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CAE Result Student's Book Kathy Gude & Mary Stephens anguage iAdacinlee CAE Result Student’s Book Kathy Gude & Mary Stephens OXFORD \INIVERSITY PRESS 1 Whatare you like page $ Readling Part 3 Multiple choice Finding the real you Vocabulary Character adjectives meuage Grammar Review of tenses 2 Customs and traditions Part 2 Gapped text confused words (1) Gerunds and infnitives page 21 Festival inthe desert Relative clauses { Looking ahead Part themed texts Phrasal verbs with Future forms page 33. up and down 4 into the wild Pert 2 Gapped teat pressions with animals Past tenses pase 45 Saours of the seas 5 Health matters page 57 Part 3 Muhiple chore Au unhealthy obsession Health and fitness. Direct and indirect speech 6 Would you believe page «9 Part4 Multiple matching Superheroes Verts of moving and looking Medals Traces ol the past page 81 Parl 1 Themed texts Phrasal verbs with off and in Participle clauses, 0 the big issues Part 3 Multiple choice Big issues Conditionals poge 9 ‘Mean machines Dwsa Part4 Multiple matching ‘Gime and punishment Passives page 105 Writing crime fiction I Buying and selling Part 2. Gapped text Expressions with bisiess, Mixed conditionals page 117 The appeal et eBay and words connected with shepping and wishes © Entertainment or art? page 129 Part 1 Themed texts Artand entertainment Comparatives and superlatives 12 A changing world page 141 Part 4 Multiple matching Changing places Expressions with earth, world ard ground Emphasis Lead in at thestart ol every Unit Review al the end of every Unit Exam Overview page 4 listening Speaking ——_Use af English Vocabulary ng, Paria Port Parl 3 Word formation Expressions with luck Pori2 Nudtinle matching, Part 4 Gapped senences Alernal teter Pant Par 2 Part 2 Open cloze Pari Short extracis Part 5 Key word A proposal transformations Fant Pari 2 art pressions connecied Part 1 Multinle cacien Multiple choice cleze with age Alcrmal letter pat Pari3 Part2 Pari2 Sentence completion open doze Acaniribution a) Paris3.and4 Part 3 Wore formation (2) Pant Short extracis ‘Were formation letter Pats Pari 2 Part 1 Multiple-choree cloze Expressions with right and left Part 2 Multiple matching Parl 5 Key word An essay transformations pat? Pari 2 Part Word! formation (2) Pai Sentence completion ‘oid formation ‘competition entry Fans Paris3and4 Part Expressions with end Pan2 Multiple choice Multiple-choice laze ‘Amagazine atticle Patt Port 2 Part2 Phrasal verbs with aut and Poel Stor extracis ‘open cleze over ‘Arepart Fen Paris3 and4 Part 3 Word formation Easily confused words (2) Port2 Multiple choice Fart 4 Gapped! sentences Atepor! Pal 2 Pan2 Part 2 Open cloze Three-part pltasal verbs Port Sentence competion Part 5 Key word ‘Aneview tronsleerations Part Pana Part? Multiple-choice cloze Adverts and their meanings Part ‘wuttiple metching page 155, Writing Guide Fart 4 Gapped sentences Grammar Releretice age 16, A proposal B B Exam Overview Intreduction, “The Ceitificate of Advanced English conesponds to Level Four in the Cambridge ESOL fivestevel system. It also cortesponds to the Association of Language ‘Teachers in Europe (ALTE) Level Four (Competent User), and Council of Europe evel C1 (Biective Profctency) ‘There are five papers in the examination, each worth 20% of the total marks. ‘To achieve a passing grade (A, B or C) candidates must gain approximately 609% of the total marks available, or above. Candidates" grades are based on the total score from all five papers and there is no pass or fail grade for individual papers. Paper 1 Reading (1 hour 15 minutes) This paper has four parts, with # tonge of text types and comprehension questions on each one, ‘There are 34 questions in total ‘The texts may consist of several short picccs, and the length of texts in each pert is between 550-850 words. ‘The texts are taken from newspapers, magazines, journals, fiction and non-fiction books, leaflets, brochures, etc, Parl Task type Number What you do What it tests How todoit ‘of items 1 Themedtexts 6 ‘choose the best answer from Understanding of a test and page 34 fouroption multiplechoice opinions or details expressed ‘questions 2 Gappedten 6 Decide where paragraphs ——_Understarding of text stricture pape 22 belong in text anv! development 3 Multiple chowe 7 Choose the besi answer fiom Undertandingofa tere znd page 10 four-option multiple-choice opinions of details expressed uestions 4 Multiple watching 15 Match prompts from to Understanding specific page 106 sectiensin a text information, opinion and. attitude Marks = ‘Two marke for each correct answer in Parts 1, 2 and 3. = One mark for each correct answer in Part 4, Ey bom Gverview 2 Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) ‘paper has two parts. The Part 1 question is compulsory and is based on {1 information. In Pari 2, you Choose one question from five. Answers for Part | should be 180-220 words in length and answers for Pari 2 “should be 220-260 words in length. ‘The task types for Parts | and 2 include the following: articles, contributions to - Teafets and brochures, letters, reports, proposals, reviews, essays, competition entries, set texts, memos. Examples of Paper 2 questiors types can be found in the Writing Guide on pages | 15-165. ‘Marks + Parts | and 2 have equal marks. Paper 3. Use of English (1 hour) ‘This paper has five parts, and 2 total of 50 questions. The (esting focus is on understanding end controlling elements of language, eg grarmat, lexis, word formation, lexical and grammatical transformations, and spelling. Part Task type Number What you do of items. 1 Multiplechoice 12 Fill gaps in a text of akout 200 laze ‘warts from multiple-choice ‘options 2 Open laze 8 Fill gaps ina text of akout 200 ‘word with ene word per sep 3 Werdformation 10 Ferm appropriate words {rox the terns f words to fil gaps in test of abou! 130 worts 4 Gapped sentences 5 Complete gaps in a set of three sentences using the sate word ineach gap 5 key Mord 8 “Transiorm infomation from one transformations sentence 10 anether using three to Sb. words incluicing the word given Marks = Gne niaik for each corrvet answer in Panis 1, 2 and 3, * “lwo marks for each correct answer in Part 4. = Upto two marks for each coreet answer in Patt 5. + Alspellings must be correct. Eh ban tenview Whatil tests Phrases, collorations, idioms, phrasal verbs, linkers, used! {to complete a text with the correct meaning and grammatical context ‘Awareness and conirel of grammatical and lexico- graniratical ites ‘Aoiltyto for pars ct speech contectly ‘Awareness and breadth of Texical krowledge ‘Awareness and contrel of sramnatical structures and lexicaitens How todoit age 40 pare 26 page 16 page 17 page 29 Paper 4 Listening (approx. 40 minutes) ‘This paper has four parts and 30 questions. The recorded tents tay inctude the following: » monologues: ennouncernents, radio broadcasts, teleplone messages, speeches, talks, lectures, anecdotes, * conversations between two or more speakers: interviews, discussions, radio broadcasts. The testing focuses on understanding specific information, gis, attitude, opinion, context, main points and detail ach Part is heard twice, The speakers will have a variety of accents. There may be some background sounds, before the speaking begins, to give contextual information. Thete may also be some subdued reaction from audiences to talks, speeches, ete. Part Task type Number What you do What it-tesis cof items 1 Short extracts 6 Choexe the best arswer from ——_Abilily ta understand multiple-choice questions en topics, opinions and: three unrelated shor! extracts specificinfermatien with interacting speakers 2 Sentence completion 8 Winte a word or short phrase ——_Undersianling of specie beard in the monologue to information and stated complete gaprin sentences opinion 3 Nuitiple choice 6 Choose the best answer trom Ability iounderstand nnultiple-choice questions en attitude and opinion ‘conversations with two or more speaters 4 Multiple matching 10 Select the correct answer from a Ability fo understand pst, list of eight options on fixe short athtude, main points ond ‘theme-related monologues context ‘Marks © One mark for each correct answer = In part 2, spelling must be correct for common words and those considered easy to spell. How to doit page 26 page 50 page 122 page 14 Paper 5 Speaking (15 minutes) “This paper hes four parts. ‘The standard format is two candidates and Neo examiners, one acting as interlocutor and assessor, the other acting as assessor only. If there is an odd umber of candidates, three candidates sit the test together al the end of the ‘exarnining session Parl. Task lype Length What you do What it tests 1 Merwayconversation 3minutes Ask and ansver‘perscral” Ability to use general eteen candies uestions Foteractional ane soci and interlocutor language 2 Incividual jong'tums 4 minutes Talk about two out of Ability to describe, speculate, and brief responses three pictures based cn) compare and comment Visual and witten prompts during a longer and organised for one minute discourse 3 Wwowayineracien —4ruinutes Discuss. problem-solving Ability to interact ana between carwliates task tased on visual and exchange ideas, express ‘written prompts ‘opinions, agree oc disagree, evaluate and reach a decision by negotiation A AsPartt 4iminutes Discussissues related te Abily to tlic abent wider the Pari 3 task ‘issues and express and justly ‘opinions on them Marks * Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test in the following areas: # Grampyar Resource ~ range and control © Vocabulary Resource ~ range and control. # Discourse Mauagement ~ ability to express ideas in coherent, connected, speech without undue hesitation. © Pronunciation — individual sounds, siress and intonation. ‘© Interactive Conimtnication - initiating, responding and developing, the interaction. ~ The assessor marks secording to detailed Analytical Seales, and the interlocutor gives 4 mark on a Global Scale, which is less detatled, Dh ton tvenview How tedoit page 15 page 27 age 39 page 50 page 62 Page 62 os ~«C«@S a m What are you like? 7" Lead in j i 2 Do the personality quiz, below, then look at page (hat is your ideal job? Make a fist of usetul alin loiter bat we oe ites for that job, e-,tmagination, sent. 1 ecru i bs aa FDO Which do you possesst think the quiz is accurate? Why/Why not? Which do you possess! Extrovert or Introvert? Head or Heart? 4 When out with @ group of your friends, how 1 teyour fiend stared Ga mee the talking do you do? 1 x liked 2 a. hardly any rou Gisll ney someone Spought, WOU b cite a lot ees ‘prutally honest a © almost ail fb be tactful but truth 5 What do you tend to do when you meet new Pela be if necessary people socially? .e with friends and art stick with the people you know ae oreaks out, 60 YOU b_ worry abour how to keep the conversetion | axgument ee eon wtit ane them i 2 a get He PS © mingle with as many new people as possible és ree with 6 Which pair of words best describes. Nu? | you te noise B yo ¢ Wyte 7 @ cautious and thoughtful | Which peir of words ber inquisitive and independent | * eserves your? © lively and energetic gcal and ature ra eye ana mouwated Goring and sensitive Facts or Ideas? i 7 You buy a piece of furniture which you have {© assemble yourself. Do you ... 7 follow the instructions exactly ‘scan the instructions then set them aside © leap in, only referring to the instructions if yOu get stuck When giving divections to your home, do you... @ Provide a step-by-step list of instruct b draw rough map © just give general directions 9 Which pair of words best describes you? @ practical and efficient realistic and enthusiastic © inventive and imaginative === Unit FE — Reading Pars Wwottipte choice HOW te doit () Pead the text quickly fer general meaning Read the question or stem bur mot the Beptiors. Find the part ofthe text that weates tothe Ba {ator remember the questions aren Read the options and eliminate any hate cent wren. tip ‘Choose the option that answers Reriember tat there BD thequesion fulyard accurately. ill he seven ciestions ntheeam. 1 Read the text opposite and note down ‘the main idea of each paragraph. 2 Chowse the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to ‘questions 1-5. and say why the other options are wrong, Question 1 has been done as an example. Example 1 Whet reason is given an the first paraxraph for the increased use of personality iesting? A It is used by 50% of managers, 50% of managers are selected on the basis of these tests B tt has been accepted! by eduentional bodies. * Perscriality tests iiay be used! Ly universities fin the furure. © Research has justified tts nse. ¥ See tins 4-7 1D The tests are riow available on the Intemet. This is true but not the Teason guven for the increased! use of personality rests. 2. What does the writer imply about the test she tried out hersell? A It didn't come up with the right result B_ It wes psychologically challenging. CI was a tedious way to spend her time. 1 It-w2s 100 personal for her liking. 3 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is hased on the betiet that character traits are largely inherited certain personality tiaite are universal. character is largely decided from birth some personality types are better than others. EDD ois com> What is the problem with personality tesis, accouding to Dr Gil A They cant have 3 negative effect on takers 1B People cant easily Ke about their true abilities © The resulis could he counter-productive for employers. D Employers often find their results to be unreliable. Who! final conclusion doss the weiter reach shout the value of personahty testst A. They are net really worth doing. B They may encourage greater realist. C They are of doubtful salve to employers, D They can strengthen our self-image. T © q e | \ | \ : Paychomejric testing for recruitment — ; assessing personality iraits as en ication cf performance i a eertam role — has rmustitoomed a stuies 5 show ther rests ta be thee times rnne ‘accurate in predicting ‘your job perlonrance than all your previous 10 work experience combined. These tests are now included in Virtually all graduate recruitrrent and in the 4s selection of more than 50 percent of managers. Similar tests may be used in futureas part cl university applications, dating agencies sear by thet and they have been used! to maleh pets to ‘ewrers, Meanviile online personality tests make the 20 Top 3 of Intertit Hits. We'e fiving i the age of the personality tes. 50 does your personality treet the grade? Would you rather Fave a sirong will or strong. emotions? ‘And if you had to dicose between being shipwrecked or Aost in the ingle, which would yoni peeler? 23 For the purposes of research, I decided te tryout one ot these tests, At one particular ste wes informed! of my ‘reer personality and the number one job that matches it statistically, This is @ bey part of the appeal of online tests: the premise that there sa perfect job, a perfect rate, and 40 a perfect you, and all you have to do is unleck your subconscious inner self and they will rateralse. These {ests arc also the perfect solt-ciscovery vehicle fer our ‘altenatedt hi4ech age: intimate but anonymous. 1s Incredibly compulsive: when you get heated on atest, ™ 4 faye you ever taken a test like this? How useful or ‘nleresting wos e real youfethere for hours. And theres no aspect 35 Of fife too mundane oF fivolous to test for. ‘Aer 40 privates of diligently recording ry reaction to a series of ink blots (' the mood of this picture sad, ‘nostalgic. happy, violent or «9 neutral? Gon you find the ‘chicken in this picture? Gan you find your wite's/ husband's mother?) | discovered | ar tainly 6 hiotivated by peace, | might have been more convinced about this ft hadrit just had a blazing row with my partner (my fault entirely). the tests were only amusing it wculdrt accourt for thei massive popularity tn fact a large number ate decidedly unfunny, ané seduce with prorrises of ‘genuine insight, This istrue of the most popular personality ‘atin the wore: the Nlyers-Briges Type indicator, which ‘jars the pull between tie cult of personality testirg andl its sence Widely used in migior corporations atouind the Wott, its based on the theory that we are bom with a [ecispostion fo one perscriality type which stays more OF Jess fixed throughout life. You answer 68 questions and are then given your ‘type Introvert or Extrovert, Thinking or & Feeling Sersing.or Intutve, and Judging or Perceiving. tf seule introverted, intuitive, Feeling and! Perceptive, youll probaly Find it herder to do work where youre required to etertain, or persuade lots of people, such as a jab in sales or public rations « Gris of testing mutter darkly abou the sodal engineering spect of personality tests, which often seer to be looking D Match ef with meanings 1-6, using the text 10 help you. @ indeair (1.2) 1 argument © emotion (1.22) 2, disadvantage row (1.49) 3 sign insight (1-53) 4 tepling & downside (1.73) (5. typicat behaviour £ tendency (1.99) 6 understanding 3K ‘ » you the same kind of person, Dr Colin Gill, a psychologist specielising in personality testing, agrees that ‘too mary 20 orgarisations always want people with the sane traits: ‘extrovert, agreezble, conscientious and open fo new experience’ But, He wains, these ‘popular’ personality traits have their downside, “in extreme extrovert tents to bea setfsh ‘get on! type, who may walk ever others. Overly- 75 conscientious people are prone to burl cut and people who are extremely open to new experience can be buttetles, sping from one big idea to the rest without mastering any of thei’ All the same, the psychometric fest here fo stay — which may be why 2 whole sub-industey on cheating ‘0 personality fests has sprung up. "Its possible to cheat’, axtiits expert David Bartram, ‘but what's the port? Wriy try to pretend you're ant ambitious extrovert if youre a rrore thougttful introvert? Having to fake the person you are at work 8 will be exhausting andl ‘miserable and probably shortlived* Cur obsession with ‘9 Fenonaity now invailes every aspect of our Ives. Ifyou ask an ‘expert for advice on your wardrobe or the sort of det you should goon, youll probably be quizzed about your Personality. But it srit all self-centred navel gazing. tt ‘55 personality tests have any valve to us (rather than employers) perhaps iti this: to disabuve us of the Musion That all of us are full of potential, end remind! us ct what we are. If that happens to be an averagely ambitious introvert with controling tendencies (as my test resis showed), then 100 50 be iL. As they say in one test when they ask for your age. Fick the one you are, net the one you wish you were. Vocabula TY character adjectives 1) Match character adjectives a-j with meanings 1-10. mature | curious by decisive 2 outgoing © motivated 3 adult 4 sensitive 4 ciming high & inquisitive 5 keen f ambitious 6 withdrawn 6 indepondet 7 wanting te do things well I conscientious 8. self-reliant i introverted 5 fr | extrovert IW aware of people's Feetings 2 Which of the adjectives in | are generally positive and which negative? Give examples. 3. Read the dictionary entry for words similar in meaning te honest. Use this informnation to complele sentences a-c below. waten wort ‘onest si! frank cler fo hat you sy eich 95 Fa you say it: ot honesttark ecmision of sul hey ere -fenerally positive words, although its possible to be too lrankin a way that other people might not like Ditect, ‘utspeken and bluntell deserbe she ranrey ef sar ‘what they think Outspoken sugseststhot you are willing Wo shuck peuple by saying what you believe to be right. Bhuntand direct oer suggest shatyou thirk henest) more important than bein polite. Open postive and escribes sh'scharacter: I'ma Very open person, ou are Lerner Bicheno, 7 ation @ [hope you don’t mind _me being, + but that dress really doesn’? suit you 1b Some journalists are deliberately... ~ they don't eare wha they upset, they just want & good story, © You should ask Nick's opinion. You can rust him to tell you the truth, he's 50 4 Discuss questions a and b. a Which five character adjectives do you think 3 iend would use to describe you? 1h Do you think we are born with certain ebaracter trails, oF is our character formed as we grOW tip? BE net Grammar Review o] tenses cr ricet6 1 Match the verb forms in the sentences below with these tenses. Present Simple Present Perfect Continuous Present Continuous Past Simple Future Simple Past Continuous Future Continuous Past Periect Simple Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous Since 1 moved here, [ve been learning to drive. Since | moved here, I've leat to drive. b Carla's playing the guitar very well. Carla plays the guitar very well © tt started reining when T left the house, Tt had starved raining when Heft the house 1 (I be getting the dinner ready when you arrive 10 get the dinner ready when you arrive. © When we got to lier house, she cred. When we got to her house, she'd been eryiny. {My brother always tells me what to do. My brother's cnays celling me whar w do, We mere hoviny a party when my sister announced her engagement. We had! a party when my sister announced her engagement. Explain the difference in meaning between the pairs of sentences in 1. Complete sentences a-I using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a His back was aching because he the garden all day. . (yout father/ work) abroad at present? Matia left college early today’ because she (have) a dental appeintment an hour (i) in b ago. ALAS soon ds if stops raining, We . the dog fora walk © My neighbour coulén’'t stop because tis bus snenes (eave) and he did wart to rss it F For the past six weeks. Poss... (have) singing lessons. 8 Lean’ phone you at that time because 1 é (travel) on Ue underground. fi The photocopy machine nue Ubreak down) twice already and it's not even huinehtime! i Aso ule, we (spend) par\ of each summer at my parents” house: (take) 4 Corveet any verbs in ach which are not normally used in a continuous form, 2 These gloves aten’t mine ~ are they belonging to you? bb My gitlfriend doesn’t like perfurnes that are smelling of flowers ~ she prefers something more exotic. © Our teacher said we were all deserving a great «eal of praise for our exart results 4 Are you thinking what I'm thinking ~ that this new outfit just doesn't suit me? € F've always been hating getting up early in the morning, even in the summer. f ‘This manual is containing all the informetion you need to run your new computer software. g At the moment | feel that you really aren’t putting in as much effort as you could with your studies bh The hockey club we're belonging to is always on the lookout for new players. 