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Red Cross / Red Crescent - The Canadian Red Cross mission is to

improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada
and around the world.

Doctors Without Borders - We are Doctors Without Borders/Mdecins

Sans Frontires (MSF). We help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering
emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion
from health care.

Green Peace - Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning

organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and
conserve the environment and to promote peace by:
-Creating an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet:
climate change.
-Protecting the world's ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that
depend on them.
-Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating
a global network of marine reserves.
-Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered
organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially responsible farming.
-Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in
today's products and manufacturing.

YWCA/YMCA - The YMCA in Canada is dedicated to the growth of all

persons in spirit, mind and body, and to their sense of responsibility to each other and
the global community. While all YMCAs in Canada share this overarching purpose, each
local YMCA is driven by their own mission statement to help them address the unique
needs of their communities.

Citizens for Local Democracy (C4LD) - Citizens for Local

Democracy (C4LD) was a non-partisan, citizen action group that emerged in December
1996 to oppose provincially-imposed municipal amalgamation on seven Toronto-area
CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence) - CAVEAT is a
grass-roots charitable organization serving as a non-partisan voice for all Canadians,
working together for safety, peace, and justice.

Goodwill Industries - Goodwill Industries, a non-profit social enterprise,

provides work opportunities, skills development and employee and family
strengthening for those who face barriers such as disability or social disadvantage;
with the aim of advancing individuals, families and communities toward
self-sufficiency and prosperity.

Street Kids International - Street Kids International (or Street Kids) is a

Canadian-based non-governmental organization founded by Peter Dalglish, Chris Lowry and
Frank O'Dea in 1988. The organization focuses on providing street youth with the opportunity
to lead safer and better lives through three main programme avenues: street health, street
work and street rights

National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People (NAACP) - The vision of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals
have equal rights without discrimination based on race.

Oxfam - Oxfam Canada is part of a global movement for change made up of 19

Oxfam affiliates working in more than 90 countries to mobilize the power of people against
poverty. Womens rights and overcoming inequality are at the heart of everything we do.

International PEN - PEN International promotes literature and freedom

of expression and is governed by the PEN Charter and the principles it embodies:
unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations.

Amnesty International (Video) - Amnesty International is a global

movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights.

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