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Letter of Recommendation Request

1. Full Name: Hayoung Lee

2. What colleges will you be applying to and why?

Since I can not get into music-specialized institution, I am applying to a UC, CSU, and
privates that has an amazing music program (such as UCLA, USC, NYU, CSUN). I am not
limiting it to those particular colleges, but applying to extra colleges for safety and other
alternatives since many of those mentioned are top notch colleges (other UC and CSUs,
Washington State University, etc).

3. What do you want to major in?

I want to go in undeclared, and switch to a music major. I dont have the proper portfolio
for a music major;thus, I will build my knowledge further during the years I have from now until
my second year of college. Since I already have a musical background, Im going to focus on
mastering my piano skills as well as work on composition. I want to do video/media/film scoring
as well as a audio engineer. I chose this because I want to follow my passion. I was always
hesitant because of societal standards, pressure from family, and uncertainty of the future. I
would go to conferences and meetings, and see that there are so many people accomplishing
great things. I was afraid that I had to do so. However, I realized that not everyone has to be an
ambassador or president of whatever group. I can change my community in a different way-
through music-and embed a message in every work I do. It wont be easy financially, but that is
not what makes life significant. It is my life, and I do not want to regret or think of what ifs after.

4. What career do you want to pursue and why?

As Previously stated, I would like to become a video/media/film scorer as well as work
as an audio engineer. I hold music very dear to my heart, as it lives on in a special place of my
childhood and the present. I was exposed to many different forms of music growing up, but my
tastes found themselves specifically drawn to game soundtracks. I enjoyed listening to the
upbeat tempo of an action scene, or the soft piano keys to a tearful moment. To me, the music
is what made the game.
Not long ago, I played a game titled Undertale. It was incredibly simplistic in visual
design and gameplay. However, the beeps and boops of an 8-bit game soundtrack gave it
emotion and depth, creating an immersive experience. The game was a catalyst to what would
become my curiosity in the computerized aspect of music, which led to my discovery of Audio
Engineering. I want to learn how to code and incorporate music into different mediums, in hopes
of recreating the strong impression that the music in games gave me. Though limited, my
knowledge in electronic music development will expand once I begin to study for it.

5. Please list your top five qualities; with explanations and examples.

The word ambitious defines me very well. This really tires out my peers though, as I try
to accomplish tasks set in a given amount of time that may not likely be possible. Even if the
end results arent to my extreme liking (which is most of the time as a perfectionist), I always get
the job done. One example would be a theme park project for Physiology. I wanted to make
what my groupmates have drawn come to life, knowing that we had limited time, resources, and
knowledge in making models. A few of my groupmates suggested easier alternatives, and were
skeptical on many of the ideas. Nevertheless, I pushed through with days of hard work, however
difficult, and managed to get the highest score for our theme park model in the class.
I have been interested in the arts and music as a child, and it still resonates within the
work I put out. Many of the artistic plans and design comes from me when I do group work. I try
not to be conventional when doing tasks, and utilize my creative side to make changes. For
example, my classmates and I were assigned a poster in Chemistry, and were expected to
present in class. Instead of making it just a visual like most of the posters, I asked my
groupmates to make it highly interactive with pull out tabs and flip cards. It was a small touch to
the overall poster, but it contributed greatly to the A we were given.
Brave is a hard characteristic to provide evidence with because its associated with
being heroic and fearless-which are two words reserved for people who save kids from burning
fires or jumps in the way to save someone from being run over. On the other hand, I always had
a mind for justice and didnt like people who werent honest. In many cases, even when
someone was a friend, I confronted them. I defended peers who got teased or ridiculed, even if
it may have been just a joke to others. I stood up for my friend who was working harder than
another friend, who was constantly cheating on his/her tests and receiving the same grade. I
backed up a classmate that always was a troublemaker, but was blamed for something she
didnt do. I challenged my teacher when she was being extremely unfair (of course in a
respectful way). I am afraid, like everyone else, to open my mouth and involve myself in
conflicts. Nonetheless, I shake away my fears because I stand up for what I and others with the
like mind believe in.
I believe that I am light hearted. I try not to take jokes personal, and if I do somehow get
offended, I make the effort to forgive people quickly. I do not like dragging out fights because it
exhausts me. I become the better person and apologize, even though it may seem that its not
just my fault. I always put a smile on my face, even if I face difficulties, as I feel it's necessary to
be bright in order for people to not worry. Laughing always heals me, and its something I like
the most doing.
Caring is a trait that may not be initially so obvious, but is reflected when someone really
gets to know me. I give my utmost attention and love to the people in my life. I try to help as
much as I can or listen and give the best advice I can give. I sometimes give up on my own
desires to enrich someone elses. Being selfish is a very easy thing to do. However, I know
better that other peoples feelings matter and that I should reach out a hand for anyone who
needs the help that they are not receiving. I do things for people without wanting something in
return. I want to be someone that is dependable emotionally and physically.