5. Say which of these verbs are a) never used in a continuous form, or b) can be used in a continuous form but with a change in meaning. like believe know remind detest hear understand belong contain taste prefer mean 6 Match a-j with a suitable ending from 1-10 and explain how the verb tense changes the meaning, a My favourite actor is appearing b_ Umafraid the video appears © The manager is having a Celine has . © Everyone thinks f She's thinking g Working as a wildlife guide really appeals h Our local school is appealing i Lam seeing j Isee a career adviser tomorrow to get advice on working in IT. 2... alot of experience in working with children. 3... a meeting to discuss the new proposal. 4... for funds for a new building 5... in.a new musical in London’s West End. 6... Jose will get the job. 7. ... of buying 2 car in the near future, 8... 10 be broken, 9 tome. 10... nothing but fields when 1 fook out of my bedroom window. Complete sentences a-e with the correct form of the verb. 2 IFyOU 1... (Feel) that I'm being unreasonable, please say so. b Sandra (emell) the blossom on her cherry tree when she was stung by a bee © Even though you've explained i three times now, J still (not see) what you mean. @ Since Iwas 2 young boy, Vs... (have) a fear of heights, (ou/think) you could give me a hand lifting this equipment? Read this extract from an email which was sent to an online penfriend agency, and correct any errors Hi, my name’s Michele. | was born in Geneva, but | fived in Rome forthe past ten year or so. | moved here cause t was wanting to be nearer my grandparents, We trained as nurse after been leaving school but {haven't actually found a jab in nursing yet. At the moment t do temporary workin an offce but | think of taking’ year out next year to travel and see the ‘world. im enjoying outdoor sports and dancing, and | love all sorts of music but especially jazz and reggae Ive played in a band when I wasa student and | stl perform in publicwhen I get the chance. As regare's my personality | think 'm quite eagy to get on with fm laid-back, and t'm having a great sense of humour Write your own email introducing yourself to a penfriend, using the corrected version in 8 as a model. Listening Part 4 Multiple matching Why might someone decide to take up the hobbies and pastimes shown? In 3 you will hear five people talking about their hobbies, First, listen and match the phrases they use (1-7) with the meanings (a~g) a We all had different interests 1 2 b | became really inspired by it, 5 ¢ [was completely taken aback. 4 Ud lost my job. 5 Iwas chattering away about how busy T was, 6 f I'd had some difficulties with my job. 8 1 didn’t have much to occupy myself with. how wodoit 3G) Read the howtodo it box, then listen twice and do the exam task. HE ee thetime allowed to read For 1-5, choose the people's reasons for taking up their new interest (A-H), eee ‘A to recover from an accident Speaker 1 1 iRemennber there are two B to please a relative ¥ juestions for each speaker eee eee i a Petes ie C to be more independent Speaker 2 isting, answer 3s HE honyaustonsasoucantiom 0 € broaden their horizons ania’ bh. F to fil'in time 4 Use the second listening to F to take some exercise eles BE Aver any questions you missed. to express their feelings H to relieve the pressure of work Speaker 5 5 For 6-10, choose the outcome of the speakers’ new interests (A-H) A It’s enabled me to win an award, Speaker 1 B It’s inspired me to be more competitive. € It’s turned out to be quite profitable. Speaker 2 D it's become a kind of obsession, E's restored my faith in hur F It’s made me more cttical of myself G It's reveated a new aspect of my personality 11 It's made me feel less dejected. Speaker 5 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 9, 4 Tell a partner about your hobbies and interests and why you enjoy them. EDD twit Speaking Pari 1 2 3 4 In pairs, take it in tums to answer questions af. Try to use some of the phrases below. ‘Where were you bom? How long have you been studying English? Have you always been interested in languages? What's your favourite time of the year? How would you describe your character? What are your plans for the future? BB Answering personal questions Well, acually That's ellfcult question but ‘ve never given it much thought but. ‘sa matier of fact (Listen to five students answering an examiner's ‘questions. What different mistakes with tenses do they make? In pairs, ask each other about the subjects in ae. Use the phrases below to help you. your favourite TV programme your ideal job 2 day out you have enjoyed subjects you enjoyed learning at school the kind of music you listen to nance BB Asking for personal information So, tell me what... is. Could you tell me about... 2 {like to know what... is/would be. What would you say .. is/would be? Could you deserite ...? © Listen to the next exam task and how two candidates answered it. Suggest three ways in which they could improve their performance. how to co it WE in Speaking Part you may be asked 10 ‘talk about a ‘variety of topics, €.g. your JB PS eperinces, resent cicumstances future plans, rave, education take IB stte you use the appropriate tenses. 5 in pains, answer questions ad giving reasons. Use the phrases below to help you. Would you like to spend some time working in another country? b Do you think that having a lot of free time is a good or a bad thing? ¢ How necessary is it to have good friends? 4 Which is more important: money or health? Bl Expressing personal views {in my opinion, [think it's essential to | strongly believe that. As faras'm concerned 6 €) Listen toa candidate expressing a persanal view and decide if her attempt is successful. Explain why. Unit Uy Use of English Part 3. Word formation 1 Look at the title of the text below. Do you think it is possible to be ‘born lucky’? Why/Why not? 2 Read the text and the how to do it box. Decide which part of speech belongs in gaps 1-10 in the text. 5 Complete the text using the words in CAPITALS in the correct form. Use the lip box to help you. orn Lucky? ‘esearch shows some 0... differences in the 1 oomnnsnan attitude and behaviour of lucky and unlucky. people. If genes affect one’s 2 ‘and behaviour, as they no doubt do, then you can he born lucky. Lucky people tend to create opportunities for good fortune by being extrovert, sociable and using open body language that gets people to respond to them. They are retaxed and 3... and, therefore, they may be more receptive to new opportunities. They also ike change and 4 They might, for instance, alter their routine by thinking ofa colour on their way to party and then speaking to people wearing that colour. This brings about new 5 vnw and the prospect of new friends. Luicky people also have positive 6 _-~ Of life, A famous experiment illustrates tis. Psychologists told American high school teachers certain children in their class were especially 7 In fact, there was nothing 8 about them. The teachers, however, showered them with praise and 9 and the children responded by producing better schoolwork than others. ‘The study shows the power of positive thinking. Yet the converses also true. Finnish researchers divided 2,000 men to ‘negative neutral’ and positive’ groups, depending on their outlook on life. Over a sbcyear petiod, hose inthe ‘negative’ group .. more susceptible to illness and accidents. EG tit 2 how to doit WW Decide what parts of speech you need ‘ou may need to form words with negative BB incanings, or plurals, ‘You may need to make more than one Igy tanse to the word sven heck your spelling carefully. Jy 24501 completed tot for veal sere, NoTICE PsycHaLOGy PERSONAL = APPROACH vary POSSIBLE tt EXPECT Girt EXCEPTION ENCOURAGE match each definition (1-3) with sentences a-c. create bw prret)sob “1 Iv) 10 mabe sth happen or ex: Siena agree Stout hes the wns was eed The Yam Purse finery tn rate went «The one la to et mre ols for young peg eae anew diary fd pall your fsbo © 1 ds ra du ere ft Pe ce <> ete at ce [vt produce «pa ‘ula eon rtngrenstan:Thecompuy ing e fate a yung energie ny ©The arocuncee ly Steeda craig cans Thee pened ‘eae ati of warm. 3 to gh sb parla a frie (vu) Thegmermment hereon he new pers © Fin errs barre ie 1715 ‘xr von Lerrer Diary, 7 eon 2 This soft lighting really helps to create a romantic atmosphere. b The council have decided to create a new position for a deputy mayor: © We need to create an educational system which gives equal opportunities to all. Read questions a and b below and think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. The how toot bax will help you HOW to do it (Rea she thee sentences carly ad make a ik It of wont that could complete each ofthe gar, IB soak foc ore rd that apps inal hee fs then tet again in each erence ‘it the word doesn’t fit each sentence, try other words: from your lists Kemembe tht the werd must be exc these for cay senterce a There is no whatsoever in my mind that this is the only course of action to take. iin. . always go for the easy option. ‘The evidence showed beyond any s.r... that the accused was innocent. b The holiday may .. than we anticipate. much less relaxing, Sally's determined to in her judgement, she has been right ‘The trouble with this job is that you feel you have t0 «sn yourself all the time, Vocabulary Expressions with luck 1 Discuss the mear them with 1-8, then use them to complete a-b. WW with any ck beginner's luck the luck of the draw push your luck take pot luck no such luck be out of luck by a stroke of luck Ml 1 rely on continuing good luck 2. fortunately and unexpectedly 3° success at your first attempt 4 risk the outcome 5 decided by chance 6 unfortunately not 7 if things turn out well 8 not be lucky this time a ‘Did you manage to fix your car?” "ewan It'S a lete write-off You shouldn't You haven't been caught speeding yel but you might bet You may win the lottery — you may not. It's uite simply ‘The only problem with this cheap package holiday I've arranged is you can’t choose your accommodation; you just have to © You » I'm afraid. I've just sold the last copy of that particular book, f F've just realised 've forgotten my house key, But cone ty Wife might be at home. Jane missed the last bus but ....... a friend was passing and gave her a lft, hi Robert won his first professional tennis match but modestly said it was just b 2 When was the last time you were very hucky or unlucky? What happened? wit WIiILING par 2 A formal letter weniss aes Inertern three ‘things | ges as dove vit e ‘se rae then ight for thejot tip ‘Start anew pavagraph for each complete chonigeof topic bust avoid oneseitence paragraphs. Try to dude stoic setence summarising the mam ie of the paragraph pant on that idea andor give namplesin the rest ol the porageph. How to doit Read the task caretully and undertine the key words. BBE Brats ess ance te best ones. Bh Destte yrs ontnate a paragraph pian. I Uescres ant proponts where appropriate. Hit 1 Read the writing task below and answer questions a and b. Who are you going 10 write to? For what purpose? 1b What are the three rings you must include? ‘A friend of yours is applying for a job as holiday representative witht an intemational holiday organisation, The conipary has asked you to provide @ character reference for your friend. The reference should indicate how long you have known the person. It must also include a detailed description of the persons character and the reacont: why he br she would be suitable for the job, Vite the reference in approximately 220-260 words. ? items mais ‘4 Whal sort of things might a holiday representative have to dog bh What skills might be needed? © Which personal qualities might be needed for the job? The awe rolrences upponlic) Aan were elit By toe diteren poor ‘Read them and decide which person did not make a plan before starting to vite, Give cramples ofthe effect thls has had on the organisation ofthe reference. 4 Read the references again and do tasks a-c List the linking words in A and B (so, because, ete). Which writer makes better use of them b_ Identify the purpose of each paragraph in B. Identify any useful phrases for references in general 5. Road the question below. then write yeu roferonce, The how's sa! box and ©) will help you, One of your friends hes applied for a job teaching English abroad. ‘They will also supervise pupils aged 10-16 outside school and orgenise games and activities. You have been asked to provide a character reference for your friend, You should say how Jeng you have known your friend! and include a detailed description of their character, You should also give reasons. why be or she would be suitable for the job. ‘Write your reference in 220-260 worls, A Dear Si oF Madam, | am writing to you on behalf of Tuan Fernandez, | feve known Suan for three years. We're in the seme tutorial group at college He is very popular at college anid certainly tows bow to enjoy ie Tian is very fit and heathy, e's Gand af sports “Fen dees lose his temper very often, He be good 2t dealing wit dificlt ‘astorere and thee complaints. Tan's 2 complete extrver, He loves being the cenre of attention. He'd ery enertaing people in your reser In bie free time, Joan ies to Keep it He gos dovn to the gym mest evenings and he suis ard pays fetta He's got lets of friends, He won't havea problem geting on wth his clients “Juan spears Fert English, He will deal easily wth different nationalities in the holiday Aestination He's quite a laid-back persen and he dotsr't panic in difficlt situations. You can rely on hin fo stay cock, calm and collected “Tuan wert in 2 lca har on Saturdays and ows how fo deal with dit people We doesnt ose bis Yep: He's prepared tise, but he can be que frm when is necessary, too. 1 arn sure Tun will bea good lnliday represertative. have no bestetion in recommending bi for the post Yours fethilly. ‘va Garcia Ee To whom it may covcern Reference Fer Parla Gaim L have kreun Facla for apprenmately six yotrs. She 1s a very bubbly, deum-to-earth charactor arch gets on well with poeple cf all ages, 20 abe weld be very pepuler wath helchey groups. Fadla belps run the local youth clio our area 20 che is very, ised te deng wath young poaple. Tha eroancatenal arc leaterslyp sholls she his learnt in ths work sheuld. serve ber well as a beldlay representative. In twos of eras, Fasla « an excellent persen ta have around becaise che 1x dependable and rot uchned te panc or lese her temper. Althcugh never besoy, ohe can take contro! of difficult euctene withavt upsetting angae. Fir thes reaser, I holeve abe wadld defintely be able to cope if. thegs uavt wrong w @ belay srtuaben When it comes to entertamng poeple. Facle is very talented, whch agit come very usefull wher rele as a belly represertatwe. As well as angry ant dercing, she plays the guitar and. often takes part m perferwarces at the yputh cl Is aclesten to porferneng, Paola 5 an accomplished spertsutmas. She wa strong suinwvor ach & qualifee hfequard. Ker favewite sperts welude seubt-claing, andecirfirg ard waterskiing, at wheh she hea reechedt competiten level. With her erthusaste, commonsense appresch, abe weld. ensure hidaywakers have safe access te a full range of beuch actvibes Tr my cpnen, Facla weld make an excellent behday representatnr, T hive wo hesidaten w recommending ber to your cenpay Yours Fast, Aatene Calender er Unit Review 1 Match character adjectives a-h with their opposite meting introvert 1 uninterested decisive 2 careless sensitive 3 outgoing inquisitive 4 thick-skinned mature 5 unmotivated independent 6 childish conscientious 7 helpless ambitious 8 vague 2 Complete the adjectives defined in a-h. 3. For questions a-c, think of one word only which can diplomatic about what you say rational and reasonable ‘concerned or interested in others helpful and considerate hesitant about your actions ‘excited or passionate sensible and realistic ‘creative and imaginative be used appropriately in all three sentences. Everyone wished her the best of university and hoped she would enjoy it at Jenny won the competition at her first attempt = perhaps it was beginner's «jens | ‘There is no such thing a5... of creating our own good fortune. If you ask Colin for advice, he will always give you TiS nsec Opinion. Tobe _., [thought Susan’s advice was terrible. 1 don’t think Brian's ever done an .. work in his entire life, ‘The waxwork looked so ‘was an actual person, With so much strong competition, we have to be survival Do you think, in terms, we really can afford to go travelling next year? ED tit | We are capable day's that I thought it .. about our company’s long-term chances of Complete the expressions with luck in ah. 2 broke my grandmother's favourite vase but, by @-csestée Of htc, [found an identical one in a shop down the road. Some things in life you have no choice about = it’s just the luck of the «s € Sony, YOUTE essen OF LUCK! We sold the last newspaper five minutes ago, @ We aim to set out early and, Juck, we should acrive before dark. eI thought 1 might get the job but such Itick, They gave it ta someone else. f Let's just . pot Tuck and see where ‘we can book a last mimute holiday to. § Helen managed to get a film part after her first audition but she said it was just tuck! h Tknow everything seems to be going, swimmingly at the moment bur just remember = you shouldn't your luck! . any Fill in missing words 1-14 in this job reference. {fam writing t you on =~ 1 0f Belinda Morris, who has .... 210 bea trainee manager in your restaurant. Belinda is very ively, nen 30 earth character WhO aecesesese ‘on well with people of all ages. She has worked asa waitress during the summer holidays in our hotel, soshe’s Sto dealing ball kinds of customers, The organisational skills she has. learnt should 7 her well ee 2 restaurant MAMAReE IN anny. 9 OF CS, She isan excellent person to . 1 around because she doesn’t panic. WHEN it aorcnesie H 10 making people feel at case, Belinda is an expert. What's... 1, she has a great sense of humour, In yon 1, she would make an excellent manager. | have no .. iy recommending her. Lead in 1 Discuss the following questions. a What annual festivals or celebrations take place in your country? b When do they happen and. what do they involve? © What do you know about their origins? 2 What do you imagine happens at the festivals shown in the photost ang 3 © Listen to two people talking about the two festivals shown and choose the best answer to questions 1-4. 1 The Kattenwoensdog festival dates back to @ time when 4 local people hegan to breed cats in the town’s, Cloth Fal. bb Tocal cats had been unsuccessful in ridding the town of rodents, © local people decided that the town cats had ullived their usefulness, See What happened when the speaker visited the Kattenwoensdog festival? a Everyone taking part in the parade was dressed as a cat b The bad weather failed 10 spoil the carnival atmosphere. © Spectators rushed to buy a toy cat from the jester. 3. What is one of the rules of La ‘Tomatina? a You must be a member of a team to join in. b The tomatoes must be crushed before you 2 throw them. © Tourists are not allowed 10 hit locals. © 4 What happens at the end of La Tomatina? a Trucks arrive to clear away all the mess. b_ Free tomato juice is given away. z © You can wash in specially provided showers, 4 ell a partner about any festivals that you have oo been to or would like to go to. Unit2 EY There's little beyond the remote Malian town of Timbouctou but a vast expanse of desert. Most people consider it the end of the Earth, and even its residents rarely venture north into the Sahara, But for one day in January, 2 host of musicians, politicians, tourists and technicians gather in the town's market place, preparing to head north into ‘the dunes. As people fill their jeeps with diesel and supplies and travellers send quick postcards home, It's hard not to get swept up in the excitement and anticipation of the remotest music festival on Earth. } The Tuareg, 2 nomadic group who inhabit the Sahara, have « more appropriate form of transport, arriving on white camels from every direction. In all, there are 800 of them at the festival. Itisrt surprising, because the event grew out of an annual Tuareg get-together. iz As the Tuareg cook over campfires, the tourists settle Into their tents and explore the festival site. But soon everyone is beating a path towards the concreted stage, strange sight In the middle of scrub and sand. The sun goes down and charcoal brazlers light up the dunes. Then bands from Mali and neighbouring countries like Senegal, Niger and Mauritania take the stage, playing calabashes, utes. and talking drums. There's a group of dancers from [Niger decorated with beads and covered in body paint. There are Western performers too, although some are not to everyone's taste.As one group hit their electric guitars and yell into the microphones, ‘an old Malian lady claps her hands over her ears and scuttles of. 3 ‘Asa tourist attraction, the festival is Infancy-There are no more than 500 foreigners inits Readi NY Part2 Gapped text 1 what music festivals are there in your country? ead the main text for general mean festival in the dese 235 present, most of whom fee! lucky to be witnessing something‘authertie, Beyond the odd soft drinks stall there is litte sign of the sponsorship or the profit mmetive that underpin most World Music festivals. 4 1A music festival may seem an odd mechanism for 40 kickstarting tourism all year round, but thisis the Intention. nthe eyes of Ndiaye Bab, Ma's minister lof tourism and handicrafts, Malian music is already cone of the country’s main draws, making the festival ‘an obvious place to start. She is convinced that the north contains enough potential to support year round tourism. n fact mast people agree that tourism growth Is the only way forward for the Tuareg. The north of Mali is the poorest part of the country. As Bah explains, there are few opportunites ‘a for the Tuareg. They need people to come and buy randicrafts and stay in local hotels, to bring employment and development to the region. 