pun Dhmpul Suka I am pleased to give you back
maskawine isun. Maka ujare my dowry. Then, her former
lakine aran pun Landung husband pronounced: My three
Tiba alq isun ttlu ing alq fall upon you. The judge
andika. akim anksni witnessed the statement of
ing ature pun Dhmpul. Ana [Nyi] Dhempul. Concerning her
dening idahe pangakune wus waiting period [idah], it was
lewat saking patang sawiji. completed four days ago as
28 Ing dina Jumuah tanggal On Friday the 13th of the month
ping tlulas saking wulan
of Rab al-khir 1169 A.H., in
Rab al-khir tahun Wwu the year Wwu [16th January
1169 Hijrah, kala iki pun Abu 1756 C.E.] Abu Said stated that
Said angaturi saksi sabab his female cousin, Rahima, is
kadhodhokan misane wadon, staying at his home. She comes
aran pun Raima. Ana dening from Mlani. Her parents have
aale pun Raima: Mlani. placed her in Abu Saids home
Andhodhoki ing pun Said, because she had become a
sabab arep den-totohi utang guarantee for her parents debts
dening wong tuwane lanang, to a man called Kahimah. This
aran pun Kahimah. Samono was what Abu Said told the
ature pun Abu Said ing akim. judge.

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29 Alamat Nyayi Amamung wus The matter is that Nyai

anusur ing Cina Tamba Malak Amamung had repayed her
rong puluh reyal ing wulan debts to Cina Tambi Malak of
Rab al-Awwal, lan nusur ing twenty reyal at the end of the
Cina Tambi limalas reyal ing month of Rab al- Awwal [3rd
wulan Rab al-khir . January 1756] and of fifteen
reyal at the end of the month
of Rab al-khir [1st February
30 [7] Ing dina Arba tanggal [7] On Wednesday the 3rd of the
ping 3 wulan al-Qaidah
month of al-Qaidah 1167
tahun Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki A.H. in the year Dl [22nd August
pun Abd al-Ram lan rayate 1754 C.E.],91 Abdur Rahim and
aran anipah padha padu. his wife Hanipah had a dispute.
Pun Abd al-Ram dawane ing Abdur Rahim accused Nyi Mas
Nyi Mas anipah usen satus Hanipah Husen, his wife, of
sawiji reyal. Ana dene Nyi Mas owing him one hundred-one
anipah dawane ing pun Abd reyal, while Nyi Mas Hanipah
al-Ram satus rongpuluh accused Abdurrahim, her
reyal. Maka wong roro iku husband, of owing her one
padha matur ing akim. hundred-twenty reyal. The
Wontn dening dawane88 kula couple [appeared before] the
ing pun Abd al-Ram, kula judge to inform him of [their
lebarakn. Mangkono maning dispute]. I [Nyi Mas Hanipah]
pun Abd al-Ram dawane revoke my accusation of Abdur
ing pun anipah wus den- Rahim. In the same vein, the
lebarakn89, akim angriani accusation of Abdur Rahim
ing ulue wong roro ika against Hanipah was revoked.
padha dhewek. Ana dene laki The judge was very pleased to
rabine wong roro iki maksih see they came to an amicable
ttp duwene. Pun Abd al- settlement [ulu]. They are
Ram duwe utang maskawine indeed still husband and wife.
rong puluh reyal ing rabine [However], Abdur Rahim owes
wus oranana padu pawicaran his wife a dowry of twenty reyal.
maning. akim ankseni ing There is no longer any dispute
ature wong roro iki yen wus between them. The judge
padha ulu .90
witnessed their testimony and

heritage of nusantara: 41
Ayang Utriza Yakin

31 Ing dina Arba tanggal ping On Wednesday the 10th of the

10 wulan al-Qaidah tahun month of al-Qaidah 1167
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki A.H., in the year Dl [29th August
akim ameot padune pun 1754 C.E.]92 the judge ruled on
Dhokan kalayan pun Nur. a dispute between Dhokan and
Aaling masalah pun Dhokan Nur. The origin [of the dispute]
angarah ing pun Nur atampa was that Dhokan had accused
reyal nmblas reyal saking Nur of receiving sixteen reyal
jjalukane. Aal dawane pun as she had requested. In fact,
Dhokan Kula ayun rabi ing Dhokan had wanted to marry
pun Nur. Kula dipunpalimpahi Nur and had been asked to
nmblas reyal, maka kula give her the aforesaid money.
sunge. Sampuning kula sunge, If I give the money, Nur would
pun Nur alaki. Dadosipun kang marry me. So I gave her sixteen
nmblas reyal punika kula reyal. Nur however refused
palimpahi. Pun Nur munkir to acknowledge that she had
anampa nmblas reyal saking received sixteen reyal from
pun Dhokan ingale adm al- Dhokan and there was no a
bayyinah. Maka saking arahe proof [adm al-bayyinah]. The
akim pun Nur spata, wus judge ordered Nur to swear an
pun Dhokan, mnang pun Nur. oath against [the allegations of]
Dhokan. Nur won [the case].
32 Ing dina Arba tanggal ping On Wednesday the 10th of the
10 wulan al-Qaidah tahun month of al-Qaidah 1167
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki A.H., in the year Dl [29th
akim amthot padune pun August 1754 C.E.]93 the judge
Yambak kalayan pun Jali. ruled on a dispute between
Aal masalah pun Yambak Yambak and Jali. The problem
anmu cina rupa kris jnng: was that Yambak found proof
Carita Ganja Qamur. Saking in the form of a keris [Javanese
pun Jali kris kang ilang. Kang dagger], called Carita Ganja
den- pasaksekakn Ganjane Qamur. Jali [on the other hand]
iki wulung. Kari-kari kris acknowledged that he had lost
Ganja Qamur iki kang den- his keris. Evidence for this case
aku, maka tinolak dawane. was the keris, namely [Carita]
Sabab kang den- anggo cina Ganja [Qamur] with black and
ora muwafaqat kalawan blue colors. Jali claimed the
paseksene. keris, namely [Carita] Ganja
[Qamur], as his lost keris. His
claim was rejected due to the
inconsistency between the
evidence and the testimony.

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33 Ing dina Arba tanggal ping On Wednesday the 10th of the

10 wulan al-Qaidah tahun month of al-Qaidah 1167
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki akim A.H. in the year Dl [29th August
amethot padune Mas Bari 1754 C.E.],98 the judge ruled
kalawan Nyi Mas Wadon. on a dispute between Mas
Aal masalah Nyi Mas Wadon Bari and Nyi Wadon. Nyi Mas
duwe pihutang tunggon ing Wadon had lent ten reyal to
pun Aripah. Utange sapuluh Aripah, the repayment of which
reyal. Piyagme lawas ana. was deferred. The certificate
Maka pun Aripah den-turuni of the debt [piyagm] existed.
dening pun Krsk sapuluh Aripahs debt of ten reyal was
reyal. Kang atampa reyal mas then paid off by Keresek. The
Bari angaku den-wakili dening one who received the money
Nyi Mas Wadon. Kari-kari Nyi was Bari, who claimed that he
Mas Wadon matur ing akim had been delegated as the agent
yen ora wwakil ing Mas Bari. of Nyi Mas [Wadon]. [But] Nyi
Maka akim putusan ing Mas Mas Wadon testified before
Bari kinon amtuni padu. the judge that she had never
Maka Mas Bari mtu ing Bale delegated Mas Bari [to accept
Watangan. Ature Inggih kula this money]. Consequently, the
kang atampa artane sadasa judge sent a message to Mas
arta saking pun Krsk, Bari that he should appear
sabab kula dipunwakili dening to face this accusation in the
pun wadon. Milanipun arta courtroom [Bale Watangan]. He
sadasa punika boten kula [Mas Bari] said: Yes, it is true.
tampakakn dhatng pun I, as the authorized agent of Nyi
Wadon. Sabab pun wadon Mas Wadon, received ten reyal
anarima sambtan sadasa from Krsk. [However], I did
arta dhatng kula sabab a94. not give this ten reyal to [Nyi
Pun Wadon punika amamruh Mas] Wadon, because she had
sade kancing kula kncana legally a debt of ten reyal to me.
In reality, [Nyi Mas] Wadon had
dipunsade nm arta. Lan kula
sold my gold button amounting
aken dhatng pcil kula. Kula to six reyal as he stated. Then
ken numbasakn dangdang. she took my four reyal from my
Artanipun sampun kula child that I had given it to him
tampakaken dhatng pecil to buy a rice cooker [dandang].
kula kawan arta95. Artanipun But [Nyi Mas] Wadon came then
dipunangge malih dening pun to my home and told me that
Wadon. Dhatng ing rorompok she did not acknowledge this
kula, kocape pun Wadon aforementionned ten reyal as
dhatng kula wontn dening there was no witness [adam

heritage of nusantara: 43
Ayang Utriza Yakin

arta kang sadasa munkir saksi]. [She added] If this [kind

adam saksi. Wontn dening of exchange] was legal, then that
a96 punika dados panahur money was used to settle my
kula ing ngandika Mas Bari, debt to you Mas Bari. Mas Bari
maka kocap kula dhatng replied Yes, I accept. However,
iya sun tarima. Maka jawabe Nyi Mas Wadon answered This
money of ten [ reyal] is my own
Nyi Mas Wadon Arta sadasa
money [from the debt settlement
punika, arta kula piyambak, of Aripah paid by Keresek] and
lan kula botn wwakil. Maka I never delegated [anyone to
saking arah akim andhp receive this money]. From the
mas Bari, mnang Nyi Mas judges viewpoint, he ruled that
Wadon.97 Nyi Mas Wadon won the case
against Mas Bari.
34 [8] Ing dina Aad tanggal ping [8] On Sunday the 14th of the
14 wulan al-Qaidah tahun month of al-Qaidah 1167 A.H.
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki akim in the year Dl [2nd September
anampakakn pkalahe Mas 1754],99 the judge received the
Bari ing Mas Wadon kehe [money as the consequence of
sapuluh reyal. Kang tampa the] defeat of Mas Bari by [Nyi]
Thul Banhir. Mas Wadon amounting to ten
reyal. Thul Banhir received [this
money on behalf of Nyi Mas
35 Ing dina Aad tanggal ping On Sunday the 14th of the month
14 wulan al-Qaidah tahun of al-Qaidah 1167 A.H., in the
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki akim year Dl [2nd September 1754]100
amethot padune pun Raiyyah the judge ruled on a dispute
lan pun Sidin. Aaling masalah between Rodhiyyah and Sidin.
pun Sidin den-trka dening The origin of the problem is that
pun Raiyyah angucapakn Sidin was accused by Rodhiyyah
jemer(?) lan anabok. Pun of uttering bad words(?) and
Sidin munkir ingale adam beating her. Sidin denied [the
bayyinah. Maka saking akim accusations]. Since there was
pun Sidin spata, wus spata, no proof [adam bayyinah], the
mnange pun Sidin rolas reyal. judge [ordered] Sidin to swear
an oath, which he did. Sidin then
won the case [and received a
compensation] of twelve reyal101.