6. What makes you unique and different than any other student?
I think that the fact that I moved so many times in the past really allowed me to be an
open-minded individual that is patient and understanding. I have met many people with different
personalities and way of life, and I experienced Korean and American culture at the same time.
In the beginning, it was difficult to try to comprehend the differences in daily life, such as
manners and religion. However, this exposure changed me in a way that many other students
do not get to experience. I have learned to respect and appreciate the differences of my culture,
ultimately becoming a better person.
7. Discuss any struggles that you've overcome? (personal and academic; include
Life presents people with many misfortunes when it seems to always preach of
happiness. I think that is because we need to know the weight of this happiness when we
actually feel it. My family was close knit, and being miles away from them in America wasnt
easy for me as a kid. My brother and I weeped the whole way here because we had to part from
our grandma. Although I missed our big family, I missed my dad the most. It was especially so
during middle school with the financial struggle. I never enjoyed fathers day, and I never
experience the joy of christmas time as others did. I never got family time, and it was to the
point that I promised myself that the family I will make will be different. I wasnt phased with the
divorce, since my parents constantly argued over the phone. I just struggled emotionally and
mentally, and didnt want to burden my mom who likely felt worse. Moving to korea at 13 was
difficult on me because this was when I no longer had my mom (she stayed here) and a brother
with me at all times (he went to a different school and came home late). My dad worked. I didnt
attend school for six months. I was completely alone. A cloud of melancholy and unhappiness
remained in me, and remarriage made it worse. I moved back to the states with the news of
living with someone foreign. I had to comply to this new household, and accept someone new
into my life. If I acted out, it threatened my moms happiness. She deserved it the most as
someone who always put us first. I had to be selfless, and suppress what I felt. As money slowly
became stable, guilt tugged at me. My dad was alone, and I wondered if I could be happy when
my dad wasnt. I was upset that I couldnt be there for him.
I think that I overcame these emotional struggles with the idea that I will rise out of this
hole I fell into. I stopped feeling sorry and worrying for things I couldnt personally control,
accept the realities, and do the best I possibly can in the situation. I had to become
independent, and to prevent things from chaining me down. I had to build an iron wall, or else,
the self that I have created wouldve been attacked with negative emotions and self pity. Music
always healed me, and was a companion that allowed me to forget the troubles of the day. I
also directed my focus on my future, though my path was uncertain. I had confidence that
things will get better and I can take charge of my life when Im older. I also learned to not take
even the smallest thing for granted and to be thankful to hug my mom and tell her I lover her at
the end of the day. I also learned that I wanted to be someone to lean on at the darkest times,
since I knew the feeling of having no one there. These obstacles changed my mindset and my
ability to stand upright by myself, and to also lend a helping hand when people need it most. I
dont know if I can define my current life as happy, but I am definetly content and appreciative of
what I have.

8. What is your vision for the world?

My vision of the world is a place with respect for any race. We are all biologically equal
to each other. Everyone deserves to have an equal chance in life, no matter the skin color or
origins. I hope that people will in time realize that physical appearance should not define a
person of their capabilities. I hope that race does not hinder people from their full potential. I
hope that everyone could love, or at least learn to understand each other.

9. What is your philosophy of life (thus far)?

I believe in the power of choice. Although there will be situations where it may seem like
we have no control of our own lives, it will still be up to our own decisions to create a change. I
believe choices dictate the path we take and the people we bring along the journey. Our actions
will always have a consequence or reward, and it is always up to our own selves to decide
whether we have made the right choice.

10. What are your hobbies?

One of my hobbies is drawing, which I try to do as much as possible with free time. Its a
creative outlet on paper that relieves some of the stress or boredom I have with the world. I also
like to record covers of songs I enjoy and practice my singing. I try to watch anime when I can,
as learning Japanese culture and language is something I became interested in during my high
school years.

11. List your extracurricular activities, sports, community service, and volunteer
service; also, please state if you have held/hold a leadership role.

2013-2014 as a class, 2014-2015 committee
Korean Drumming/performance, Ambassador School of Global Leadership
During Sophomore and Junior year
Secretary, National Honor Society, Ambassador School of Global Leadership
August 2016 - present.
Member since May 2015.

President, Student Body Government, Ambassador School of Global Leadership

August 2015 - June 2016.

High Honor & Honor Roll

Fall 2014
Spring 2015

Certificate of recognition, Peer Academic Leadership Conference at UCSB

July 24-26, 2015

Rotary Interact Club Member, Ambassador School of Global Leadership

October 2013- present
March 2015: District 5280 High School Student Contests Certificate of
Participation in Music.
Organizing team- RFK Blood Drive
Freshman- Senior year

Peer Mentor, Gear Up 4 LA, Ambassador School of Global Leadership

August 2013 - present.

Rotary Youth Leadership Conference

Junior year

12. What is your GPA (overall, not current)?

13. What are your SAT scores (including subject) and ACT scores?
ACT composite: 30
14. What is a life well-lived?
A life well-lived is a feeling of accomplishment and compassion for others. If one has
ever influenced someone in a positive way during their lifetime, I believe that it is the highest
achievement. If one can think of at least can think of one act that they have accomplished and is
proud of it, there is nothing else left to say.

15. How do you define success and joy/happiness?

I define success and happiness as something that is temporary, but always rewarding. I
believe that sometimes one has to fail and sometimes one has to be sad in order to feel the
impact of being successful and happy. Also, as long as it is genuine to ones own personal
beliefs and wishes, anyone could define what they do or feel as prosperity.

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