5 But this sort of envy only exists between the Tuareg because the festival is seen to be a good thing. In 55 fact, for now, the event enjoys almost universal support. And similar events are springing up in neighbouring countries ike Naucitania too, with the Tuareg organisers of the Festival in the Desert fast becoming consultants, 6 @ The Tuateg dance and sing, Dicko explains, and afterwards they talk about their problems. He is studying to be a doctor in Timbouctou and his village is far away. At the festival he can meet his family and other people from his village for the firs. time in two years. Perhapsits to people such as. DDicko, who've given up the nomadic lifestyle to live in towns such as Timbouctou, that the festival brings the greatest pleasure. ne ‘Look for grammar and vocabulary links before Who goes? What happens? BB and after each gap and in the paragraphs ne easiest gaps first to reduce the wurmber 2 Read the article about a music festival in the ws Sahara, and match paragraphs A-G with gaps 1-6. Then try the extra paragraph in each gap again ‘There is one extra paragraph. Find links in the text Read the complete text again for grammar and and use the words in italies to help you. ‘overall sense EA wwitz ~ — A With such obvious popularity, wo knows what the +0 future may hold for the Timbouctou festival. But for now, at leas. it still etains its original purpose as a get-together for ‘the Tuareg people themselves, B tut cespte this lack of commercialism, there's no doubt thatthe benefits of tourism are there for local people. The Tuareg stroll between the tents setting out purses, ‘compasses and swords for tourists to buy or offering camel tides Dicko, my young Tuareg friend, explains that cash Spent by tourists filters back into the Sahara. The Tuareg, it ‘seems, bring with them jewellery and handicrafts made by 1 people in ther villages. They sell these at the festival and tse the morey to buy maize, sugar and millet in Timbouctouwhich they take back to the villages C inact, as the event’s organiser Manny Ansar explains, Tuoreg heve been meeting at this oasis for centuries. this ' spot they heve traditionally arranged martiages, swapped ews raced carnels and made music. They decided to open the music festival to enable their musicians to mix with thers and because they felt it was time for their ‘community to get in touch with the outside world, 6 D Meanwhile, the sustainability ofthe festival itself has been called into question, Westerners say that ifthe festival ¢ There was a long delay before the c As the bands began to play, we all got One old lady’s reaction showed clearly that rock music was not 10 her {The festival only started a few years ago so it’s still in its g Traditional music is one of the country’s main hh There are few concems about the enviroramental.. ‘The claim that the festival will remain’authentic has been catied into b. We sat at the hack of the crowd but just within gets too big, it will lose its authentic feel, And anyway it Appears to have reached capacity already — tempers got so fraypdthat.a Dutch woman wha was queuing for ane of the 55 two small ferries struck a driver for jumping the queue, E to get sar asTinbouctu,t spent tee days diving from Mal capita armako, and fou hours queuing for 8. smal fry ove the River Niger But asthe orwoy/ of four Tees! hes esd! to the cues cog up ane Se ‘iti became dear thatthe final stretch va the biciest pat ela [one The Hack wise Inc ete ies beta ere ek hea eric eet ed ce fold me thal tht jeep had broen down within earshot of the must but they hadrt dared vntute on foot nt the Tr Ucsef aam totes ithe Cle Tra ek ca found that the festa ste was ust ten nutes aay from where they had been sleeping F There are few concems about the environmental impact, of the festival. Every single plastic bottle is taken away by the nw Tuareg for use in the desert. But conflict between Tuareg ‘could be more of a problem. An elderly man complains that the festival started out as a moveable event with a different site each year, bringing benefits to different parts of the Sahara. Butfor the past two years it has been held in the 115 same place because Iti easier to build a permanent stage in the dunes here.'Why can't we have a festival where I come from?" he asks. GS but while rock groups might not produce the desired effect on everybody at the festival, Tuareg bands do, and they 1 feature mote prominently than any others. Their Tuareg fans watch from the seats of thelr carves. From the ground, i's hard to see over the hundreds of indigo turbans that are standard attire forthe tribesmen. This is clearly a Tuareg event, but there is litle sense of being an outsider. As shovel sand to try to gain some height, my Tuareg neighbours usher me forward for 2 better view. The sense of intimacy and respect ariong the small crowe is remarkable, Complete the phrases in a-h with 1-8, then rephrase the sentences in your own words. 1 draws of the music 2 earshot ert began and tempers got very i 3. impact up in the excitement 4 frayed question 6 infancy 7 swept of the festival 8 taste 4 What positive and negative effects might tourism have on traditional festivals like this? Unit2 EA Vocabulary Easily confused words (1) 1 Choose the correct verbs in ah to complete (he exllocations. aT wasn’t enjoying myself so |. sand lell, (Gid)/put /zsade) 1b The director promised my sister a part in the tlm and he'd better .....feés wend. (heep/held/tal) © We're planning to .........a party te celebrae Tina’s good news, (aeke/throys/do) He @ lio when the police interviewed fin and now he's in big trouble. (told/selt/sroke) © The first chapter of « book usually the scene lor What happens later. (lays/uts/ses). { Bveryone else was furious when one man .. the que far tickets. (avertock /jumpee iss) 2 Thar film was so complicated — Ldidn't nnn ele what vas going on! (Fellow /get/bave) hts very hard to... @ living as an actot. (cars /get/gain) an excuse ‘Read the dictionary entry below to find the adverb that coflocates best with disappoirited. Then choose the most suitable word in sentences a-c. Check your ideas in your dictionary. disappointed o jennie a0 ‘= aty sh) ~ babs) | ~ bose, bear) Titer.) |— (pat ta be set Ie a hoe ‘tas cat baryon or binned sees dntespect gy wre mer lacppamet hep db ego ct war cpa te get of wae i doapptiniad orgcu trey Ought IretyeolsIwcowy dapremndah ome» Heme Sera oa ih nity tu po & Fn Sep ayo Aung tenrers Lenore, heen 4 Amanda's (highly/fully) competitive with hor ‘more successjul older sister: bit was (immediately /cleatly) obvious that there was no way we could reach the airport in time. © She is an exuemely strict teacher and expects (whole/tctal) obedience from her pupils. Complete questions a-c, using your answers trom 1 above, then discuss each question. 4 Do you generally queue in your country? What happens if you ....... the queue? by How would you most like (0 © Hos anyone ever not What happened? Unit2 a living? their wou! tei you? Grammar Gerunds and infinitives a@pinan 1 Put these verbs into three columns as shown below. avoid want flee deny —protoise: enjoy exper fancy hep tisk offer prefer deserve eg conte praise threaten manage miss Jove: refuse ini by —ollowed by lolowed by ind infirtive+ fo gerund or nf and eget he Which of the verbs in 1 ean also be immediately followed by a that cleutse? Coraplete these sentences with an appropriate verb in the correct form. @ Our foorball team deserves .....,.. because they ave trained so bard. b One of the suspects has denied .....— part in, the robbery. © My sister is hoping ‘with eur netional aidline. We lost the car keys hut we managed the car by turning 4 piece of wire in the ignition! I'm disappointed that my favourite groups have refusert at the (estival {Since my’ grondmother moved to another town, really miss hhor every day. 4 job as a stewardess What time is the President expected a the airport? bh Admed potice threatened the gunmen if they did not release the hastages. Match each vert (in both. the gerund! an! infinitive form) with definitions a j. sep ity do something fo see whut Lappens as 4 resull be sony for something you've dene Intend to do something, rot forget that something must he done stop something yaur've been ding, invalve or require something be sony aboult someting you're going to da stop one thing to do something else not forget something which has alreadly happened se if i'S possible 10 do something remember regret mean Anima ret A pies Use the verb in brackets to complete a-e in two ways: first with the gerund and then the infinitive. @ I didn't remember (invite) my neighbour to my barbecue so bb wish for once you'd stop (think) about © (like our neighbours, but I regret (say) that My six-month-old nephew has just tried (eat) . @ ... meant (get) my hair cut Complete sentences ah with one of the prepositions below and an appropriate gerund. Bo a fr wo of in a I'm not very keen ‘when the sea is this rough but I'll come if you insist. b Are you looking forward getting a job? ¢ In trying to take a shortcut actoss the fields, we only succeeded ........ completely lost. d Tapologise profusely ..:..... you waiting in the cold for so long. My classmates insisted mea birthday present even though I said I didn’t want one. f Ifyou carry about people behind their backs, you'll soon end up with no friend: 8 F've never been very 00d... letters but 1 regularly telephone my grandparents in Australia hy My brother is thinking abroad, maybe as, a tour guide. ‘school and Gross out fo where it is not needed with the infnitives in these sentences. 2 don't think politicians should be allowed to get away with the lies they tell. b Ifyou let that boy to do whatever he wants, you'll really live to regret it. rarely be made to da what they don't hut you can often make someone t6 da something through persuasion. That looks like a nasty cut ~ I'd advise you to get medical attention at once. ¢ My parents helped me to buy a small flat in the suburbs, £ You had better not to tell anyone what we've just been discussing. & It's just typical that when someone's watching you to do something, you make a right mess of it. 8 Complete these sentences with an object and an infinitive with or without to as appropriate, a When Twas a child, my parents wouldn’t let b The water in the resort wasn’t clean enough t0 drink s¢ our holiday rep advised € 1 woke up suddenly and thought t heard d_ know it may sound unreasonable but I'd rather © Love sitting by the lake watching 3 Complete 1-13 with an appropriate form of the verb in old ("ve always wanted .. 1 do something really adventurous so when, in my final year at university, 1 was invited... 2 join a wildlife expedition to the Amazon, I didn't stop 3 think. | just said ‘yes'! looked forward to . explore the forests and dreamt Of »..-eu. 5 discover a species new to science. | also hoped _....... 6 film a japuar as these animals are of special interest 1o me. The trip would ‘trugele through thick jungle and knew we risked be bitten by insects and snakes. My girlfriend was so worried about me that she threatened ‘burn my plane ticket! In the event, I managed. 10 avoid any kind of disaster. I watched a giant stiake .. ‘Veatch a monkey, tut that was the nearest | came to any’ danger. | really enjoyed .. 12 see such a huge variety of wildlife and | would like a... 13 80 back to the Amazon again ane day, that’s for sure. Unit2 Ey 1. Read this quote and discuss how far you agree with these Kdeas howtodort a he content ard bo We want to preserve our identity, history, land, language and values Boman for our children. Our children, who are our future, must understand I erie yours ith te our history so no one can say our culture is gone. If we do not topic preserve this, our lives won't belong to us any more Ty to answer both questions for each extract in the first listening 2. © Read questions 1-6 below before you listen to the three diferent extracts ‘Then listen and choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each question, ea ening chee ‘your answers carefully Te how 10 doit and "ip boxes will help you tT Listening rant short extracts | You hear part of an interview with a tour operator discussing a museum dedicated to Native Americans. 1. What criticism does the man make about the museum? ‘A. Native Americans were not consulted enough when setting it up. B Some exhibits do not capture the impact of Native American culture, C The museum project took far too long to conceive and set up. 2 The museum aims to A. ensure that it will attract large numbers of local visitors. B demonstrate the lifestyle of Native Americans to visitors. € display objects originally in the possession of local communities. ‘You hear two people talking about a town fair. 3 What did the two speakers learn about the town fair from the newspaper? A. Attendance wes down on last year. B Ithad managed to attract a lot of outsiders. There was a lack of atmosphere. 4 The two speakers agree that ‘A the best thing about the town fair was the evening concert. B_ the quality of the items on sale at the town fair was excellent. © the town fair greatly benefits the local community. ‘You hear part of an interview with a woman who is a curator ina museum. 5 The woman disagrees with thé interviewer about ‘A. what kinds of historical objects should be displayed in museums B_ the role of historical objects in educating young people. © whether historical objects should be returned to where they came from. 6 How does the woman see her responsibilities as a museum curator? A She believes we should be aware of the history of our ancestors, B. She is determined to preserve the past for future generations She wants to encourage people to read more about history. Speaking ran2 1 Answer questions a and b about photos 1-3. 2 What are the ceremonies shown? b_ What do ceremonies like these have in common? * How might the peopl taking part in the ceremonies be feeling? + How memorable might these cecasions be lor them? 4. var ihe gaps Underline the key words in the task above the photos opposite. 3. © Read the how do it box below, then listen to someone doing the task in 2 and answer these questions. a Which adjectives does she use to deseribe the people's feelings? b Does she answer the whole task? how todoit BBE “hoos the tro photos you want to talk about Make stire you answer both pars of the task Lise a variey of wor to show your range ef vocabulary Remember to compare, not simply describe the photos. ah with 1-8 below to form sentences about the photos. a It looks as if these people are ina degree ceremony. b The this ceremony appear to be feeling very proud. © This ceremony is in a huge stadium, [think the degree ceremony would be than the launching of the ship. © You would probably have lasting of all these occasions but for different reasons. £ People occasions like these for the rest of their lives, 8 Photos like thes in our liv f important events hi Some aceasions in our lives are simply 1 more memorable 5 remind 2 taking place 6 unforgettable 3. remember 7 taking part 4 memories 8. participants In pairs, do the task in 2. Student A compares photos 1 and 2, and Student B compares photos 2 and 3. The howto doit box and phrases below will help you. Hy Sreculating 1 looks like /looks as if it is It seems to be /appears to be They might be /could be They probably/ perhaps/may be Unit2 Use of English ran2 open coze 1 When do young people ‘come of age’ in your country? how todo it How do you celebrate this event? a Read the text once for overall meaning, then ‘again sentence by sentence: Read the text below quickly and answer these questions. {ok at the words ketone and after each gap Who are the Xicrin? Don’ always choose your first idea ~ consider Who takes part in the ceremony? ie cu ofsions BE check your completed text for sense and grammar Read the text again and think of the word which best i fits gaps 1-15. The howto doit ané tip boxes will help you. Do you think the Xicrins’ traditions will survive? two linkers : Why/Why not? two pronouns fe hs Ore) three prepositions UNUSUAL" eer Ce et ee ee eee ents dancing and listening to music which is | En ee ed SCL ec | Ty ey hich have managed to retain their traditional arte ene earns ees Se yer ee SL ce a ue ee a cn ee, eee er me ee ret rey een eniana Dae ae ee er a tree and attacking a wasps’ nest with their bare hands. _bi¢ctive. The men nervously stood their ground ye een een rT ert revere neioninn mark the coming of age of the young men and feflect the ‘themselves... the undergrowth ofthe surround Co one ee ies ter gsleted Co Se et | had been invited to witness this ceremony... of my jen, proves ere Soo ORE aa mame ae enr een iii kane a eee eae eee ye eee ee eer ee ee ; Part 5 Key word transformations 5 Look at the example key word transformation eetcise below. Which part of the first semtenice bas been replaced by the key word? No both sentences have a similar meaning? ample Do you think I could disturb you for a moment WONDERING Twas wondering éf F could distort) you for a monvent, ‘Read the answers given to a-e and say which ones aie correct. Then corect the ones that ate wrong. ‘The how tn do box will help you. how todoit BB ati pro the rasertere nse wo berepiced by ‘word. ‘ately how this wil affect the gratrmar of the second gp smece “Write Hetween three andl sic words, inciucire the key wore! piven. Never change the key word _ Read your cormpleted sentence and chuck it has sivitar Sreeanmigto the frst sentenee, 4 “The actor's autobiography was published Iss week. CAME, This by ebiography canes out last week. nso sorry we have to endure this drencful journey. Pur Itonly we dic vol pyl.up wih his dreadtit journey. Pam will never accept the fact that what she Delieved was a le ‘TERMS Pat will never . What kind of jobs involve people making predictions? © Who relies on the information provided by their predictions? What can happen if the predictions turn out to be inaccurate? What changes are you likely to see in the following areas in your lifetime? The expressions in the language box helow will help you. © work © transport * holidays. © entertainment [Bf Making predictions There's no likelihood of it’s unlikely that There's absolutely no way that As likely as not There's @ good chance that ‘the chances are that seems inevitable. is bound to... There's no doubt that . If you could find out any three things about the future, what would they be? Quickly read the three extraets below and opposite, which are all concerned in some way with the future. Then think of a suitable title for each one. Pace me aaa Read the frst extract quickly a! look at the 1 questions Hliminate any options that are dearly wrong CChoase the option that fits best. f you are unsure of any question, move on to he next questionfexraci, and try agai late. Read the three extracts again and the two questions below each one. Then choose the best answer (A,B, Cor D). The box will help you. ind terrestrial travel has entered the space age. So ya Rome eR ae ‘what lies in store for tomorrow's holidaymakers ans 10 build a new fleet of ‘spaceliners’ are currently eae rege Pee me eee eet ect ts fe eee eh cect: in true space for just tfee minutes, But for the thousand Cres esi ort ics ort acre ‘And just consider what may be on offer by 2020, when it is predicted that space hotels will be open for business Holiday brochures already claim that their hotels are out of Re Reece ec aeean eee eee ea take shape! An American tycoon has reportedly committed Segre Ce eM aca) Be eu ae ee ee ee eee ae Teese eRe ae a a Ee ogee Ors ES i at cm Ck eects ter chips smaller than skin cells will be hooked ras SN eee eno tions, which can then be replayed. “Tiny transmitters ttached to your fingertips, toes, and face could enable ea ae Caen ey beach or enjoying a holiday romance,’ says Pearson. But Deng oe ee ean | thisis the future, do we really want it? 1 The extract suggests that in the future hotels in space A might be an impossible dream. B_ may be as good as ones on earth C could cause environmental da D_ may become cheaper to build, What appears to be the writer's attude towards ‘active skin" technology? A confused B sceptical optimistic D scared Cea RRR em Second Life (SI) is an Internet-based virttial world where you can interact and do business with a whole new community. You can create objects, sell them, and make real money. Our virtual world has 2 teal economy, with its own currency — the Linden §. Real-tife businesses can flourish In SLL ‘And very soon retailers may be able to place a ‘door’ to 251 store from their website, inviting people to jump from two-dimensional browsing into a three ‘dimensional shop. For example, an avatar (a virtual persor) with a customer's measurements could even try clothes on. The current Internet has forced us into a cramped two-dimensional space that doesn't ‘capture the way humans window-shop. SL can bring us back to the three dimensions where we belong. The news is travelling fast. Our members now include senior representatives of some of the best-known companies in the world, Several world-leading companies have built replicas of their conference rooms in SL, where distant ‘employees can meet and exchange information. Other companies are looking at using SL for their corporate training. And it has also become the perfect way to get to know colleagues after a stressful day in the virtual office. Why might shopping in Second Life (SL) he better than current ways of shopping on the web? A. There would be more retailers to choose from, Customers can do more than just look at items, Aretailer could select and advise on products. D it would he a quicker way to pay for clothes. Businesses are using SL. because it ‘A. broadens people's social lives. allows them to advertise their buildings. lets people work and socialise together. D offers new job opportunites. 5 cre te coset tines emer ‘molecules with atomic precision. n layman's terms, it means that we may have the ability to place one ‘atom at a time in a specified piace ~ i's molecular ‘6 manipulation atthe very finest level. Thisis a huge ‘advance in technology and it has enormous possibilities for every aspect of our ives. Hence substantial {government funding in ths area and the vast number of anotech companies already in existence. 