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Is year 9 ks3 or ks4?

i was wondering if year 9 is ks3 or ks4 i hope you could help me.
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Hina answered 2 years ago

Yr 7,8 and 9 are KS3 and KS4 are yr 10 and 11

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GCSE two tier maths syllabus - Foundation

or Higher?
Deciding which to go for? If you are capable of a C , then try
for a B
GCSE maths comes as a foundation (1 hour 30 min) or a higher paper (1 hour 45
min) option. If you are capable of getting a 'safe' C, you can get that grade on
either paper. But go for the higher paper.

To get a C, on the GCSE maths foundation paper you need to get around 75%,
but only about 42% on the GCSE maths higher paper where the questions are
more demanding. Between taking your gcse maths mocks and the real thing
expect to improve your grade by at least one. So if you got a C for your mock
then you should be taking a higher paper. That's the only way you can get a B.

We have now developed a way of measuring the progress that individual pupils
have made between taking assessment tests when they are aged 14 and
generally in Year 9 (Key Stage 3) and GCSEs/GNVQs taken when they are aged 15
. We call this the value added measure. Value added measures are intended to
allow comparisons between schools with different pupil intakes.

Mathematics KS4
Mathematics (Edexcel): All students are entered for GCSE Mathematics which
is assessed by two examinations at the end of Year 11: one non-calculator and
one calculator. 30-40% of these papers have functional skills and problem solving

Although Mathematics is a compulsory subject for GCSE, we hope that students

will also enjoy the subject and gain much benefit from the course. Study at KS4
aims to equip students with mathematical competence and problem solving
strategies in the following areas:

Number and Algebra

Geometry and Measures
Statistics and Probability

The scheme is in the form of three tiers:

Entry Level: non GCSE certificate - designed for students gaining L2-3 at KS3
Foundation: GCSE Grades C-G - L3-5 at KS3
Higher: GCSE Grades A*-D - L 5-7+ at KS3

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