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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: Central Focus:

2nd Grade- Social Studies Harriet Tubman
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
2.H.1.1 Use a timeline to show sequencing of
Date submitted: Date taught: 2/27/2017
2.H.1.2 Identify contributions of historical figures
(community, state, nation, and world) through
various genres.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance- Students will complete a timeline with 4 events from the passage that they are given.
Conditions- With a partner
Criteria- Students are expected to earn 4 out of 4 points.

Students will work with a partner to complete a timeline using a passage that they are given.
21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Collaborate with Others- The student will work with
a partner to complete the timeline activity. Sequence- The students will order the events from the story on a
Interact Effectively with Others- The students will
take turns reading the passage with a partner. Identify- The students will have choose events within the passage
that they are given.
Prior Knowledge:
The students should have an understanding of how a timeline is completed. The students need to be able to alternate
reading with their partners.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Say to the class, Today we are going to be learning about a woman named 5 minutes
Harriet Tubman. Can anyone tell me who Harriet Tubman is? Show a picture
of Harriet Tubman on the SmartBoard. Allow for the students to share any
1. Focus and Review
previous knowledge that they may have. If none of the students have any
background knowledge about Harriet Tubman say Thats okay, by the end of
this lesson you will know some facts about Harriet Tubman and her life.

2. Statement of Objective Today we are going to be learning about Harriet Tubman, and why she is 1-2
important in history. At the end of the lesson you will work with a partner to minutes
for Student complete a timeline about Harriet Tubmans life.
3. Teacher Input Say to the class, To build our knowledge about Harriet Tubman we are going 10
to start by watching a video about Harriet Tubman. The video is from minutes
BrainPOP Jr.
( Pause the
video at different points throughout to ensure that the students are
understanding the content. Ask the students questions to check their
understanding of the content that is being presented. These questions could
- What state was Harriet Tubman born in? (Maryland)
- Was Harriet Tubman born with that name? (No, Araminta Ross)
- Did Harriet Tubman live in the south her whole life? (No, she went to
the North. Later she helped others move to the North.)
- What was the Underground Railroad? Was it an actual railroad? (No,
the underground railroad helped slaved to escape to freedom in the
Now I want to show you some read pictures of Harriet Tubman, since the
video only had animations. Show the class a PowerPoint that has actually
photos of Harriet Tubman. The PowerPoint also includes pictures of a wanted
poster for Harriet Tubmans arrest, and an example of a safe house on the
Underground Railroad.
Say to the class, Now I want you to work with a partner to read a passage 7-8
about Harriet Tubman titled Fighting for Freedom. You and your partner can minutes
divide the reading of the passage, or read it individually. After you have read
the passage I want you and your partner to go back and underline the words
that you think are important to the passage. Also underline the words that you
do not know the meaning of. While the groups are reading the passage walk
around the classroom and check-in with the groups to ensure that they are
stacking on task, and that they understand what the passage is saying. (The
passage that the students are reading was provided by the teacher. The
students will work with this passage for the remainder of the week.)
The passage is as follows:
Harriet Tubman was a brave woman. She was born a slave in Maryland.
4. Guided Practice When she was older she escaped to freedom. Harriet wanted to help free other
slaves, too. But it was a crime to help a slave. Harriet Tubman became a
leader of the Underground Railroad. This was not a real railroad. It was not
even underground. It was a secret way to help slaves reach the free states.
Harriet helped free hundreds of slaves. During the Civil War, she worked for
the Union Army. She was a nurse and a spy. After the war she helped raise
money for black schools. Harriet Tubman also started a home for black people
who were old or in need.
- What was something that you learned about Harriet Tubman from the
- Is there a word in the passage that you do not know the meaning of?
- Which part of the passage did you find the most interesting?
5. Independent Practice Say to the class, Now I want you to work with your partner to complete a 10
timeline using the passage that you just read. I know that this passage does not minutes
have years like the timelines you have completed in the past, but you can fill
out the boxes by the order of the events, without the years. Lets fill out the
first box together. After filling out the first box the students will complete the
other four boxes with their partner. Each student will have their own timeline
to write on.

- Which event came after _____?

- Which events did you include on your timeline?
- How do we know which order the events occurred in?
- Which box on the timeline will you fill out next?
Formative: Checked through observations and questions.
6. Assessment Methods of Summative: The students will complete a timeline that orders the events from the passage
(same as independent practice). The students will choose four events from the passage to
all objectives/skills:
put on the timeline. Each event on the timeline will be worth 1 point (for a total of 4
points). The students are expected to earn 4 out of 4 points.
To close the lesson come back together as a class and have the students to 5 minutes
share something that the learned about Harriet Tubman. Allow for 4-5 of the
7. Closure students to tell a fact that they learned. Ask the students if they have any
lingering questions about the article. Answer these questions before moving

8. Assessment Results of The final assessment was done informally. I went around to the different groups in the
classroom and checked their boxes as they finished. The students were able to pull five
all objectives/skills: events from the passage with no struggle.
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations: Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:
For struggling readers, one of the teachers in the room If the students do not want to read the passage and complete the
will work with the pair to ensure that they are timeline with a partner they can do these two things
understanding the meaning of the passage, or individually.
For students with disabilities, a small group will be
formed. A teacher will be placed with this group to read
the passage, as well as complete the timeline.
(include any instructional materials (e.g. worksheets, PowerPoints/Smart Board slides, etc.) needed to implement the
lesson at the end of the lesson plan.

PowerPoint, BrainPOP video (, Fighting for Freedom

passage (provided by the teacher), timeline, pencil, projector, computer, document camera
Reflection on lesson:
The lesson went very well. The students remained engaged throughout the lesson and were very intrigued by the
photographs that I presented during the PowerPoint. The only thing that I would change would be the format of the
timeline because it confused some of the students.

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