World Language Lesson Plan: (20 Mins)

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Unit: FrancophoneTravel Class/GradeLevel:III LessonNumber:3

What are the learning targets for this lesson?

Interpretive Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational Presentational
Listening Reading Communication Speaking Writing

Learning Target: I can discuss activities and transportation plans for a vacation.
What vocabulary, structures and/or culture do students need to know in order to do what you have targeted?
Vocabulary related to travel, transportation, tourism
Destination-specific cultural information (key attractions)
Asking/Answer questions

What will they do to demonstrate that to you and themselves?

Students will work with a partner to develop a detailed itinerary for a day trip including specific activity
locations, addresses, directions for transportation, and tickets/costs.

What activities will be used that will allow students to meet the learning targets?
What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing?

How can you capture the students energy and commitment for todays lesson? Time:
Students will complete a warm up writing down a list of activities someone could do if they 5 mins
were visiting Boston for a day. Students will share their lists in groups. 3 mins
LearningEpisode (20 mins)
Primetime 1 Practice/Downtime Primetime 2 Time:
1. Introduction: 5 mins
a. Review / connect todays lesson to yesterdays lesson
b. Go over the learning target for the day
c. Go over the agenda for the day
2. New Material: Developing a travel itinerary 5 mins
a. Develop a sample itinerary with students for a day trip to Giverny, filling out a
template as I go.
b. Model the questions required - ex. Where do I want to go? Okay, are they
open tomorrow? What time? Can I buy a ticket in advance? How am I getting
there? How much is this going to cost? 5 mins
3. Practice: Developing a travel itinerary
a. Students get together with their partner to develop the itinerary for their day
trip. (Destinations were decided in advance)
4. Regroup: Discussing a travel itinerary 5 mins
a. Students regroup with a new person to find out about each others travel plans.

Lesson Plan Template adapted from STARTALK Lesson Plan Template:
LearningEpisode (20 mins)
Primetime 1 Practice/Downtime Primetime 2 Time:

Closure/CelebrateLearning (7 mins)
How do you return students attention to the learning targets to affirm what they can do now Time:
that they couldnt do at the beginning of the class?
Give students the opportunity to share details from their itinerary (Anything surprising? 5 mins
Anything challenging? Anywhere youre going to visit in the future? etc.)
2 mins
Revisit the learning target, summarize the days lesson, preview tomorrows lesson


Sample Itinerary
Blank Itinerary Template


Do the activities in the lesson

provide sufficient opportunities for understanding new words before expecting production?

provide multiple, varied opportunities for students to hear new words/expressions used in highly
visualized contexts that make meaning transparent?

provide students with an authentic purpose for using words and phrases?

engage ALL students (vs. just one or two at a time)?

give students a reason for needing to/wanting to pay attention and be on task?

vary in the level of intensity and physical movement from one to the next?

take an appropriate amount of time considering the age of the learner?

make the learner the active participant and not the teacher?




Lesson Plan Template adapted from STARTALK Lesson Plan Template:

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