7 Intended Uses There are some that doubt it willbe possible to manipulate molecules in the way nanotechnology claims it can, But ‘thers claim that it wl soon be possbe to make ty desices ke ‘nanobots; which are microscopic robots snl 75, enough to travel in our bloedstreams, destroy cancer cals, oF repair fauity heart vahes. They hone thatthe technology can aso be used in other areas of Cur Ives, such as to generate cheap electricity and to puny water so. There are rumours that there could be dangerous Unintended consequences, such as set-repicating rebets destroying the world. Problerns are actualy more tkely to be similar to those peonte associate with nudear enerey ‘nd geneticaly modified foods, That's, some of he tiny 15 units could derrage cels and be an environmental danger ‘And whist there isa legal requrement to inform the pub this could ao pose rks ifranotechology were to fal into the wronghands, such as actvst organisations, and be sed to harm innocent people. Openness on technological vo s0eS § essential but regulations als important 4: Interest in the potential benefits of nanotechnology is evident from A. financial investment from the state. the support of surgeons worldwide the design and manufacture of robots, D_ widespread public support What concerns does the writer voice about nanotechnology? A Assessments of its safety might be incorrect B ‘The usual tests have not been carried out on it C Dangerous groups may get hold of it. D It could be more dangerous than nuclear energy. Grammar Future foray mgt be popular with the alhories DD might lead to an increase in tourism. BD tits 4 What comment does Carrie make about the planned redevelopment of Petra? [A It will be designed to blend in with the landscape “The new building work will destroy the atmosphere of the place. © The idea has been welcomed by many local people. D It will rest tourists ict the entrance of large groups of In Bob's opinion, the Petra building project will A. prove to be too ambitious. B_ go over budget. © be educational D_ make Petra even more beautiful. 6 According to Cartie, many people believe places like Stonehenge and Petra should A. be visited by as many people as possible B provide a relaxing experience for tourists © receive more publicity in the future. D be allowed to keep their air of mystery. Match a-e with 1-5 to make phrases about the Suture from the recording, a onthe 1 in store b inthe 2 cards © what Ties 3 min you never know 4 pipeline € inthe long 5. what's around the comer Use some of the phrases in 3 to talk about things ‘you expect to happenin the future where you live. ‘Talk about your ambitions for the future using some of the phrases below. Tm not really sure what | wouldn't be surprised it | think probably decide to 1 doubt ifr es unlikely that Put these expressions into three groups: ‘success’, failure’ or ‘making an effort, come up with something original Jack the talent to do something have the determination to do something make it to the top beat the competition make your mark put your heart and soul into it make (a lot of) sacrifices lack the necessary ambition sive it everything you've got Look at the two pairs of photos and the task above them and make some notes about how you could answer these questions, Read the box, then listen to how one candidate began the task in 3, and say how suitable their answer is and why. [BE Don't talk about more than two out of the thuee pote BB keep talking for one minute Use range of structures and vocabulary Now do the exam task in 3 with a partner. ‘Take it in turns to look at your partner’s photos and answer this follow-up question: "Which of these ambitions do you think would be the most Uifficult to achieve?” For the fllow-up task, give ony a brief ansner (no longer than 30 second for the question about your parine’s photos. + What ambitions might the people have forthe future? *+ How ¢iffiult might it be to fulfil their ambitions? Use of English ran mutipiectoice cov 1 How accurately can yon tell someone's age by looking at them? IOV J + What else gives you clues to how old people are? BB Red the tot quay or geal seme, nrg te sans ©. What do you think the difterence is between your ‘calendar age’ ‘(Mead the tet again ara thin ot 3 td your Msp ge Ro tet fn uch te chece a ea z. ae 2 Read the | box then complete gaps 1-12. with the best Rear ai inee le check vous option (A, B, C, or D). a As old as you feel Iernight after all be true ther you are only as ald as you feel. A Bish clinic is 9.6... new hightech Tests 10 Calculate the ‘real’ biclogical age of patients 1... on their réte cf physical deterioration, Information on every 2... oF 2 patients health, fitness, lifestyle and family medical history is 4... into.a computer to work out whether they are older or younger than their calendar age sugges: ae The availability and increesing accuracy Of the tests has 4, one leading Brush gerontologis to alll for biological age to be ised to determine wher) werkers should retire. He that if an ‘employee’ biological or Teal age is shown, for eiarnple, To be 55 when he reaches ts 65! brtiday, he should be « »« to. werk for another decade, Apparently most employers only fake into #......., 2 persor’s calender years, and the twe may differ considerably, Some of those prepared to pay substantial sums of rroriey for the examinations will be able to smugly vilk away with medical 8... showing that they reatly are as young 2s they feet, ging them the confidence to act and dress as ifthey were younger. Dr Lynetie Yong, resident Bich ay BAW re wesaconearrore ostis pies ree San Tse Imonvate people to %... _.. ther health. The concept of ‘real age’ is set to become big 10,..... ir Ihe LSA, with bocks and websites helpinig people work out *| —... ther bady is clcier or younger than their years. Others finmly believe that locks will always be the best #2. — ofage, 0 4 working up B working off © carrying out =D carrying through 1A based B decided CC aranged D established 2 A position B prospect © attitude D aspect 3A supplied B fed © provided D planned 4A projected B_ prodded © provoked D_ prompted 5 A dehates B argues € discusses D enduires 6 A encouraged 1B supporter incited 1D promoted 7 4 interest B deuil © eccount D importance 8 A grounds B signs € demonseration —_D evidence © A progress B improve © gain D increase WW A trade B pursuit © business D concern UA whether Buniless © incase D so that 12 A notice B indicator © figure D token | Thy these tests to Gnd your biological aye. How accurate do you think they aret © Sond on your lett ep, with you right leg bent behing ‘ab 49 degrees end hands on your hips. Close your eves. Tine how Keng it is before you lose your balance, Take the best score trom three. inesloe 27 3040 see ow EE Hold ariler out below your | €> Get someane te hold 2 eye: Hold a business card 45cm nuler above your open af the end of the rules, and dominant hane. Catch the slowly move it towards you ‘ruler 2s quichly as possible until it blurs Measure the wher dropped. Measure distance al which you can where you cate it nnd take soll read it, the average of three scores, Yeohuratase 2030 40 50, | begat eae: 20-90 Je40 90-50 50 ternmetirs 9-H 40. 50H | Keommnrnss 5-10 IS 20 30 25 Vocabulary Expressions connected with age [Match the expressions in Wales tn a-h with the meanings 1-8. a My 90-year-old gy is age. The children shouldn't have acted so irresponsibly. They are old eniough to Kricu better. © Some people say that the secret of staving young is to retain yours at heort. The youth of today seem so dtfterent from when 1 was a youngster. © My aunt ray be 60 bit she certainly doesn't Look fier age. 1 When 1 was a lad, anyone over 40 seemed as ofd as the hills, g Tim's only 14 but very mature. He has on ol head on young, father has only recently begun to feel shoulders. We should take every opportunity because we're not geting ary younger. bbe mature enough to ect in a more sensible way young people be more mature than i€ expected for someone so young growing older look as old as you really are stil feeling and behaving as you did when you were younges extremely old he physically aware of your seal age aioneuwne Discuss the following questions. a Do you have similar expressions about age in your language? b Do you agree with the saying ‘Youre never foo old to learn’? Why/Why not? wai WHITING Pana atormaltener » Read the writing task and input texts and say 4 what the Principal is planning to do and why. b who you have to write to, Your student committee at an international college has received ‘a mmemo from the Principal, ¢nnounding future cuts te the transport facilites. You have been esked to waite a letter to the Principal. telling hiry that you will be opposing the cuts and giving reasons. {Use the Principal’ memo with your comments, to write your letter 1 TB-220 were, To The Snucent Carmenitee From — P Simpson, Principal Review of transport facilities “Ths colle haa tut ico debs and hax hex! to corpse various yaya to s0¥e imorey in future oe = Sah al My colleagues and | have been ciscussing tne university transport facilities. Fee ee ery 2 lnour view. these are underused. It seers thar only a small number of 28 TICE @ WEER! sea denes use the student ear park ant the fcr buses wun balfercpty. Fully winter We have therefore decided on some immediate changes. Firstly, we intend ‘Nol enka spaces? to make the car park available to the general public dunng the day, and to charge a fev. Secondly, we will be terminating the fee bus service. Wore bicycle stands wil be provided ro sncourge seudereges ole ro college. No, well fight il! —Leruscthe commitee wil support our decisien, ————Vargprus eying in ct! F Simpsen Principal Which of e-g would be appropriate for your Teter? Whit is wrong with the others? Beample Take it rors wie, your wen of cutting our transport Jorities is right out of order. (Too informal ~ rather aggressive) 3 Nour; sincerely ty lyon let outsiders use the car park, how on eur jae we going to Find spaces? © Thaxe to inform you that alter careful consideration we have decided to oppose these drastic measures. HEME Simpson fe Forastart, what you say atout students not using the buses 1s just plain wrong, £ Jam writing on beball of the student committee in response to your recent memo regarding financial cutbacks al the college. & I's crazy expecting us to cycle to college when the taffic's so awful. Rewrite a-e in a more formal style Bampe the inses cre half empty a we've just done a survey wha! you say is wrong he changes you Want to bring it we can't agree to this © isso untair 4) ist te points trem the Prindipats merma to inclade in your answer to the exam task. Add Comments in your own words, ample college transport fadlities underused ~ we believe that © Use some of these linking worts to jein your notes froin 4 into sentences. BW however nevertheless altho imspite of/despite because cf) ME | Make a plan of four paragraphs for the exam tip task. Decide where the ‘You will generally, sentences in 2 should go. Nes! a wte shows Use the en to | ulate help you write your leter. how HE Resd the tisk: arch ead all the put intra then wad the Wh asc anain. gq Make notes fora the pens you mus incite Decide on the correct formar and exgenise your noes eccordingy, the that you have cevered everyhingin the ‘sk end input jnortnation. Write your answer in your own worts in the WD crrrepiote eps 25D D op Ono eS Sess vs g Prone: ve loo, VY Review + Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in a-g. 2 On hearing the sad news, Sally broke up and wept. b_ It’s an international organisation helping those in crisis, and was set off last century. © Ifyou get more guests than you hargained for, we have plenty of space, so can easily put up some. «1 Who finally put up the subject of money during the negotiations? © It’s extremely unprofessional to turn someone down in. front of their colleagues. 1 The mules and regulations for the procedure ate set up in this document. 8 Only after several shops had been robbed did the authorities break down the riot. ) Write the missing words in the phrases in ae. a Following a spell of poor weather, forecasters say that high temperatures are just .. corner, b Although I've applied for a number of jobs, I have nothing definite pipeline yet. © Initially, this may seem an expensive investment, but... run, it will prove good value for money. dif sve'd known What ne, StOTe for Us that day, ‘we would never have gone on the excursion. © Everyone hopes it won't happen, but it’s . cards that the factory will close. + Correct any mistakes in the underlined expressions mah, a Despite putting it evervthing we'd got, we still lost yesterday's match. 'b Only by analysing their strengths and weaknesses can we hope to Knock the competition. ¢ It seems that nowadays you need very little talent to do your mark in life. After years without success, John finally accepted that he wanted the talent to become a star, € Few celebrities realise the pressures involved in getting itto the top. {You could see from the children’s faces that. they were putting their head and soul into the performance. At the end of the day, I wasn’t prepared to create the sacrifices needed in my personal life for the sake of my job. h To be a successful inventor, you've got to come. ‘up to something original at the right time. DD exit 4 Choose the correct word to complete sentences a-f, 4 Our marketing strategy is decided/ based on a iied and tested system. b Many senior citizens have contacted us to enquite/diseuss about the new tax. © We always take an interest/account in a prospective employee's ambitions. In sumt/addition to government grants, private finance has funded this project, e Campaigners against the intemational arms trade /concerit have presented a petition. {We can’t help you uinless/so that you are prepared to confess to the robbery. 5. Gircle the correct word in sentences a-g. a We should make the most of life because none of us are coming/going/getting any younger b Some people stay young at head/soul/heart all their lives. ¢ For many people, it isn’t until they hit retirement that they begin to be/scem/feel their age. 4 Sam has always had an old head on young neck! — shoulders/body. © What outrageous behaviour! You're old enough to know well/better/test. {It's amazing how some elderly famous people don’t seem/look/show their age! 8 Teenagers consider anyone over 30 to be as old as the valleys/rivers/hils 1 For each part of the body below, name two creatures which have them. mane scale beak hide flipper antenna_—_hoof tusk fin claw hom paw wing shell 2 Name a creature which: @ is gencrally feared. b- might be found repul has human characteristics. dis thought of as man’s friend. © bas sinister associations, f isexotic. gis endangered. 3. Say which creatures are described in a-d and explain the words in italics. 4 Most members of this species are very agile climbers and swing through the trees at great speed. ‘They are highly sociable and spend hours grooming each other. b They're intelligent, playful Creatures with fins but no scales, and are a favourite with sailors. ¢ They're tall, extremely graceful animals with long necks and very small horns. They're fierce hunters with large paws. They stalk their prey and can run faster than all the other big cats. 4. Write brief descriptions of three more wild animals and see if a partner can guess what they are, Unita EG Reading Part2 capped test 1 Do you know any stories, real or fletional, in which animals help humens? 2 Quickly read the main text and summarise what it says about the relationship hetween humans and dolphins. Look at tines 1-8 and tines 9-12. Which of a-c below is mest likely te summarise the first missing paragraph? Match ae with paragrephs from A-G. a. other stmifar incidents about dolphins ba theery of animol behaviour © wht led up to this sitvation © Complete the text with the remaining paragraphs, using the highlighted words znd the tip box we help you find Tinks, ‘There is one extra paragraph. 5. Say how the clues helped you match the paragraphs ample ‘The word drama in paragraph G surumarises the events of the fist paragraph. 6 Do you agree that humans are purely motivated by selfinterest? Can you think of any examples of people acting unselfishly? ‘As the célnhin bred thenugh the water steathe at him, Rab Howes, a burly 38 year-cd lfegtardt wandered if he wes abut to he killed A stone's throw frarn him acress the choppy oceen waters, his IS:ycar-oht daugiter Nice end her frend Karina were s ternifed The girls had been surrourded by six highly adiated dolphins and were being held hostage a maelstrom of fasting fins end sworving bodies. The seventh dolphin was chaning owes, seemingly itent cn driving hi beck to tne other Captnes Batenirg the advencirg dephin was going te ram him fron 1 beneath, owes turned fo his right in entiation of where ‘Boing to surfece- But as he tured. what he saw in the water was ‘ct Golgi, but something much werse — great white shark So were the colphirs really yg to pretect their human “hostages? snl the rst ume these creatures have epperesty 15 saved humans from disaster. Breck mythology tells how Aon a ‘nusictan, was carried 1 ltd on the bck of dlphns after sailors had thrown him from their ship. The fact thatthe myn ‘ertres cn deiphns wdicates that, even ther, humans beleved this species t be brighier ené possibly kinder than other 2a 20 The near-fatal attack wes witnessed by diver Matt Fleet He and his crew were anchared nearby when he saw the dolphins Corel He grabbed tis camera end jumped inte the weter, hoping to get some pictures But the frst thing be sew as he ‘surfaced was not dolphin but the vertical fn of ¢ great whine 25 Kai tect beer for his boat's uderwater rescue team, he too the answer, these ereatures have litle reason to be tohumans, thousands are killed each yeer by tuna 0 using drift nets. And Howes is still uncertain whether two found siaughtered by poachers near Whangarei harbour members ofthe group that saved him. The thought leaves him hi. This is how we repay them for their help: he says. Td the men responsible a taste of their awn medicine” ate has its onigins in the 1875 00 of Edvard O Wilson's book Socrobyology and, 8 year Richard Dawkins's The Selfish Gene. Wilson believed escribed human and animals 2s lumbering robots’ ‘and bodies are entirely controlled by sefish genes. cients like that witnessed by Fleet prove that dofphins he good guys of the deep, always ready to extend a wmans in distress? And if they are genuinely altruistic, them that way?” fe] would appear to be Justified by other. real‘ife events. erdson, a 26-year-old traveller, was mauled by @ ing inthe Red Sea. He credited bottlenose in away the predator as it closed in for the kil ‘Ta may explain altruism within species but why should dolphins help humans, as in the Whangarei incident? Were they following an ethical code? Or had they simoly mistaken the human, swimmers for other dolphins? Rqwes had often spotted these fearsome predators in the course ‘of his work, but this was one of the biggest he had ever seen, tad the dolphin net intentionally diverted the shark with its charge, he ‘contends, he would almost inevitably have been attacked and killed. cr At Could be that they mistook the shane of a human inthe water 2» for a sick dolphin. The dolptun sonar system can create a three- dimensional picture of any ving object and the air spaces. internal organs, and other tiuman feetures may have looked very similar to those of @doiphin ‘The drama had started some minutes earlier Howes and the girls. ‘7 were swimming in Whangarei harbour. off New Zealand s North Islend. they had been diving from rocks, and were swimming ‘across open weter when the group of dolphins appeared and storted herding them up, oirling tgity. This is very unusual ‘behaviour for dolphins, which normally show litle aggression to humans. Grammar Past lenses cr pis—re7 Vocabulary Expressions with animals 1 Complete sentences o-f with these words, Explain | Name the tenses in italies in ai. the meanings of the expressions with animals. water dinner work time grass bag Although we didn't think we'd enjoy ourselves, we ended up having a whale of a b Tean’t believe I did my homework so bedly’~ nace & Teal AOR'S ves OF 1 © Next week's party was meant to be a sumprise bbut Sonya’s just let the cat out of the « 4 Tom had always lived in the country end felt lke 2 Fish OUt Of cesses in the city. © My last bess was a real sake in the = you couldn't trust.a word he £ When we decorated our house, my husbai helped me choose the paint but left me to do the donkey Complete sentences 2-© appropriately to illustrate the meaning of the expression. Use your dicttonary to look up any expressions that are new to you. 1 wish you'd stop rabbiting on shout football you know t. b [ve got butterflies in my stomach heeanse this, time tomorrow 1. © Brian usually eats like a horse hut... Poor Dayid’s going to be in the doghouse. He's just © If Jane's having 2 hen party, it must anean Answer these questions. 2 When was the las! time you werein the doghouse? What luxd you done wrongt b Can you remember the last imme you felt Hke a fish out of water? How did you cope? © Do brides-to-be in your country usually have a hen party? Whar do they dot 6 Have you ever let the cat out of the bag about something important? What happened? a) Alter the football match, we went t0 a bar, had few drinks and celebrated our win. Dy Ry the time the fitness tcainer finally turned np we had beer waiting for hall an bour © So You've been on the Atkins diet? How vias it? 4. Inspector Lomas looked out the window. tt was srrowing and the streets were becoming Tey, Karen's put on a Tot of weight recently. {That's the best film I've seen in-2 tong time. As the skier was racing dewubill, his ski hita stone ard threw him eff balance. Ny Heavy fog delayed ns and by the time we reached the airport, our plane had teken off 4 Ramess hove been carpaigring for move support from the government jor years. Look: again at the verbs in Land complete the grammar description below. 3 i b = for a series of separate past events = for events fn the recent past, whic! are not completed, or coninect to the present = for att event that finished before another past event or ume. for a continuous past action that finished before another past event or time. e = for an interupled past event or a backgromnd event. = for the first, second, etc. Hime We ¢ sommathing, and with superlatives. Put the verbs in brackets in a-g into the past simple or present pertect simple, {dentify any tine expressions or other clues that help. aT (shidy) in Paris for six years Wutil my parents moved to Rome, by This isn’t the first time I (taste) shack mew. As @ child, I (excel) at sports, Ouch! | (twist) my ankle, ¢ It was. long time before 1 (dare) tell toy pant Thad a tongue stud. | (Fesist) cating 2 single piece of chocolate fee the past six weeks. ® Many of the plays that Shakespeare (provluce) have been made int films. an 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or continuous, 2 He ve (play) for the national football team three times so far this season, b Tocco (Work) on the computer since 8 a.m. but I'm going to have a break in a minute. © SofaFT cue (phone) Jim five times this arming but I haven't managed to catch him yet. @ ifyou (read) the book I lent you, can L can have it back now? € Opera singer Pavarotti... (travel) round the country all summer giving performances. 