44 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

36 Ing dina laa tanggal ping On Tuesday the 16th of the

16 saking wulan al- Qadah month of al-Qaidah 1167 A.H.
tahun Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala in the year Dl [4th September
iki akim anampakakn kris 1754],102 the judge handed over a
jnnge Mayut Lanang pun keris, namely Mayut Lanang, to
Mulud. Ing dina Arba tanggal Mulud. On Wednesday the 17th of
ping 17 wulan al-Qaidah the month of al-Qaidah 1167
tahun Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala A.H. in the year Dl [5th August
iki akim ameot padune pun 1754 C.E.],103 the judge [akim]
Dhokan kalayan pun nur. ruled on a dispute between
Aaling masalah pun anu... Dhokan and Nur. The problem is
37 Punika ature Munah: Kula This is what Munah informed
den-taboki ping tlu dening [the judge]: I have been beaten
pun105 Alqa Astar, kula botn three times in my face by Alqa
suka. Astar and I do not accept this.
[This case is not dated].
38 Ing dina Aad tanggal ping On Sunday the 28th of the month
28 saking al-Qaidah tahun of al-Qaidah 1167 A.H. in
Dl 1167 Hijrah, kala iki akim the year Dl [16th September
amethot padune Muammad 1754 C.E.],109 the judge ruled on
aleh lan Masud lan rabine. a dispute between Muhammad
Aal masalah Masud den-arah Saleh [alias Bandhol] and Masud
dening pun Bandhol attuku with his wife. The origin of
ing dhirine, durung reyale, lan the problem was that Bandhol
ambobori omahe pun Bandhol, accused Masud of purchasing
maka wis den- petangi [something] from him, without
kalayan pidhanane ambobori paying Bandhol and even
omah, ana ajine patang puluh breaking into his house. After
sanga reyal. Maka dening calculating the damage to
Masud sakabehe pengarahe Bandhols house and the fine
pun Bandhol den-munkiri levied from Masud, it amounted
ingale orana saksi. Maka to forty-nine reyal [that Masud
saking akim Masud spata, has to pay]. However, Masud
wus spata, maka katolak denied all Bandhols accusations
dawane pun Bandhol. Mnang as there was no witness.
Masud . Mngkono maning The judge ordered Masud to
rabine Masud den- arah swear an oath [denying the
attuku maning dening allegations], which he did.

heritage of nusantara: 45
Ayang Utriza Yakin

pun Bandhol, durung ana Accordingly, the accusations

reyale, aji-ajine106 sanga welas were rejected and Masud
tngah reyal. Maka rabine won the case. In the same
Masud munkir ingale orana vein, Bandhol accused the
saksi. Maka saking arah wife of Masud of purchasing
akim, rabine Masud catu ing [something] from him without
paying, the sum amounting
dhirine spata, maka naqol ing to eighteen and a half reyal.
pun pun Bandhol, wus spata Masuds wife denied the
pun Bandhol. Maka ttp ing accusation since there was no
rabine Masud sapngarahe witness. The judge asked her
pun Bandhol sanga wlas to swear an oath [denying the
tngah reyal, maka den- accusation, which she did]. It
cuthat limalas tngah107 was then the turn of Bandhol
reyal, maka den-lakokaken to swear an oath [supporting
ing pkalahe ing tapih rabine his accusation against her],
wasta Mas Siti. Maka pun which he did. The wife of Masud
Bendhol ora duwe utang ing108 remained vulnerable to the
Mas Siti. Mongkono maning accusation of Bandhol [and had
to pay] the amount of eighteen
mas Siti ora duwe utang ing and a half reyal. However, it was
pun Bandhol. reduced to fourteen and a half
reyal.110 For the rest [i.e. four
reyal] will be paid by taking
a cloth belonging to the wife
of [Masud], called Mas Siti.
Accordingly, [Bandhol] had no
debt, neither to Mas Siti nor Mas
Siti to Bandhol.
39 Alamate akim anampakakn The matter is that the judge
tinampane slaka ing ibune handed over the silver tray of
Mas Siti wasta Mas Dawiyah. Mas Dawiyah, the mother of
Mas Siti. [The case is not dated]
40 Ing dina Arba tanggal 1 On Wednesday the 1st of the
saking wulan aji tahun Dl month of al-ijjah 1167 A.H.
1167 Hijrah., kala iki akim in the year Dl [18th September
amthot padune pun Sakih 1754 C.E.] the judge ruled on
lan pun Sirah111. Aaling a dispute between Sakih and
masalah pun Sakih den- dawa Sirah. The origin of the problem
dening pun Syarip angaku is that Sakih was accused [of
dhukuhe panggonan ing lying] by Syarip over the former
Baringkuk. Air-air angaku claiming that his dwelling was
panggonaning dhukuh iki ing in the village of Baringkuk,

46 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Gdhong Lilis. Pangakune pun although he eventually

Sakih oleh tuku saking pun acknowledged that his dwelling
Sirah rolas reyal. Kula yen was actually in the village of
angundhuh wowohanipun kula Gedhong Lilis. Sakih admitted
dipuncgah, lan wiwitanipun that he purchased [land] from
sami dipuntbangi, lan Sirah for twelve reyal. [Due to
tgalipun dipunpagari112, kula his acknowledgement], I [Sirah]
botn suka. Maka113 tuturi pun am prohibited from picking fruit,
Sakih aal Mratur wasta pun cutting down trees, and fencing
Sirah andarbekakn dhukuh a farm [on my own land] and
panggonan ing Gedhong I do not accept it. [However],
Lilis sajrone, maka kula Sakih said that someone, called
tumbas pitulas reyal. Maka Sirah, from Meratur had sold
kula duduki sarta dhukuh land in the village Gedhong
punika. Kula annga malih Lilis and that he [Sakih] had
kula saluware wontn dening purchased it. Then, I [Sakih]
wugating p[r]kawis saking remained on this land in that
kidul wats pagr dhadhah, village. I got out from the land
lor wats pagr dhadhah, kilen and found that there was a
wats pagr dhadhah, wetan border, on the edge of the land.
wats pagr dhadhah. Wontn From South, Nord, West and
dening katuranipun warni s-m- East directions, the border
h-m-b-l- wolung wit kulutoh is the fence from fruit trees.
nm wit kokosan. What was reported is that (......)
eight trees of kulutoh(?) and
six trees of kokosan [lansium
41 [9] Tiba alq sawiji ing [9] My one alq falls upon you,
ndika, maka saking arahe thus, according to the judge,
akim: tiba alqe pun Thahir pronounced the formula
Thahir ing nalik iki. Tibaning of divorce, being a conditional
alqe pun Thahir iki munjaz divorce, which is lawful. [In
bakal taliqe. Lan talaq iki this case] the formula is an
alq bain. Milaning bain, irrevocable divorce116 called
sabab durung duul. Ana alq bain because Thahir had
dening patuku lan parbeya not consummated the sexual
iki wis orana pamicarane. relationship.117 There is no
Pun Thahir kalah, kari dispute concerning the dowry
maskawine115. Pun isbah and other costs [of marriage].
den-trka angalalaken. Pun [However, Thahir] accused
isbah munkir adam saksi. Hisbah of asking to make

heritage of nusantara: 47
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Maka saking arahe hakim pun [the dowry] legal for her, which
isbah spata. was rejected because there
was no witness. The judge
ordered to Hisbah to swear an
oath [refuting the allegation of
Thahir]. Thahir lost the case
and the dowry was left [for his
former wife].118 [The case is not
42 Tanggal dina, kala iki akim On this date and day [not
amari ttinggale pun given], the judge apportioned
Sayan119. Sayan mati atinggal the legacy left by Sayan. He had
rabi, lan anak wadon, lan died, leaving a wife, daughter,
dulur lanang. Ana ttinggale and brother. The sum of his
ajin-ajin sanga likur. Maka legacy is twenty-nine [ reyal].
den-para tlu. Maka sadumane Accordingly, it should be divided
sangang reyal punjul patang into three parts. The first part
ewu ketheng, maka rong is nine reyal and four thousands
dadine sanga wlas reyal ketheng126 and the second
punjul rong ewu ketheng. nineteen reyal and two thousand
Maka nuli kang rong duman ketheng. This second part is
iki den-para wolu, maka further divided into three. [1.]
prawolune kang saduman The widow gets one eighth
rong reyal120 rong ewu limang [from the 19 reyal and 2.000
kupang ketheng. Maka anak ketheng] so that she receives
wadon oleh nifu121. Nifune two reyal and two thousand-
sapuluh tngah reyal punjul, five kupang ketheng. [2.] The
sewu keteng. Ana dene rabine daughter receives one half [of
oleh umun. umune rong the 19 reyal and 2.000 ketheng]
reyal lan rong ewu limang so that she gets nine and a half
kupang ketheng122. Ana dene reyal plus one thousand ketheng.
karine iku akehe pitung reyal [3.] The brother gets the rest
punjul limalas atus ketheng [aabah], that is seven reyal one

iku olehe dulur lanang, sebab thousand five hundred ketheng.

aabah. Maka tembeke124 Now, back to the [first part] 9
tlung reyal kurang sasuku, reyal and 4.000 ketheng, three
kari kalima tngah, maka reyal less one suku127 and the
kalima tngah iku wus atampa rest is four and a half reyal128. Ki
maning Ki Ngabehi Abdul125. Ngabehi Abdul129 had already
received four and a half reyal.
[This case is not dated].

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43 Ing130 dina Aad tanggal ping On Sunday the 9th of the month
9 saking wulan Rajab tahun of Rajab 1168 A.H., in the year
B 1168 Hijrah, kala iki akim B [21st April 1755 C.E.],138
amthot padune Tubagus the judge ruled on a dispute
Udin kalawan Tubagus Bakir, between [plaintiff I] Tubagus
Tubagus Amad, Tubagus Udin and Tubagus Ishak versus
Isaq Tubagus aram. [plaintif II] Tubagus Bakir,
Ing dina iki kang pinadu Tubagus Ahmad, and Tubagus
kris sarta pndhoke slaka Kharam. This day what had
wastaning Dhayung,131 pun been disputed was: [1.] a keris
Dhayung den-tatah sarabah, [Javanese dagger]; [2.] its silver
rgane tlung puluh reyal; sheath, named Dhayung, which
dalm purun, kalih dasa, lan is decorated with carved deer
pndhok mas wrat kawan motifs and valued at thirty reyal;
arta kirang wolung saga132 [3.] [a keris called] Dalem Purun
rgane sekt kurang tlung valued at twenty [ reyal]; [4.]
reyal; lan kris sarta pndhoke its gold sheath weighing four
swasa rga rong puluh reyal. arta139 less eight saga140 valued
Maka dawane Tubagus Udin at forty-seven reyal; [5.] another
kris pun Dhayung pcatune keris; and [6.] its gold sheath
kang rama, lan pndhok valued at twenty reyal. [plaintiff
mas kagungane Tubagus I] Tubagus Udin pleaded that the
Udin dhewek. Tubagus Udin, keris Dhayung was a gift from
Tubagus Isaq angaku den- his father and the golden sheath
wehi dening Kang Rama. was his own. Tubagus Udin and
Orana paseksi. Ana dening Tubagus Ishak acknowledged
Tubagus Bakir, Tubagus that [the keris] was the gift of
Amad, Tubagus aram, Mas their father. However, there was
Jamal pada angestukakn no witness. [Plaintif II] Tubagus
ttinggale Pangeran Raja Bakir, Tubagus Ahmad, Tubagus
Santika. Maka saking arah Kharam, and Mas Jamal [on
iki dening akim den-undhi the other hand,] claimed that
antaraning ttinggal lan [the keris] was the legacy left
paweweh, maka undhiane tiba by Prince Raja Santika. Under
ing paweweh133. Maka tiba these circumstances, the judge
ing Tubagus Udin kris kang ordered [the case to be settled
aran pun Dhayung. Mongkono by] casting lots between those
maning pndhok mas kang claiming the objects as a gift
den-aku duwene. Undhiane [plaintiff I] and those claiming a
tiba ing duwene Tubagus Udin. legacy [plaintiff II]. The casting
Wis akim anampakakn kris favored the gift party

