Kindergarten Lesson Plan

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Kindergarten Lesson Plan Outline

Our Important Teeth

Rock Creek Elementary School
Mrs. Owensons Kindergarten Class
Room 1105

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Program Length: Approx. 25-30 min

Presenter: Emily Hummel

Kindergarten Dental Hygiene Lesson

Title: Our Important Teeth

Assessment: Mrs. Owensons kindergarten class has 21 students.

The students are male and female, and around 5 and 6 years old. The
majority of this class resides in Ankeny and is Caucasian. They have a
basic understanding of germs and hygiene. The majority of the class is
working on reading and sounding out words while a small group of the
class can read at a higher level. Mrs. Owensons class is located at
3800 NW Abilene Road, Ankeny, IA. Parking is located in the front of
the school. When you approach the school there is a button next to
the camera you must push to be let in. A drivers license is required to
check in. The lesson will be will be presented in one session requiring
approximately 30 minutes to complete. The room has six tables,
carpet seating arrangement, a small group table, and projectors for

Statement of Purpose: Oral health is important to teach at a young

age. Promoting good oral hygiene while young will help kids keep their
teeth healthier and longer. Although they may be brushing and
flossing every day the proper technique may not be utilized. Teaching
them the proper techniques will ensure they are thoroughly keeping
their teeth clean and healthy.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Students will understand proper brushing techniques and the
importance of brushing
Objective 1.1: 80% of the students will be able to demonstrate
the proper brushing technique
Objective 1.2: Students as a class will be able to identify the
proper brushing technique

Goal 2: Students will understand proper flossing techniques and the

importance of flossing
Objective 2.1: 90% of the students will be able to correctly
demonstrate the proper flossing technique and understand the
damage floss can cause if used incorrectly.
Objective 2.2: 100% of the students will be able to give me one
thing that can go wrong when flossing incorrectly.

Goal 3: Students will understand what fluoride is and how it helps

keep our teeth strong.
Objectives 3.1: 90% of the students will be able to list at least
two ways they receive fluoride

Hey class, I am back to see you to talk to you about your teeth
again! To start, raise your hand if you remember what we talked
about last time I was here? Have any of you been choosing
healthier snacks and drinking more water? What were some of
the foods we talked about last time? Since you all have nice and
healthy smiles I want to make sure you all know how to keep
your teeth shiny and healthy. So today I am going to talk about
how to brush and floss the right way, what may happen if you
dont brush and floss the right way, and some special stuff called
fluoride and how it helps our teeth!
(Floor seats)

Lesson Body:
1) We are going to start with a little activity. Remember last time
I came around the room and took pictures of all your beautiful
smiles? Well I am going to hold up a photo of a smile and if
you think the picture is you then you raise your hand. I will
then call out the name of who it is and you will come up and
get your picture. Before you sit down I want you to tell me
one thing you do to keep your teeth clean! (Hold up each
photo/name on back of photo)

a) Brushing technique: When brushing you want to have a

soft toothbrush. You put the toothbrush bristles on your
teeth and move the brush in small circles! You need to
brush the front, back, and top of the teeth! When your
done brushing your teeth there is one more thing to
brush! Do you know what that is? The tongue! Brushing
your tongue gets rid of germs and helps your breath
smell good!
b) (I will demonstrate to them different ways of brushing/
they will choose correct demonstration)
-Brush up and down fast with teeth together
-Brush wildly around
-Brush correctly
c) Have the students demonstrate to me.

2) Why do you think we floss? Its to get all the spots we cant
reach with a toothbrush. The floss goes right through those
tight spaces that our toothbrush bristles cant get to!

a) So to reach all those tight hidden spots we have to use the

floss in a certain way. We have to make our floss look like
a c!

b) Everyone hold up a fist. Pretend like your fist is your tooth.

