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History of Athletics

World Wide
Athletics is often used synonymously with any sporting activity, but
in most cases, athletics refers primarily to track-and-field events
that involve running, jumping or throwing. Those athletic events are
most closely associated with the Olympics, but competition in these
sports is held at the youth level, high school, college, and
professional ranks all year round throughout the world.

The Ancient Greeks

The first Olympics in ancient Greece go back at least as far as the
eighth or ninth century B.C. While such sports as boxing and
equestrian events were included, most of the events were those
now classified under athletics or track and field. They included
running, jumping, discus and the javelin. Those four, plus wrestling,
made up the pentathlon. The running events included "stades,"
which were essentially sprints from one end of the stadium to the
other, a distances of about 190 meters; two-stade races; longer-
distance races of between seven and 24 stades; and a two- or four-
stade race in which the competitors wore armor.

The Modern Olympics

Running and other athletic events have long been a part of many
cultures, but in the 19th century, such activities were becoming
more popular, particularly in Europe and the United States. School
curricula included athletics and in 1896, the first Modern Olympics
were held in Athens, Greece. Events included the 100-meters, 400
meters, 800 meters, 1,500 meters, 110-meter hurdles, pole vault,
discus, shot put, javelin, long jump, triple jump and high jump.
Fourteen nations were represented.
Growth of Athletics
After the 1896 Olympics, the popularity of athletics, or rather, a
revival of athletic competition, took place around the world. National
athletics federations from 17 countries got together to form an
international governing body and in 1912, the International Amateur
Athletic Federation was born. For many years, the pinnacle of
athletics competition was the Summer Olympics. But in the 1970s,
more world championships in various events began to take place,
helping to maintain interest in track and field every year.

21st Century Organization

By 2011, nearly 50 outdoor and 25 indoor events fall under the
IAAF's authority and rules. Some events, such as the 50-meter
sprint, are no longer part of major athletic competitions, but remain
part of school programs. Some events have been modified through
the years and races of many varying distances are contested every
year. In addition to the 26.2 miles of the marathon, there is a 13.1-
mile half-marathon. There are men's and women's competitions in
almost every event. Men, however, can compete in the 10-event
decathlon, while women have the seven-event heptathlon.

Running, walking, jumping, throwing - sport at its most pure.
Athletics dates back as long as people have been doing these
The earliest evidence of athletics goes back to 3800 BC in Memphis
(EGY) and has continued in various forms including the ancient
Olympics to todays highly organised competitions with its up to
date technology and business. It also includes the relaxed form of
fun athletics where people compete purely for the love of it or its
exercise value. Athletics is now totally inclusive providing for juniors,
seniors, masters and disabled. Athletics has spanned time and
Australia has been a place for much athletic participation, both at
the elite and recreational levels.
Evidence shows Australia's indigenous people, the Aboriginals,
engaged in athletics events. These were based around survival skills
such as spear and boomerang throwing, mock fights, a form of
soccer and hockey and tree climbing.

When Australia was colonised in 1788, European settlers bought
with them athletics competition familiar to what we know today.

The earliest record of athletics competition is from 1810 in Hyde
Park, Sydney where Dicky Dowling won a sprint race over 50 yards.
Professional athletics (called pedestrianism) grew considerably
around this time. Stories of huge crowds placing enormous wagers
on the success of incredible feats of athletes paint a colourful
picture of the sport in these early days.

Mid 1800's
Professional foot racing boomed particularly in the gold rush towns
of New South Wales and Victoria. Miners raced against each other in
handicapped races for the gift of a gold nugget offered by the mine
owner. "Gift" races were born.
Long distance walking was very popular in the late 1800s. W.
Edwards won a 100 miles race in 24 hours in 1878. In 1882 he won
a six-day tournament over 432 miles around Melbourne.
Amateur athletics on the other hand had to attract athletes who
would compete for no financial return. The Grammar Schools of
Sydney and Melbourne were proponents of the amateur side of the
The first amateur athletics club in Australia was formed in Adelaide
in 1867. Called the Adelaide Amateur Athletic Club it held regular
athletics meetings and other clubs were formed soon after.

Late 1800's
As clubs began to develop, there became need for a governing body.
This was first recognised in New South Wales and on 20 April 1887
at a meeting in Oxford Street Sydney, the honorary secretary of
Ashfield Amateur Athletic Club moved "it is desirable to form an
association to be called the Amateur Athletics Association of New
South Wales to take the management of amateur athletic sports in
the colony." Other states followed suit.

1896 - Present
The National body, the amateur Athletic Union of Australasia was
formed in 1897, now known as Athletics Australia. Australia loves
champions and over the years, athletics has provided many. At the
first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, Australia's Edwin
Flack won the 800m and 1500m - Australia's first Olympic gold
Some of Australia's greatest household names have come from the
track - Herb Elliott, Betty Cuthbert, Shirley Strickland de la Hunty,
Marjorie Jackson, Ron Clarke, John Landy, Raelene Boyle, Robert de
Castella and of courseour most recent champion, Cathy Freeman.

Athletics Australia. (2016). History of Athletics Australia. Retrieved

What is Athletics?

Track & Field Events

Athletics track and field events have been the part of the Olympics
since its commencement in 1896. The word Athletics has been
derived from the Greek word "athlos" meaning "contest". The track
and field events have always been popular among the general
public. In all athletics track and field events in the Olympics, the
stands are always full with the spectators.

Track Events
Track events parts of the Olympic Schedule are 100 meter sprint for
men, 100 meter sprint for women, 200 meter sprint for men, 200
meter sprint for women, 400 meter sprint for men, 400 meter sprint
for women, 800 meter event for men, 800 meter event for women,
1500 meter event for men, 1500 meter event for women, 5000
meter event for men, 5000 meter event for women, 10000 meter
event for men, 10000 meter event for women, Marathon for women,
Women 80-meter hurdle, Women 100-meter hurdle, Women 400-
meter hurdle, Women 3000-meter steeplechase, 110 meter hurdle
for men, 400 meter hurdle for men, 3000 meter steeplechase for
men, 4x100 meter relay event for men, 4x100 meter relay event for
women, 4x400 meter relay event for men, and 4x400 meter relay
event for women.

Field Events
The athletics field events played in the Olympics are Long Jump for
men, Long Jump for women, Triple Jump for men, Triple Jump for
women, High Jump for men, High Jump for women, Shot Put for men,
Shot Put for women, Discus Throw for men, Discus Throw for
women, Hammer Throw for men, Hammer Throw for women, Javelin
Throw for men, and Javelin Throw for women.

Road Events
The two athletics road events part of the Olympics schedule are
Marathon for men and Marathon for women.

Combined Events
The two combined events of athletics in the Olympics are Decathlon
for men and Heptathlon for women.
Olympics. (n.d) Track and field events. Retrieved from

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