heritage of nusantara: 49
Ayang Utriza Yakin

lan pndhok keris ing Accordingly, the keris, called

Tubagus Udin. Mongkono Dhayung, fell to Tubagus Udin.
maning kris sarta pndhoke In the same vein, the golden
swasa, undhiane tibaning sheath [plaintiff I]. of keris, after
paweweh. Maka134 tiba casting lots, also fell to Tubagus
ing Tubagus Isaq, wis Udin. Again, after casting lots,
akim an[m]pakakn sing the draw favored the legacy
dhingik den-tatah sarabah135 party [plaintiff II]. A final lot fell
pamndhak mas136. akim to Tubagus Ishak and the judge
wis nampakakn pdhang ing handed over the aforementioned
Tubagus Udin rgane limalas golden sheath carved with a
reyal137. deer motif. [Beside that], the
judge handed over a sword
amounting to fifteen reyal to
Tubagus Udin141.
44 [10] Weh saking pandum [10] The family legacy146 was
oleh bbati[h] patang puluh forty-seven reyal and one tali.
papitu reyal lan stali, maka [The common denominator] is
den-para padlikur. Sadumane twenty-four for this share [of
rong reyal kurang stali tlung inheritance].147 The first portion
puluh ketheng. Maka den-alap is two reyal less one tali and
umune142, umune iki tlung thirty ketheng.148 Ratu Saidah
duman. Kehe reyale nm reyal was entitled to an eighth [1/8]
pitung atus ketheng tiba ing or 3/24 part [of the legacy].
Ratu Saidah, durung tampa. Therefore, the sum is six reyal
Maka den-alap suduse143, and seven hundred ketheng,
suduse iki patang duman. but she had not yet received
Kehe reyale: wolung reyal it. Yabiba was entitled to a
kurang sangang atus sdhuwit sixth [1/6] or 4/24 part [of the
tiba ing Yabiba durung legacy]. Therefore, the sum
tampa. Kari144 pitulas duman, is about eight reyal less nine
maka den-para wolu, kang hundred dhuwit, but she has not
sadumane patang reyal punjul yet received it. The remainder
tlung kupang, kang samono is seventeen [of 24] parts, which
iki tiba ing anak wadon. Anak should be divided into eight[?].
lanang rong mono, kehe reyale The portion for the daughter
wolung reyal punjul tlung is four reyal less three kupang;
atak ketheng Tubagus Udin, that for the son is double that of
Tubagus Bakir. Ana dening the above-mentioned [daughter].
Tubagus Bakir wis jangkp Therefore, the sum is eight reyal
pandume, sabab angalap kris plus three atak ketheng and this

50 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Cingirung rga kanm tngah is for Tubagus Udin and Tubagus

reyal, lan tumbak Jahar Kayu Bakir. Concerning the portion
rga tngah reyal. Tubagus for Tubagus Bakir, it is nulified
Udin utang kalima tngah because he had already received
reyal145 Tubagus Udin tampa is a share in the form of the keris
podhi, kehe asanga, lan ali-ali Cingirung valued at five and
mbanan swasa, kehe papat, half reyal and the pike Jahar
lan dodot mudang roro, lan Kayu valued at a half reyal. [In
sinjang sarung roro, rasukan the same way], Tubagus Udin
songket tulis. had a debt of four and a half
reyal.149 Tubagus Udin received
nine diamonds, four golden
rings, two pieces of mudang
cloth, two sarong, and one
golden hand-woven songket150.
[This case is not dated]
45 Ing dina Arba tanggal ping On Wednesday the 2nd of the
2 saking wulan abn tahun month of abn 1168 A.H., in
B 1168 Hijrah, kala iki akim the year B [14th May 1755 C.E.],
anampakakn ali-ali intn the judge handed over a pair
sarakit mbanan k-x-x- n- Raja of diamond rings (......) to Ratu
Wardi Irng ing Ratu Ayu. Ayu [from] Raja Wardi Ireng.
Rgane ali-ali iki kang sarakit The price of that pair of rings is
rong atus151 reyal. akim two hundred reyal. The judge
dhewek kang anampakakn, himself presented it and Ratu
kang tampa Ratu Ayu dhewek, Ayu herself received it as her
iki milike. possession.
46 Ing dina Arba tanggal ping On Wednesday the 2nd of the
2 saking wulan abn tahun month of abn 1168 A.H., in
B 1168 Hijrah, kala iki akim the year B [14th May 1755 C.E.],
amthot padune Pangeran the judge ruled on a dispute
Mudha lan pun Mirah. Aaling between Prince Mudha and
masalah pun den-dawa dening Mirah. The origin of the problem
Pangeran Mudha tampa tukon was Prince Mudhas accusation
nm blas reyal. Jangjine that [in order to marry her]
Pangeran Mudha nika ing Mirah had received a dowry of
masjid. Yen wis nika, suka sixteen reyal. Prince Mudha had
den-gawa ing Lampung. promised to marry Mirah in
Maka pun Mirah suka nika the mosque and that after the
ing masjid lan den- awa ing marriage he would take her to
Lampung. Malah lunga wong Lampung. Indeed, Mirah agreed
roro ing masjid. Tka to marry him in the mosque and

heritage of nusantara: 51
Ayang Utriza Yakin

ing Kamanduran den-toleh to follow him to Lampung.

pun Mirah dening Pangeran Furthermore, they agreed
Mudha, pun Mirah oranana. that they would go [together]
to the mosque. [However],
Smono trkane Pangeran having arrived in the village
Mudha. Maka jawab pun of Kamanduran, Prince Mudha
Mirah Sapunika aale pun looked for Mirah, but could not
Dipati Mudha sarng-sarng find her. This is the [beginning]
dhatng ing griya kula, accusation of [Prince] Dipati153
dhirinipun anggakn sakit, Mudha. Mirah replied In fact,
Prince [Dipati] Mudha and I
anging kocapipun dhatng [agreed] to come together to my
kula, kula andika tamian. house, but he said that he was
Maka jawabe, katrima isun sick. He told me that he would
agrupiya(?), Ki Dipati, mapan be visiting her [later]. Then,
isun kula naqeqani(?) supata [Prince] Ki Dipati [Mudha]
replied, I accept that I (....) I
pamajikan andika. Jawab prepared myself (....) and swore
kula Tumnggung Sulaiman an oath to marry you. [But,] I
utangi kula sapuluh reyal, [Mirah] replied Tumenggung154
nuntn pun Dipati Muda Sulaiman asked repayment of my
anampekakn arta slaka debt of ten reyal. Afterwards,
ing Tumnggung Sulaiman. Prince Ki Dipati Mudha paid
off her debt in silver money
Nuntn mentak paring to Tumenggeng Sulaiman.
kalayan pun Dipati Mudha Once I arrived in my house, I
sampuning dhatng, dhatng [Mirah] asked [Prince] Ki Dipati
rorompok kula. Maka kula Mudha about the repayment
kocap Ki Dipati reyal sapuluh [to Tumenggung Sulaiman]. I
[Mirah], asked him: [Prince]
punika kpripun, maka Ki Dipati [Mudha], what about
jawabipun reyal sapuluh that ten reyal ? He answered,
iki samangsa isun waras I had given you that money of
aweh isun ing ndika. Lan ten reyal when I was healthy.
maning Dipati Mudha angaku Furthermore, [Prince] Dipati
aweh reyal sapuluh reyal Mudha acknowledged that
he had given ten reyal to
ing Tumnggung Sulaiman. Tumenggung Sulaiman. Mirah,
Saking pangakune pun Mirah, the kawula [subordinate] of
kawulaning wong, utang kula someone, admitted that she
sapuluh reyal, dawane Dipati had a debt of ten reyal. [Mirah
kang tampa sapuluh reyal pun replied) The accusation of
[Prince] Dipati [Mudha] was in
Mirah152, Mirah munkir. Kari- fact that I had received the ten
kari angaku aweh nm blas reyal. I totally deny this. Again,
reyal pun Mirah munkir saksi [Prince Dipati Muda] claimed
oranana. Maka saking iki pun suddenly that he gave me
qaa, maka katolak sixteen reyal. I [Mirah] denied

52 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

dawane Dipati Mudha. Ana this accusation because there

dening reyal sapuluh kang was no witness. Based on
den-wehakn ing Tumnggung this information, a judgement
Sulaiman dadi anahur utange [qaa] was made in which the
pun Mirah. accusation of [Prince] Dipati
Mudha was rejected. Concerning
ten reyal that had been given
to Tumenggung Sulaiman [by
Prince Dipati Mudha], it was
considered as a repayment of
Mirahs debt155.
47 [11] Ing dina Arba tanggal [11] On Wednesday the 29th of
ping sangalikur saking the month of Jumdi al-khir
wulan Jumdi al-khir tahun 1169 A.H.159, in the year Wwu
Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala iki [31st March 1756 C.E.] the judge
akim anampakakn rupa handed over a sum of money
reyal swidak reyal ing Cina amounting to sixty reyal to Cina
Tambi156 Malak. Kang tampa Tambi Malak. The brother of
dulure aran ay Mirah Labi Cina Tambi [Malak], ay Mirah
Cina Tambi dhewek, dihin Labi, received the money, [but]
tampa kapat sasur(?) reyal. first three sasur(?) reyal. The
Ana dening157 rupa tapih cloth with the kupu- kupu tarung
kukupu tarung kang den- [fighting butterflies(?)] motif
balekakn maning ing Cina was returned to Cina Tambi
Tambi, wakile Cina Tambi, [Malak], in all eight pieces and
wolung wiji158 rupa tapih lilang the lilang [beautiful] cloth, in
pitung wiji. Kang tampa ay total seven pieces. The batur
Mirah Labi, kala iki bature pun [subordinate] of ay Mirah Labi,
ay Mirah Labi: Pqir Tambi. namely Pqir Tambi, received all
the merchandise160.
48 Ing malm laa tanggal ping On Monday night the 9th of the
sanga saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-Awwal 1169
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [10th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas February 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih
Namar ingiinan anikaakn [Najmuddin] authorized me, Ki
pun Aripa kalawan pun Mas Namar, as a magistrate
Nasyidin wali akim guardian with the power of
ingiinan dening Kiyahi Pqih attorney to join in marriage
Najmuddin. Maskawine rong Aripa and Nasyidin with a
puluh reyal dowry of twenty reyal deferred

