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Incorporated in October 1997, the Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (LA WRA) is a
tax-exempt non-profit organization consisting of professional and volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitators as well
as veterinarians, students. and other citizens with a concern for the welfare of wildlife in louisiana.

As a network of Professional Wildlife Rehabilitators. LAWRA is dedicated to the welfare of wild animals
and those who care for them.

LAWRA fulfills this purpose by:

• Providing a referral network and promoting the exchange of information and knowledge.
• Serving as a voice for louisiana wildlife rehabilitators in interactions within the wildlife
rehabilitation community and with government agencies, facilitating communication between par-
• Promoting and enhancing professionalism of louisiana's Wildlife Rehabilitators.
• Educating the general public about louisiana's wildlife and encoumging their respect and
appreciation of louisiana's wildlife, and also encouraging their assistance in the preservation of
Louisiana wildlife in the face of urban development and the loss of natural habitat.

Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

16925 George O'Neal Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70817
hltp :/lwww.lawraonline.eom
Non-Public Office Contact Number: 985-789-1061

To join, please fill out the following and mail with check to the P.O. Box above.
Yearly Membership Categories:
Lifetime Membership . S500.00 Library Membership (2 Non-Voting Memberships) S 10.00
Active Member (Full Benefits) . SIO.OO Student Member (18 years or older) S8.00
Family Membership (2 Members-same Ilousehold) S15.00 Donations arc accepted in any amount and greatly appreciated.

LAWRA Membership Application

Please list your areas of interest, expertise & any comments:
I ] i

- - -------1

[Phone Num ••••.'
-- (If Applicable) Rehabilitation Permil Number

[Fa, Numbe,-,---. ----- -----1

Reha6JlifutIoii Group Affilialion

I E.rnail Address:
-How Did ~u Find Oul.About CAwiiA.?
Wood you like information 00 beCOming a permitted Wildlife Rehabilitator?

tj ~

AlAilady Pe/lTlrtted

Would yoo be able to help transport injured and orphaned wildlife to lSU and
othe1' faCilities across lhe state? (more IntormalO'l will be pl'O\Iided if "yes" is checkecl)
Are their any specific projects you feel LAWRA needs 10 work on? Any needs thaI


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