5 Write two sentences about yourself for each of a-c, ‘sing the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, or the past simple, as appropriate. 2 challenging things at work or school Example Te been working on a fascinating project./I gave ‘ar important presentation last week. bb disappointing /exciting experiences € fice time activities 6 Explain how the sentences in each pair below differ in meaning, 1a A policeman arrested the motorist because he ‘was breaking the law. A policeman stopped the motorist because he ha been breaking the law. 29 Nest students were taking their exo when the fie bell rang, 'b Most stunts had taken their exam when the fire bell rang, T Correct any errors with tenses in these sentences. 4 knew she had cried because her eyes were red and pully. b Last week they were killing a great white shark ‘which had been menacing swimmers for weeks. © I ias washing my car and my flatmate repaired his motorbike when our landlord tured up. @ As our plane had been landing. one of the engines caught fire and we had to make an emergency landing, € When I last saw Bill he sat on the river bank, throwing stones into the water £ ‘The reason the DVD player wouldn't work was beeause you weren't plugging it in! 'B Put the verbs in italics (1-17) into the correct form. 1 see gorillas on TV but few 2 ever/observe one in the wild. 1 3 be fascinated by these creatures since I . 4 be a child, So imagine my delight when, a few weeks ago, I 5 get the ‘chance to go to Rwanda to track wild mountain gorillas. The trip was not without danger. An armed soldier ....... 6 docompany us to scare off the buffalo which 7 attack a previous BFOUP. OUF BUIEE wrrne 8 Cut d path through the undergrowth and we 9 follow. When We sannee 10 find what looked like claw marks in some trees, we realised that gorillas 1 feed there recently. Suddenly, we . 12 ¢atch sight of them ~a whole family of gorillas! ‘The adults ...... 13 sit in the sun watching the youngsters, who oo... M4 play in the trees, One of the adults... 15 stare at me, 16 scratch his head, and 7 yaur. For me, it was love at first sight! 9 Using your imagination, make up a story about the events that led up to this scene, using a variety of tenses. Listening Parl Z Sentence completior 1 Discuss what wildlife photographers do and what skills or training they might need. 2 6) You will hear Clare Martin talk about wildlife photography. Read the how to do box and correct the wrong answers given for 1-8. n twice, 50 if yOu mb an arb, corcemmate or he ne te youranswet er paling, grammar apd serie Wild about animals! Clare tas just returned from an asignrentin my ‘Most of her conespordence comes from young eeatahenidreo > because of the many ! operating in the field. ‘The bird photographer Arthur Mortis was originally a 4 by profession. One university in Bri erat lore suggests working 2s.a travel guide or 6t0 establish yourself, ‘You need to bring in... °TRACSNEN to cover your expenses. She recommends studying ie if you want to become a full-time photographer. offers ¢ degree in Stmaging. Speaking aaa 1 Read the examiner's question below, then use the information to complete the exam prompts. “Imagine you are article about the importance of animals in people’ fives, Here are some photus you are considering using to illustrate the article, Tlk to each other about how important the animals are to the people in these pictures, then choose two photos which you think would best illustrate the article” Vat the... oe? ne B photos would best 2tothe bthe 2 Talk about the photos by completing the gaps in a-e with 1-8 and fini the sentences appropriately. 1 companionship independence 3 responsibility 4 emertainient 5 resource a Horses are @ valuable... for the police. They can be used b The old couple probably like having a cot for cesvenes « LENDECE Rey. © Having a pet like a hamster when you're young gives you @ sense 0 The enimal relies ‘on you .. 4 Ifyou'te blind or partially sighted, a guide can be vital for your Without one . © ‘These fish area foren of ‘They attact visitors because ©) Read the how won box, then fisten to two students do the task in 1 and answer these ‘questions, 4 What initial inistake does the female student ntake? by What does the male student do sight? © What does he do wrong? how torow Bh prswerall pats the quesion ive rasa for your ideas to show your range of larmnase ee errr penr priest sent regaie cores ne bare polly wit your patton ityor we, ED write Do the task in 1 in paits, using the and phrases below to help you, inviting your partner to speak Do/Don't you think this one ...2 Personally | (don't) think this one What about you? Uthink .. , don't you? Would|n't) you agree that ..? What do you think about this one? How about you, what would you say? How do you feel about this one? box Remember to show your ability to interact in Part 3 Use of English Part 2 Open doze 1. Look at these pictures of imaginary creatures and discuss which real creatures they resemble. 2 Read texts A-D, ignoring the gaps, and match them with the pictures and these names. The Toraton, The Ocean Fish Snowstalker The Megasquid @_ This fearsome creature will be one 1... the most ferocious predators of the next loe Age. In order to adapt to the blizzards that will bury northern Europe 2... several metres of re, it ‘will have @ thick coat, and sturdy legs with large flat paws. It will travel 3... miles in pursuit of its prey ~ sheep-size rodents called “shagrats’ B_ This amazing creature willbe like no other. Heavier than an elephant and almost as large, it will push its way 4... the dense forest on eight tree ‘runk:size legs. It will walk 5... elongating each of its legs in turn, and then compressing them again C__ This will be the lergest animal ever to walk the planet but will evolve 6... something as small as the humble tortoise. Grazing on more than half a ton of vegetation every day, it will be 7 home in the huge swamps formed when the east coast of Africa collides 8... the south coast of Asia, These massive creatures won't have many predators to fear These creatures. so called because they can fly and ‘swim, will replace the birdlife which will previously have been wiped ® ..... They will develop from Coctlke creatures and grow elongated fins that serve as wings, enabling them to make their escape trom predators inthe sea 10... the safely ofthe birdless sky EB init 3. Read texts A-D these prepositions and particles. nd complete gaps 1-10 with with for out into. under through by of from at 4 Read the text below to find out more about these creatures, and complete gaps 1-15 with one word each. These questions will help you with 1-10. 1 What does the verb be around mean here? What tense should it be in? 2. Which word can collocate with to meaning irr their opinion? 3. Which word is missing from this conditional sentence? 4 Which phrasal verb with finish means to destroy or 10 enc? 5. What collocates here to mean helped by? 6 Which preposition is missing here? 7 What can collocate with as to mean like or similar to? 8 What can collocate with of to mean from? 9 What can callocate here to mean plenty of? 10 What collocates with look to mean resemble? Use your imagination to think of other ereatures which might evolve in the future, taking characteristics from two or more of these creatures. kangaroo leopard eagle snail giraffe shark chameleon swan OUt OF this Worid? ‘We humans pride ourselves on 0 P84. the masters of the earth, but modern man 1... only been around {or 200,000 years of the planet's four-and-a-half billion year history, And 2... 10 many scientists, the long term outlook for us isnt rosy. 3... our tendency to gel rid of each other doesnt finish US 4 so... then ‘our propensity for destroying the environment could. So what might replace the human race? Here, 5 nn the aid of the latest computer graphics, are some 6 0. the fantastic creatures that experts believe could emerge as our inheritors, Creatures 7 2 these might look like something & science-fiction film, but experts claim that there are 9 suns than enough clues to predict what future inhabitants ofthe earth might look 10 We know the continents are moving and that the Atlantic is widening 11... about the rate our fingemails ‘0W. So with the right computer modelling, ve an calculate 12... the continents will end up. Ecologists can then predict what habitats might exist, ANE 13 sone AYES Of animals that might live in them. The good news is that this species upheaval 14 omen About three million years away, so there is 15 sssienn Nee for US to lose sleep over it just yet! ofa wits EE Name the animals in the pictures. Say which of them live in the wild in your country and what else you know about them, Talk about: their habitat what they eat their character -s and behaviour, Underline the key points in this exam task have been done for you. ‘A publisher is bringing out a guide to wildlife in your country, You have been asked to write a contribution on one wild animal found in your country that might interest visitors. You should include details about the animal and advice on how to observe it inthe wild ‘rite your answver in 220-260 words Read the model contribution and answer a-c. 2 Why is the contribution in two sections? b_ What different kinds of information are given about the otter in the first section, eg. size? © What does the second section say about when, where and how to see an otter? Khe @tter GENERAL INFORMATION One of the most appealing animals found in thi county is the otter. These attractive creatures live near rivers or by the sea and are perfectly adapted for life in the water, having waterproof fur and a streamlined body. They live on a diet of fish and are particularly fond of salmon, eels and shellfish. ‘As well as being skilful swimmers, they are playful creatures and love rolling and tumbling, in the water. Their homes are made from piles of branches, often by the roots of a tree. Otters are solitary creatures and itis rare to see a male and female together. However, cubs stay with their mothers for about a year before they leave to fend for themselves, OBSERVING OTTERS Catching sight of an otter in the wild is quite challenge as they are rather secretive animals, ‘Those that live by rivers are mostly nocturnal, which makes it very difficult to sce them. ‘Those that live by the sea, on the other hand, often venture out during daylight hours, and ean be seen hunting in pools along the rocky shore. The best place to see an otter in this country is on the ‘west Coast. Set out early one morning and drive slowly along the coastline until you find a likely spot. ‘Then sit quietly on the beach somewhere where they cannot detect your scent. If you are fortunate, you will be rewarded with a sight of these fascinating creatures. 4 How does the writer rephrase the following 6 information to avoid starting each sentence in the sane way? 4 Otters are attractive creatures that live near rivers. b Otters are skilful swimmers. € Otters live in piles of branches. 4 Ouers are quite difficult to see Owes that live by rivers are nocturnal Citers in this country are best seen on the west st § Sentences a-g are too informal for a contribution. Rewrite them in a more formal style as shown, then 7 ‘compare your answers with the model. a Otters are really at home in water. perfectly Life in the water, b They eat fish, They live diet of fish, € They really like ecls They are particularly of eels, They like playing They are creatures, € They like being by themselves. They are creatures, f They don’t like being watched. They are animals. g They mainly come out at nigh They are mostly Rewrite sentences a~d to keep the same meaning, a It is extremely difficult to find an eagle's nest. is extremely difficult b_ Giraffes are casily spotted because of their height spot giraffes because of their height It is an amazing experience to see a lion at close quarters. is an amazing experienc @_ It will alert animals to your presence if yo bright colours. will alert animals to your presence, wear Choose an animal you could base the exam task ‘on. Make notes and use the information in this section to help you write your contribution, Remember to: «© include one paragraph about the animal * write a separate paragraph on how to observe it keep your language fairly formal © vary your sentence structure tip You do not always: need to ite an introduction or caondusion. Woit 4 EE Review 1 Mat at. 2 Complete the dialogues in 1-5 with su itch the parts of the body in 1-12 with creatures fish 1 flipper 7 scale bull 2 hide 8 hoof eagle 3. beak 9 fin lion 4 shell 10_-horn tortoise S wing 11 mane dol 6 daw 12. paw phirases based on these animals, toi i ee ase a A_ Are you going go out to celebrate with your gitlfriends before the wedding? B_ Yes, my bridesmaid’s organising a .. me, ‘A. How did you feel about performing in front of such a large audience: B Ihave to confess I. thinking about it! for in my stomach just A. I-can't believe I forgot to go to that met this morning. B You'll be ....... for the rest of the week then! ing, ‘A. Do you fancy watching the new chat show on television tonight? B_ No way. I can’t stand programmes wit called “celebrities” about themselves. ‘A. Do you think T've bought enough food to go round at the barbecue? B However much you buy it will get eaten ~ everyone we know cats .. 4. Circle the correct animals to complete the phrases The ageing president felt like a fish/whale out of b a Hu water when he attended the music awards. don’t mind doing all the gout/donkey work as Jong as | get paid for it We had a butterfly/whale of a time on the last night of the sales conference last yea. once tried my hand at painting but the result ‘was a real cat’s/dlog's dinner. The controversial new traflic scheme was supposed to be kept under wraps, but so let the rat/eat out of the bag. one init 4 4 Complete gaps 1-8 in these newspaper extracts using suitable prepositions or particles. Itis a widely held theory that the dinosaurs were wiped... byagiant meteor which collided .. 2 the earth. It is possible, however, that there is another explanation for ‘what finished ........3 the dinosaurs. Some . 4 the most adaptable ‘creatures on earth can survive in extremely inhospitable places. For example, the camel isso S home in the desert that it can journey 6 miles without water. According sa... 7 experts, the pace at which global warming is developing might be more serious than we thought. It seems that the world is warming Up .........8 2M alarming rate. 5 Rewrite this paragraph f'@ more fora syle for part of an information leaflet about toucans. | im # tealth matiess nee apr een Pee Eee) err eee ore eee Peete ee ey perseraen ers ere ers epee teres Perera 7, tl of body ft. || Coin aarti] rere ary two calotes per minte, and Per terns Poe ins Pepe arya veers area ean pert SS a ~ pero wm ) ere tats Cee es pepe nes paar ornr i aes enarenres rt eee Lead in 1 Read the ten simple ways to get fit. Which three do you think would be most effective! Which three could you build into your daily routine? 2 Can you add any similar simple suggestions for getting fit? Think about: [Bl stopping housework getting ready for school/work getting around B What advice would you give to a teenager and an elderly person for leading a healthy lifestyle? Think about: diet sleep physical exercise Units EE Reading arts muttipte choice 1 What do you think is the best form of physical 4 What does health expert Len Almond imply? exercise? What is the minimum and maximum ‘A. Our bodies can cope with intense physical amount of exercise you think you should do each oa week? How much do you do? B_ We should allow a long period of recovery after any physical exercise. 2 Read the text opposite quickly to find out what € ‘There is more to learn about the effects of unexpected thing happened to explorer Ranulph: physical stress. Fienites arid why st may have happened. D Taking part in endurance sports is harmful in the long term, 3 Read the text again and use tip 5 Experts in sports medicine have the clues to help you with eee A. studied the effects of altitude on various’ question 1. Ask yourself yer teae: types of athletes similar questions for options Te ermation B questioned the wisdorn of taking part in A-D to help you choose the rt option you choose extreme sports. best answer to questions 2-6. © found a common factor among competitors in extreme sports, D discovered an enzyme which causes heart atacks In cyclists. 1 What does the writer say in the first paragraph about Fiennes’ obsession with diet and health? ‘A. It was unreasonable even for an explorer. ‘Whine dies the phrase ‘omen wtih the 6 What final conclusion about exercise does the territory’ in line 10 tell us? ‘weiter reach? B It had become more intense with time, A. It makes life more enjoyable. How long has Fiennes been ‘fine-tuning’ his B it may not be worth the effort. body"? © It should be done in moderation. © tt contributed to hiis collapse. D_ tought to be a priority Does the writer state this in the first paragraph? D it makes subsequent events hard to believe. 4 avs not how long life is, but how good it is, that What ‘came as something of a surprise’ to the matters? How far do you agree? writer? 2 On the question of who will live longest, it seems that A genotic make-up is the main factor. 1B there is no clear explanation why some people outlive others. © lifestyle choices play little part. D_ family history is not as significant a once thought 3 According to the text, one of the positive effects of taking regular exercise is that A. speeds up the heart rate B strengthens blood vessels. © quickens the pulse D reduces heart exertion. BB writs Tre Gunness Book of World Records “geaites Ranulph Fiennes 2s the world's poses living explorer. His expeditions Juche the first polar circurmnavigation of “ etfarth and the frst unsupported “possing ofthe Antarctic continent on [eet He as been up the White Rule in a errs, end parachuted onto Europe's Tithe lacie. An obsession with diet Spdfiness comes with the territory, and JT ysars Hennes has fine-tuned his body ‘oo%pe with the most inhospitable of “pironments end the most stressful sneions of prysical hell. So when treed Hal this meet of physical fitness had “Se and suffered @ heart attack —not ile planting 2 Neg in a no-man’s-land, Sitwhile boarding a plane —it came as ‘enretting of e surprise Sie what happened, lesser mortals ike ‘ystf might be forgiven for wondering tether tho benefits of following a feel ifestye are all they're cracked up Jobe, Why bother exerting al that effort if ‘nthe end survival turns aut to be a loken? Of course fitness and diet are ‘aly part of the story. ‘Some people ive a Proliyiesiyle end still succumb to fart problems, health expert Alison "Sign wplains Genetics and farily Fisry also play 8 crucial role in Céterining who will achieve longevity. {auld ll be a question of genes’, she $2, "but then some people never have @ rece ofthe disease even though their | ami history would seem to make them | mrinetargets {Mae o nt some peopte are fenelically programmed to have a higher “scance of heart disease, there are steps ley can take to recuce their risks. A Ili ciet wth plenty of fru end vegetables and reduced levels of saturated fat helps prevent obesity end stops fatty deposits forming in the arteries and blocking them. Smoking. meidentally, hes the opposite effect, as nicotine increases the heert rete and. ‘makes the bjood clot miore easily Exercise is highly beneficial as it reduces both the pulse rate and blood pressure '80 minimising strain on the heart 2s it ‘pumps blood round the body. It also helps to keep the artery walls more elastic. 58 ‘Whether you've got a family history of heart disease or not, everybody should be living @ heeltty lifestyle: Shaw says, We Wouldnt want people to stop looking after themselves: But can you look after yourself too much? Dn the subject of exercise, the standard recommendation isto take five sessions of moderate’ exercise 2 week where moderate is a litle more than brisk walking. We need to be very careful when we're doing extreme sports or endurance events’ says health expert Len Almond. "Extreme physical stress can impose almost impossible demands on the body's abiity to recaver. The strain of endurance events such 2s exploration force biochemical changes in the human body, The physiological response to thet kind of activity will bo extreme ... and how the body overcomes that is bound to leave some kind of legacy’ So could Fiennes’ love for exploration and endurance events have contributed to his coneition? ‘ould have had an effec, or there may be ‘a genetic predisposition and ap event could hhave made it worse, says Almond. We haven't done enough research inthis area” This is changing though. There is growing Interest in sports medicine, a field thet © arguably began as long ago as 49080 \when the first person te run the ‘marathon ran the 26 rnlles from the town Of Marathon to Athens with news of a session victory over the Persians, The man, a ‘ soldier called Pheiippides, collapsed 2s ‘s00n as he arrived, end the cause of his sudden demise is not «novin, However, scientists are using athletes like him to ‘answer quastions about the effects of ‘= extreme exercise on the heart One group, at the University of Inrsbruck in Austria, studied cyclists taking part in # race called the Tyrolean Otztaler Radmarathon, 4 one-day event that covers 250kin with ‘wo an altitude change of §,500m. They were interested in one partioutar enzyme, high cconeentrations of which are found in those who have suffered a heart attack The scientists found trat levels of this 10s chemical increased in 15 of the 38 ‘cyclists who completed the race. The largest increases were seen in the Youngest, fastest cyclists who had trained the hardost. Similar inaroaces in the ‘no chemical have been found in competitors in the Hawait ironman triathlon anc in cross-country skiers Most of us will never put our bodies to such severe tests. But if when you hear 115 about someone like Fiennas you ask Whether exercise is worth it, | advise you to corsider your own priorities. Personally, | subscribe to this adage sont in by @ reader to a local newspaper: ‘Run ‘v9 not to ada years to your life but to ade life to your years. Grammar Direct and indirect speech cepts Vocabulary Health and fitness 1 Pot the parts of the body in ap under the: 1 Rewrite statements a-e as direct speech, appropriate headings. a thigh eb i hip m ankle bo elbow =f chin neal © shoulder g skull —& palm 0 cheek d heel ho thumb 1 waist shin arm and bast leg an foot face and head 101s0_ © which of a-p in 1 do these sports exerrise? a rowing € b dans a snooker fe swimniing Read the dictionary entry below for synonyms ef disease. Use this information to complete semterces ad Disease ined fo tlhabiu oresserephyuc eve tat ale re nse ofall abot oth rarest Srelmore nor heal prbles, po Yes rat lect oles: mans caus by DooENa AMS ‘avd it afetsore parc thebody aitvatifectoy coralition a mej! probe that Lave fora eng Tebecas fy psitiees caret eo ailment jen fest hove sna (tees is nove ‘bla infrmat an estes kes tha ay aly rae asus oe aire camer ona, 7 eben There's a pasty contition/bug going cound college. I had it last week, but I'm feeling much betier now. by My sister has always been prone to chest infectons/attments and seems 10 eateh them quite often, (© Whilst there appears th be ne cure for his heact condition/ infection, Ie can still lead an active life. 4 More corulitions/oilments are reported during the ‘winter months than at other times of the year. ED ies Bxample Sailor Elie: MacArthur soid she'd been preparing far er tip for months ser she was feet optimistic. “Lve beer preparing for this trip for raoniths so Per feeling optimustic? 