heritage of nusantara: 53
Ayang Utriza Yakin

den-utang. Pangakune wong as a debt. Aripa acknowledged

wadon iki wis den-alq deningthat she had been divorced by
lakine aran pun Jati, lan wis her former husband, called Jati,
liwati idahe. Pangakune ana and that her waiting period
dening lafae kalaning analaq had been fulfilled. The divorce
Sukakna maskawine nira, formula of her former husband
maka kahana suka, maka was Give me back your dowry.
nuntn kocap somahe Tiba [Aripa] agreed. Immediately,
alq isun sawiji ing sira, lan
her husband said: My first alq
kula dereng dipunwangsuli. falls upon you, but he has not yet
Ana dening wong roro iki returned me [to my parents]161.
pangakune ing akim yen The two persons [bridegroom
padha mrdika. and bride] acknowledged that
they are a free persons.
49 Ing malm mis tanggal On Wednesday night the 11th of
ping swlas saking wulan the month of Jumd al-Awwal
Jumd al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
1169 Hijrah, kala iki matine [12th February 1756 C.E.] Abdul
Abdul amad, lakine Nyayi Samad, the husband of Nyai
Labidah. Mangkono maning Labidah, passed away. On the
matine Mas Siti, rabine Ki same day, Mas Siti, the wife of
Ngabehi Murdakrti tunggal Ki Ngabehi Murdakerti, passed
dina. Den-pndhm Abdul away as well. Abdul Samad was
amad kalawan ibune Tubagus buried [in the same grave] with
Mamak Bakar athib. the mother of Tubagus Mamak
Bakar Khatib.
50 Ing malm Sbtu tanggal ping On Friday night the 12th of the
rolas saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-Awwal
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas [13th February 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi
Namar den-iini dening Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin conferred
Pqih Najmuddin anikaakn on me, Ki Mas Namar, the
wong wadon aran pun Mintn power of attorney to join in
kalawan pun Sarudin. Karone marriage Minten and Sarudin.
iki pangakune padha mrdika. Both declared that they are
Kang lanang asal Ponthang free persons. The bridegroom
Pakayon.Pangakune mrdika. comes from Pontang Pekayon
Maskawine wolung reyal and he declares that he is a free
den-utang. person. The dowry is eight reyal
deferred as a debt.

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51 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal ping On Saturday the 12th of the

rolas saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-Awwal 1169
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year of Wwu [13th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas February 1756 C.E.] I, Ki Mas
Namar anikaakn pun Inah Namar, joined in marriage Inah
kalawan pun Saud. Padha and Saud, [both] free persons.
wong mrdika. Ana dening The lawful guardian is her
waline: dulure aran pun brother named Kadudu, but he
Kadudu ora tka. Anging, did not come [to the marriage].
kongkonane aran pun Raksa [However], Raksa Jaru Tunjung,
Jaru Tunjung kang kinon the envoy of [Kadudu], was
matur ing Kiyahi Pqih: ordered to inform Kiyahi Pqih
Kiyahi kang kinon anikaakn [Najmuddin]
dening waline. Maskawine that Kiyahi [the judge] is
sapuluh reyal den-utang. Ana expected to marry them162.
dening pun Inah yen ature The dowry is ten reyal deferred
kongkonane wus ingiini ing as a debt. According to the
dulure tingkahe nika kalawan information of the envoy,
pun Saud. the brother [Kadudu] had
authorized Inah to marry Saud.
52 Ing dina Inen tanggal ping On Monday the 15th of the month
limolas saking wulan Jumd of Jumd al-Awwal 1169 A.H.,
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 in the year Wwu [16th February
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih Najmudin
Namar kinon anikaakn wali ordered me, Ki Mas Namar, as
akim dening Kiyahi Pqih a magistrate guardian to join
Najmudin sabab adam wali. in marriage [a couple] because
Wadone aran pun Samidah the woman has no a lawful
wong Gunung Karunju. guardian [adam wali]. The bride
Lanange aran pun adiq wong is Samidah from Mt. Karunju.
Gunung Caruyung. Karone iki The bridegroom is Sadiq from
padha mrdika. Ana dening Mt. Caruyung. The dowry is
maskawine rong puluh twenty reyal deferred as a debt.
reyal den-utang. Ana dening Aripuddin was ordered by
kang kinongkon dening pun Samidah [to inform the judge
Samidah pun Aripudin. about her condition].

heritage of nusantara: 55
Ayang Utriza Yakin

53 [12] Ing malem mis tanggal [12] On Wednesday night the

ping wolulas saking wulan 18th of the month of Jumd al-
Jumd al-Awwal tahun Awwal 1169 A.H., in the year
Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala iki Wwu [19th February 1756
isun Ki Mas Namar angiinan C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih [Najmuddin]
anikaakn dening authorized me, Ki Mas Namar,
Kiyahi Pqih pun Sikah wong to join in marriage Sikah from
Gunung Girimarta kalawan Mt. Girimarta and Ki Abdul
Ki Abdus Salam, wong Salam, a Chinese Muslim, who
Cina Islam, kalawan iine had permission from Prince
Pangeran Kusumaningrat. Kusumaningrat163. Ki Abdul
Kang ingutus dening Pangeran Qasim was the envoy of Prince
Kusumaningrat: Ki Abdul Kusumaningrat [to the judge
Qasim. Ana dening maskawine giving his permission]. The
wrat rong reyal kncana den- dowry was two golden reyal
utang. Milaning wali akim deferred as a debt. The bride
sabab adam waline. had no lawful guardian [adam
waline] so she [asked the judge
to marry her] as a magistrate
54 Ing dina mis tanggal ping On Wednesday night the 18th
wolulas saking wulan Jumd of the month of Jumd al-
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 Awwal 1169 A.H., in the year
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas Wwu [19th February 1756
Namar den-iini anikaakn, C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin
wali akim, dening Kiyahi authorized me, Ki Mas Namar,
Pqih Najmuddin. Kang as a magistrate guardian, to
wadon aran pun Angling join in marriage Angling from
wong Gunung Pananggungan. Mt. Panunggangan and Hamid
Kang lanang aran pun amid from Gunung [mountainous
tinggal Gununge. Maskawine area] with a dowry of twenty
rong puluh reyal den-utang. reyal deferred as a debt. The
Ana dening wong wadon iki bride acknowledged that she
pangakune wis den-alq had been divorced by her
dening lakine aran pun mur, former husband and her waiting
sarta wus liwat idahe. Ana period [idah] was fulfilled. The
dening alqe lafae164 Saya divorce formula was: I am fully
dialq siyose. Kang anksni divorced. The witnesses were
muain Qahar lan muain Muain Qahar and Muain
Qamarudin. Wong roro iku Qamarudin.
pangakune padha mrdika.

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55 Ing malm laa tanggal ping On Monday night the 23th of

tlulikur saking wulan Jumd the month of Jumd al-Awwal
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 1160 A.H., in the year Wwu
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas [24th February 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi
Namar den-iini anikaakn, Pqih Najmuddin authorized me,
wali akim, dening Kiyahi Ki Mas Namar, as a magistrate
Pqih Najmuddin, sabab guardian, to join in marriage
waline fsiq sarta ib. Ana Barusuwita, a free person, and
dening lanange wong mrdika Siyah, a free person, with a
aran pun Barusuwita. Kang dowry of twenty reyal deferred
wadon mrdika aran pun as a debt. Her lawful guardian
Siyah. Maskawine rong puluh was a sinful person [fasiq] and
reyal den-utang. Lan wong absent [ib]. The [status of
wadon iki wus den- pariksani the] bride was examined by the
dening akim pangakune judge. She acknowledged that
wus den-alq ttlu dening she had been divorced by her
lakine aran pun Saki sarta wus former husband and her waiting
pot idahe. Lafae kalaning period was finished. The divorce
Analaq sira sun alq tlu. formula was: You are divorced
Kang ankseni Marabot Pati with my three repudiations. The
lan pun Asan Papalaku. witnesses were Pati, employee
of the mosque, and Asan
56 Ing dina laa tanggal ping On Monday night the 23th of the
tlulikur wulan Jumd al- month of Jumd al-Awwal 1160
Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [24th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas February 1756 C.E.], Kiyahi Pqih
Namar den-iini dening Najmuddin authorized me, Ki
Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin Mas Namar, to join in marriage
anikaakn165 abdi Kadu a male slave from Kadu Malem,
Malm aran Sisangko nika called Sasongko, and a female
kalawan amate Pangeran slave of Prince Amad, the son of
Amad kang putra Pangeran Prince Saca. The female slave,
Saca. Amat asal Gunung Renteb, was from Mt. Kemuning.
Kmuning aran pun Rntb. The dowry was two reyal, but
Maskawine rong reyal. he promised one cent as a debt.
Jangjine sisih sasen. Ana Prince Amad had delegated
dening Pangeran Amad awakil Ki Ngabehi Martawana, as his
ingsun kang ingutus dening envoy [to inform the judge about
Pangeran Amad: Ki Ngabehi her slave].

heritage of nusantara: 57
Ayang Utriza Yakin

57 Ing dina Jumuah tanggal ping On Friday the 27th of the month
pitulikur saking wulan Jumd of Jumd al-Awwal 1169 A.H.,
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 in the year Wwu [28th February
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas 1756 C.E.] 166 I, Ki Mas Namar,
Namar anksni panalaqe witnessed the divorce of Ki Arya
Ki Arya Abu Pagamal ing Abu Pagamal from his wife,
rabine aran pun Saqiyam. [Nyi] Saqiyam. He pronounced:
Lafae Tiba alq isun My first alq fell upon you
sawiji ing Saqiyam. Lan Saqiyam. In the same way, I,
mongkono maning isun Ki Mas Ki Mas Namar, witnessed the
Namar anksni ing lafae response of Nyi Saqiyam at the
Nyi Saqiyam anyukakakn moment she returned her dowry
maskawine rong tahil mas, of two tahil167 in gold amounting
rgane wolung reyal. Lafae to eight reyal. Nyi Saqiyam said:
Nyi Saqiyam Kula sukakakn I hand you over my dowry of two
maskawin kula rong tahil tahil in gold to you Ki Arya Abu
mas ing Ki Arya Abu. [Pagamal].
58 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal ping On Saturday the 27th of the
pitulikur saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-Awwal 1169
al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [28th
Hijrah, kala iki pun Ki Raja February 1756 C.E.]168 Ki Raja
angsul ing akim sabab returned to the judge [to inform
kadudukan dulure wadon aran him] that his sister, Bidah, was
pun Bidah, lakine aran pun staying at his house. She had
Wahab. Sabab den-tundung been expelled by her husband,
dening lakine lan angaku Wahab, from their house. She
den-tabok dening lakine. Ora acknowledged that she had
suka. Lan ana pangakune been beaten by her husband.
angggawa rupa reyal. She did not accept this. [Beside
Limang reyal iki pangakune that,] she acknowledged that
reyal sakaya. Mangkono she was bringing money to the
maning lanang tabok apiksa, sum of five reyal. [However,]
sabab ika pkarpane. Lan she said that the money was
pangakune kalaning durung owned jointly. Likewise, the
den-nika den-wehi reyal husband testified that he
sapuluh reyal dening pun had struck Bidah due to his
Wahab. own willingness169. Bidah
acknowledged that before her
marriage Wahab had given her
the sum of ten reyal.

