Projects, Presentations,: Perforrnances

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V , ,-r*J i K, ne"t*4it

Projects, Presentations, perforrnances (Grades 6 & up)


what kinds of school assignments or projects do you

like to do? Read the following eight lists. For
dtaw a circle around all the different activities you each list,
would enjoy doing to show oth-ers what you,ve

List t
Writing a character sketch Writing a biography Creating a crossword Writing a letter to the editor
Debating Writing a magazine pazzle
Thking part in a mock trial
Writing poetry or newspaper articie Writing a journal
Writing an information
Making a speech Designing a checklist Writing a summary brief
Writing fiction or Writing a pamphlet or
--ll*!:_111",9.,' Creating a newspaper
nonfiction brochure
Writing an essay or magazine
Writing a report Creating a slogan or motto
Writing a research paper Writing an epitaph
Making an audiotape .Writing a conversation or
rl..lvriting a story Writing a fairy ta1e,
-,) dialogue myth, or legend
Lkt 2
Designing a rnaze or
,, Constructing a chart or '-. Inventing a code Drawing a caricattre
tvtat<1ng a story-board. Doing a critique
,- - Investigating a problem ,. Caiculatingprobabiiities
Solving an equation or
Making an outline , Developing a theory .,* Making a flow chart
. . a numberproblem
Designing a matrix Designing an opinion poll
Making a calculation Doing an evaluation or
n or a-_s,g"ryey_ _
Making a diagram a rating --
Analyzing trends and
a' Designing a computer
Creating an analogy Recording data or game, or graphic
. Developing a formula ' information
Constructing a time line , Developing a h],"oiGiis
. Computing an answer Doing an analysis
Formulating plans

List g
, Drawing,, or Making a map o Making a mobiie
painting Constructing a display
Making a poster. of a collection
., Iliustratin g
t' , Constructing a model
Making a mural Designing a structure Creating a board game
Building a prototype
Making a collage '1 , Making a diagram Designing a pamphlet or
, . Designing a Web site \r brochure
Making visual aids for a Pianning advertising
,.erfr;; ^",.too,,
rcomic strip
o\ presentation (slides, graphics Designing a postcard
transparencies, props)
Making digital camera Designing a greeting card
Making a clay or papier- \' -
,!' Thking photographs slides Designing sets for a play
m6ch6 sculpture

From Dffirentiating Instntction in the Regular

Continued +
classroom: How to Reach and Tbach All
Learners, Grades 3-12by Diane Heacox,
MN; 800'273 s'izii, *** Ed.D,,
ffirl[t*1,t;::1"T:::H:,i;:i:'l;:#X,.,['""""'ot's' r,,espiit com rhis-page may be photocopied ror
Projects, Presentations, Perforrnances (Grades 6 & op) continued

List 4
Role playing Pantomiming Performing in a play Doing a parody or spoof

Dramatizing Performing a dance or -, Constructing a model Developing an invention

other creative movement -'Making a videotape
Performing a skit - Doing a 1ab activit5r or an
Improvisational acting experiment

List 5
Performing music Performing or wrlting a rap Doing a choral reading Piaying a musical
Composing lyrics Creating a jingle Writing a song
Writing music
Performing in a musical Performing rhythms with Singing in a group, choi.4
percussion instruments or chorus Improvising music

List 6
Participating in a group Debating personal Paraphrasing ideas of in a
thoughts, ideas, others roundtable discussion
Participating in
a Planning a campaign for a Organizing an event or
discussion Building consensus within cause or an issue activity
a group
C6nducting an interview Doing a volunteer prcject Helping with conflict
Solving problems with a resolution
Peer counseling

List 7 l
Keeping a personai journ"al Summarizing your ideas or Developing a personal Developing support for a
or diary beliefs mission statement personal opinion

Keeping a personal 1og or Setting personal goals Making a self-assessment Presenting your personal
record of your work viewpoint, perspective, or
Identifying your beliefs
about an issue

List 8
Classifying objects Participating in a Investigating how Conducting observations
simulation I something works
Making predictions Identifying a problem
Constructing a display of Designing an exhibit for a
Identifying objects based Solving a problem
objects or artifacts zoo or museum
on characteristics

Exploring a topic or theme ' Making comparisons

Planning a walking tour

Creating a collection

Frorn Differentiattng Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Tbach All Learners, Gradz,s 3-12 by Diane Heacox, Ed.D.,
popl'right @ 2002. Pree Spirit Publishing Inc., Minneapolis, MN; 800/735-7323;'Ihis page may be photocopied for
individual, classroom, or small group work on1y.

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