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Smartphone-based Floor Detection in

Unstructured and Structured Environments

A new type of communication network called data and energy integrated communication
networks or DEIN, which integrates the traditionally separate two processes, i.e., wireless
information transfer (WIT) and wireless energy transfer (WET), fulfilling co-transmission of data
and energy. In particular, the DEIN communication network in this paper regards the convergence
of WIT and WET as a full system that considers not only the physical layer but also the higher
layers such as media access control and information/energy routing. There is a lack of systematic
understanding of DEIN in the literature. For instance, little is known about how to bring the gains of
DEIN from the physical layer to the design of upper layers.

The traditional network protocol stack, this Section presents the DEIN overall system
architecture by adding energy processing stack alongside the information processing layers, as
depicted in Figure 1. Researches need to be carried out to characterize the capacity of the DEIN
network architecture when receivers have both information and EH constraints. Trade-off needs to
be considered between delay, achievable data rate (or throughput), coding method, power allocation
in the decentralized DEIN channels.

We presents two use cases focusing on the lower layer and the higher layer of a DEIN
network, respectively. The lower layer use case is about a fair resource allocation algorithm,
whereas the high-layer section introduces an efficient data forwarding scheme in combination with


System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive : 44 Mb.
Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.

Operating system : Windows 7.
Coding Language : Java 1.7, Java Swing, Hadoop2.7.1
Database : MySql 5
IDE : Eclipse



Preprocessing module is in charge of preparing the captured frame for the next
modules. The process begins with the capturing of the incoming frames by the
smartphone camera. The frames are then resized to 320x240 pixels. The image
resizing is essential because processing a small image

Pixel Segmentation:

The modules of the Floor Detection in Unstructured Environments super-pixels

generation process consists of multiple stages that render the floor detection process
significantly difficult. In the first stages of the development of the system it was
noticed that using a Java-based environment resulted in running times above the real
time response constraint of one second. In order to speed up the system, the
implementation of the remaining modules was migrated to a native environment

Floor Detection:

The floor detection module estimates the location of the floor by selecting
super-pixels based on an ground-location assumption. The floor is assumed to be
located at the bottom of the image, and the super-pixel in the bottom center of the
image is selected as the starting point of the floor area. Using a color-based distance
function, the neighboring super-pixels are compared with the floor area. Super-pixels
with an average color similar to the current floor area are merged to the floor area
For each neighbor, it compares their color with a color from inside the grown
superpixel. This color can vary if the starting super-pixel is not the closest one to the
one is currently being evaluated. In some cases, colors from super-pixels that were
joined will be used if their positions before joining were closer.

Performance Analyzer:

Performance indicators are frequently used to measure the efficiency of a

system; being the accuracy the most widely used [2]. Typically, the results of the
evaluation are stored in a table-like array known as a confusion matrix in the form of
TP (True Positives), TN (True Negatives), FP (False Positives), and FN (False
Negatives). In this context, a TP is a floor-pixel that was correctly classified by the
proposed algorithm as a floor-pixel (white in the output image). A TN is a non-floor-
pixel that was correctly classified by the proposed algorithm as a non-floor-pixel
(black in the output image). A FP (mistake) is a non-floor-pixel (black) that was
incorrectly classified as a floor-pixel

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