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Classroom Management Plan

Grade- 5 2017
My philosophy regarding classroom management endorses proactivity
instead of reactivity. I believe being able to anticipation and intuition is
key to being able to read and handle your classroom. The first step in
in creating the ability to anticipate your students is developing
relationships, know your students, understand their home life, how
they socialize, if they have some type of exceptionality. Then you need
to let your students know that you care for them and have an invested
interest in their success. Having a student know they are valued and
there are expectations of them is a proactive way to avoid classroom
problems. I will implement a step-by-step management plan that will
be fair and courteous to the student. Expectations will be established
and up-held by the students. There is no room for punishment in a
classroom, a teacher must deal with students in a positive and
respectful manner that ensures and preserves student dignity.

Positive Relationships

It is essential that I learn the students names quickly. This allows

students to feel important and valued, an integral part of developing
relationships. Gain a feel for the students and the classroom dynamic,
from that create an appropriate seating plan. I will change the seating
plan every few weeks or when is necessary to keep the classroom
atmosphere fresh.

The first day students will fill out an interests form. This will help me
gain an understanding about what each student values and finds
interesting. I will also send a letter home to their parents about who I
am, along with my email and encourage them to contact me about any
concerns. I believe there should be an open wave of communication
between the teacher, student, and parents.

Body Position/Language

Each day I will bring an energetic and positive attitude to the

classroom and this in turn will infect my students with the same values.
My body language will be open and approachable, I will avoid putting
my hands in my pocket or crossing my arms, making myself more
available to my students. To be proactive as mentioned above I will
ensure that I avoid having my back to the classroom and are
continually scanning the classroom. That means I need to be aware of
how I position myself at the front of the class or writing on the board.
Day Schedule
Monday- Thursday
Period 1: 8:29-9:19
Period 2: 9:21-10:11
Period 3: 10:13- 11:03
Lunch 11:03-11:48
Period 4: 11:51- 12:41
Period 5: 12:43-1:33
Recess 2:25-2:35
Period 6: 1:46-2:36
Period 7 2:38-2:28

Period 1: 8:29- 9:19
Period 2: 9:20-10:09
Recess 10:09-10:31
Period 3: 10:34- 11:22
Period 4: 11:25-12:13

Attention- getting procedures

Count down from 5
Turn lights on and off
Clap the beat
Put your hand in the air
Erase points off the score chart

Classroom Expectations
Students will arrive to class on time
Students will come to class prepared
- textbook
- reading book
- pens/pencils
- binder
Students will sit in their assigned seat plan and wait for class to

Start of Day:
I will greet the students as they come into the classroom. Students will
rise for the singing of O Canada and then listen quietly to the daily
Start of Class:
Students will sit quietly in their desk and be ready for the game- 5

End of Class:
Students will gather their belongings and ensure their desk area is
clean. If it is not clean their row can lose points from the 5 question

End of Day:
The last class will ensure that the classroom is cleaned and chair are
either tucked in or placed on top of the desk.

Students are expected to raise their hand to answer or ask a question.
If an answer or question is blurted out I will instruct the student to
raise their hand and will not answer their question until they raise their

Change of Activity:
Inform the students that it is time to move on to the next activity and
they need to place their work either in their folder/box/ or binder.
Instruct students where their attention needs to be directed. (Book,
video, computers etc)

Distribution of Materials:
Teacher will hand out any special materials the students needs.
Assignments will be handed in to a designated area specified by the

Leaving Classroom/ Emergencies:

Students will ask the teacher if they are permitted to leave the
classroom, the teacher will use their judgment to decide whether it is
necessary for the student to leave. The student will be instructed to
return in a timely manner.

Students will enter the classroom prepared and quietly. The student
will be caught up on work missed. If there is work for them to
complete it may be sent home with a sibling.

Cell Phones/Communication Technology:

Cell phones or any other type of technology unless specified should not
be used during class time. These devices should stay out of sight
unless specified by the teacher.

Classroom Behavior:
Students will be expected to work individually on assignments unless
specified by the teacher. This work will be completed quietly and
efficiently. If the student finishes their work have them complete
another sponge activity until the rest of the class finishes.

Missing/late homework or assignments:

First determine why the homework or assignment was late. Then
inform the student why it is important to hand thing in on time. If this
type of action becomes a trend write a note in the childs agenda to
receive more support from home and if necessary keep them in for
portions of recess or lunch until the assignment is complete.