Now with your other hand hold up your hand flat and
pretend your flat hand is floss. Hold your flat hand up
against your fist. The floss cant clean all of the spots we
need it to clean when we keep it straight/flat. With your
floss hand make the shape of a c. Now hold your c
shaped floss hand up against the tooth hand. See how the
c shape can reach all these areas that we couldnt reach
while keeping the floss straight! Thats why the c shape
is so important, so we reach every little spot!

c) When you get the floss around the tooth you want to lightly
move up and down. If you snap the floss down hard it
could hurt your gums, and doing a sawing motion could
also hurt your gums.

d) Demonstrate with mouth model and floss

3) Fluoride
a) Fluoride is a mineral found in water. Fluoride is like
vitamins for your teeth! Remember the germs we talked
about last time? Fluoride helps fight those germs and
keeps them from making cavities on your teeth! So when
we drink water it helps clean off our teeth and fights
germs! Toothpaste also has fluoride in it so every time you
brush your teeth you are giving your teeth those vitamins
they need to stay strong. Does anyone remember getting
sticky stuff put on your teeth at the dentist office? That
stuff they put on your teeth is also fluoride!

b) So after the hygienist cleans your teeth they might put

fluoride on your teeth! They will open the little package
and pull out a brush. Just a soft little brush. They dip the
brush into the fluoride then paint it onto your teeth! When
all of your teeth are painted they will feel sticky! (Apply
fluoride to tooth model)

4) Coloring page
a) In a minute you are going to go back to your seat and I am
going to hand out a coloring page for you guys to work on
while I come around the room and have each of you practice
brushing and flossing with the stuff I brought.
b) Go around room allowing kids to practice brushing with
laminated smile and cotton ball toothbrush and flossing
mouth model

5) Closure
Great job class! Lets review what we learned today.
a) Proper brushing techniques, which was circular
b) Proper flossing technique, which was in the shape of
a c
c) Fluoride, which was vitamins that keep your teeth

Im sending you each home with activity sheets for you to do at

home with your parents! I hope you will continue brushing and flossing,
and use the ways that I showed you today! With everything I have
taught you today and last time I was here, you all should have clean
healthy teeth for a very long time! Thank you all for listening and
being such good helpers today!

Goal 1: Students will understand proper brushing techniques and the
importance of brushing
Objective 1.1: 80% of the students demonstrated the proper
brushing technique
Objective 1.2: Students as a class identified the proper
brushing technique
Goal 2: Students will understand proper flossing techniques and the
importance of flossing
Objectives 2.1: 90% of the students were able to correctly
demonstrate the proper flossing technique and understand the
damage floss can cause if used incorrectly.
Objective 2.2: 100% of the students were able to give me one
thing that can go wrong when flossing incorrectly.

Goal 3: Students will understand what fluoride is and how it helps

keep our teeth strong.
Objectives 3.1: 90% of the students listed two ways they
receive fluoride

Materials List/ Teaching Aids

a) Photos of each of the kids smiles
b) Laminated pictures of smiles/ cotton ball/wood stick
c) Poster boards with happy and sad tooth
d) Mouth model
e) Mouth model/Fluoride
f) Coloring sheet

Instructional Aids:
Photos of kids smiles (allowing them to come to the front of the room
to explain one thing they do to keep their teeth clean)

Laminated teeth and cotton ball toothbrushes for demonstrations

Sad tooth and Happy tooth.

Coloring Activity

Attached is the packet sent home with students:

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Today a presentation was held for your childs class stressing the
importance of oral health and the proper techniques to use.

They learned:
-Proper brushing
-Proper flossing
-Fluoride, and how it helps our teeth
Please take some time to discuss with your child the things they
learned today!

Proper oral hygiene tremendously impacts your childs teeth. Brushing,

flossing, and fluoride help promote a healthy oral environment.
Drinking water throughout the day also helps cleanse the teeth and
keeps your child hydrated!

Attached is an activity for your child

Dental Hygiene Student

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