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Internship Journal

Name: Lucy Ellis

Site: Virginia Garcia Memorial Center
Intern Week 1
Dates: January 31, 2017 and February 2, 2017
Total Hours: 15 hours

Daily Entries

Day One: Tuesday January 31, 2017, 12:00PM-7:00PM (Hours: 7)

Todays goal was to introduce me to the site, the people that work there, the resources
available to workers, and current projects. My supervisor, Julia Solano, introduced me to each
person present and gave me a description of what types of things they work on. After
introductions, Julia showed me around the office and work center. She showed me various
departments at the facility such as the Pharmacy, Labs, 4 team offices, Vision Clinic, and the
Gym. At the facility they are split up into 4 teams- orange, blue green and purple team. During
my first day I was able to follow around a Medical Assistant named Diana who works for the
Orange team. Diana had roughly 15 patients to see that day and get them ready for either a
well child exam or a specific visit to the facility. During the day we were up on our feet a lot
going from patient to patient. I got to witness Diana give multiple people immunizations and
she taught me how to take vital signs. Dianas typical day she usually sees 10 people, but today
she was especially busy, she taught me how to manage and work the computer system, and
what is expected of the MAs at Virginia Garcia. At the conclusion of the day Julia and I
discussed what I had learned and what I would be doing the next time I interned.

Day Two: Thursday February 2, 2017, 11:00AM-7:00PM (Hours: 8)

Today I shadowed an RN named Sandra who is apart of the Purple team at Virginia Garcia,
Sandra graduated from Linfield (where I will be attending) so not only did I learn a lot about the
duties of an RN at Virginia Garcia, but I learned about Linfield. Most of the RNs at the facility
take phone calls to confirm appointments and to attain information about a patient that will be
coming in, rarely do they have any procedures or walk ins. Luckily enough, Sandra had one walk
in which I was able to observe and help her with. Sandra also went over vital signs with me and
what her normal day looks like, Sandra's day as a nurse is not at all what I expected. She rarely
sees any patients but every day she runs a program called Super Heroes which helps
overweight children set goals to be healthy and fit, it was interesting learning about that
because I think bonding with a patient and learning more about them can really help their
health and you to get a better understanding of what they go through on a day to day basis.
When concluding my 15 hour internship with Virginia Garcia's Memorial Center, I thanked
everyone for their time and compassion spent teaching me and letting me have this
Name: Lucy Ellis
Site: Metro West Ambulance
Date: March 27, 2017
Total Hours: 12 hours

Monday March 27, 2016, 4:00 AM- 4:00 PM (Hours: 12)

During my EMS ride along today it was extremely fast speed and interesting. Our first stop was
30 minutes into our shift and was at a nursing home due to the fact that a man had fallen out of
bed. Later on we found out that he has muscular dystrophy. The firefighters responded to the
emergency before us (as they generally do) and we left. Our main emergency of the day was a
person who was intoxicated on some type of opioid, they did not know where they were and
they had a laceration on their right ankle. While transporting them in the ambulance, one of
the paramedics on the ride along gave him some Narcan to try and sober the patient up.
Throughout the rest of the day it was generally quiet, we only saw two more patients and they
were older people who fell in their nursing homes. One potentially broke their ankle and the
other ended up being alright. During my ride along I learnt what a typical day can look like,
which you do not really know, some days are awfully busy others not. Additionally I learned
about certain medications and the uses for them and that you have to document every detail
you know about a patient and what happened. To finish off the shift we drove back to the
station and cleaned out the ambulance.

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