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59 [13] Ing dina Sbtu tanggal [13] On Saturday the 27th of

ping pitu likur saking wulan the month of Jumd al-Awwal
Jumd al-Awwal tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [28
1169 Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki February 1756 C.E.], Kiyahi Pqih
Mas Namar den-iini dening [Najmuddin] authorized me, Ki
Kiyahi Pqih anikaakn, wali Mas Namar, as a magistrate
guardian, due to the reluctant
akim, sabab waline aal. guardian [wali aal] to join in
Wadone aal Sawah Luhur. marriage a woman named Jijah
Mangkono maning lanange from Sawah Luhur and a man
aal Sawah Luhur. Kang namely Marabu from Sawah
wadon aran pun Jijah. Kang Luhur with a dowry of twenty
lanang aran pun Marabu. reyal deferred as a debt. The
Maskawine rong puluh reyal judge sent Asan, employee of
den-utang. Kang den-utus the mosque, and Ahmad to
dening akim amariksani inquire why the lawful guardian
aal waline: Marabot Asan was reluctant [to sanction
lan pun Amad. Mangkono the marriage]. Similarly,
maning amariksani wadone they examined the behavior
of [Jijah] and her [request]
tingkahe iin ing Kiyahi Pqih for permission to be joined
anikaakn. Ana dening kang in marriage by Kiyahi Pqih
angrben(?) iki labt lakine [Najmuddin]. In addition, she had
lawas. been divorced(?) by her former
husband in the past.
60 Ing dina Inen wqtu On Monday afternoon the 29th of
Aar tanggal ping sanga the month of Jumd al- Awwal
likur saking wulan Jumd 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
al- Awwal tahun Wwu [1st March 1756 C.E.] the judge
1169 Hijrah, kala iki akim handed over a harvest knife
angaturakn ppugute with its golden sheath, worth
Tubagus Kidin ing Kangjng four reyal less one suku, from
Sulan Agung Kasmen rupa Tubagus Kidin to His Majesty
pndhok swasa wrat patang Sultan Agung Kasemen. In
reyal kurang sasuku. Milane fact, the [knife with] its sheath
den-aturakn ing Sulan, sabab which had been handed over
pndhok kang den- anggo had been used to harvest was
ppugut dening Tubagus Kidin the property of His Majesty
iki gagaduhakn Kangjng Sultan [Agung] Kasemen and
Sulan Kasmen dhiprcanthn had been entrusted to Tubagus
ing Tubagus Kidin. Kang Kidin. The judge sent his envoy
ingutus dening akim Mas Ki Mas Namar and Abdul Jabar,
Namar kalawan mrbot aran employee of the mosque, [to
Abdul Jabar. deliver this knife and its sheath].

heritage of nusantara: 59
Ayang Utriza Yakin

61 Alamat Ki Arya Wangsa Duta The matter that is reported is

duwe piyutang ing wong that Ki Arya Wangsa Duta had
wadon aran pun Kima tlulas lent the sum of thirteen reyal to
reyal. Wus anusur rong reyal. a woman, named [Nyi] Kima.
Kang angaturaken iki ing She repaid her debt two- reyal
akim wong wadon aran Nyi in installments. A woman,
Rapiyah. Ana dening akim named Nyi Rapiyah, brought the
anampakakn panusur iki money to the judge. [Afterward],
ing wakile Ki Arya Wangsa the judge handed over this
Duta aran pun Mas Mana. repayment in installments to the
Ana dening kalaning Nyi agent of Ki Arya Wangsa Duta,
Kima kasaksi dening akime namely Mas Mana. Nyi Kima
ngaku duwe utang ing Ki Arya acknowledged that she owes Ki
Wangsa Duta iki ing dina Arya Wangsa Duta as witnessed
Sbtu tanggal ping tlulas by the judge on Saturday the 13th
saking wulan Rab al-khir of the month of Rab al-khir
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah. Ana 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
dening kalaning anusur iki ing [16th January 1756 C.E.]170. She
dina Arba tanggal repaid her debt in installments
on Wednesday the 1st of
61 ping sapisan saking wulan the month of Jumd al-khir
Jumd al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [3rd
1169 Hijrah. Kari utange pun March 1756 C.E.]. The remaining
Kima ing Ki Arya Wangsa debt of Nyi Kima to Ki Arya
Duta swlas reyal. Wangsa Duta was eleven reyal.
62 Ing malm Aad tanggal ping On Saturday night the 5th of
lima saking wulan Jumd the month of Jumd al-khir
al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [6th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas March 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih
Namar den-iini dening Kiyahi [Najmuddin] authorized me, as
Pqih anikaakn pun Adang a magistrate guardian due to
lan pun araf. Maskawine the absence [adam] of a lawful
sapuluh reyal den-utang. guardian, to join in marriage
Wali akim sabab adam. Adang and Sorof with a dowry of
Pangakune wus den- alq ten reyal deferred as a debt. She
tlu dening lakine kang lawas acknowledged that she had been
aran pun Ali. Lafae Aweha divorced by her former husband,
sira ing isun reyal sapuluh, named Ali. The [divorce] formula
mngko sira sun pgat. Maka was: Give me ten reyal, I will
ujare si wadon nyah kisi reyal divorce you then. The wife
sapuluh. Maka nuli angucap replied: Here is a wallet173 of

60 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

iya: Sira isun alq tlu. ten reyal. Then, the husband
Ana dening kalaning si laki said to her: You are divorced
nibani alq, kang ankseni with my three alq. When her
pangakune ing akim Tubagus former husband divorced her
Jamudin lan pangiwane it was witnessed by Tubagus
aran pun Sahipah, lan anake Jamuddin and his son, named
Tubagus Amad, Sahipah, the
Tubagus Jamudin aran pun village official, Qamaruddin,
Tubagus Amad, lan marbot the pangulu Qahars official
pangulu Qahar aran pun as employee of the mosque,
Qamarudin, lan Mas Amad. and Mas Ahmad. Also she
Lan maning171 pangakune acknowledged that her waiting
idahe wus pot. Ana dening period [idah] was finished.
wong roro iki pangakune These two persons [Adang and
padha mrdika. Sing lanang Sorof] declared that they are
asal Tanahara. Sing wadon free persons. The bridegroom
asal Bantn. Lan maning came from Tanahara. The
pangakune wong roro iki dudu bride came from Bantn. They
rayate Kumpni172 acknowledged that they were
not subjects of the Kumpni174.
63 Ing175 malem Inen tanggal On Sunday night the 6th of
ping nm saking wulan the month of Jumd al-khir
Jumd al-khir tahun 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala [7th March 1756 C.E.] I, Ki Mas
iki isun Ki Mas Namar Namar was authorized [by
den-iini anikaakn Nyi Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin] to join in
marriage Nyi Wadon and Azin.
Wadon kalawan pun Ain. Both of them came from Sawah
Karone iki pada aal Sawah Kalimareng. They were batur
Kalimarng. Karone iki [subordinates] of Prince Surya.
bature Pangeran Surya. The later appointed Januddin as
Kang ingutus dening Pangeran his envoy to the judge to inform
Surya angaturakn ing akim him of [their status and marriage
pun Janudin. Karone iki pada plan]. They are free persons. The
mrdika. Maskawine sapuluh dowry was ten reyal deferred as
reyal den-utang. Pangakune a debt. Nyi Wadon acknowledged
wong wadon iki wis den-alq that she had been divorced by her
dening lakine kang lawas. former husband. The [divorce]
Lafae: Tiba alq isun sawiji formula was: My first alq falls
upon you. She acknowledged
ing sira. Ana dening idahe as well that her waiting period
pangakune liwat. Wali akim [idah] was finished. [They have
sabab adam wali pangakune. been married] by the magistrate
guardian because she had no
lawful guardian [adam wali].

heritage of nusantara: 61
Ayang Utriza Yakin

64 [14] Ing dina Inen tanggal [14] On Monday the 6th of the
ping nm saking wulan month of Jumd al-khir
Jumd al-khir tahun 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
Wwu 1169 Hijrah, kala iki [8th March 1756 C.E.] Tubagus
Tubagus Muammad Sa Muhammad Sah witnessed
angaturi paseksi ing akim before the judge that his female
yen kapondokan mindhone: cousin, named Apiyah, and her
wong wadon aran pun Apiyah two daughters were staying
sarta anake roro wadon karo. in his house. The husband of
Rabine wong Koja aran Amad Apiyah was a koja177, named
Asin. Ature Tubagus176: Orana Amad Asin. Tubagus said:
pankane anggagawa pisan- Their coming does not bring
pisan. Ana dening lakine [a problem] for me at all. The
iki mati. Sakehe duwene wis husband of Apiyah had died. All
den-lelang. Kang anykl mal his assets had been auctioned.
iki ature Tubagus Muammad Tubagus Muhammad Sah said
Sa dulure Amad Asin kang that the brother of Amad Asin,
lanang aran pun Amad Kandu. called Amad Kandu, held the
[results] of the auction.
65 Ing dina Sbtu tanggal ping On Saturday the 4th of the
pat saking wulan Jumd al- month of Jumd al-khir
Air tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu
kala iki isun Ki Mas Namar [6th March 1756 C.E.] I, Ki Mas
anampakakn tumbake pun Namar [the authorized agent
Badrudin, anake Ki Ngabehi of the judge] handed over the
pike of Badrudin, the son of Ki
Abdul ing Ki Ngabehi Lanang, Ngabehi Abdul, to Ki Ngabehi
lan anampakakn kris roro Lanang, and in addition two
ora mawa landheyane. Ana keris without hilt. The number
dening tumbak iki akehe of pikes was four: two with a
papat, kang jajar andung row of torch(?), one with a row
roro, kang jajar kayu sawiji, of wood(?), and a pike without
kang orana jajare sawiji. Iki row(?). Ki Ngabehi Lanang
yen ature Ki Ngabehi Lanang informed him that these [keris
arp den-dol178 anggo and pikes] would be sold and
anahur utange Ki Ngabehi [the money from that sale] would
Abdul. Akehing utang sekt be used to pay off the debts of Ki
sasuh reyal lan patlikur Ngabehi Abdul. His debts were
forty-five(?) reyal and twenty-
reyal. Saking arah iki milane four reyal. Therefore, the judge
den-tampakakn Ki Ngabehi handed over all of these things
Lanang dening akim. to Ki Ngabehi Lanang.

