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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
US Postal Paid
Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 58, No.29 July 18, 2010

14 Respond. Will You? Adam Faughn
Joe Adams
What a joy to work at camp each sum- worship. He was baptized on the Monday 773-2331
mer! The great Bible teaching is just part of camp.
of what makes camp so special. Our Johny Baker
young people always conduct themselves Kevin Combs became a Christian on Tues- 758-7654
well, and they show servant’s hearts day. Kevin has been visiting with us for sev-
Ralph Brewer
throughout the week. I’m grateful that eral weeks, and was also named the Best
the elders allow me to have a part in the Boy Camper by the staff.
Worship With Us entire week of camp! Kayla Roberts was baptized Wednesday Wayne Davidson
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM night. She is the 758-2705
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM It was a joy to watch seven
young people be baptized youngest daughter of Earl Flynn
for the forgiveness of sins Tim and Linda Rob- 889-1659
during the week at camp. erts, and is a truly
Two of those, Derek Ev- special young lady. Ted Fox
Adam Faughn ans and Kaiser West, are 754-7607
Ashley Smith was
(...continued from front page) but it never gets old!” He agreed, and we talked from Pearlington, Missis- baptized on Thurs- Steve Ledbetter
In addition to these 7 individuals who became Chris- about the excitement we get each time we see sippi, and will be great day. This special 889-8614
tians, we were also blessed to see 7 who responded one become a Christian. assets to that congregation young lady visits with
in a public way asking for prayers of forgiveness and Each time we meet for worship, there are some, which we support. us often and is a Jim Schroeder
restoration. Those seven were: Courtney Roberts, both younger and older, who have yet to let The other five new Chris- great part of our 754-8990
Melissa Wilson, Andrea Grigsby, Cassidy Schow, Christ forgive them of sins through baptism. tians are associated with camp each summer.
Jakobe Reed, Callie Cornell, and Austin Nichols. Cliff Wilson
Some offer excuse after excuse, realizing what us at Lebanon Road, and I pray that you Katie Grace Thompson is the daughter of 889-6477
That’s 14 who responded in a public way. Only the they need to do, but simply failing to comply. will make each feel welcome, and will Steve and Mary Catherine Thompson. Ka-
Lord knows how many others made private decisions Let these young people serve as an example to encourage them as they begin their tie Grace is a great young lady who is will-
to seek Him more, or to work harder to remove sin you! They saw their need for salvation. They Christian walk. ing to serve in so many areas. She was bap-
from their lives. With each response that we were knew that Christ was the only answer. The tized on Thursday, as well. Pulpit Minister
Lorne Woods is one of the grandsons of
able to witness, though, the rest of us were encour- learned that baptism saves us. Then, with humil- Adam Faughn
Paul and Libby Woods. While he lives a (continued on back page…)
aged to live better, and to be a better example. ity and gratitude, they submitted and were bap- few miles away, he often comes here for 973-4483