2 Crifies said it was likely that the new Harry Potter fn would break box-office records. b Mydocior told me I'd feel much better if | did some exercise. ©The manager told thes they could all play in the final but that they had 10 attend all the practice sessions the next day. The boss told me that | didn’t need (o work over the weekend. © My physiotherapist says my shoulder ts responding, well to treatment. Use the sentences in 1 to help answer these questions about diract speech. a What do you normally need 10 change when rewriting reported statements as direct speech? 1b When do you net need! to change the verb sense? © Which modal verbs change form, andl which slay the same? Choose the most appropriate reporting verh to complete the sentences in a~h as shown, atmit boast complain explain mention protest realise wan “This beach isn’t safe for swimming off today? One of the lifeguatds jane Us thal .- b. ‘Oh no! I've left the car keys in thar café? John sueidenly that © ‘Ry the way, Alice and Tare thinking of trading {in our motorbike and buying a car? rOEHCE wpe thal je reason | want this job so muich és because it will ellow me to travel! At his interview he... that © ‘Yes, it's tie. rye been lying” ‘The prime suspect n= that « T "Pm a million times better than anyone else in ‘Its ridiculous — there’s never anyone at the reception desk when you need them Some of the hotel guests that h ‘But honestly, I really didn’t cause the accident!” The driver ne. that . Conect any mistakes in the reported questions in a-g. 4 Reporters asked the climber how long had he to climb Everest. b Fans wanted to know whether Kylie is playing at € Inthe interview Fiona was asked had she ever worked abroad. 4 Our neighbours were keen to find ont when were we going on holiday. © Union leaders enquired whether the deal would g0 ahead or not. {The taxi driver asked would I like a hand with my luggage. § Mum wanted to know did the postman deliver the package she'd been expecting, or a-g citele the word in italics which correctly completes the sentence. a. My boss snggested/begged me to reconsider. b Health experts advise/recortmend us to eat. five portions of fresh fruit or vegetables daily © The celebrity model has dented/refused selling her story to the press, Haven't your parents ever forbiddenywarned you nol to do something © Ace you proposing/threatening going to the police about this? Your boss shouldn't ask/promtise you to do something that’s impossible! Sergeant Smith ordered/reminded bis soldiers that they had to polish their boots every day. Rewrite the sentences in 5 using the word in italics not circled, Complete a-e with your own ideas. Parents should always warn teenagers Recently, my friend foolishly suggested ... Politicians always promise My dad once threatened .. Tusually need to be reminded 8 complete sentences -f. using one ofthe prepositions below and an approptiae gerund. Bo from of for Staff are blaming one of the pupil Maria accused her boyfriend Bystanders praised the heroic firefighter ‘The accident wouldn't have happened if you hadn't insisted ... © Anelfective way of discouraging children {The millionaire footballer has apologised ose neg 9. Underline the correct structure in a-f from the pairs in italics. My mother suggested my frends art going/that iy friends and I should get away for the day. Enrico rang and asked if we were going/ave are song to last night's birthday celebrations. € I was shocked when the policeman accused me 10 shoplift/of shoplifting. ds Mark wanted to know what was ! planning/I sa lnaiing afer werk © His wife proposed they go out/them to go out for dinner f Terrorists threatened blowing up/to blow up major government buildings vit 5 EY Listening pany shortextracis 1 Discuss these questions which relate to the extracts nz. 2 How can poor eyesight be liuproved? b How can you ensure ¢ good night's sleep? © What techniques can help your memory? 2 Ci Read questions 1-6 below before you listen to the three different extracts. Then Tister: and choose the best answer (A, B or €) for each question. Exuract one You hear part of an interview with a Nealth expert. 1 What does the interviewer say happens te people afier « bad night's sleep? A They wake up feeling exhausted, B They often sleep badly the neat night as well. © They lack eneigy later om in the day. 2 Some children fail to sleep well becauise they ‘A use their computer too rauch. B. tead for too long belore going to sleep. © have tuo many late nights. Extract two You heat two people talking about hovy tw improve brain power. 3. Whar do they disagree about? ‘A. whether the size of the brain can be increased B_ how easy itis for soime people to lorget things € theusefulness ofdoing activities like crosswores 4 hat does the woman suggest the man can do to improve his brain power? A. ake some physical exercise once a week B ry to think more about what he's doing take up a hobby like dancing Extract three ‘You bear a docter and a patient talking about laser eve surgery. 5 How does the doctor feel about laser eye surgery? A. It has hac! a very low success rate to date. B It works better if your eyesight is very poor. Ithas dramatically changed the treatment of poor eyesight 6 What warning does the doctor give the patient? ‘A. Even after surgery. eyesight will sill ger worse with age. B_ He may never be able to wear ordinary glasses again. © An experienced éve surgeon Could still make mnistakes. BB twits Speaking pars sana 1) dina the photoeenpotiaapreat eer, government leaflet, Discuss with a partner: 2 what the leaflet might be about. 1b what the exam task might be. 2 Cy Listen to the exem task and write the nwo questions in the bex below. How does it compere swith your ideas in 12 4. Read sorne of the tings two students said when doing the task in 2, and, correct any istakes. a Ha thinking she's just about getting: ort her bikes Ws ie htealthy-setiyity 1b Hove about this onesina. café - in thé No Smoking aréa?| Pra slit the messageris seeming clear in this One, oi’ you? This pletures might be encourage students to eat healthy loud. The food js: ooking quite tenpting isn't he 4. And here, they're being in e pysn. This should encourage people taking more exercise. © This picture of visit a dentist gives an important message to young peaple. {She seems 10 be drink minetal water. I's vital dunking watcr when you exercise. # So ate we agree that this picture woul be the best for the cover of the leaflet? 4 With a partner, do the task an 2, then (ell another pair of students which photo you chose and why. 5 Answer these Part 4 questions, using the prompts and }owtwdest box tw help you. a How else can you Keep Bt and healhy? (What do your friends or farnily doz) 1b Should smoking be banned in all public places? (How would you feel as aa smoker and a nin smoker?) © Some people say thar fast food restauiants promote an unhealthy diet. Do you agree? (Don’t be afraid ro say) if you don't agree, but explain. why.) how tu dion HE Quidlycerrecttny mites, bur don't intertupt your Howat tatkinng, 11 give one-word answers, try to develo the By é much espeasble Use of English Part 3 Word formation 1 Read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps, and choose the best heading (a, b, or c). 2 Life-threatening illnesses, b Looking after your health, © A disease we can avoid 2. Read the text again carefully and decide which part of speech belongs in each gap. Check your ideas with the lp) box opposite, ‘he 10 missing answers inthis. then complete gaps 1-10 with words formed from those below. ‘wo plural nouns, ‘wo singular nouns one adverb three adjectives two adjectives with a prefix Pe eC ce ee eR ce Ce) a ets a ee Ce a em ag Sea ena the world where malaria would exist were it not there is a dark side, This climate might bring with for 7... Cec as Perec ee Pi in check and prevent it from spreading, n spite of See ee of their warm climate, places such as taly and Spain ee et et a ee ee ee eee ee nett a utente tc ct a eC ee believe that this tropical disease resources. its important to remember that malaria Deu ee eee ces earn in dealt with promptly, Sof you should come back {t seems that malaria in our modern world would from the tropics feeling ll, itis essential to receive Dene ae) Ch pote ED nits Vocabulary word formation (1) ® 1. Change the form of the words in bold to complete the secon senlence in a-d. 4 Jane's work is always perfect. JANE 18 sess seen b don’t really believe in alternative medicine. Tm not a strong in alternative medicine. € ‘The college has to provide career advice, ‘The college is responsible for the € You ate requited to attend the event. Your at the event is compulsory. vw of career advice. 1 Filin the missing parts of speech in the table below. There may be more than one possible answer, | noun (thing) | noun (person) | adject Look up product and perfect in your dictionary. How does the word stress ‘hange with the different parts of speech? Write adjectives ending in -able to match definitions a-h. _ (something you're unlikely to remember) (something you can prevent) (something you can bear) (something satisfactory) (something wanted) (something you are sure will happen) (something pleasant) (something you can explain) 5 Add prefixes to the words in 4 to give an opposite meaning, then use the lots to talk about things that have recently happened to you. WHITING Parr letter wartss 1 Read the writing task opposite and correct these statements a You must write a memo to the manager of your fitness club, b_ You should only comment on the negative aspects of the visit, © You should say how the brochure could be improved. While studying in New Zealand you recently visited a health spa with your local fitness club. The visit was not as good as you ‘expected. Read the brochure for the spa on which you have made somie comanents. Then write a letter of 180-220 words to the ‘manager saying what was successtul about the visit, and what ‘wasn't, and including some suggestions for improvements. Lae ESL Aa 1 Se pecommosetion All rooms are ensuite. sagt sue > ane tear cLetHing Ano epuiement Please bring swimwear and eppropriate clothing for any of the activities you wish to do. Our shop has a.cange of clothing for sale Sky st ses vie epee! wHets on ofeen Activities include exercise sessions in the gym and pool, aerobics and yoga classes. Just sign up for. ‘one of the groups on arrival. We also offer a range of therapies. ve ——— mast groupe ful evening eetivities A range of talks on ways to improve your lifestyle as well ee beauty demonstrations. reat ~ cell Felpfit EB nits 2 Discuss which of a-t in 1-4 gives the best advice for writing the exam task la Use the handwritten notes as examples but include only your own ideas. b Include all the input information, ¢ Choose one or two of the handwritten notes, then comment on other parts of the brochure. Never use any of the words from the input information. b_ Copy long phrases from the input information, © Rephrase the information in your own words where possible, Write an informal liter. b Write a formal letter. © While either a formal or informal letter as you prefer. Put all the points in a bulleted list. b_ Start a new paragraph for each separate point © Group the points into suitable paragraphs. 3 Read the brochure with your added comments (on page 66, then make notes on the positive and negative aspects of your visit. Example Positive: rooms nice, very big and clean negative: clathes very expensive, limited range of sizes in stock Next to the negative aspects, write notes suggesting improvements, Example clothes very expensive ~ lower your prices Expand your notes from 3 and 4 into full sentences using your own words. Examples, We were pleased with our rooms which were extremely clean and spacious. Perhaps you should consider lowering the prices in your shop and restocking more frequently. Decide which of a-g would not be suitable to include in your introduction or conclusion and why. a Dear Spa Manager b Thank you for your letter regarding the visit we made last month © Don’t worty. some aspects of your spa are all right These wete the positive aspects of our stay, but unfortunately there were some negatives too. © The price of clothes and equipment in the shop is erazy. f You nmuist devise a better booking system. 8. I hope this information will be of assistance, Organise your notes into four paragraphs as below, then write your letter * introduction explaining why you are writing * what was good about your visit * what wasn't good and how things could be improved ® conclusion saying what you hope your letter will achieve vnits GG Review 1 Match parts of the body a-h with explanations: 1-8. a rib a skull chip © cheek h shin wrist f thumb the bony @ waist b 1 sing that protects the brain 2 the joint thar gives flexibility to the hand 3 the narrower middle part of the human gure 4 5 6 7 young children often suck this used as a verb with ‘up’ it means “climb quickly" the fleshy part at the front of the jaw arts of the face that blush if you are embariassed 8 one of the curved bones that protect the lungs 2 Complete sentences a-h with suitable words in the correct form. As soon as intensive care patients are . the mend, we transfer them to the main hospital wards, b Any child found to be abigh temperature will be sent home from nursery. © ‘These painkillers are recommended for mild tooth... but if the pain fs severe, you need to see a dentist 4. The team’s top striker will he out of action for weeks becatse of his - eg. © ‘This tonic is an excellent pick-mep if you are feeling . the weather. £ One of the Olympic gyMNests «oecersun het shoulder in a fall and had to have it put beck imto place, Ifyou don’t lift heavy objects in the correct way, you might 4 muscle in your back. hy Although the top tennis seed’s waist wasn’t broken, it was so badly .......--. that she had to withdraw from the championship. 3. Use words 1-8 below in ahe correct form to complete sentences a-b. 1 survive 4 predict 7 threat 2 mechanic 5 technology 8 prevent 3 manage 6 intervene EBD twits a It's true to say of most illnesses that Detter than cure. . in the affairs of others is usvally inadvisable. ¢ I'm afraid I'm not . minded enough to be able to fix the DVD player! Several supporters of the visiting football team were attested for jn. behaviour | © Do you think this amount of work is... in such a short space of time? f Although the ship sank without trace, a rescue | boat managed to pick up all the Whal are your for the next genetal election? Who would you say Is going, 10 win? hi My motorbike's at the garage as it's recently developed a serious fault. Read! this newspaper extract about a desanstration, then mplace the words in brackets with adjectives ‘ending in able, Yesterday's mass demonstration was 1 (likely to be remembered) smears for many reasons. The larg tuenou was? (nota SUTPHISe) oon and the atmosphere could be described as $ (pleasant) .ecoonn at the start of the day, with the level of policing 4 (satisfactory) Unforiinately, for some 5 (impossible to explain) essence reason, events look a tm for the worse. ‘Violence previously thought to have been 6 (possible to prevent) -rsnnan broke out and several incidents of vandalism took place ‘which local residents found 7 (impossible to pur up with) .. -Thwas therefore considered 8 (waltted) cneneuonn t0 bring the demonstration to 2 halt before it reached its intended destination. EI a a El * Would you believe it? Lead in 1 Discuss whether these statements are true or false. 3 Discuss the following. The answers are on page 154. a What things did you believe as a child that you 2. To see a full-length reflection of yoursel now know aren’t true? iro, it must be at least half as tall as you. b Do you wish any of them were ruc? b The word ‘news’ is formed from the first letters © Are there any you're glad aren't true? of north, south, east and west. Is it right to let children believe things that aren't © Of any group of 23 people, there is a 50% true? possibility that two of them will share a birthday. Chewing gum takes seven years to pass throngh the digestive system. © The mimber of people alive today is greater than the number of people who have previously lived and died. rating celery makes you lose weight. 2 Complete these sentences with true or fase. 2 [hope all your wishes come b The tourist brochure had given 2 cnnn Impression of the resort; our hotel was only half built © Obtaining money under pretences is a criminal offence. I'm sure something fishy's going on ~ Tim's explanation just doesn’t ring enn € The newspaper was sued for making accusations that weren't strictly F Buying a cheap car is usually 2 ‘economy, as you often end up spending more on it than you 5 paid in the first place. 8 § Winning the lottery is a dream come for some and a nightmare for others, 1h Installing smoke alarms can give a sno SENSE of security, as people forget to check them regularly | Unies EJ Reading Part 4 Multiple matching 1. Match the ‘superheroes’ shown with the text headings A-E and name their special abilities. Quickly read the text to check your ideas 2 read the test again and the tip box. tn which section (A-E) are 1-12 mentioned? The underlined words will help you find links to A-E a substance that speeds up a natural process 1 a substance that Jooks weaker than it is 2 a system that makes up for limited vision 3 someone who takes refuge away from his home 4a 5 6 8 a substance that enables creatures to secure themselves in place a solfless act with unforeseen consequences ‘someone given a new identity from a young age 9 a creature that hides itself by changing the way it looks 10 ‘someone whose powers are the principle behind a form of transport 11 nnees that make physical discomfort Jess noticeable to the sufferer 12 subs 3 tyou hed thecapabity io do one of these things, which there will be 15 would you choase and why? questions in the exam. Remember that ‘concentrating on one section ata time will be quicker than © become invisible at will ‘reading A-E for every question, * fy sce in the dark. * breathe underwater ® change your appearance at will A SPIDLRTNAN ‘Spidey Mian acquired his superhurran abilities when, during a iernonstration of radiation technology, a spider crept into the bean of radiation and bit his hand, As Peter Parker he works 1 a photographer for the Daily Bugle, but as SpiderMan he fights evil in the dangerous, crime-ridden streets of New York, SpiderNian shoots and spins webs from smal jets attached to his wrists and can stick to almost any surface, sealing skyscrapers with his bare {6 in explaining his powers? Like our superhero, spiders can adhere to almost any surface. Many do this by secreting sticky silk onto their feet, which anchors them in position. Others have rnillions of specially shaped microscopic hairs on their legs, that slip into nooks and crannies. As for Spider-Man's ‘raps, enyone who has ever walked into a spider's 1s web knows that the silk is deceptively strong, despite its gossamer appearance. Dragline Silk, which spiders use to cravel down from ceiling to floor, isthe strangest of all \Woight for weight it i actually nds, So how far ean real science 6 SUPLATT As chute, Supermar was forned to Mee bys dacened plaret yplon, evervuatly eruing cn Earth where ie wes atopted ircer the name Claris Kent Ke roxy works as a rald-marnecee ewspaper reporter but whenever danger calls, hes only & Huiekchange away from saving the world — a¢ Superman Hos fister than a speeding bullet, can fly, hes Superturen siren, tar eep tall buléings in single beune end has Xray vison, Siperman’s cells convert the sun's energy into ircrestine powers —but con scientific fact expla tris? Wiule animals Fane to eat plants (or each cther) te survive, plants can harvest ther energy direstly from the sunis het ty pholosyrthes temical reaction that converts carbon dioniée and water into fheose and cxngen. Plants ere Rll oF chemical called ‘lerophyll tha accelerates ths resclon. Mas pestaps the mest iyorteni molecule wi the World, becuse i traps all of the erty We need To Ive, storing M Insice plants urtl the energy 1s ‘leased inside our bodies after eating So perhans Superman ng Some form of phntnsyntests fo bald un the tremendous oerves of energy thal he needs for his superhuman feats {it strengit. One thmg’s for sure —he's oct using chloroptyt, Aecause ft would turn um bright green! MmnGnETO urtedty the IeMen, Magreto wes born @ ( nviantin 2 world that fearest andl despised Jishnd response he isolated himselt for humanity on Asteroid M, preparing for ‘Tete when mutants would rue the tart Meaveto cen creste clectromignetis fields and ‘mito hein so that he can levitate al oiects inde cf metal, project farcefields, end generate Hetreity So can scienoe explam his ablitios? ifm ora steel are magnetic, ane ere atracied Joether the rerth or south poles of « Simagret Hloctromagrets are user te make Fromns thst fost aver the rails: these are sero move forward than & cerverticnt train, whieh Tose a Jot tierergy through friction ie rats ara wheels Nast materials, sliding woter, are demagnet’, neering Watthey are always replied by hath magnetic files, Since armas are mostly water, spenicts Fave found that ftey use Jp emu maerenie Feld, they co Ihe hee wehout hurting tt trong, lemnare a When Matt Murtoch saved a