Fish Graphing

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5200:325 Early Childhood Practicum

Integrated Planned Experience (24 points)

Circle one (#1, #2)

Name Taylor Berkshire Site/Room East Gate Preschool

Age group 4 years Subject/Curriculum Area Math Date/Time Friday April 23 rd 9-11

This template is an expandable word document to help you organize you thinking as you incorporate theory into
practice. Complete and submit to your cooperating teacher for feedback and approval one week before
implementation. The goal is to develop an experience that invites children to discover or investigate a topic using
constructivist teaching strategies.

ODE Early Pre-K measurement and data standard: Collect data by categories to answer simple
Learning Standard questions.
(s) and indicators The students will be able to collect, organize, and analyze data collected using a
graphing sheet. They will be able to use their prior knowledge of knowing their colors
Science and sorting skills to complete the graph. Using their fine motor skills, they will be able to
place the colored goldfish in the correct box. They will a sense of belonging in this
Social Studies
project seeing that their peers are all doing the same thing as them. It gives off a happy
Developmental emotion and exciting to see that their graph will look different than their friend next to
Domain them but know they are still doing it correctly and are being praised.
1. Activity-
Students will first listen to a reading of One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish. This helps the
students to relate to their graphing activity. This makes them feel connected to sorting their fish
because of the book that was read to them. After the reading, students will be asked if theyve
had goldfish before, then when discovering they will be doing a project with the goldfish will
also help them feel connected.
3. Time- 15-20 min. Students will easily transition from the story read to them at circle by color
of chair to their seat. They then will transition from activity to center by when they finish eating
their goldfish when their graphing is finished.
Rainbow Goldfish
Paper graph template
Paper Plates

4. Choice Students get the choice of deciding if they want to graph just the whole fish cracker or
count the broken pieces too. They also get to decide if they want to eat the extra goldfish as they
go or wait to eat them all when they are all done.

English/ 5. Language and literacy: Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning and use
Language Arts symbols to represent thinking. The Goldfish graph the students have have the colored
Standards & fish symbol on them for students understand that they match their real rainbow goldfish
indicators pieces.
Home 6. Students will get to take their graphs home to graph their own rainbow goldfish or other
Connections colored objects on the graph. They can do this with their toys or other foods.
7. Teachers will walk around to observe each childs progress and test them with questions on
their completion. Ex. how many more red is their than orange? which colored fish has the

Cooperating Teacher Signature _______________________________ Date ___________________


Guided Reflection (12 points)

1. To what extent did the children learn what you wanted them to learn from this experience? How will you use
this information? Cite evidence from the experience which support your thinking.
The student truly surprised me on this experience. They jumped right in and began graphing their goldfish
without asking for any help or having any questions. They even were doing good to not eat their fish before
using them. They used their graph to answer questions like which colored fish has the most? without
counting the fish and just being able to glance at their graph. This gives insight they can be challenged more
with creating graphs, although this was their first time.

2. Did you depart from anything you planned during this experience? If so, when and why? Discuss how you
capitalized on teachable moments. In this experience I didnt have to depart from anything I planned,
everything went exactly as I planned them out to be. Nor was there any teachable moments.

3. In hindsight, if you were to plan this activity again for this group of children, what might you do differently
to increase student engagement/learning and why? OR What might you do the same and why?

I would of picked a different way for children to graph to challenge them more. Maybe instead of using their
fish to place on the graph, they would have to color the squares in to represent the amount each colored fish
they have.
5200:325 Early Childhood Practicum
Integrated Planned Experience/Reflection
Grading Rubric

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________________________________

Date PE implemented ______________________Site_________________________________________

1= Unacceptable 2=Acceptable 3= Accomplished

Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Learning Some learning objectives are Some activities are articulated as Objectives are well articulated
Objectives articulated. learning objectives. Some of the integrate learning domains and align
objectives integrate domains or are with ELCS standards/
supported by ELCS. developmental expectations,
activity, and assessment.
Activity Activities are procedures are Activities are developmentally Activity reflects needs, interests and
Rationale & articulated. Procedures encourage appropriate; maintain intellectual abilities of children; represent
Procedures children to assemble materials integrity; review knowledge or childs understanding of topic;
provided by the teacher. Pencil and practice skill. Procedures are aligns with standards; introduce new
paper activity with little articulated. knowledge or skill; fosters self-
manipulation of primary source regulated behavior. Procedures are
material. well articulated and easy to follow.
Inquiry teaching strategy, first hand
experience with primary sources.
Time/Choice/ Time inappropriate for activity; Appropriate time devoted to Open ended activity provides choice
Material material or no choice in process or activity; unique or novel material of process, product or material. OR
product produced through activity with which child can represent First hand experience with primary
understanding of the topics. source materials. OR Clearly
articulated developmentally
appropriate rationale for closed
ended activity.
Language & No intentional opportunities for Intentional opportunities for some Intentional multiple opportunities
Early Literacy communication or no English/LA communication. English/LA for communication (listening,
Skills standards to support opportunity standards are cited. speaking, reading & writing)
supported by appropriate. English/