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66 Ing dina Aad tanggal ping On Sunday the 12th of the

rolas saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-khir 1169
al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [14th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas March 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih
Namar den-iini dening Kiyahi [Najmuddin] authorized me, as
Pqih anikaakn, wali akim, a magistrate guardian because
sabab waline ib, kang the lawful guardian was absent
wadon aran pun Raimah, [ib], to join in marriage a
kang lanang aran pun Jatma, woman named Rahimah and
maskawine wolung reyal a man named Jatma with a
den-utang. Wong roro iki pada dowry of eight reyal deferred
mardika. Kang lanang asal as a debt. Both of them are free
Gunung Jajawe. Kang wadon persons. The man comes from
aal Gunung Pakalongan, Mt. Jajawe. The woman comes
tinggal Kopo. Ana dening from Mt. Pakalongan, but lives
anksni kalaning muain in Kopo. Muain Qamarudin
Qamarudin lan pun Samidin. and Samidin witnessed
Kang ingutus dening wong [this marriage]. The woman
wadon iki aran pun Muridin, [Rahimah] sent Mursyidin, her
kaprnah kaponakane. nephew, [to inform the judge
about her status].
67 Ing dina mis tanggal ping On Thursday the 16th of the
nmblas saking wulan Jumd month of Jumd al-khir 1169
al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [18th
Hijrah, kala iki ratu Siti179 sing March 1756 C.E.] Ratu Siti, the
rayi Raden Anom amdak ing sister of Raden Anom, came
akim yen angaturi pasksi, before the judge to testify that
sabab ora suka den-tambang she cannot accept that her
dening lakine limang tahun, husband had been neglecting

lan ora den-ingoni, lan ora her for five years. He did not
den- kirimi, lan ora den- provide maintenance, nor
ttinggali, lan ora den- omahi. send [food or money] nor leave
Maka saking arah punika kula anything [to live on], nor provide
amit mondhok ing Ratu Qai, housing. Accordingly, she asked
kang rayi Pangeran Surya, permission [from the judge]
sabab iki sanake yen ature ing to stay in the [house] of Ratu
akim. Qadi, the sister of Prince Surya,
because Ratu Qadi is her family,
according to the information
given to the judge.

heritage of nusantara: 63
Ayang Utriza Yakin

68 Ing dina laa tanggal slikur

On Tuesday the 21st of the
saking wulan Jumd al-khir month of Jumd al-khir 1169
tahun Wwu 1169 Hijrah, A.H., in the year Wwu [23rd
kala iki isun Ki Mas Namar March 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih
den-iini anikaakn, wali [Najmuddin] authorized me, Ki
akim, dening Kiyahi Pqih Mas Namar, as a magistrate
Najmuddin sabab adam guardian because the lawful
waline: wong Gunung Paragi. guardian from Mt. Paragi was
Karone iki qahume Pangeran absent [adam waline], to join
Surya. Kang den- kongkon [a couple] in marriage. These
dening Pangeran181 iki wong two persons were the qahum183
lanang mardika aran pun [subordinate] of Prince Surya.
Mail. Ana dening maskawine A free person called Mail was
iki rong tahil mas den-rgani
sent by Prince Surya [to inform
wolung reyal iki den-utang. the judge about their mariage
Ana dening kang lanang aran and civil status]. The dowry was
pun Sanjaya. Kang wadon two tahil in gold, amounting to
aran pun Kari. Pangakune eight reyal, deferred as a debt.
wusden-alq dening lakine The name of the man is Sanjaya,
kang lawas aran182pun Ismah while the woman is Kari. The
kalawan den-alq sawiji, woman acknowledged that she
sarta wus liwat idahe. Ana had been divorced by her former
dening lafae Sukakna husband, named Ismah, with
maskawinira. Maka ujare one alq and her waiting period
wadon: Suka. Maka lafae si[idah] was completed. The
lanang: Sira wis alq sawiji.
formula of [divorce by Ismah]
was: Give me back your dowry.
The wife, Kari, replied: I agree.
The husband then said: My
alq falls upon you.
69 Ing dina Aad tanggal ping On Sunday the 26th of the month
nmlikur saking wulan Jumd of of Jumd al-khir 1169
al-khir tahun Wwu 1169 A.H., in the year Wwu [28th
Hijrah, kala iki isun Ki Mas March 1756 C.E.] Kiyahi Pqih
Namar den-iini anikaakn, Najmuddin authorized me, Ki
wali akim, dening Kiyahi Mas Namar, as a magistrate
Pqih Najmuddin, sabab guardian because there was no
adam wali. Nikahe iki lawful guardian [adam wali], to
kalawan Tabet, lakine join in marriage [a couple]. The
lawas. Padha wong Gunung marriage of [the woman] with
Mulasirih. Wadone aranpun Tabet, her former husband, had
Seba. Lanange pun [failed]184. These two persons

64 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Samir. Maskawine rong tahil came from Mt. Mulasirih. The

kncana den-utang. Wong roro name of the bride is Seba, while
iki padha bature Ki Aris Baris the man is Samir. The dowry
Jaran. is two tahil gold deferred as a
debt. Both of them are batur
[subordinates] of Ki Aris Baris

The transliteration and translation of the manuscript L.Or. 5626 from
the existing unique qadi record of the 18ths Southeast Asian countries,
originating from the qadis archive of the Sultanate of Banten, is a
painstakingly pioneering effort. This article reveals the very extraordinary
source for the history of Banten in particular and the Islamic legal history
in general. It serves for historians as a priceless material to know further
the social, cultural, and economic aspect of Banten. As for Islamic law
scholars, this philological work shows that Islamic law is eventually the
result of open corpus combining human reasoning based on the principal
sources of Islamic law (Quran and Hadits) and some Islamic legal
methodology and the local custom about the daily basic human activities
where the qadi and its apparatus being a main agent of this process185.
In the future, there will be hopefully time to undertake another study on
other manuscripts from the collection of the qadi of Banten. Efectively, by
studying all the qadis Banten archive, it will give us a clear and complete
vision of how Islamic law looked like in the history of Nusantara.

The research on which this critical edition is based was carried out with the support of

fellowships from the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OXCIS) of the University of
Oxford, Spring Semester, 2012, the Islamic Legal Studies Program (ILSP) of Harvard
Law School, Spring Semester 2013, and from the Research Centre of State Islamic
Universit (UIN) Jakarta, 2014, and SMRC Fellowship 2015-2016.
Claude Guillot, La principaut de Bantn Girang, Archipel, 50, Paris, 1995, pp. 13-24.

Kelapa (now is Jakarta) was the main port of the Sundanese-hinduist Kingdom of

Padjajaran. This kingdom located at Pakuan, Bogor in West-Java now.

Claude Guillot, The Sultanate of Bantn, Jakarta: Gramedia, 1990.

heritage of nusantara: 65
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Ota Atsushi, Changes of Regime and Social Dynamics in West Java: Society, State and

the Outer World of Bantn, 1750-1830, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006, p. 146

Universiteits bibliotheek Leiden (UBL), Cod.Or. 7936 B, the letter of Sutadinata to

Snouck Hurgronje dated 21 September 1892, 7 pages, p. 7.

It was during the second half of 16th century.

Hoesein Djajadiningrat, Tinjauan Kritis Tentang Sajarah Bantn, Jakarta: Djambatan,


1983, p. 39, song 22.

Kasunyatan originates from the word sunyi that means calm, peace or quiet.

He was a religious teacher for three sovereigns of Bantn: Maulana Yusuf (1570-
1580), Maulana Muhammad (1580-1596), and grandson Abul Mafakhir (1596-1651),
Djajadiningrat, 1983, p. 39 and p. 43.
He was a guardian for the crown prince Maulana Muhammad during his infancy
and childhood that the qadi relinquished when he became legally an adult as a king,
Djajadiningrat, 1983, pp.39-41.
The Sultan and Prime Minister had left to conquer the kingdom of Palembang,
Djajadiningrat, 1983, pp. 41-43.
The image of the prime minister and the qadi is found in image 113 in the book Eerst
Schipvaart, see Willem Lodewycksz, De Eerste Schipvaart der Nederlanders Naar
Oost-Indi onder Cornelis de Houtman 1595-1597, G.P. Rouffaer & J.W. Ijzerman
(eds.), 3 volumes, s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1915-1929, vol. I, 1915, p. 114.
Djajadiningrat, 1983, p. 163.
Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin consists etymologically of three words: Kiyahi is the Javanese
honorary title given to respected people of a certain age; Pqih is a Javanese form of
the word faqh (jurist, scholar, master in Islamic law), and Najmuddin is a combination
of two words the star of religion used here as a title.
Enthol was an honorary title and his name was Kawista.
Pangeran Jayasantika was a real prince and indeed a noble. It is interesting to note
that it was very rare and would have been the first time a qadi of Bantn had been
a member of the royal family, had he accepted. Unfortunately, Prince Jayasantika
refused this position. He preferred to go to Mecca and stayed there until the end of his
life, Djajadiningrat, 1983, p. 71, song 55.
UBL, Cod. Or. 7936 B, the compilation of several leaf (31 lines per page in Roman
script) including the explanation about Fakih Nadjmoedin, 12 pages, p. 2., the list of
pangulu, 6 pages and 4 pages about the record of Kyai Fakih Najmuddin and 1 letter
of Kyai Fakih Najmuddin (H. Abu Bakar.). I found this date in the explanation about
Fakih Najmuddin, p. 9.
The word kadi is many times found in the text of Sajarah Bantn Besar, see Titik
Pudjiastuti, Sajarah Bantn: Suntingan Teks dan Terjemahan Disertai Tinjauan
Aksara dan Amanat, Disertasi Doktor, Program Pascasarjana Program Studi Ilmu
Susastra, Universitas Indonesia, 2000, in the party of transliteration and translation;
Djajadiningrat, 1983, pp. 40, 42-44, 48, 58, 71, song 24-26.

66 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Annabel Teh Gallop, Malay Seal Inscriptions: A Study in Islamic Epigraphy from

Southeast Asia, unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of London, School of Oriental

and African Studies, 2002, 3 volumes, vol. III, part. 2, Appendix, Bantn, pp. 574-617,
p. 585 and p. 593.
See my PhD thesis Undhang-Undhang Bantn : tude Philologique de la Compilation

des Lois du Sultanat de Bantn ( Java, Indonsie) aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, Thse
de Doctorat en Histoire, cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, January,
2013, p. 100 and p. 124.
See the transliteration and the translation of this manuscript in this paper, record no. 2,

10, 15-16, 27, 48, 50-56, 59, 62, 66, 68-69.

The archive of Bantn dated 1738, 1747, 1748, 1753, and 1789, see ANRI, no. 72, book

43/6, no. 73, book 43/7, no. 74, p. 2, seal B, no. 76, book 43/10, p. 17, No. 77, book
43/12, p. 37.
akim : the arbitrator or more precisely the judicial magistrate, derived from the verb

akama ; see EI, 1986, vol. III, p. 72, translated principally as a judge. The word
akim in this manuscript refers to the qadi of Bantn (Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin).
Ki is a Javanese abbreviation of kiyahi which is a honorary way of addressing

respected people; in the English translation I prefer to maintain the Indonesian version
of Ki or Kiyahi, namely Kyai.
The text reads Dawar-t.