Student illness or injury:

Depending on the severity of the injury or illness the student will be
sent to the office or infirmary to receive the necessary attention.
Ensure that the teacher of the next class is informed on the situation.

Fire Drills: refer to emergency binder on the back of the homeroom

class door

Lockdown: refer to emergency binder on the back of the homeroom

class door

Physical Education Management

Classroom management is a pivotal aspect of a physical
education class due to the high-energy nature of physical activity. A
teacher needs to have effective classroom management so that
transitions between activities go smoothly, this ensures that students
are maximizing the time that they are being physically active. I plan on
having effective classroom management by having detailed lesson
plans, being prepared before class and having creative activities. I will
also do my best to get to know my students on a personal level
because I believe that being intuitive with your students is an
important aspect of classroom management. If you know you have a
group of students who just are not engaged in your lesson you might
change it up to something you know they enjoy. A class that is enjoying
your activities is going to be attentive and your classroom
management will flourish from that.
As soon as the student enter the gym I will take their attendance,
ensure they are properly changed and ready for PE. Depending on the
unit I may allow students to engage in activity as I mark them down.
Establishing this routine will give students more time to play,
something constructive to engage in, and help with my classroom
management. Student will then know that once everyone is attended
for to take the appropriate actions to perform the warm up for that day.
By establishing this routine students will have a tentative guide for the
first 10 minutes of the class.
I will incorporate music into the warm-up when applicable to help
foster a fun atmosphere that students are engaged in. All songs will be
appropriate for the classroom and perhaps even themed like a
Throwback Thursday or Top 40 Hits.
At the beginning of the class I will go over the tentative schedule
I have created. Having students know a basic idea of what is going to
happen in the class will allow them to process what is going to happen
and help create smoother transitions.
At the beginning of the unit students will fill out a personal
survey on what types of activities they enjoy, this will allow my self to
get a better understanding of the student. From the survey I will be
able to establish if any students participate in other sports where I can
go and watch. To ensure I foster positive relationships with my students
Ill take time at the beginning of every class to ask how they are and
take interest in their personal lives.
Motivation will be increase through a multitude of activities. As
mentioned above music will be an external motivator for student, I
believe that using music is an extremely effective way to increase
overall motivation. I want to focus on teaching games from
understanding and allowing students to have more touches, further
increasing their motivation. I also want to incorporate energized
introductions that will excite students at the beginning of class about
the lesson.

- students may be able to engage in activity before warm up
Introduction to class activity/ topic
Sport specific warm up
Class content

Distribution of Equipment
Students will be given enough equipment to partake in the activity
plan. Excess materials will not be given out to ensure equipment stays
in the best shape it can. Students who wish to use equipment during
lunchtime and recess may do so by coming to the gym and signing out
a ball. After recess has ended the student will return the ball and sign
off that they did so. After each semester an equipment room check will
be conducted to ensure all materials are present.


ADHA 51,52,54 Student Chill Out Plan- personalized outlet

pervasive may to deal with stress, This could
patterns of appear to include music, going for a walk,
inattention, be writing a journal entry, reading a
impulsive restless, book, squeezing a ball.
and/or distracte Fidget Toys- have fidget toys such
hyperactivity d, as stress balls, wooden beads,
that is more forgetful, strings and elastic and accessible
frequent and squirmin for students in the classroom.
severe than g or Cue system- set up a certain cue
is typically fidgeting, that
observed in acting
individuals without
at a thinking,
comparable blurting
level of out,
development limited
. confidenc
g and
g tasks

ODD Code: 42 Loses temper

A pattern of Touchy/easily Remain calm and
angry/irritable mood, annoyed collected:
argumentative/defian Angry and Do not get into an
t behaviour or resentful arguing match with
vindictiveness the student. This
Lasting at least 6 Argues often behavior feeds into the
months with authority students with ODD.
Exhibited during figures/adults Use a quiet and
interaction with at Actively defies controlled voice and
least one person who or refuses to make one request at a
is not a sibling comply with time in close
adult rules proximity.
regularly Avoid the power
Deliberately struggle and verbal
annoys others exchanges
Blames others for
his/her mistakes Classroom Routines:
Provide a predictable
Has been spiteful classroom
or vindictive at environment where
least twice in past the student know what
6 months is expected of them
throughout the day.
This subtle on-going
routines and rules
management provides
structure for the
student to learn.

Give opportunity for
the student to learn
self-advocacy skills,
self-monitoring skills,
independence and
confidence when
appropriate. Set
appropriate goals with
the student for him/her
to strive to achieve
and specific feedback
along the way.

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