man fram beirg fut bya truck, seme of the radhoantive waste site W spilled mito Matrs eyes, tne him permanenily. But Mat’s etter senses hecame more seule the developed 2 ravar sense, lowing hin fo ‘see’ me work ‘arourd his. He cauld smel the faintest edeur or even ‘ree a newspanen si ty toucting the print. Aten training as & lawn (Matthew set ut pratice ond discovered that tis new powers feniabler him to tell when suspects ere hing ty listening to their ‘heartbeat. When unatile to bring criminals to Justice ty legal ‘means, Matt becomes Daradoyil, employing hs sucempowers t help him So is there: ary basis in real science for hrs ftioral powers? Radar resembles sonar, which 1s used y dol hats to construct an ieee af thew surreuneings Ry erring: Frgh-pitched sound ane listening for the echo asm bounces off an ‘lye, they can tll how Far away the object is, what itis made of, and how fast 1s ming, But Wral shout Darecevits otter serises? Scientists know that ifthe part of the brain responetlo {or seving is underused, may take over the processing, information Irom ctFer senes, particularly pearing. This could ain why bline people are good at aging where people ate ma roe just oy hstenng to thelr ureaktng oF the echces produced ky e veice £ THE INCREDIBLE HULE fs a nuclear physicsst Bruce Barner developed a new gamma bomb for the multary When 2 reckless teenager strayed orke the bom lest site, Berner seved rien — nut wes caught in the middle himeel! and transformed into ‘huge greon nionster. enormausly strong anc riven by fury Wher angry, Berner new charges into the Hulk acquiring sunerhurman strength ~ and turning green bul ath decreased intelligences and an inability to conirol his temper. A umes of strass, fusmans do sometimes perform greet (eats ot strength. This may ba the release of certain hormones into the body which boost the levels of nygen ard fuel actlable to muscles Over time, they can evan inerease musele toulk Other natural chernicals cen rrask the pain that ovenstrotching muscles Fray cause, llovang incwidtals to push ther bedy beyond its ratural limts. The Hull's oolour changes may be related to the wey animals use colour ces to alter thar appearance, the euttloFeh uges this {or caricutlage, and may even be able to Ccommunicete using wanes of celour Uric Vocabulary Verbs of moving and looking 1. Decide which word in each group a-eis not a verb of movement. a creep glance stumble b hobble totter gaze © limp plod glimpse d glare stagger limp © peep trip crawh 2 Which verbs of movements in 1 have similar ‘meanings? Choose the best verbs to complete a below. a It was such a low tunnel that we had to . on our hands and knees. b_ We got completely lost on our walk and had to ... through lots of wet, muddy fields. © [got home after midnight and slowly upstairs so I wouldn't disturb anyone. a Despite slightly after the first fence, the horse quickly recovered and won the race. € My mother is extremely promte to accidents and is always over things 3 pasa the dletionaiy entcies fae synanyits oF bok: Which verbs of looking from 1 are being defined? aguicklook: Shestolea athe watch, sosee a long steady look at sb/sth: She felt embarrassed ‘inde istondy _ alookatsb/sth for avery shor tne, when “o's the pemon or thing complete Hc cought scse of erin the crowd ‘eng angry ook at shh: Sheed her ict hoheste Grammar Modals cr pi7s-176 1. Underline the modal verbs in a-g and match them ‘with their functions 1-7 below. a Leould ride a bike by the time I was five years old. b Passports must be shown at the border. © We might arrive in time for the conference, but 1 dou The stewardess said we can unfasten our seat belts now. © You should put on overalls if you plan to paint the bedroom. £ We don’t need to get a visa to visit France. & Clare must be allergic to bananas — they always bring her out in a rash. 1. obligation 5 possibility 2 absence of obligation 6 ability 3 permission 7 strong advice 4 assumption/deduction 2 Look at the picture and decide whether the assumptions and deduetions in a-g on page 73 are justified, giving reasons. Then make other deductions from the clues in the picture. Brarmple The oumers of the house cane he welt off. The oumers of the house rust he melLoff because ihey've got a safe. a The safe can't be burglar proof. b The burglars must have had a key for the flat © A.neighbour might have called the police. There could have have been more than one burglar © The burglars can't have taken any valuables, ‘The police might Have found 4 clue The owners couldn't have gone cut for the evening, Use modal verbs of assumption oF deduction, and the verbs in brackets, to.complete the dialogue. A: Oh not I por my bag down by the door and it's gone! Someone ....... (1 steal) itt B: Don't be ridiculous, There's nobody’ here but ust A: Yes, but. we've been busy talking, Someone . @ come) in quietly, picked It up, and ped out with it. Ts possible, yeu know. Be Are you sume you didn’t leave il on the Bust | saw Jou put it down on the seat next (0 yon. YOU suse ( leave) it behind when you got off, ALNo,1 (}, because 1 remember Ieoking, in it on the Way here. I wanted to check I'¢ go! ny mobile. : Well, (t's not here pow. ‘A: Oh dear, 1 (5 bo) more carein! with it, Tknow. hank goodness there wasnt much It Bs That's a relioil Let's just chock at the police stalfon anyway. You never know, someone (6 hand) it in there. Complete a-g with an appropriate form of can/able 1. SONY H esooe BEX DUE To meet You ast might but { had to babysit for some friends, b One vay, we ‘ure may commen ilnesses. © Tt tool a lot of works but in the end the mechanic » Bet the car going. dt go ice-skating for tho past few weeks because I've injured my keg. © Tom frome tq the phone at the moment ul Pl ake a meesage if you Tike. fT Achild genius, be solve difficult fractions. by the time he was three years old. & Hove ay jn bed on Sunday mornings. 5 Comptete of with an appropriate form of dort need 10 oF needy)? anil the verb in brackets, @ Look, there's no one else on the tennis courts, We ssc (Bother) to book one in advance, B Apparently there ave stil plenty of tickets left for this year's festival so we —..... (worry) about getting hold of seme. © My work colleagues kindly 100K me out to dinner to celebrate my promoticn and I. (pay) a penny. (0 My bnshand and 1 bought a di yesterday, so we — ever again! © YOU sree (apply) Tor a vita te tee round tis eountry, as tar as 1 know, f Tt was much too cold to go swimming whet T was on holiday 80.1 sae (pack) my bikit ates all. hwasher ~ (dot the washing Correct the modal verbs in these sentences. @ Surely you musir't be retiring this year! You Took 80 young! b You musty't Make Up your mind about the job colfer yet sf you don't want o. How lovely to see you Billt And this sttould be your wife Betty? Aller many failed aitempts, they could rescue the trapped miners, © T've just seen the weather forecast and jt could not be wary enough for a hetbecue aller all ‘Matel: modals a-e with their mearings 1-5. ‘Ther explain to a partner {he nules of the game or sport you know well, using ae You don’t have to/need 16. You shouldn't. Everyone has 16 ‘You oughi 10. ‘You mustn't Its forbidden to da it ‘The rules sey s0- ILisn't necessary to do it I's advisable co do it, Teisn't advisable to alo it, Listening Part4 muttipte matching 1 who would you inchude in a top five of today’s best live performers? Discuss your choices. 2 © Listen to part of a radio programme about a pop group to find out: why Frank Farian was impressed by Rob and Fab. what happened to Rab and Fab with Farian’s help, what Rob and Fab’s secret was, how their secret was exposed, how the music world reacted. 3 © You will hear five short extracts in which people are tip talking about pop stars Remember that questions miming or ‘lip-synching’ 15nd 6-10 ees tothe While you listen, complete Samélivesealers 9 questions tasks 1 and 2 below. ‘while you listen: ‘The tip box will help you TASK ONE For questions 1~S, choose from the list A-H what each speaker feels about the music industry today. A The only thing that matters nowadays is ther. ‘Speaker 1 al B The industry creates music that follows whats fashionable, C Tickets for live shows should be offered to fans first. Speaker 2 2 1 industry's too coacemed about what artists look hi D The Andusth toe concerned! out what artists look like. ‘Speaker’ me) E_1°s not only professionals who ean perform well Liss Fits pity that alot of talent is going to waste, seater (Ca G t's not always easy to obtain tickets for live concert, H Many singers are secn-rate live performer Speaker § Task THO For questions 6-10, choose from the list A-H each speaker's attitude towards artists lip-synching. ‘A Tt would be unwise for some performers not to tip-synch, speaker [Js 8 No professional musician should need to lip-syneh. © Most singers who Tip-synch simply look awkward, Speaker? [7] D Ws better to watch a recorded performance than artists lip-synching. speaker (CTs The pres shuld gre mae overage he fact tht anise ipaymen, MTS CT) F. Lip-synching is acceptable if you know it's going ta happen. aaee a G Lyrics aren't important any more soit doesn't matter if artists ip synch. farts ip.synich, this is an insult tothe audience. speakers [ fio} 4 Do you think artists should ever lip-synch? BD nts Speaking rar 2 1 Match phr a-e with the phates, 4 (in) faney dress (i) costume b make-believe dressed up as © putting on 2 Which of the people in the photos might be experiencing these feelings? Explain why. + excited at the thought of something + lost in a world of their ewn * committed to what they are doing * apprehensive about what might happen + self-conscious about their appearance 3 with a partner, each choose a pair of photos to compare. Talk for a minute each about why the people have changed! their appearance in these ways, and how they might be feeling, 4 Look at your partner's 7 is photos and tll your up 9 fr his oe because Partner, inno more fora follow-up question ike 1ehas tobe tis one because than 30 seconds, which 4, refer the photo yxt change of appearance have chosen and give a brief isthe most necessary. _exglanation for your choice Definitely this one because there It citficut to decide between these two, but fm torn between them, but units Fl Use of English rart1 suttipie-choice doze 1. Discuss any tricks you have played on someone, or any good ones you have heard about. 2. Read the newspaper article below quickly, ignoring the gaps, to find out what trick a fast food chi THE LEFT-HANDED BURGER {A wellknown fast food chain secely published 4 full-page advertisement announcing thar chey rote 06 Fla new item to their menu ~ a ‘Left Handed Burger’, 1... specifically for their left- handed customets. 2mm to the advertisement, the 3 vncun ofthe new burger were identical ro those of the original burger, 4... were the ingredients, ‘The difference was that the ingredients had been rotated by 180 degrees t0 5 -...-lefe handed people to handle the burger without 6.. ‘The following day, April 2nd, the fast food store 7 env that the story had been invented as an April Fool's trick and the left-handed burger didn’t exist. foe» Restaurants reported chat they had been visived by several thousand customers $ moon the new burger. Sinmultaneously, there were many other 30 uuu. customers who insisted thar staff served them with their owe righthanded 11 women: IE just goes to show how readily people can Be 12 man» even on April Fool's Day. played and who was fooled by it, 3 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap in the text in 2. © A establishing B A created Relative dimensions while cnlist difficulty conflicted Although requesting involved figure ‘rapped ee ee BB trite 8 B B B B B B B 8 8 8 B introducing imagined Appropriate measures as endure issues confesseet Nevertheless calling concerned form disappointed c eaanaance anna initiating. D organising projected D generated Correspont According, quantities portions since because entitle enable problem damages confided conformed Despite Whilst attracting appealing attentive D disturbed version D adapt betrayed D deceived Part 5 Key word transformations 4 Match phrases a~d with the similar meanings in 1-4. to be taken in by someone to come up with (an idea) to-get hold of (something) no point a b e a 1 not necessary 2 obain 3 be deceived 4 invent Rewrite the second sentence in a-d keeping the meaning the same, Use three to six words inchuding the word given. Your answers from 4 will help you. 4 Do you know whose invention this gadget wast CANE Twender ... the idea for this gadget. Have you any idea where 1 can obtain a cheap, second-hand car? HOLD Where a cheap, second-hand car? © I don’t see why it’s necessary to work so hard, POINT There so hard. Bob deceived me with his promises to invest capital in the business, TAKEN Teccooneose Bob's promises to invest capital in the business. Vocabulary Expressions with right and left 1 Choose the best explanation for the expressions with right in a-g below. aL thought that film we saw last night was really violent. ‘Too right — not my kind of film at all, (completely agtee/I think you're being unfair) b John’s just popped out to get a paper but he'll be right back. (return eventually/return soon) © By rights the children should be in bed by now. (according to what is proper/only if necessary) «The company started distributing advertisements for their products left, right and centre. (in three locations everywhere) € My colleagues in my new job were so friendly that I felt at home right away. (completely/ immediately) {Apparently our new manager is very friendly ~ if You manage to get an the right side of himt (get him to tealise you exist/get him to like you) 8 Paul didn’t need to apologise because he knew he was in the right. (gets answers right/has justice on his side) Match the expressions with left with the most suitable sentence in 1-4 and discuss their meaning. a The left-lugsage office is on platform 3. b- David's got two left feet! © There were a lot of leftovers from our meal. Sam doesn't know his left from his right. 1 2 3 4 So I don’t need to cook anything new tonight. He's the worst dancer I've ever seen. ‘We cant leave our suitcases there, ‘That's why he's no good at giving directions. Look up left and right in your dictionary. Which one has more idioms? How many new words can ‘you find that derive from each one? WYItINg part2 An essay wopres 1 How often do you play computer and video games? Why do you think games like these are so popular? 2. Read the exam task below and brainstorm at least two more points for each side of the argument, Your class has had a discussion on the effects of playing computer and video games. Some classmates believe these games are a harmless form of escapism, but others think they make young people too aggressive and can become dangerously addictive, Your tutor has asked you to write an essay giving your views on this topic and saying whether you agree or clisagree with the points made. Write your essay in 220-260 words. 3° Match a-f with six of the areas tested in the Writing Paper, and discuss how you would get good marks in each. spelling and grammar 1 content bse of link wortls 2. format © vocabulary and structures 3. cohesion layout and paragraphs 4 register full and accurate answer 5 accuracy fF formal/informal language 6 range 4. Read the model answer and think about the six 1 3 above, Then a \swer Does the essay follow the exam task? Is it the right length? Are the ideas logical and easy to understand? b_ How formal is the essay? Is the level of formality suitable for the task? Is the essay paragraphed correctly? What is the topic of each paragraph? Do paragraphs contain, “topic sentences’? Are sentences linked appropriately? Does the writer use appropriate words or phrases to list points in paragraphs 2 and 3? © Has the writer used a good range of vocabulary nd structures? f Ate there any mistakes with spelling or grammatical structures? BD twits Computer and video games are very popular these days. But could games like these be harming the young people who play them? There are compeling arguments on both sides. People worry about these games for a number of reasons. One coricer is thet young people may have {rouble distinguishing what i real from wht i fantasy ‘They may act out what they doin the games in eal life ‘Another worry is that children may became desensitsed to suffering and think that violence is acceptable. Alotol {games are extremely violent. They are also interactive {s why they may be more harmful than violent films or television programmes. Children might identify with the ageessive charactets on screen. They might try to sole their own problems in a violent way too. Finally, cits Worry about the addictive nature of these games. The {games sometimes take over children’ lives. Chikdren often suffer psychologically. They can become hyperactive or even become isolated from ther friends and family. There is anather side to the debate, however. Children hhave always enjoyed having gunfights or swordlights with pretend! weapons. They kriow i's not real life. Playing violent games allows children to et off steam! and express feelings they must contol in real lif. There isa great deal of violence in fairy tales. It never caused ‘our parents or grandparents to behave violently in teal life tis part of growing up. Ultra-vilent video games are unhealthy. But there is no proof that they turn normal children into killers. As forthe time kids spend playing games, this only dangerous if gaming becomes an obsession. Gaming, can actualy be very social. Most people play with ther friends, People fight each other on the screen but they have fun and become better fiends in the process. M Having considered all these arguments, | believe thatthe risks to young people of playing modem computer arid video games are exaggerated. f played sensibly, | fel they ‘an benefit young people rather than harming them. Put the link words and expressions 1-10 into groups a-c. similar or extra information contrasting information expressing a result although as a consequence /result so that therefore while 6 which is why 7 however 8 what is more 9 in spite of/despite 10 furthermore Use appropriate link wonls to connect the information, in sentences a-g. There may be more than one possible answer. If you are making one sentence, you may need to change the order of the information. 2 Computer games are good fun, They can be very social b_ One concern is that young people may have trouble distinguishing what is real from what is. fantasy. ‘They may act ot what they do in the games in real life. © There is a great deal of violence in fairy tales, It never led our parents or grandparents to behave violently in real lite A lot of violent computer games are interactive. ‘They may be more harmful than violent films or television. © Chiléren might identify with the aggressive characters on screen. They might try to solve their problems in a violent way too. {The games sometimes take over children’s lives. Children often suffer psychologically. . Ultra-violent video games are unhealthy. There is no proof they turn normal children into killers. Now write your own answer to the exam question in 2. The areas in 4 and the linking words in 5 will help you. wits EE Review 1 Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping. the meaning the same. Use three to six words including the word given. a No one believed the accused's explanations about the illegal merchandise during the trial. RING ‘The accused's explanations about the illegal merchandise .- to anyone during the trial. ‘Tom deceived Sally when he married her as he already had a wife. PRETENCES ‘Tom married Sally ... wife. Buying poorer quality products at lower prices is ‘not financially sensible. FALSE Wisa prices. as he already had a poorer quality produets at lower 2 Underline the verb which matches the definitions inad. a b c a plod totter fimp trip, = walk slowly with heavy steps creep = walk in an unsteady way crawl = almost fall over peep = look steadily at stagger hobble stumble glance gaze J Match one of the words you did not circle in 2 to definitions ae. ook quickly then look away take a long jump over something ‘move on your hands and knees ‘walk in formation in a parade walk silently and slowly 4. Circle the correct preposition in each sentence. a b | remember being very self-conscious with/ ‘aboul/of tay appearance when I was young, If you want to succeed in life, you need to be committed for/withyto everything you de. What's the matter with Terry? He seems to be lost in/for/to a world of his own nowadays. Despite being understandably apprehensive for/ of/about ber interview, it went off very well ‘The team were excited with/for/at the thought of ‘meeting their opponents in the Cup Final. BD) tries 5. Complete the comments in sentences 1-6 using, ‘word or phrase with right or left. LA 6 Use the following link words to complete this 1 don't Suppose you know what's sh the cinema this weekend? T've no idea but | can find out .. {cant believe Tim hasn’t passed his test yet. Ws no surprise to me, he doesn’t a from his ! {'m sorry to hear that you were held responsible for the accident. It was extremely unlit | was definitely soseses and intend! to make att complaint. What makes you think that Richard will never make a footballer? Well, for a start, he’s got two I'm starving, | don't suppose there's. in the fridge to eat? ‘Only some Vm afraid. How come you're working this Saturday? . T shouldn't have to work at all, but I'm covering for a colleague _ fromm last night's ‘about the popularity of soap operas. although a despite after on the other hand while so thal as well as Look at the pictures and discuss these questions. 4 Which periods of history are represented here? b_ What do you know about each one? Thi about the following aspects. art knowledge of the world buildings technology medicine writing and learning, © Where do we get our information about these ifferent periods of history? What effect did these or other periods of history have on future generations? Use the phrases below to help you. led to... resulted in was (directly) responsible for .. had an effect on _ was the source of Sate Cela Reading part + themed texts WANTED 1 Look at photos a-c below and match them wihtie =~ ROMAN SOLDIERS! extracts opposite. Would you tke to activate your understanding of the past? Then come and join us in The Roman Military Research Society, We are a research anc! re-enacimert ‘group and present living history displays of Roman life cs at veres all ever the country, + Asa member of our display team (males only) yeu wll represent a Roman soldier of a Roman Legion ‘You will demonstrate the tactics, training, armour and equipment of the Roman army at public everss. 