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Name: Eli Ninnemann, Tuesday/Thursday Section

Due Thursday, December 1, 2016

VITAMIN Major Function Good Food Sources Deficiencies Toxicities

(List at least 1) (List at least 2) (if none, note None (if none, note None
or NA) or NA)
B Vitamins
-Thiamin, Vitamin B1 TTP used in energy Whole foods. Nerve system Generally considered
metabolism and Enriched grains, pork damage not, but over 100 mg
nerve cell membrane (Beriberi, Wernicke- can cause drowsiness
karokoff syndrome) or muscle relaxation
-Riboflavin, Vitamin Coenzymes in energy Milk, eggs, Ariboflavinosis Commonly no,
B2 metabolism muchrooms extreme amounts can
cause increased risk
of kidney stones
-Niacin, Vitamin B3 Coenzymes in energy Potatoes, tomatoes, Pellegra Not naturally, but
metabolism protein-rich food from supplements:
excessive sweating,
blurred vision Niacin
-Biotin Enzymes that carry Fortified cereal, corn, Very rare to happen None
CO2 egg yokes but:Seborrheic
dermatitis, dry skin
-Pantothenic Acid Part of Coenzyme A Beef, poultry, Rare but causes Diarrhea
broccoli numbness and
burning sensation in
the hands and feet
plus more
-Vitamin B6 Creation of Fish, poultry, non- Microcytic anemia, Depression, nerve
nonessential AA citrus food depression damage, skin lesions
-Folate Production of new Leafy green In-utero:spina bifidia, No risk for folate but
cells vegetables, Marcocytic anemia folic acid can mask
enriches/fortified B12 deficiency
grains symptoms
-Vitamin B12, Protects nerve fibers, Fortified soy, Pernicious Anemia None
Name: Eli Ninnemann, Tuesday/Thursday Section
Due Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cobalamin growth of nerves meat,fish

-Choline Keeps cells and Eggs, beans, nuts Liver damage Abdominal
nerves working discomfort, nausea,
normally diarrhea

Vitamin C, ascorbic Growth and repair of Citrus, bell peppers, Scurvy Abdominal cramps,
acid tissue: collagen, tomatoes diarrhea

Vitamin A, beta Maintinance of Fortified milk, eggs Hypovitaminosis A Measles,

carotene epithelial cells, hyperkeratosis
mucous membranes
Vitamin D Bone mineralization Fortified milk, Rickets Hypervitaminosis D
Vitamin E Antioxidant Plant oils, egg yolks Hemolytic anemia hemorrhage
Vitamin K Recovery/response to Leafy greens, Defective blood None
injuries (blood clots broccoli, cauliflower clotting
and what not)

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