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The following is the list of Srila Prabhupadas books to be read by interested readers, aspiring
to be serious in their spiritual life. Systematic and regular reading of these books will help the
reader clearly understand the philosophy of KRISHNA consciousness and thus develop faith
and conviction.

1. On the way to Krishna
2. Elevation to Krishna consciousness
3. Krishna consciousness The matchless gift
4. Krishna The reservoir of pleasure
5. Perfection of Yoga
6. Krishna consciousness The topmost yoga system
7. Beyond birth and death
8. Perfect questions & perfect answers
9. Easy journey to other planets
10. Raja vidya The king of knowledge
11. Transcendental teachings of Prahlada Maharaj
12. Coming back
13. Message of Godhead
14. Civilisation and transcendence*
15. Hare Krishna challenge*
16. Scientific basis of Krishna consciousness
17. Renunciation though wisdom
18. Nectar of Instruction
19. Path of perfection
20. Issues of Back to Godhead magazine
21. Prabhupada Lilamrita #

These books are to be read after one has completed all books in Category-1
1. Introduction to Bhagavad Gita
2. Science of self realization
3. Journey of self discovery
4. Life comes from life
5. Nectar of devotion part 1
6. Teachings of Queen Kunti
7. Teachings of Lord Kapila
8. Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
9. Sri Isopanishad
10. Few slokas of Bhagavad Gita everyday #
11. Krishna book #
12. Srimad Bhagavatam 1st canto #
13. Second Chance #

These books are to be read after one has completed all books in Category-1 & 2
1. Bhagavad Gita As It Is
2. Srimad Bhagavatam (canto by canto)
3. Nectar of devotion part 2
4. Nectar of devotion part 3
5. Chaitanya Caritamrita

* Optional
# Ca be read simultaneously

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