Pqih: the Javanese form of the Arabic term faqh, meaning scholar or jurist in

Islamic law. The term pqih here is a short title refering to Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin,
the title of the qadi of Bantn.
Ttinggale means what is left and should be understood here as referring to the

nafaqah in Islamic law. It means what the husband should give, in money or otherwise,
to his wife and family.
Pangulu is etymologically derived from hulu, which means head. It is a title that was

previously used to refer to the representative of the Sultan of Bantn in Lampung; later
it was also used for a chef (in any function whatsoever), the responsible of the mosque
or the legal representative of the qadi.
Kyai Pangulu Muhammad Saleh was most likely the Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin [Q]s
official, bearing the functional title of Pangulu, translated generally as judge.
alq (alq) means the dissolution of marriage, which should be distinguished from
fasa (by means of a judicial process). alq is the exclusive right of a man to divorce
his wife by a simple unilateral declaration with the word of alq or alike, EI, 1991,
vol. II, p. 836.
There is a probability of a one day error in the date due to converting to Common Era
in this study.
Text : Suma. The scribe corrected this word in the margin on the left of sheet Kusuma.
Before this word, we find Kuma.
Text: Rulayah.

heritage of nusantara: 67
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Text: Leah.
Raden : the noble title given to the children of the sultan with a woman who was not
the queen, or to the grand-children of the sultan (the children of Ratu Bagus), see my
Undhang-Undhang Bantn, p. 127, based on the analysis of the manuscript on the
genealogy of the sultan of Bantn, made at the request of the Governor General van
Hoorn by Pangeran Purbaya, the son of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, in July 23, 1709, see
KITLV, Leyde H. 234, Translaat Geslacht Register der Onvervolgende Javaanse en
Bantamse Vorsten, and see also Van Den Berg, 1887, p. 14.
reyal: the Spanish coin was used as a monetary unit from the second half of the
seventeenth century in Bantn.
The form of this divorce was most likely khulu divorce.
Most likely what was witnessed by the judge was the marriage itself.
Malm: Malay influence, the Javanese should be bngi or daluh for night.
Text: ing akim 2 anksni.
Page 2 contains one case on the deposit of property of Syarif Makhrus to the qadi,
dated 1163/1750. This case is not transliterated nor translated as it is merely a unique
case. Furthermore, the content of the case is solely a list of properties, and the terms for
these properties are impossible to translate into English.
Text: den-go.
In the left margin, it is written Marbot Mas Urip sing langan Tubagus sing anampa
saking marbot Ki Arya Raksa Dinata. It is unclear which case this incomplete
sentence refers to.
The words tanggal nm blas appear above the line that separates the cases.
Aripa and Nyi Aripa are the same person. Nyi is the honorary designation for Madame
in Javanese.
Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin : the title given to the qadi of Bantn for the first time in ca.
1651 by Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (r.1651-1682) and used systematically by all of the
qadis of Bantn until its dissolution in 1855/6, see my Undhang-Undhang Bantn,
p. 33.
The meaning of this sentence is unclear.
Dhuwit: the name of a copper coin about 0,75 cent. The Dutch made a duit in the first
half of XVIIIth century: 4 pieces of duit equal half a stuijver (2,5 cent), 8 pieces of duit
equal 1 stuijver, and 160 pieces of duit equal 1 gulden.
Batur: subordinate, servant or serf depending on the context, while at the time of
Majapahit, batur was applied to serf or servant, see my Undhang-Undhang Bantn,
p. 62, note 153. In this case, it is obvious that batur here means neither servant nor serf,
but a subordinate or a person with a lower rang. That means that the rang of Raden
Tahir, a royal family, was indeed lower than Prince Surya, who was the son of a sultan
from a mother who was a queen.
Pangeran: the title corresponding to prince was essentially given to the sultans son

born from the Queen and entitled to access to the royal throne.
Kupang: the old name of a copper coin in Nusantara back in the ninth century of

68 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

Java, about 10 cents.

Malam jumuah means Thursday night which entered already Friday since the Islamic

lunar calendar system starts at sunset.

Tubagus : the noble title, abbreviation from Ratu Bagus, given to the sultans children

born from a mother who was not the queen, as well as to the children of princes (the
grand-son of the sultan), see my Undhang-Undhang Bantn, p. 11, based on the
analysis of the manuscript on the genealogy of the sultan of Bantn, made at the
request of the Governor General van Hoorn by Pangeran Purbaya, the son of Sultan
Ageng Tirtayasa, in July 23, 1709, see KITLV, Leyde H. 234, Translaat Geslacht
Register der Onvervolgende Javaanse en Bantamse Vorsten.
The letters ww, alif, dl come after this word, but were removed by the scribe.

After this word the word (g-t-l-) was removed by the scribe.

This sentence is written in the left margin of the page.


After this word padha has been deleted by the scribe.


Anyara comes from the word cara which means to envoy, to examine, to spy, see

P. J. Zoetmulder, Kamus Jawa Kuna-Indonesia, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

2006, p. 161 and S. Prawiroatmodjo, Bausastra Jawa-Indonesia, Jakarta: Gunung
Agung, 1995, I, p. 58.
The last sentence does not belong to this case: Ana dening dhodhoke bocah iki

pangakune ana ing lisane ngenger bahe, lan orana duwe utang pangakune bocah iku,
pangakune bocah iku Kula botn dipuniwat saking kayun kula dhewek. It seems
likely that this is an error of the scribe.
Text: putusaning, this should be utusaning, but the scribe wrote it mistakenly by

writing f instead of alif.

Text: kula2.

Anmbadani comes originally from smbada which means to fulfill, see Th. Pigeaud,

Javaans-Nederlands Woordenboek, Dordrecht, Foris Publication, 1989 (1936), p. 519.

Fasa means the dissolution of marriage which should be distinguished from alq
(the unilateral divorce by the husband). The dissolution of marriage by way of fasa
takes place at the request of the wife or her family. Generally, it happens by judicial
process due to the failure to fulfill a mariage condition or the irregularity of the marriage
contract, EI, 1991, vol. II, p. 836.
The day and the date in this case did not corroborate: because 21/2/1169 or 26/11/1755
was Wednesday and not Saturday.
Text : kawon.
Text: Yalilah2.
After this word, the scribe erased the words tanganipun tatu.
Lurah : the lowest title and rank for palace servants in the eighteenth century Bantn,
while the holder of this title was part of the elite in the local society, see my Undhang-
Undhang Bantn, p. 67, note 190 and Atsushi, 2006, p. 50.

heritage of nusantara: 69
Ayang Utriza Yakin

The second part of this phrase is unclear as some words are unknown.
Text: den-duduki, the verb was written without a dot under the letter of dl.
Paliwara : according to Thomas Raffless this is the assistant or officer of the Jaksa
(judge) in Java, but in Bantn it was most likely the officer of the judge since I found this
paliwara in the code of Bantn, see my Undhang-Undhang Bantn, p. 102, note 354.
Abdi: the Javanese word originates from Arabic and means slave.
Syarif is used for a person who possesses nobility, deriving from the word syarafa
which means honorable and esteemed, by inheritance or personal achievement
thanks to his knowledge, glory and honourable conduct. The title was borne by those
who were claimed to be descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, EI, 1997, vol. IX, p.
342. There was a very important Arab community in Bantn, consisting of merchants
and scholars. Furthermore, the sultan of Bantn, Sultan Syifa Zainul Arifin (r. 1733-
1748), was married to an Arab woman, Ratu Syarifa Fatimah, who was a daughter of
Sayyid Ahmad, an Arab Scholar in Islamic law who was very respected in the court of
Bantn thanks to his profound knowledge of Islam. Later, she seized the royal throne
from her husband and appointed herself as a Sultanah (r.1748-1752) with the approval
of the Dutch in Batavia. In fact, she intended to name her adopted son, Pangeran Ratu
Syarif Abdullah, as a sultan, but she was arrested and banished to the Edam Island, in
the bay of Batavia, Atsushi, 2006, pp. 59-60.
The Javanese sentence Maka pun Tiyah anmbadani ing sakehe taliqe iki is not
translated into English because the information is repeated in the following sentence.
Text: anali, the letter ayn without two dots above.
The scribe had written Sbtu (Saturday), but removed it and changed it into
Text: godi. It should be without a dot above ayn.
The scribe had written rong puluh reyal, but removed it.
Text deleted by the scribe: punjul satngah.
Tali (sa[s]tali) : the name of a coin of 25 cent in the Malay Archipelago, while in
Javanese people use ikt or saikt (sekt) that means 25.
Salar : inform, information, to be informed, see Prawiroatmodjo, 1995, II, p. 160, or
message or to receive message, see Pigeaud, 1937, p. 506.
The scribe has been influenced by Malay word malm (night) instead of bngi or
daluh in Javanese.
Text: rolas. The scribe wrote the wrong date. The Friday was the 13th of Rab al-
Air 1169 A.H., not the 12th. In that case it should have beentlulas instead of
There is no date found for this case, but it should be the 30th of the month Rab al-
Awwal 1169 for the first and the 29th of Rab al-khir 1169 for the second (3 January
and 1 February, 1756).
From this case and the following cases, the scribe wrote a date in numbers, for example,
here 3 instead of the term tlu.
In the text, there is no dot for nn.
After this word, there is ana dene, but was deleted by the scribe.
This last sentence is written in the left margin of the sheet.

70 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

This date, be it on the Islamic Calendar or in the Common Era (or Anno Domini, AD)
was not on Wednesday but on Thursday.
This date falls on Thursday, not Wednesday.
This date falls on Thursday, not Wednesday.
This sentence is found in the right margin of the text.
This sentence is found in the left margin of the text.
Munkir adam saksi. Wontn dening a: this sentence is found in the right margin of
the text.
In the left margin of the text is written: Ature pun Bojo inggih kula selawe duhung
dateng pun Dana jenengipun carita mboten kanja qomur kula sade kalih tengah
pasunganipun kula wasta pun Syuaib. Yet the contents of this phrase have nothing to
do with the cases mentioned on the page 7 of the manuscript.
This date fell on Thursday, not Wednesday.
This date fell on Monday, not Sunday.
This date fell on Monday, not Sunday.
This compensation is probably taken from the fine that Rodhiyyah was sentenced to
This date fell on Wednesday, not Tuesday.
This date fell on Thursday, not Wednesday.
This case is not finished by the scribe, but is most likely the same as number 32 above.
The plaintiff and the defendant are the same persons, although the date is different.
Thus I do not count this case, among the 69 cases considered here.
After this word, there are some words deleted by the scribe.
Text: ajine2.
After his word, dening akim was deleted by the scribe.
After his word, the word pun was deleted by the scribe.
This date was Mondah and not Sunday.
It remains unclear as to why it was reduced. Was it the judge who decreased the amount
of money that Mas Siti had to pay or Bandhol who asked this reduction ?
Text: Syarip.
Text: dipun[w]pajari.
After this word jawabe pun Sakih was deleted by the scribe.
This case is certainly not clear, as the end is missing, so the decision of the judge is
The scribe wrote the case down unsystematically. This sentence should have come at
the end, which makes more sense.
alq bain (alq bin): absolute, irrevocable divorce, which becomes effective
immediately. The husband may take back his divorced wife only by a new marriage
contract and mahr. In this case it is a alq bin sur, a term applied to the first
and second divorce pronounced by the husband with the possibilty of re-marrying

heritage of nusantara: 71
Ayang Utriza Yakin

his former wife. When the third divorce comes about, it is called alq bin kubr.
This means the husband cannot re-marry her former wife, except if the former wife is
married to another man and is divorced by the later.
The husband did not have intercourse with his divorced wife during the waiting period

(three months) which makes the divorce effective after completion of the waiting
period. The jurists agreed that the alq bin being irrevocable is, among others, due
to the absence of marriage consummation, see Ibn Rushd, Bidyat al- Mujtahid wa
Nihyat al-Muqtaid, The Distinguished Jurists Primer, translated into English by
Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, Reading: Garnet Publishing, 1996, vol. II, p. 72.
Due to the unsystematic reporting, this case is difficult to understand. However, it

appears that the husband divorced his wife before the consummation of marriage.
Therefore, he brought it before the judge because, according to his allegation, his wife
asked for the dowry. Yet, by Islamic law, the husband does not have to pay the dowry
if he did not consumate the marriage according to QS. Al- Baqarah/2:236 There is no
blame upon you if you divorce women you have not touched nor specified for them an
Text: Sayan2.