10 Your duties will also include talking to members of the public, demonstrating equipment and eating ‘authentically cooked Roman rations. You will speak Latin wherever possible and answer to a Roman ram * Gvilian members are both male and female. Like the 15 soldiers, they give information, answer questions ‘and demonstrate the use of some of the items oo display. These include aspects of domestic life or manufacturing and trade. Many of these provide ‘opportunities for the public to gain "hands-on! 20 experience under your guidance, * Our society i a regular participant in flrs ard television. programmes, The society aso runs weekend courses 09 oman miltary lie and many members give teks and presentations about various acpects of Ferran Histor 25 schools, colleges, cubs and societies. WANT TO JOIN? We are a welcoming and lively group with members from allover the world, Full Membership is £20 pee anu or 2 tamil 20 | For those who wish to support the society’ aims but who do not wish to participate in re-enactments, Associate Membership is available at £10 per annum. ‘What personal qualities are listed as necessary to become a soldier in this society? : A a qualification in Latin 2 Read the extracts and choose the best answer B_ some previous military experience (A, B, Cor D) for questions 1-6. The |i) box © a willingness to deal with the public help you. D_a moderate level of physical fitness 2. Inorder to take part in any of the display teams, you have to be A aman. B an Associate Member. © a woman. D a Full Member. GB tit? Extract from a novel ‘The first wave of humans moving seross Eurasie “tested cf Homo erectus, whe left Africe almost assonnasthey emerped asa species. Overture these iyhumans Fortherevolved intodistinctive types, ova mag in Asta and Homo ncenderthslensis Farope- Neenderthals were nothing # nct tough. ‘ers of thousands of years this early species of lived through conditions that no modern can cutside a few polar scicatists and explorers experienced. During the worst of the ice Blizzards with huracane-force winds were n routinely fell uo nairus degrees Celsivs, The Neanderthals naturally cael from the worst of it, but mies 90 they Wwillhove experienced weather that was at least-26 modern Sibesian winter, They suficred, to = bia as & specics they were magnificently ent and practically indestructible, the African plains and began to spread. Fer « leng it was believed that the Cro-Magnons, as shamans in Europe became known, drove ess the continent, eventually forcing them to swstes mangins of the continent, wher they bina choice but to fall into the sea or go extinct itis now known that Cro-Magnons werein aryestof Europe at zbout the seme time they “Wey also coming in from the eest. One curiesity of Ge ro-Mozrons.arcval is that i came ot a tine Shey Europe wae plunging into yet another long dhol punishing cold. Whatever ic was that dreve 1) Europe, tr wasn't the glorious weather > Inthe first paragraph, we learn that the Neanderthals were J. able to tolerate freezing conditions FB partot a great mumber of species. © accustomed to livieg in Affican regions. D about to be defeated by the harsh euvirenient. “4% The tone of the author's tinal comment Is cone of A seriousness. & appreciation. © bumeur. D disbelief. Gened ony INTRODUCTION Genealogy i the stidy ane twacing of family ancestries This irivolves eallectine: the names of relatives, beth Iving: 2» and decersed, and estabusring the retancrhyps among them Dasec on evidence ane! dacumentauon. tt can be a [Plessenily eddictye hobby or 2 professional uncertaking. RESEARCHING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY Researching Family History’ used to be regarded as % synonymous with genealogy, bucitnow applies to Diogtaphical research into one’s ancestors — the aim beng to produce a well documerted history of interest to fartly members ang future generations. I invotves putting test on the skeloton that 5 preduced by f genealogy anc considers the histortcal circumstances ane! geographical situation in which ancestors ived. FIRST STEPS ‘When explening ranly ister tis acuisable to work. bbackevierds from know informition, Trying to work ‘ Torweres, eg. seeking cescendants of tne famous Nistoncal figure that family legend chars as en ances, i rarely profitable. The best way to stars by consualing cose Felatves to establish bast facts, such as binhs Geaths and mamages. Collecting together Family Gocuments uty 25 ‘letters and dleries will prove invaluable too, SEARCHING THE ARCHIVES (Check punished geretegqes for a ink ro your ernity However, dos not put al your fath into a-angle lengttyy ocmenc which appareriy anaes you to Gleam descent \& from 1ayalty [of a rotenous cnminal) Rather, take ths 2s potentiity valuable information whose accuracy you fave to confi careftly before yeu! adept According te the writes, “Family History’ differs from genealogy because it A inferms people about their descent from noteworthy figures. Builds a detailed and thorough picture of the ancestors’ situation. © isa pastime rather than 2 serious academic study. 1D. means studying families for a longer time: What advice is given about the process of exploring, family history? ‘A. avoid relying on information from relatives B try not to feel too negative abeut your failures C ensue your fineings are well-supported D only accept information from published genealogies ww Vocabulary ov. . Phrasal verbs with off and i | For each pair of sentences in 1-4, use the same yerb, in the correct form, to make # phrasal very with two different meanings. 1 a Even though we .. off relatively eaily, wwe stil arrived extremely late. b When off fireworks, stand at anm's length and make sure chidren are supervised. 2 a. Alter ten minutes trying te solve the puzzle, ae and looked ot the sotution, The authorities refused 10 .nnene i 1O.the ransom demand, 3a Never. can do today. by Althcuigh he's really good-looking, 1 was completely... off by his bad reputation. off until tomorrow what you 4 a Wsalmast Impossible for us t0 o.oo. im statistics fo de with our solar system, hy His Ties were so convincing that even tis closest friends were in. Match meanings ah with the phrasal verbs es they are used in the eight sentences in 1. 2 tight 1 make you distike by deceive agree to something © postpone you do not want a understand hy adit defeat © begin 3 journey Use your dictionary to look up the different meanings of the phrasal verbs in e-d. Then complete the sentences appropriately. 9 Our week in the mountains was ruined when set it. b You wear @ protective mask for this experiment as the chemicals used give off © Although I specitically asked the hairdresser to take off just a few centimetres 2 @ Whenever a member of staff leaves the firm, we all put in some money Grammar Participle clauses |) Match the participle clauses in italies in af} functions 1-6, a Grown in the right conditions. the plan's flower ail sumuner. b Parking his car tn a side road, he strotke fowarés the town centre © A massive carthquake has bit pars of ind leaving thousands of people honueiess, A group of archaeologists exploring the ts have discovered the skeleton of a news duran being. © Not having a mobile phone, we were unable ing our hosts and warn them we would be | Raving finished tis medical training, my decided 10 work in Africa for a charity, 1 emphasising that one thing happened after another had finished 2 replacing @ relative clause showing that two actions happened within = ‘short time period of each other ‘expressing a condition expressing a reason, expressing a result Rewrite the information in a-f using particle clauses. 2 The Sercane, which was stolen frem the Mirek Museum, 1s worth mulions of pounds. b I they are washed with care, woollen swecters will retain their shape. © ‘They hoped te coefirm the suspect's part inthe robbery so the detectives arzanged an identity parade, The winner erosses the finishing line and he faises his hands in triumph as he does sat © The explorer will underge final medical checks and then le will set out on his poler expedition, £ Because he didn’t realise how dangerous the snake was, the toddler reached out towards i. Give the present participles of verbs a-i, a fake © offer g travel b buile e preter ho ague © stop { lie i occur 4 Give the past participle of these irregular verbs. a bite b leave b bring i meet © catch j prove d drive k sell e fight 1 set f fy m speak B hide n wake Join the (wo sentences in a-e using the words in brackets and participl Bample Host my purse. I was travelling to work, (while) Host my purse while travelling to work. 2 Agroup of cavers have spent 10 hours trapped underground. ‘They have finally been rescued. (After) b Ladmit that driving at excessive speeds is dangerous. I don’t accept we should have speed. cameras everywhere. (While) © He wasn't a local. He didn’t know the atea. (Not) 4 Givilians heard that a peace treaty had been signed. They began celebrating in the streets. (ou) € ‘The judge didn't agree with the defendant's actions. He said he did sympathise with her situation, (Although) Say what is wrong with sentences a-f and suggest how they could be rewritten. a Roaring ferociously, the girl fled from the lion. b ‘Two of the terrorists shooting the President have been caught © The man inventing the cigital camera has won an award. 4 Not wanting to spoil the fun, the wedding celebrations went on well into the night. € Planted with care, novice gardeners will be amazed how easy it is to grow ‘things. f Passing his driving test, Gary became rather big. headed. 7. Rewrite the text below, replacing the underlined information with participle clauses, and making any other necessary changes. ‘After he had spent tree days trapped on an ie foe, explorer Ben Miller was finaly rescued lastnight Because he wanted to become the first man to walk solo from Canada to the North Pole, he had set out last Apri alone and unaided. He had no wau of ‘transporting possessions sa he took very litle with him apart from camping equipment, a mobile phore, and a shovel, He made good progress at fist hut he then experienced a number of setbacks. The longest day of the year was approaching, which meant that the temperature was starting to rise. The ice ‘gradually started to melt around him with the result shat he was prevented from going forward or back. Ben, who was now feelina desperate, searched ‘around him. Because he didn’t have any advanced ‘technical equipment, he had to rely on common sense, He took out his shovel and he dug a runway Inthe ice. He then took a photo of the runway and ‘sent it to a rescue team via his mobile phone. The pilot succeeded in landing on the narrow strip of ice, ‘wth the result that he saved Ben from almost certain death. Listening Read the exam task in 2 and think of words or phrases with similar meanings to the underlined words. Listen to a local historian talking about shipwrecks in a place south-west England called The Lizard and complete sentences 1-8. The |iy) box will help you. p ‘The Lizard isan attractive place for divers due to eer me ‘the many shipwrecks 0” tHE ceconene-t Benitez Divers may come across vou.2in the theeam. ‘treasure. HIMS Anson left the port of Falmouth on 2ath December, 3 ‘The Captain had to look for protection from a full Sailors on the Anson thought the land they could see in front of ‘them was the into Falmouth. The Anson's damaged mast provided a type of between the boat and the beach. Despite being so close to . were lost. Divers should only visit the wreck when the ble. many of the men on board HMS ANSON Speaking Look: at the two sets of photos opposite and discuss what you might be asked to tak about in the exam, Mate these words and phrases with the photos. traditional crafts or skills b_ personal reminders of the past © an archaeological dig/excavation period costume © documentary evidence £ early civilisations film footage ‘medieval manuscripts i battle re-enactment {In pairs, each choose one sct of photos and do this exam task in one minute, + What can these things teach us about the past? + How succestlly ight they bring the | liter | past toi | Look at each other's photos and say which way of learning about the past you think gives the most accurate information. Do you think it's worth studying history at school? Why/Why nol? Read the text below quickly, ignoring the gaps, to find out whe is being described and why he is described as “The Father of History. Read the text again carefully and choose the correct answer from each pair below for 1-5. The [ip) box will help you. 1 passionately/passionate 2 extendable/extensively 3. skilful/unskilled 4 5 ‘cheek your answers _gramsmatically correct and has the correc sense, e, shilfllunsklled for gap 3 unforgettable/forgetful perception/perceiver Complete the rest of the text with worts formed fram 6-10 below. ‘The achievements of Egyptian and Babylonian kings are mentioned in the earliest surviving historical \ records, but recorded history as we know it ‘today really begins with Herodotus (c. 4847425 BC). He was the first person 40 1KE A veeneven | Interest in events In countries outside his own and 1 passion report on ther. For example, to discover what had caused the war between the Persians and the Greeks, he travelled . 2and questioned many 2 extend people. He was a. writer, producing works that are informative as 3. skill ‘well as lively. His writing provides a truly vivid and... picture ofhow 4 forget life was in the ancient world. ll this may explain why heis often described as‘The Father of History During the last two centuries ou owing to literary fi _* of history has changed \gs such as the nine books penned 5 perceive 6 drama by Herodotus and also from investigations carried oUt bY sun 7 archaeology throughout the world. thas... us to begin to appreciate the 8 able sounnias ¥ Of Man through history, and has also revealed that there ismuch 9 develop to be discovered about ‘© which are now long lost to us. 10 civilised, AE, Si PN ee Vocabulary word formation (2) | Make nouns from adjectives a-h using these suffixes. Mote than one answer is poss jon ence acy ance y ity ness a evident ambitious g_ democratic b adaptable e aware 1h indepenclent ¢ significant accurate 2 Choose the correct prefix to make adjectives a-k egative in meaning. Use your dictionary to check ‘your answers, dis im in air sun @ practical suitable i legal b decisive fF logical ~——j-_agreeable © capable g_ moral k honest @ relevant’ regular 1 Use your answers from 2 to complete the rules below. We generally use: © ssesses before the letters p and m. . before the letter . before the letter r. 6 Look at the prefix un in your dictionary to fine! examples of adjectives that do not follow these rules Match the prefixes with their meanings ag. co inter over mis tans un under a across, beyond fe between b_ the opposite of, f too much © together with, £ not enough bad or wrong Complete the words in af with prefixes from 5, ‘Then use your dictionary to find two more words with these prefixes. 2 The ........atlantic flight takes seven hours. b This fish is cooked. I'll just pop it back in the oven for a couple of minutes. © I'matraid that you have understood what I was trying to say. Unfortunately, we lost the final of the -.eelepartmental football tournament. © Could you give me a hand? I can’t the door to the safe, {T's now known that humans never existed with dinosaurs lock ini Writing if Using the prompts below, make a list of some of the key events of the twentieth century. Which do you think were the most significant? Why? technology pol sport science entertainment exploration Read the exam task below, then read paragraphs A-C and say which major 20th century events they describe, You have seen this competition announcement on your college noticeboard and have decided to enter. Write your competition entry in 220-260 words. cOMPETTION What do you consider to be the most important event of the zoth century? Briefly describe the event and explain its significance for our lives today. Competition winners ‘will eceive a set of encyclopedia. A hen neil Armstrong walked fe Apollo w capsule, he made oy history, Never before: had’ man taker, Sp) ch 2 huge step. Watched by millions ‘of TV viewers around the world, this. momertous event inspired, a © generation. tt wes a huge 2dhievernent for mankind, It was also ore of he mes! sighfcent events ofthe. twentieth century, B On Noveriber 4th to everyone’ amazement, the new government announced that al borders were to be opened. By midnight huge. crowds fad aswearbled. As the clock struck 1, they gave & tage cheer and crossed over in ther thousand, and vere greeted triumphantly by those on the cher side, Many climbed to the top of the barrier where they danced, blew trumpets and celebrated in front of the. television cameras. Scon people: were breaking up the barrie with herners and chicele, and carrying pieces off 26 souvenirs, while onlookers sprayed champagne and scunded their car horns The celebrations lated for days the birth of Dolly wa living roof that we can now create (pnetically identical animals The sigeicance. ofthis for our scciely today is tremendous, / wihile the technique may benefit farmers and those working in animal conservation, the danger is that cients will be ‘ered todo the sare with fhurrans, That would challenge. all cur previous belies about what it means to be human. Bi ive epee Avi earatnaphn AG. 4. Which paragraph says why an event is stl significant today? briefly describes an event? gives a detailed account of an event? b Which would probably be the first, middle and last paragraph of a competition entry? © What do you notice about the tenses used in cach paragraph? {From your own knowledge, discuss the answers to a-febout the events in AC. 4. When and where did it tip happen Make sure you kno enough details before ere ‘ting about a C 1996, Edinburgh, UK factual topic like this. Who was invelved? Who was affected by it? How? How had things been before? How did things change afterwards? What effect does the event still have today? Choose an event you could write about for the exam task. Make notes on it answering the ‘questions in af above. Decide whether adjectives a-j are positive, negative, or neutral in meaning a. significant momentous D_ beneficial 8. catastrophic © crucial h unforeseen devastating grave inspirational j_ severe Complete sentences ae using the adjectives from 6. There may be more than one possible answer. a ‘The Asien tsunami in 2004 had a(n) effect on the lives of thousands, b One of the most sporting achievements of the last century was the first “four-minute mile © No one can deny how a development the Inteinet has been in out lives. 4 Of the many incidents of the 20th century, Chernoby!'s legacy has been one of the longest © Alt) ese: Consequence of the splitting of the atom was the development of weapons of mass destruction. Write your competition entry, using your notes, from 5 and some of the language in 6 and 7 where possible. aw RESIDENT Moe ee Review 1 Complete sentences a-e with the correct prepositions. a The industrial revolution resulted clramatic changes to the structure of society b Itis essential for journalists to check the source lie Aerie Wasi © Overeating can lead ........ health problems in later life. 1 Within days of taking the antibiotics, there was a dramatic effect her condition. © The authorities are keen to discover who was responsible . the destruction of the ancient monument. Complete sentences a-h with phrasal verbs with in or off in the correct form 2 There have been a number of cases of bogus doctors «cin staff and patients and performing medical examinations. b None of the lights are working, Has someone . off the electricity? € At times we felt lke ....... in but we carried on ‘and managed to achieve our goal. 4. ‘This year’s festival will end with a display of fireworks t0 be .....: off at midnight, The training centre isn't difficult to find ~ off the road at the lights and follow the signs. £ Please don't be ....... off by Bella's rather cistant manner. She's very friendly once you get to know ber. 8 What time will we have to... off to arrive in time for the ceremony? fh It fooks as if we shall have to off our decision to relocate until we have found more suitable premises. + Find adjective forms of af which match definitions 1-6. Bample cect ctirectite # ateeet 1 corresponding b signify 2. sensational © compare 3. widespread extend. 4 pleasant tosookeat © perceive 5. important f drama 6 observant BD tit? © Tor ach, add a suitable negative prefix to make adjectives with the opposite meaning. a relevant d= moral 8 suitable b legal © capable hi logical © honest decisive 5 For a-e, use the correct word in brackets in its noun form to complete the sentence. There was insufficient (accurate/evident) fo convict the accused of the crime. Our tennis coach says we must improve the (adaptable/accurate) of our strokes, © (Ambitious/Significant) is a quality politicians must have to achieve success. Good drivers have an acute (aware/significant) of impending hazards. © ‘The newly formed country gained its (independent/ambitious) only last year, 5 Replace the words in brackets with a suitable prefix, @ Could you (an apposite action) .......fasten this Knot in my shoelace? b (with) .......operation between several countries meant that emergency ald arrived quickly. © The (across) .........continental express is a luxurious way to travel. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s (too much) cooked vegetables. © Police have been (wrongly) .....-.informed about the whereabouts of the suspect. £ London's Heathrow is one of the world’s busiest (between) .........national aitpors. 8 Tthink we have (100 little) ........estimated the strength of the opposition, Complete this review using the words in brackets in the correct form. A free open-air concert on an international level, ‘Live 8 was an 1 (inspire) event. Its 2im was to help counteract the 2 (devastate) . ‘and +3 (catastrophe) effects of world poverty, ‘and to make a 4 (sity) act on its eradication. Some cites rased doubts about whether financial aid is actually 5 (ben inthe drive to stamp out poverty, claiming that it can often have 6 (oresee) ‘consequences. This made lite eifferenceto the millions who tuned in to watch ‘the concert and 10. pledge their money.

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