As we were embracing and talking following one of tized for the forgiveness of sins. Outreach Minister
the baptisms, I was speaking with one of our great Stop making excuses, and come to the Savior Sunday Sermon Preview Harry Middleton
counselors, Wayne Gordon. I said something along immediately. Don’t delay! 292-3164
these lines: “Every time this happens, I’m amazed. AM: ...For His Name’s Sake
It’s so simple, and it only takes a couple of seconds, Youth Minister
PM: Isaiah Saw God JD Buckner
(731) 336-4768
Sick List Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton JD’S Jargon
 Tom Brown is shut-in and not feeling well. No Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185 ) THY RIGHT HAND As has already been expressed so well,
Visitors Please. Opening Prayer: Mark Pugh Matt. 5:30 there is simply no way to say enough thank
 Tommy Goddard is at home doing therapy after Read Scripture: Sonny Gossett Let us ask: yous for all the hard work done at camp last
knee surgery. Closing Prayer: Jim Schroeder week! A special “Thank You” goes to Mike
 Rose Ledbetter is at Vanco Manor room 301 for Sermon: Adam Faughn What is it? Your hand, a member of your body, Markwood for putting together the camp
rehab. represents a sin that has become a part of your life—
Song Leader: Richard Roberson
your very self. Your right hand, a most useful mem- video that we enjoyed last Sunday night.
Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) ber, stands for your most practiced sin, your dearest We still have a lot of exciting things
Bruce Reid 1 sin. It may be one of many sins: (1) Hatred, (Matt. planned for the remainder of the summer.
Sympathy Bob Butler 2 5:21-24) (2) Adultery, (Matt. 5:27-28) (3) Swearing, On Monday, July 19th, a number of us will
We express our sympathy to Loretta Smith on the pass- Ron Bacon 3 (Matt. 5:33-37) (4) Retaliation. (Matt. 5:38-42) (5)
ing of her mother, Lillie Hooper. The funeral was Tues- Drunkenness, (Gal. 5:21) (6) Neglect, (James 4:17). leave for Forest City, North Carolina. We
Ralph Brewer 4
day at West Harpeth Funeral Home. What should you do with it? “And if thy right will be conducting a VBS on Saturday, July
Lynn Wright 5
hand causeth thee to stumble, cut it off and cast it from 24th, as well as making preparations for a
David Cook 6
Thank You thee.” Renounce your darling sin---repent of it. Cut it
gospel meeting the following week. We will
Joseph Barefoot 7 off from you life.---Some are willing to give up any sin
 Thank you so very much for all the thoughts, Tim Mullican 8 but their darling sin (Col. 3:5-11). be doing repairs and landscaping around the
prayers, cards, and calls. It all meant so much to Sunday Evening (Contact: Steve 553-2804) Why? “For it is profitable for thee that one of thy building as well, so be ready to work hard!
me. I hope to be back soon. Love to all, Shirley members should perish and not thy whole body to go We hope that many of you will make the ef-
Opening Prayer: Johny Baker
Ferry into hell. It is better for you to give up your darling sin
Closing Prayer: Tim Roberts that to lose your soul fort to come be a part of a great week of ser-
Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker Illustration: Loose a cork ten feet under the vice and encouragement for the congregation
Mission Trip Sermon: Adam Faughn water; it will come to the surface. Loose a cork one in Forest City.
PRAY FOR THE SUCCESS Song Leader: Richard Roberson hundred feet under water; it will come to the sur- We are having a great summer at
face. But loose a cork two hundred feed under the wa-
OF OUR MISSIONARY TRIP Serving Lord’s Supper (Room)
ter; it will descend to the bottom---the pressure above is Lebanon Road! I pray that each of us will
Ted Fox 1 so great. remember to continually seek ways to serve,
Forest City, North Carolina Roger Reaves 2 Application: A man may become so set to his regardless of where we are and what our tal-
sin that he cannot rise, but will descent to the darkness
July 19-29 of hell. He may travel to the point of no return. He
ents may be!
Wednesday, July 21st (Contact: Keith 889-7366)
cannot return because he will not return (2 Peter “Each one should use whatever gift he
Read Scripture: Shea Cofer
Give Away Day Opening Prayer: Gavin Hammers
2:14). (An article by Frank L. Cox) has received to serve others, faithfully ad-
ministering God’s grace in its various forms”
On Saturday, July 31st Speaker: Adam Faughn Harry D. Middleton
1 Peter 4: 10
11:00am-1:00pm Song Leader: Lynn Wright
we will be distributing school Visitation team #1 will meet tonight.
Announcements: Rachel Pugh
supplies to those in our Community. Harry Middleton - Earl Flynn

Lunch will be provided. Nursery Attendants Mark Your Calendar...

Cindy Hutchens
 Today: Heartland services at 4:00 led by Scotty Studer, Philip Autry and Jack Steele
Monetary donations are currently being ac-
cepted by the Young Adult Class. The Record  July 19-28: North Carolina Mission Trip
Sunday Morning Worship 273  July 31: Give Away Day
Supplies will be purchased and sorted Sunday Evening Worship: —-  October 15-17: Ladies Retreat at Whispering Pines
according to grade levels.
Sunday Bible Study: 258
Wednesday Night: 121+90 camp
Contribution: $11,752.00

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