After this word, the words sasuku, sasuku has been deleted by the scribe.

Text: nisfu2ne.

This sentence should come before the sentence concerning the daughters part. It is

repetitive, since it was already mentioned in the previous sentence. Therefore, in the
English translation this sentence is joined with the previous one.
After punjul the word sasuku has been deleted by the scribe.

After tembeke the scribe deleted pitung suku.


Because the scribe reported this case very unsystematically, it is very difficult to

follow. The sentence is very complicated.

Ketheng: the old name of a copper coin of 0,50 cents (a half cent) in Java.

Suku: the old name of a copper coin of 0,25 cents (a quarter cent) in Java.

The last sentence should be put in earlier, along with the sentence dealing with the first

part. It is unclear why the scribe put it in the end of the case. Even so, the sum is 7,5
reyal, so where is the rest of 2 reyal ? The division of the legacy in this case seems
unduly complicated.
It is unclear why this man received a legacy. It could be that Ki Ngabehi Abdul was an

officer for bayt al-ml or the government treasury.

Before this word, the scribe wrote tanggal, but he deleted it later.

Text: dh-w-ng-.

After this word there are two words lan kris deleted by the scribe.

After this word, there are two words akim wus anampakakn deleted by the scribe.

Above this word, there is a word d-r-w-ng.


72 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD...

The letter B was written without a dot.


There is a word deleted by the scribe under the word mas.


In the left margin, the following long sentence can be read: Ali-ali susutya

mbanan swasa kabehe papat. Tubagus Udin kang tuku kanm tngah reyal. akim
anampakakn ing weratane Ratu Tayyibah. Ing Ratu Tayyibah kang atampa Tubagus
Ishaq aji-ajine137 62. It is unclear to which case this sentence belongs. It seems to be
part of case number 45, although there is no clear indication.
This date fell on Monday, not Sunday.

Arta : the name of a golden weight in Java.


Saga : the old name of a weight in Java, back in the ninth century, about 0,119 gram.

This case is difficult to understand. First, there is no sword in the list of the objects

disputed between the two parties, but it appears suddenly at the end of the case and
then the judge handed it over to Tubagus Udin. Where did the sword come from and
how did the judge get it? Second, the scribe did not write this case down in a clear
way. In fact there are three keris and their sheaths, two in gold and one made of silver.
However, only two keris sheaths, both in gold, are mentioned as being handed over
to plaintiff I (Tubagus Udin and Tubagus Ishak). It is not mentioned to whom the one
sheath of silver was given. Eventually, the judge casted lots which favored the second
party, but it is not stated what object was given to them. It seems likely that this silver
sheath was given to them.
Text: umune2.

Text: suduse2.

After this word, the words pitung duman, which were deleted by the scribe.

This sentence is written in the right margin of the page.


In Javanese, the word oleh means gain or acquisition, but here it should be

interpreted as legacy/inheritance.
For the calculation of the shares in this case the rule of the common denominator can

be applied. 1/8 and 1/6 shares are mentioned, thus the common denominator is 24.
Accordingly, the total sum of the legacy is 24/24, of which Ratu Saidah is entitled to
3/24 and Yabibah 4/24.
The relevance of this sentence to the rest of the case is unclear.

It is interesting to note here that neither received the full share of 8 reyal because

Tubagus Bakir had received the keris and the pike and Tubagus Udin had a debt.
However, one can calculate that the former received only 6,5 reyal and the latter only
4,5 reyal. What happened then to the rest of their legacy?
It is difficult to understand why Tubagus Udin received all these luxuries, which are

more valuable than the legacy itself and why others, i.e. sisters and brothers, did not.
This word could be identified, even though exactly in the text is damaged, thanks to the

letters alif, t and the end of the letter sn.

Text: Mirah2.

heritage of nusantara: 73
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Dipati (variant of adipati) : the title given to a head of a region, see my Undhang-

Undhang Bantn, p. 176, note 618.

Tumnggung : the functionary title given to the external Prime Minister (patih

jaba) in the Sultanate of Bantn, equivalent to Laksamana in the Malay world, see my
Undhang-Undhang Bantn, p. 127, note 464.
The case is complicated to understand.

Before this word Tambi has been deleted by the scribe.


After this word rupa has been deleted by the scribe.


Instead of sawiji, the letter sn was deleted by the scribe and it became wiji.

It is very curious that this case of Jumdi al-khir is found among the Jumd al-

Awwals cases on the page 11.

This case is related to case number 25, on page six, dated Friday, Rab al-Awwal 29,

1169 A.H. [2nd January 1756 C.E.]. In that case, Cina Tambi Malak had agreed, that if
the vendor could not sell all the cloth that he bought from him, it could be returned it to
him. Case number 49 shows that the vendor had already returned the aforementioned
It is important to note that this sentence indicates that after divorce the husband should

return his former wife to her parents as he had taken her from her parents when
he married her according to both Javanese tradition and Islamic law. Even though
the former husband did not return the divorced wife to her parents, the divorce is
nevertheless valid.
Kadudu had conferred his guardianship to the judge through his envoy, but it was Ki

Mas Namar who joined in marriage Inah and Saud. Ki Mas Namar was the officer of
the judge acting on his behalf as a legal representative as we have seen in the majority
of the marriages in this manuscript.
Prince Kusumaningrat might have been Prime Minister at that time since non-

Bantnese men must have governmental permission to marry a local woman.

Before this word, we found suka, but it was deleted by the scribe.

After this word was written wong, which was deleted by the scribe.

This date fell on Saturday, not Friday according to some conversion systems.

Tahil : the name of a weight in the Malay Archipelago (Nusantara), amounting to 37,8

Here we have two different cases with the same date, namely the 27th, but a different

day, i.e. one on Friday and other on Saturday. This shows us that the scribe was
confused between date and day of Islamic calendar.
The pronoun ending , in the Javanese word pkarpane, could refer to the

husbands intention to beat his wife.

According to my calculation, it was Friday and not Saturday.

Text: baning.

74 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

The last sentence is found in the left margin of page.

Kisi means basket, bag... of wood woven together (Zoetmulder, 2006, p. 507), but

shoule be interpreted here as a wallet.

Kumpni is the Javanese abbreviation of Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (The

Dutch East India Company) established in 1602 and dissolved in 1799. The last phrase
indicates that the couple were not living in the territory ruled by the Company whose
central office was Batavia. Giving the fact that the border between the Sultanate of
Bantn and the Company was the Cisadane River in Tangerang, this article shows the
jurisdiction territory between these two states.
Before this word ahad had been deleted by the scribe.

The scribe wrote Tubagus twice, but he deleted the second.


Koja, Javanese variant of khdja, is non-Arab Muslim coming from the West, wherever

his origin.
Before and after this word there are two words deleted by the scribe.

After this word there are two words deleted by the scribe.

After this word sarta has been deleted by the scribe.


Below this word a word has been deleted by the scribe.


Before this word, there are two letters: r and nn.


Qahum is people serving in Islamic Communities or who provided their labour to


Islamic communities according to the Bantnese censuses around 1700, while

according to Snouck Hurgronje is simply a people forming Islamic group, Atsushi,
2006, p. 34, p. 42, and p. 182 note 32. However, we do not know what it does mean
qahum here in the text. As we see obviouly that qahum of a prince was the private one,
and it did not belong to Islamic community, was most likely sort of subordinate, like a
The sentence in Javanese is not complete nikahe iki kalawan Tabet, lakine lawas

and difficult to understand. Therefore, some words have been added in order to make
sense in the translation into English.
To know more on the analysis of this philological work, see my The Register of the

Qadi Court Kiyahi Pqih Najmuddin of the Sultanate of Bantn, 1754-1756 CE.,
Studia Islamika : Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies, 2015, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 405-

Atsushi, Ota,2006. Changes of Regime and Social Dynamics in West Java:
Society, State and the Outer World of Bantn, 1750-1830, Leiden-
Boston: Brill.
Djajadiningrat, Hoesein,1983. Tinjauan Kritis Tentang Sajarah Bantn,
Jakarta: Djambatan.

heritage of nusantara: 75
Gallop, Annabel The,2002. Malay Seal Inscriptions: A Study in Islamic
Epigraphy from Southeast Asia, unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University
of London, School of Oriental and African Studies 3 volumes.
Guillot, Claude 1995. La principaut de Bantn Girang, Archipel, Paris.
Guillot, Claude, 1990.The Sultanate of Bantn, Jakarta: Gramedia.
Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden (UBL), Cod.Or. 7936 B, the letter of
Sutadinata to Snouck Hurgronje dated 21 September 1892, 7 pages,
Pigeaud,1989. Javaans-Nederlands Woordenboek, Dordrecht, Foris
Prawiroatmodjo,1995. Bausastra Jawa- Indonesia, Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Pudjiastuti, Titik,2000. Sajarah Bantn: Suntingan Teks dan Terjemahan
Disertai Tinjauan Aksara dan Amanat, Disertasi Doktor, Program
Pascasarjana Program Studi Ilmu Susastra, Universitas Indonesia.
Utriza, Ayang, 2013. Undhang-Undhang Bantn : tude Philologique de la
Compilation des Lois du Sultanat de Bantn ( Java, Indonsie) aux
XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, Thse de Doctorat en Histoire, cole des
Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Leyde H. 234, Translaat Geslacht Register der Onvervolgende Javaanse en
Bantamse Vorsten, KITLV.
Lodewycksz, Willem, 1915, De Eerste Schipvaart der Nederlanders Naar
Oost-Indi onder Cornelis de Houtman 1595-1597, G.P. Rouffaer &
J.W. Ijzerman (eds.), 3 volumes, s-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff,
1915-1929, vol. I, 1915.
Zoetmulder, P. J.,2006. Kamus Jawa Kuna-Indonesia, Jakarta: Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.

76 vol. 5 no. 1 June 2016

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2016 1


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Enlivening Cultural Environments through Sharing and Gotong Royong (Mutual



: 6
/3460223 3460223 62 26+ 5
heritage@kemenag.go.id5 5
Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2016
Enlivening Cultural Environments through Sharing
and Gotong Royong (Mutual Cooperation)
Diane Butler

The Transliteration and Translation of the Leiden Manuscript COD

or. 5626 on the Sijill of the Qadi of Banten 1754-1756 CE.
Ayang Utriza Yakin

Arabic Linguistics in Historical and Islamic Culture Perspectives

Gayda Bachmid

Developing an Independence State: Some Insights from Qalam Publication

Norziati Mohd Rosman

Manhaj al Qiys f Fiqhi Mukhtalaf al Had 'inda Ibni Qutaibah ad Dnawar

Abdul Malik Ghazali

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