Home No opportunities articulated to Plan includes one way opportunity Plan includes opportunities to
Connections develop relationship with family. for connection with family develop reciprocal relationships
with families.
Assessment Evaluation not developmentally Evaluation plan will enable Evaluation plan is developmentally
appropriate or evaluation does not candidate to determine the extent appropriate, systematic, aligned to
align with learning goals or activity of student learning; aligned activity and ELCS.
or ELCS. activity or ELCS.
Reflection Candidate responds to reflection Candidate responds to most Candidate responds to all reflection
questions demonstrates superficial reflection questions. Reflection questions. Responses demonstrate
understanding of the instructional demonstrates essential in-depth understanding of the
incident. understanding of the instructional interaction of teaching and learning.
incident. Some evidence is cited. Candidate articulates how the
information will be used to inform
instruction. Evidence is cited to
support candidates thinking.
Professionalism Plan was not approved one week Plan was approved a week before Plan is approved by cooperating
before implementation or not implementation but not submitted teacher one week before
submitted with reflection one week with reflection one week after implementation and submitted with
after implementation. implementation. Plan was reflection one week after
approved in less than one week implementation.
before implementation but
submitted with reflection one
week after implementation.

University Of Akron
Early Childhood Practicum Lab Evaluation and Reflection (10pts)

Candidate _____________________________Field Site________________________

Cooperating Teacher ______________________________________________

The candidate will complete this two page checklist and submit to cooperating teacher before the final conference.
Cooperating Teacher =
Candidate = X
Rating Scale
DS = TARGET/DEMONSTRATED SKILL: High level of expertise for teacher candidate (Uses skill
in appropriate situations most of the time; goes above and beyond what is expected most of the time,
demonstrates pattern of self-initiation)
SK = ADEQUATE/ SKILL DEVELOPING: Average level for teacher candidate. (Inconsistent
practice; eager to assist; showing initiative some of the time; candidate should continue adding
knowledge and refining skills)
LS = UNACCEPTABLE/ LACKING SKILL: Little progress shown during lab experience.
(Candidate challenged by field experience and needs to put special effort into developing skill)
1.Demonstrates an understanding of student learning and development, and demonstrates
respect for diversity of students
2. Communicates clearly and concisely to students. Clearly informs students of
expectations and initiates planned routines and procedures effectively.
3.Expresses interest and enthusiasm about the subject and children

4.Scaffolds student learning by using appropriate open-ended questions and prompts to

stimulate thinking, information-seeking and problem solving
5.Planned experiences provide concrete, first-hand learning and active exploration of
challenging content worthy of childrens time and effort
6.Uses appropriate observation methods to assess students development and
achievement before and after lesson
7.Has a professional rapport with students; animated ;avoids use of criticism and
sarcasm; uses good common sense
8.Serves as positive role model for students (uses Standard English in written and oral
9.Works well with other teachers, staff and administrators of school or center

10.Submits planned experiences to cooperating teacher for approval on assigned due

date. Completes tasks and assignments on time
11.Shows inclination to self-evaluate and accurately critique own performance

12.Verbalizes knowledge of specific child development principles, DAP guideline or

standards as rationale for use of particular technique or action in a given situation.
13.Demonstrates flexibility rather than rigidity in teaching to reflect particular needs of
the children, classroom occurrences, or teachable moments.
Please mark the following areas on the continuum.
(High) 3 2 1 (Low)

vigorous, enthusiastic adequate energy, interested listless, disinterested

15. Cooperation________________________/_______________/_____________________________
shows initiative accepts responsibility evades responsibility
16. Employability Skills
arrives/departs on time prior notification absent without prior
excused absence notification

17. Grooming
exceptionally well groomed acceptably groomed and dressed inappropriate in
and/ or

Final Conference Generate five statements

Candidates Strengths and Challenges: (Can be self-initiated suggestions or
teacher initiated comments)






Cooperating Teacher Conference Date _____________________


Candidate Signature Date ____________________________

5200:325 Early Childhood Practicum Time Sheet

Candidate _________________________________Site _____________________

Semester ________________________ Hours ____________________________

Date Arrival Time Departure Time Hours Cooperating Teacher


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